Proxy settings in Spring Boot - spring

My application needs to fetch an XML file from the web, as follows:
public HTTPMetadataProvider metadataProvider()
throws MetadataProviderException {
String metadataURL = "";
final Timer backgroundTaskTimer = new Timer(true);
HTTPMetadataProvider provider =
new HTTPMetadataProvider(backgroundTaskTimer, httpClient(), metadataURL);
return provider;
I'm working by using a filtered network, thus the app is unable to retrieve that file.
There is a way to setup an HTTP Proxy (e.g. in Spring Boot?
Alternatively, I could retrieve the XML file by using the HTTPS protocol, but I should properly setup the metadata provider in order to support an encrypted connection... How?

This is not something you can configure in spring boot, HttpClient is not using java variables.
Therefor you need to set the proxy on the httpClient manually:
HostConfiguration hostConfig = new HostConfiguration();
hostConfig.setProxyHost(new ProxyHost("", 8080));


Wrong "Generated server url" in springdoc-openapi-ui (Swagger UI) deployed behind proxy

Spring Boot 2.2 application with springdoc-openapi-ui (Swagger UI) runs HTTP port.
The application is deployed to Kubernetes with Ingress routing HTTPS requests from outside the cluster to the service.
In this case Swagger UI available at has wrong "Generated server url" - While it should be
While Swagger UI is accessed by HTTPS, the generated server URL still uses HTTP.
I had same problem. Below worked for me.
servers = {
#Server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")
public class App {
// ...
If the accepted solution doesn't work for you then you can always set the url manually by defining a bean.
public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
Server server = new Server();
return new OpenAPI().servers(List.of(server));
And the url can be defined via a property and injected here.
springdoc-openapi FAQ has a section How can I deploy the Doploy springdoc-openapi-ui, behind a reverse proxy?.
The FAQ section can be extended.
Make sure X-Forwarded headers are sent by your proxy (X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto and others).
If you are using Undertow (spring-boot-starter-undertow), set property server.forward-headers-strategy=NATIVE to make a Web server natively handle X-Forwarded headers. Also, consider switching to Undertow if you are not using it.
If you are using Tomcat (spring-boot-starter-tomcat), set property server.forward-headers-strategy=NATIVE and make sure to list IP addresses of all internal proxies to trust in the property server.tomcat.internal-proxies=192\\.168\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}. By default, IP addresses in 10/8, 192.168/16, 169.254/16 and 127/8 are trusted.
Alternatively, for Tomcat set property server.forward-headers-strategy=FRAMEWORK.
Useful links:
Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server
Customize Tomcat’s Proxy Configuration
In case you have non-default context path
public class SwaggerConfig {
public OpenAPI openAPI(ServletContext servletContext) {
Server server = new Server().url(servletContext.getContextPath());
return new OpenAPI()
// ...
Below worked for me.
#OpenAPIDefinition(servers = {#server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")})
class App{
// ...
#OpenAPIDefinition(servers = {#server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")})
public class OpenAPIConfig {
public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
return new OpenAPI()
.info(new Info().title("App name")
.license(new License().name("Apache 2.0").url("")));
Generated server url is HHTP - issue

Cookies path with Spring Cloud Gateway

Consider this microservices based application using Spring Boot 2.1.2 and Spring Cloud Greenwich.RELEASE:
Each microservice uses the JSESSIONID cookie to identify its own dedicated Servlet session (i.e. no global unique session shared with Spring Session and Redis).
External incoming requests are routed by Spring Cloud Gateway (and an Eureka registry used through Spring Cloud Netflix, but this should not be relevant).
When Spring Cloud Gateway returns a microservice response, it returns the "Set-Cookie" as-is, i.e. with the same "/" path.
When a second microservice is called by a client, the JSESSIONID from the first microservice is forwarded but ignored (since the corresponding session only exists in the first microservice). So the second microservice will return a new JSESSIONID. As a consequence the first session is lost.
In summary, each call to a different microservice will loose the previous session.
I expected some cookies path translation with Spring Cloud Gateway, but found no such feature in the docs. Not luck either with Google.
How can we fix this (a configuration parameter I could have missed, an
API to write such cookies path translation, etc)?
Rather than changing the JSESSIONID cookies path in a GlobalFilter, I simply changed the name of the cookie in the application.yml:
# Each microservice uses its own session cookie name to prevent conflicts JSESSIONID_${}
I faced the same problem and found the following solution using Spring Boot 2.5.4 and Spring Cloud Gateway 2020.0.3:
To be independent from the Cookie naming of the downstream services, I decided to rename all cookies on the way through the gateway. But to avoid a duplicate session cookie in downstream requests (from the gateway itself) I also renamed the gateway cookie.
Rename the Gateway Session Cookie
Unfortunately customizing the gateway cookie name using does not work using current gateway versions.
Therefore register a custom WebSessionManager bean (name required as the auto configurations is conditional on the bean name!) changing the cookie name (use whatever you like except typical session cookie names like SESSION, JSESSION_ID, …):
#Bean(name = WebHttpHandlerBuilder.WEB_SESSION_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME)
WebSessionManager webSessionManager(WebFluxProperties webFluxProperties) {
DefaultWebSessionManager webSessionManager = new DefaultWebSessionManager();
CookieWebSessionIdResolver webSessionIdResolver = new CookieWebSessionIdResolver();
webSessionIdResolver.addCookieInitializer((cookie) -> cookie
return webSessionManager;
Rename Cookies created
Next step is to rename (all) cookies set by the downstream server. This is easy as there is a RewriteResponseHeader filter available. I decided to simply add a prefix to every cookie name (choose a unique one for each downstream):
- "RewriteResponseHeader=Set-Cookie, ^([^=]+)=, DS1_$1="
Rename Cookies sent
Last step is to rename the cookies before sending to the downstream server. As every cookie of the downstream server has a unique prefix, just remove the prefix:
- "RewriteRequestHeader=Cookie, ^DS1_([^=]+)=, $1="
Arg, currently there is no such filter available. But based on the existing RewriteResponseHeader filter this is easy (the Cloud Gateway will use it if you register it as a bean):
class RewriteRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory extends RewriteResponseHeaderGatewayFilterFactory
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return new GatewayFilter() {
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest().mutate()
.headers(httpHeaders -> rewriteHeaders(httpHeaders, config)).build();
return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(request).build());
public String toString() {
return filterToStringCreator(RewriteRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory.this)
.append("name", config.getName()).append("regexp", config.getRegexp())
.append("replacement", config.getReplacement()).toString();
private void rewriteHeaders(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, Config config)
httpHeaders.put(config.getName(), rewriteHeaders(config, httpHeaders.get(config.getName())));
Simply reset cookie name to GATEWAY_SESSION in gateway project to avoid session conflict:
#Autowired(required = false)
public void setCookieName(HttpHandler httpHandler) {
if (httpHandler == null) return;
if (!(httpHandler instanceof HttpWebHandlerAdapter)) return;
DefaultWebSessionManager sessionManager = new DefaultWebSessionManager();
CookieWebSessionIdResolver sessionIdResolver = new CookieWebSessionIdResolver();
((HttpWebHandlerAdapter) httpHandler).setSessionManager(sessionManager);

Create a Custom Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon Client

I am using Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon in combination with Eureka in a Cloud Foundry environment.
The use case I am trying to implement is the following:
I have a running CF application named address-service with several instances spawned.
The instances are registering to Eureka by the service name address-service
I have added custom metadata to service instances using
eureka.instance.metadata-map.applicationId: ${vcap.application.application_id}
I want to use the information in Eureka's InstanceInfo (in particular the metadata and how many service instances are available) for setting a CF HTTP header "X-CF-APP-INSTANCE" as described here.
The idea is to send a Header like "X-CF-APP-INSTANCE":"appIdFromMetadata:instanceIndexCalculatedFromNoOfServiceInstances" and thus "overrule" CF's Go-Router when it comes to load balancing as described at the bottom of this issue.
I believe to set headers, I need to create a custom RibbonClient implementation - i.e. in plain Netflix terms a subclass of AbstractLoadBalancerAwareClient as described here - and override the execute() methods.
However, this does not work, as Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon won't read the class name of my CustomRibbonClient from application.yml. It also seems Spring Cloud Netflix wraps quite a bit of classes around the plain Netflix stuff.
I tried implementing a subclass of RetryableRibbonLoadBalancingHttpClient and RibbonLoadBalancingHttpClient which are Spring classes. I tried giving their class names in application.yml using ribbon.ClientClassName but that does not work. I tried to override beans defined in Spring Cloud's HttpClientRibbonConfiguration but I cannot get it to work.
So I have two questions:
is my assumption correct that I need to create a custom Ribbon Client and that the beans defined here and here won't do the trick?
How to do it properly?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated, so thanks in advance!
I have dug into this some more and found RibbonAutoConfiguration.
This creates a SpringClientFactory which provides a getClient() method that is only used in RibbonClientHttpRequestFactory (also declared in RibbonAutoConfiguration).
Unfortunately, RibbonClientHttpRequestFactory hard-codes the client to Netflix RestClient. And it does not seem possible to override either SpringClientFactory nor RibbonClientHttpRequestFactory beans.
I wonder if this is possible at all.
Ok, I'll answer this question myself, in case someone else may need that in the future.
Actually, I finally managed to implement it.
TLDR - the solution is here:
The solution:
Allows to use Ribbon on Cloud Foundry, overriding Go-Router's load balancing.
Adds a custom routing header to Ribbon load balancing requests (including retries) to instruct CF's Go-Router to route requests to the service instance selected by Ribbon (rather than by its own load balancer).
Shows how to intercept load balancing requests
The key to understanding this, is that Spring Cloud has its own LoadBalancer framework, for which Ribbon is just one possible implementation. It is also important to understand, that Ribbon is only used as a load balancer not as an HTTP client. In other words, Ribbon's ILoadBalancer instance is only used to select the service instance from the server list. Requests to the selected server instances are done by an implementation of Spring Cloud's AbstractLoadBalancingClient. When using Ribbon, these are sub-classes of RibbonLoadBalancingHttpClient and RetryableRibbonLoadBalancingHttpClient.
So, my initial approach to add an HTTP header to the requests sent by Ribbon's HTTP client did not succeed, since Ribbon's HTTP / Rest client is actually not used by Spring Cloud at all.
The solution is to implement a Spring Cloud LoadBalancerRequestTransformer which (contrary to its name) is a request interceptor.
My solution uses the following implementation:
public class CFLoadBalancerRequestTransformer implements LoadBalancerRequestTransformer {
public static final String CF_APP_GUID = "cfAppGuid";
public static final String CF_INSTANCE_INDEX = "cfInstanceIndex";
public static final String ROUTING_HEADER = "X-CF-APP-INSTANCE";
public HttpRequest transformRequest(HttpRequest request, ServiceInstance instance) {
System.out.println("Transforming Request from LoadBalancer Ribbon).");
// First: Get the service instance information from the lower Ribbon layer.
// This will include the actual service instance information as returned by Eureka.
RibbonLoadBalancerClient.RibbonServer serviceInstanceFromRibbonLoadBalancer = (RibbonLoadBalancerClient.RibbonServer) instance;
// Second: Get the the service instance from Eureka, which is encapsulated inside the Ribbon service instance wrapper.
DiscoveryEnabledServer serviceInstanceFromEurekaClient = (DiscoveryEnabledServer) serviceInstanceFromRibbonLoadBalancer.getServer();
// Finally: Get access to all the cool information that Eureka provides about the service instance (including metadata and much more).
// All of this is available for transforming the request now, if necessary.
InstanceInfo instanceInfo = serviceInstanceFromEurekaClient.getInstanceInfo();
// If it's only the instance metadata you are interested in, you can also get it without explicitly down-casting as shown above.
Map<String, String> metadata = instance.getMetadata();
System.out.println("Instance: " + instance);
dumpServiceInstanceInformation(metadata, instanceInfo);
if (metadata.containsKey(CF_APP_GUID) && metadata.containsKey(CF_INSTANCE_INDEX)) {
final String headerValue = String.format("%s:%s", metadata.get(CF_APP_GUID), metadata.get(CF_INSTANCE_INDEX));
System.out.println("Returning Request with Special Routing Header");
System.out.println("Header Value: " + headerValue);
// request.getHeaders might be immutable, so we return a wrapper that pretends to be the original request.
// and that injects an extra header.
return new CFLoadBalancerHttpRequestWrapper(request, headerValue);
return request;
* Dumps metadata and InstanceInfo as JSON objects on the console.
* #param metadata the metadata (directly) retrieved from 'ServiceInstance'
* #param instanceInfo the instance info received from the (downcast) 'DiscoveryEnabledServer'
private void dumpServiceInstanceInformation(Map<String, String> metadata, InstanceInfo instanceInfo) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json;
try {
json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(metadata);
System.err.println("-- Metadata: " );
json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(instanceInfo);
System.err.println("-- InstanceInfo: " );
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
* Wrapper class for an HttpRequest which may only return an
* immutable list of headers. The wrapper immitates the original
* request and will return the original headers including a custom one
* added when getHeaders() is called.
private class CFLoadBalancerHttpRequestWrapper implements HttpRequest {
private HttpRequest request;
private String headerValue;
CFLoadBalancerHttpRequestWrapper(HttpRequest request, String headerValue) {
this.request = request;
this.headerValue = headerValue;
public HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add(ROUTING_HEADER, headerValue);
return headers;
public String getMethodValue() {
return request.getMethodValue();
public URI getURI() {
return request.getURI();
The class is looking for the information required for setting the CF App Instance Routing header in the service instance metadata returned by Eureka.
That information is
The GUID of the CF application that implements the service and of which several instances exist for load balancing.
The index of the service / application instance that the request should be routed to.
You need to provide that in the application.yml of your service like so:
hostname: ${vcap.application.uris[0]:localhost}
# Adding information about the application GUID and app instance index to
# each instance metadata. This will be used for setting the X-CF-APP-INSTANCE header
# to instruct Go-Router where to route.
cfAppGuid: ${vcap.application.application_id}
cfInstanceIndex: ${INSTANCE_INDEX}
defaultZone: https://eureka-server.<your cf domain>/eureka
Finally, you need to register the LoadBalancerRequestTransformer implementation in the Spring configuration of your service consumers (which use Ribbon under the hood):
public LoadBalancerRequestTransformer customRequestTransformer() {
return new CFLoadBalancerRequestTransformer();
As a result, if you use a #LoadBalanced RestTemplate in your service consumer, the template will call Ribbon to make a choice on the service instance to send the request to, will send the request and the interceptor will inject the routing header. Go-Router will route the request to the exact instance that was specified in the routing header and not perform any additional load balancing that would interfere with Ribbon's choice.
In case a retry were necessary (against the same or one or more next instances), the interceptor would again inject the according routing header - this time for a potentially different service instance selected by Ribbon.
This allows you to use Ribbon effectively as the load balancer and de-facto disable load balancing of Go-Router, demoting it to a mere proxy. The benefit being that Ribbon is something you can influence (programmatically) whereas you have little to no influence over Go-Router.
Note: this was tested for #LoadBalanced RestTemplate's and works.
However, for #FeignClients it does not work this way.
The closest I have come to solving this for Feign is described in this post, however, the solution described there uses an interceptor that does not get access to the (Ribbon-)selected service instance, thus not allowing access to the required metadata.
Haven't found a solution so far for FeignClient.

How do I use okhttp in the spring cloud ribbon

The getting started of the spring cloud ribbon is very easy and simple, and it is using the rest template to communicate with backend servers.
But in our project we are more like to use okhttp to do the http request, does anyone can help?
You can take a look at the spring-cloud-square project which supplies integration with Square's OkHttpClient and Netflix Ribbon via Spring Cloud Netflix, on the Github. Let's see a test method in the class
public void httpClientWorks() {
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// here you use a service id, or virtual hostname
// rather than an actual host:port, ribbon will
// resolve it
.url("http://" + SERVICE_ID + "/hello")
Response response =;
Hello hello = new ObjectMapper().readValue(response.body().byteStream(), Hello.class);
assertThat("response was wrong", hello.getValue(), is(equalTo("hello okhttp")));

CUCM AXL API wrong SoapAction

I want to make SQL query to CUCM DB. I generated Java classes from WSDL with Maven jaxb2 plugin, but Cisco AXL docs advice to use wsdl2java. I've got lot of Java classes with Req/Res endings (request and response as I understand). This is my code:
public class CUCMDatabaseConnector extends WebServiceGatewaySupport{
private String SOAP_ACTION = "CUCM:DB ver=10.5";
public void updateData(){
AXLurl = "https://" + properties.getCurrentCUCM_IP() + ":8443/axl/";
ExecuteSQLQueryReq sqlRequest = new ExecuteSQLQueryReq();
WebServiceTemplate template = getWebServiceTemplate();
ExecuteSQLQueryRes sqlResponse = (ExecuteSQLQueryRes) template
new WebServiceMessageCallback() {
public void doWithMessage(WebServiceMessage message) throws IOException, TransformerException {
TransportContext context = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
HttpUrlConnection connection = (HttpUrlConnection) context.getConnection();
//adding required headers
connection.addRequestHeader( "SOAPAction", SOAP_ACTION);
connection.addRequestHeader("Authorization", autenString);
But when I run it, I get error: The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is https://IP:8443/axl/services/AXLAPIService and the WSA Action = CUCM:DB ver=10.5 executeSQLQueryReq
So, as I see, problem is CUCM AXL service has executeSQLQuery method, but not executeSQLQueryReq.
How can I make Spring putting correct method in SoapAction? Or I need to use only wsdl2java?
When I was generating java classes, there was also .xsd schema in the directory. jaxb2 config pointed to WSDL file, however, I've got error URI [src/main/resources/AXLAPI.wsdl] does not provide the scheme part., and It looks like plugin built classes from xsd schema, not wsdl. But this wsdl was original file downloaded from CUCM. What could be wrong?
Found this link on This how-to advices to use AXLPort, a kind of wrapper for making SOAP request to CUCM.
Looks to me, CUCM AXL SOAP interface is not the best choice to start working with Spring WS
