Wrong "Generated server url" in springdoc-openapi-ui (Swagger UI) deployed behind proxy - spring-boot

Spring Boot 2.2 application with springdoc-openapi-ui (Swagger UI) runs HTTP port.
The application is deployed to Kubernetes with Ingress routing HTTPS requests from outside the cluster to the service.
In this case Swagger UI available at https://example.com/api/swagger-ui.html has wrong "Generated server url" - http://example.com/api. While it should be https://example.com/api.
While Swagger UI is accessed by HTTPS, the generated server URL still uses HTTP.

I had same problem. Below worked for me.
servers = {
#Server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")
public class App {
// ...

If the accepted solution doesn't work for you then you can always set the url manually by defining a bean.
public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
Server server = new Server();
return new OpenAPI().servers(List.of(server));
And the url can be defined via a property and injected here.

springdoc-openapi FAQ has a section How can I deploy the Doploy springdoc-openapi-ui, behind a reverse proxy?.
The FAQ section can be extended.
Make sure X-Forwarded headers are sent by your proxy (X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto and others).
If you are using Undertow (spring-boot-starter-undertow), set property server.forward-headers-strategy=NATIVE to make a Web server natively handle X-Forwarded headers. Also, consider switching to Undertow if you are not using it.
If you are using Tomcat (spring-boot-starter-tomcat), set property server.forward-headers-strategy=NATIVE and make sure to list IP addresses of all internal proxies to trust in the property server.tomcat.internal-proxies=192\\.168\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}. By default, IP addresses in 10/8, 192.168/16, 169.254/16 and 127/8 are trusted.
Alternatively, for Tomcat set property server.forward-headers-strategy=FRAMEWORK.
Useful links:
Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server
Customize Tomcat’s Proxy Configuration

In case you have non-default context path
public class SwaggerConfig {
public OpenAPI openAPI(ServletContext servletContext) {
Server server = new Server().url(servletContext.getContextPath());
return new OpenAPI()
// ...

Below worked for me.
#OpenAPIDefinition(servers = {#server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")})
class App{
// ...
#OpenAPIDefinition(servers = {#server(url = "/", description = "Default Server URL")})
public class OpenAPIConfig {
public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
return new OpenAPI()
.info(new Info().title("App name")
.license(new License().name("Apache 2.0").url("http://springdoc.org")));
Generated server url is HHTP - issue


Is there support for multiple feign.Client beans within Spring

Some context
The project is a spring boot application (v 2.3.12) using spring-cloud-openfeign-core (v 2.2.8) to make REST requests.
The service has 2 clients
one that needs to make REST requests using a proxy
one that needs to make REST request without a proxy
I'm unable to get both client to work simultaneously, i.e. have requests work for both proxied and non-proxied resources.
Is it possible to use different configuration files to support this, I have tried something like this
Configuration class X
public Client client1() {
return new Client.Default(null, null);
Configuration class Y
public Client client2() {
return new Client.Proxied(null, null,
new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080)));
Feign interface code looks something like this
#FeignClient(name = "service1", url = "internal-url", configuration = X.class)
#Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
public interface serviceClient1 {
#PostMapping(value = "/v1/path}")
Response1 update(#RequestBody Request1 request1);
#FeignClient(name = "service2", url = "external-url", configuration = Y.class)
#Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
public interface serviceClient2 {
#PostMapping(value = "/v1/path}")
Response2 update(#RequestBody Request2 request2);
It seems only one of the client beans is used when making requests.

Is it possible to change the service endpoint path on gateway using spring cloud

I have a running api on my local machine with url http://localhost:8080/gnk-debt/service/taxpayer-debt.
And I would like this api to be available through gateway with url http://localhost:8243/gnk/service/phystaxpayer/debt/v1.
To do so, first I set the port in property file. But I am not able set custom url for the api endpoint. I am trying to write a simple gateway using spring cloud, configuration of which as following:
public class SpringCloudConfig {
public RouteLocator gatewayRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder routeLocatorBuilder)
return routeLocatorBuilder.routes()
.route("gnkTaxpayerDebt", rt -> rt.path("/gnk-debt/**")
But at the end, gateway api endpoint is available at: http://localhost:8243/gnk-debt/service/taxpayer-debt.
The question that I am curios about is that if it is possible to change gateway api endpoint to:
As spencergibb mentioned that there are some options to do that. I started with RewritePath, subsequently my config has been changed as following:
public RouteLocator gatewayRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder routeLocatorBuilder)
return routeLocatorBuilder.routes()
.route("gnkTaxpayerDebt", rt -> rt.path("/gnk/**")
At the end I am able to access my gateway endpoint at
How can I change the final endpoint to: http://localhost:8243/gnk/service/phystaxpayer/debt/v1
One of the ways of setting your own endpoint is to create a GlobalFilter where you change the attribute "GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR" that comes with ServerWebExchangeUtils. You just have to set your endpoint as below
exchange.getAttributes().put(GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR, yourEndpoint);

How do I configure a custom URL for the springdoc swagger-ui HTML page?

After adding the springdoc-openapi-ui dependency to my Spring project (not Spring Boot) OpenAPI V3 documentation is generated and can be viewed using the default swagger-ui page: localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. Because the springdoc documentation replaces previous Swagger documentation I want to make it available at the same URL, localhost:8080/docs/index.html. Based on the springdoc documentation I get the impression that can be done by using the springdoc.swagger-ui.path option in the application.properties:
However, where I would expect to be able to navigate to the API documentation by going to localhost:8080/docs/index.html I get a 404 instead, localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html still works but now redirects to http://localhost:8080/docs/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/restapi/v3/api-docs/swagger-config.
How can I configure my project too make the swagger-ui page available through a custom URL, i.e. localhost:8080/docs/index.html instead of the default localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html?
After trying some more to get it working and looking through the available information online, such as the springdoc FAQ (mentioned in this answer by H3AR7B3A7) I couldn't get it working. I've decided to go with a different solution which should have the same effect. The springdoc.swagger-ui.path option allows specifying a custom URL but, as I understand it, going to the custom URL redirects a user to the standard localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html page. So the redirect is now configured manually:
public void apiDocumentation(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
I had a similar task for Spring Boot 2.5.6 and springdoc-openapi-webflux-ui 1.5.12. I've found several possible solutions for myself. Maybe it will be helpful for somebody else.
Set springdoc.swagger-ui.path directly
The straightforward way is to set property springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/custom/path. It will work perfectly if you can hardcode swagger path in your application.
Override springdoc.swagger-ui.path property
You can change default swagger-ui path programmatically using ApplicationListener<ApplicationPreparedEvent>. The idea is simple - override springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/custom/path before your Spring Boot application starts.
public class SwaggerConfiguration implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationPreparedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(final ApplicationPreparedEvent event) {
ConfigurableEnvironment environment = event.getApplicationContext().getEnvironment();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("springdoc.swagger-ui.path", swaggerPath());
.addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("programmatically", props));
private String swaggerPath() {
return "/swagger/path"; //todo: implement your logic here.
In this case, you must register the listener before your application start:
#OpenAPIDefinition(info = #Info(title = "APIs", version = "0.0.1", description = "APIs v0.0.1"))
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(App.class);
application.addListeners(new SwaggerConfiguration());
Redirect using controller
You can also register your own controller and make a simple redirect (the same as what you suggest, but in my case, I need to use the WebFlux approach):
public class SwaggerEndpoint {
public Mono<Void> api(ServerHttpResponse response) {
return response.setComplete();
The problem with such an approach - your server will still respond if you call it by address "/swagger-ui.html".
Apparantly the library integrates natively only with spring-boot applications like you mentioned in your comment.
If you want to use spring, it's possible but the integration details aren't documented, because it really depends on the version/module and the nature of you spring application.
You can check the FAQ to see if it answers your questions.
There are some more answers here on SO.
I solved by a clear code.
The problem is in webflux that security need permitAll for some uri resources so I solved in this mode in WebFlux Security I image the same in Springboot no WebFlux:
// START To show swagger 3:
"/v3/api-docs", // This is the one URI resource used by openApi3 too.
// END To show swagger 3:

How to set a custom Feign RequestInterceptor for specific clients?

I need to add custom Authorization header to some new feign clients. So I write an RequestInterceptor and it worked but the point is I don't want this custom RequestInterceptor affect my old clients. I tried to filter using template.url() method but it doesn't give me the entire url of the request and it only contains the client method url (not url and path which is announced above the client class).
My Question is that how can I target the interceptor?
This is my configuration:
open class FeignCustomConfiguration {
private fun generateToken(): String { ... }
open fun requestInterceptor(): RequestInterceptor {
return RequestInterceptor {
it.header("Authorization", generateToken())
I found the solution.
For each FeignClient there is a configuration option which accepts an array of classes. The syntax of assigning a class to configuration in kotlin is as follow:
name = "feign-client",
path = "/path",
url = "https://example.com",
configuration = [FeignCustomConfiguration::class]
interface FeignCustomClient {
With this assignment, each FeignClient has its own configuration and RequestInterceptor doesn't deal with other clients.

Swagger ui adds an additional /path in the testing page when behind zuul

I have several microservices behind a spring boot application embedding zuul, let's call it "gateway".
Here's my config file:
prefix: /api
path: /login/**
url: http://localhost:8070/the-login/
I want to show the documentation for every service of mine in my gateway application so I created the following:
public class SwaggerDocumentationController implements SwaggerResourcesProvider{
public List<SwaggerResource> get() {
List<SwaggerResource> resources = new ArrayList<SwaggerResource>();
resources.add(swaggerResource("login-service", "/api/login/api-docs", "2.0"));
return resources;
private SwaggerResource swaggerResource(String name, String location, String version) {
SwaggerResource swaggerResource = new SwaggerResource();
return swaggerResource;
It works pretty much fine: each time the user goes to /gateway/api/login it gets redirected to my microservice, so to /the-login/. Also, when the user goes to /gateway/login/swagger-ui.html they can see the documentation.
The problem is that when the user tries an api from the swagger ui documentation page they get:
"timestamp": "2018-05-12T15:35:38.840+0000",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "No message available",
"path": "/the-login/the-login/LoginTest"
As you can see zuul added one more /the-login to the path!
Is this a swagger-ui bug or am I getting something wrong?
You are using the-login as context path in api-login service. So when you load gateway service swagger, its add the-login into swagger base url as well, like this.
Thats the reason the-login is getting appended twice (one from base-url and one from config). This might be a bug in swagger ui.
A workaround I tried and it worked
Remove /the-login from application.yml
prefix: /api
path: /login/**
url: http://localhost:8070/
Now swagger resource will not load, so need to modify swagger resource path.
Add the-login in swagger resources
resources.add(swaggerResource("login-service", "/api/login/the-login/api-docs", "2.0"));
