error while running any hadoop hdfs file system command - hadoop

I am very new to hadoop. I am referring "hadoop for dummies" book.
I have setup a vm with following specs
hadoop version 2.0.6-alpha
os centos
problem is while running any hdfs file system command I am getting following error
example command : hadoop hdfs dfs -ls
error : Could not find or load main class hdfs
Please advice

Try running:
hadoop fs -ls
hdfs dfs -ls
what do they return?
fs and dfs are the same commands.
Difference between `hadoop dfs` and `hadoop fs`
Remove either hadoop or hdfs and the command should run.


No folders in Hadoop 2.6 after installing

I am new to Hadoop. I succesfully installed hadoop 2.6 in my Ubuntu 12.04 by follwing the below link.
Hadoop 2.6 Installation
All services are running. But when I try to load file from local to HDFS, but it not at all showing folders in HDFS like /user or /data
hduse#vijee-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S510p:~$ jps
4163 SecondaryNameNode
4374 ResourceManager
3783 DataNode
3447 NameNode
5048 RunJar
18538 Jps
4717 NodeManager
hduse#vijee-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S510p:~$ hadoop version
Hadoop 2.6.0
Subversion -r e3496499ecb8d220fba99dc5ed4c99c8f9e33bb1
Compiled by jenkins on 2014-11-13T21:10Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum 18e43357c8f927c0695f1e9522859d6a
This command was run using /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.6.0.jar
hduse#vijee-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S510p:~$ hadoop fs -ls hdfs:/
No output
If I run the above command: hadoop fs -ls hdfs:/, it is not showing any folder. I installed Pig as well and now I want to load data to Pig in mapreduce mode. In most of the websites they mentioned blindly URI in place of HDFS path. Please guide how to create folders and load data in the hdfs path.
If you are using plain vanilla hadoop, you will not see any directories. You have to create those.
You can start creating by running hadoop fs -mkdir /user

hadoop fs -ls results in "no such file or directory"

I have installed and configured Hadoop 2.5.2 for a 10 node cluster. 1 is acting as masternode and other nodes as slavenodes.
I have problem in executing hadoop fs commands. hadoop fs -ls command is working fine with HDFS URI. It gives message "ls: `.': No such file or directory" when used without HDFS URI
ubuntu#101-master:~$ hadoop fs -ls
15/01/30 17:03:49 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
ibrary for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
ls: `.': No such file or directory
Whereas, executing the same command with HDFS URI
ubuntu#101-master:~$ hadoop fs -ls hdfs://101-master:50000/
15/01/30 17:14:31 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Found 3 items
drwxr-xr-x - ubuntu supergroup 0 2015-01-28 12:07 hdfs://101-master:50000/hvision-data
-rw-r--r-- 2 ubuntu supergroup 15512587 2015-01-28 11:50 hdfs://101-master:50000/testimage.seq
drwxr-xr-x - ubuntu supergroup 0 2015-01-30 17:03 hdfs://101-master:50000/wrodcount-in
I am getting exception in MapReduce program due to this behavior. jarlib is referring to the HDFS file location, whereas, I want jarlib to refer to the jar files stored at the local file system on the Hadoop nodes.
The behaviour that you are seeing is expected, let me explain what's going on when you are working with hadoop fs commands.
The command's syntax is this: hadoop fs -ls [path]
By default, when you don't specify [path] for the above command, hadoop expands the path to /home/[username] in hdfs; where [username] gets replaced with linux username who is executing the command.
So, when you execute this command:
ubuntu#xad101-master:~$ hadoop fs -ls
the reason you are seeing the error is ls: '.': No such file or directory because hadoop is looking for this path /home/ubuntu, it seems like this path doesn't exist in hdfs.
The reason why this command:
ubuntu#101-master:~$ hadoop fs -ls hdfs://101-master:50000/
is working because, you have explicitly specified [path] and is the root of the hdfs. You can also do the same using this:
ubuntu#101-master:~$ hadoop fs -ls /
which automatically gets evaluated to the root of hdfs.
Hope, this clears the behaviour you are seeing while executing hadoop fs -ls command.
Hence, if you want to specify local file system path use file:/// url scheme.
this has to do with the missing home directory for the user. Once I created the home directory under the hdfs for the logged in user, it worked like a charm..
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/{loggedin user}
hdfs dfs -ls
this method fixed my problem.
The user directory in Hadoop is (in HDFS)
/user/<your operational system user>
If you get this error message it may be because you have not yet created your user directory within HDFS.
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/<current o.p. user directory>
To see what is your current operational system user, use:
id -un
hadoop fs -ls it should start working...
There are a couple things at work here; based on "jarlib is referring to the HDFS file location", it sounds like you indeed have an HDFS path set as your, which is indeed the typical setup. So, when you type hadoop fs -ls, this is indeed trying to look inside HDFS, except it's looking in your current working directory, which should be something like hdfs://101-master:50000/user/ubuntu. The error message is unfortunately somewhat confusing since it doesn't tell you that . was interpreted to be that full path. If you hadoop fs -mkdir /user/ubuntu then hadoop fs -ls should start working.
This problem is unrelated to your "jarlib" problem; whenever you want to refer files explicitly stored in the local filesystem, but where the path goes through Hadoop's Path resolution, you simply need to add file:/// to force Hadoop to refer to the local filesystem. For example:
hadoop fs -ls file:///tmp
Try passing your jar file paths as fille file:///path/to/your/jarfile and it should work.
WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your
platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
This error will be removed using this command in .bashrc file:
export HADOOP_OPTS="$HADOOP_OPTS -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/hadoop/lib/native"
/usr/local/hadoop is location where hadoop is install

unable to load sample file into hadoop 2.2.0

I tried to install 2.2.0 pseudo mode,while I try to run copyfromlocal to copy a sample data
i used /input in destination path now, like-bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/prassanna/Desktop/input /input
i think its worked now and i verified the file using below,
bin/hadoop fs -ls /input
14/03/12 09:31:57 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform...
using builtin-java classes where applicable
1 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 root supergroup 64
and i also checked in uI of datanode,
but its showing used % is '0' only,but it has to show some kb's(64) of the file right?Please tell is the input file copied to hdfs properly ?**
and tell me where the file is physically stored in local machine exactly?Please help to solve this confusion.Thanks in Advance
If your source path is missing then you have to check for the existence of file on your local machine.
But if destination folder is not missing then first try to check then existence of that folder on HDFS.
For that you can open Web UI of hadoop HDFS by :50070 and then Browse the file system
Alternative to this you can check files through Command
hadoop fs -ls /<path of HDFS directory >
If this works then put file with following command
hadoop fs -put <local file path> <path of HDFS directory>
If any of these doesn't work then your hadoop is missing some important configuration
If your Web UI is opening but command is not running then try like this
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://<hadoop Master ip>/<path of HDFS directory >
If this works run put command as below
hadoop fs -put <local file path> hdfs://<hadoop Master ip>/<path of HDFS directory >

Hadoop filesystem reads linux filesystem instead of hdfs?

I have a strange thing happening, when I read hadoop filesystem it shows me linux filesystem not the hadoop one, anyone is familiar with this issue?
This will happen if a valid hadoop configuration is not found.
e.g. if you do:
hadoop fs -ls
and there is no configuration is found at the default location, then you will see the linux filesystem. You can test this by adding either the -conf option after the "hadoop" command e.g.
hadoop -conf=<path-to-conf-files> fs -ls

Hadoop dfs -ls returns list of files in my hadoop/ dir

I've set up a sigle-node Hadoop configuration running via cygwin under Win7. After starting Hadoop bybin/ I run bin/hadoop dfs -ls which returns me a list of files in my hadoop directory. Then I run bin/hadoop datanode -formatbin/hadoop namenode -format but -ls still returns me the contents of my hadoop directory. As far as I understand it should return nothing(empty folder). What am I doing wrong?
Did you edit the core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml under conf folder ?
It seems like your hadoop cluster is in local mode.
I know this question is quite old, but directory structure in Hadoop has changed a bit (version 2.5 )
Jeroen's current version would be.
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://localhost:9000/users/smalldata
Also Just for information - use of and has been deprecated, instead one should use and
I had the same problem and solved it by explicitly specifying the URL to the NameNode.
To list all directories in the root of your hdfs space do the following:
./bin/hadoop dfs -ls hdfs://<ip-of-your-server>:9000/
The documentation says something about a default hdfs point in the configuration, but I cannot find it. If someone knows what they mean please enlighten us.
This is where I got the info:
Or you could just do:
Remove dfs data and name directories
Namenode -format
