using ajax i am binding kendo grid in the date column it returns kendo grid returns /Date(1403789061723)/? - ajax

using ajax i am binding kendo grid in the date column it returns kendo grid returns /Date(1403789061723)/ other Fields are binding properly.In case of Normal binding its working there any way to fix this error...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok. The first thing I would ask is what is the model structure of your data that is being presented back to the grid.
I suspect that you are using a complex model that is not flattened eg. You have some custom classes with multiple properties within them.
If this is the case the grid and the datasource can not figure out what the actual data type is and treats anything not at the top level of data as a string.
To get around this either flatten out the viewmodel data that is being assigned to the grid or use the parsing functions to present the date back. Something like this should work:
columns.Bound(c => c.Date).ClientTemplate("#=kendo.format(\"{0:ddd, dd MMM yyyy}\",kendo.parseDate(Date))#")
Obviously putting what ever date time format you want.


Kendo UI grid client template dropdown - update after controller constructor init?
Hope this is clear.
I have a view that includes a grid with an existing application. The grid needs to load only after selecting some other inputs in the view. Using one of the "template" approaches like the above example works if you know what the list will contain ahead of time. The grid databinds when the view is rendered, and any ClientTemplate is rendered then. So, rebinding the grid doesnt seem to affect the dropdownlist since it has already been rendered.
However, the contents of the dropdownlist cant be known until the user starts adding items to the grid, so its only then that I to need define whats going to be in the dropdownlist, not from the very beginning when the grid is initially displayed.
How do I define or populate the dropdownlist when the grid is binding or as a result of the read action?
This is the grid column in question, where now Ive setup the column to have its own datasource, but the action GetSystemItemCodes never gets invoked. There is a read action on the grid itself (not shown), but since the template has already rendered when the grid is displayed the first time, it doesnt matter what I do to update the viewdata, its already been rendered.
columns.Bound(rdetail => rdetail.ItemCode).Title("Item Code").ClientTemplate((#Html.Kendo().DropDownList()
.DataSource(datasrc => datasrc.Read(read => read.Action("GetSystemItemCodes", "SalesVoucher")))
.HtmlAttributes(new { id = "itemCodeDropDown" })
.OptionLabel("- Select Item Code - ")
.Events(e => e.Change("OnItemCodeChange"))
I think my next approach will be to filter the dropdown with items being returned when adding a new row.
So suppose my question is at this point is: when defining a datasource for an individual column this way, when does its read action get called? Right after the read action on the grid ? How manually cause the column datasource to refresh or rebind?

DropDownList in custom Grid popup editor - filter datasource

I'm using a custom popup editor in a detail grid (several fields are using data attribute initialization).
One of the fields is a Kendo DropDownList, but I need the options in the list to be filtered based on the value of one of the fields in the currently expanded master row.
I've managed a buggy workaround by setting a global variable when a master row is expanded and then filtering the dropdownlist's datasource using a function call on the open event.
I'm sure there must be a better way to do this. Is it possible to specify a datasource filter using data attribute initialization -- I can't see anything in the docs for this.
Missed the obvious...
I just needed to filter the datasource for the drop down list in the grid's edit event.

Hide Column, but display its filter, in Kendo Grid

I am looking to create a bunch of filters on a Kendo Grid but these filters are for hidden columns.
I want to display the filter (perhaps moving it outside the grid area with jQuery) but keep the entire column hidden.
Any suggestions?
Use the dataSource.filter method for that implementation.
If for some reason you want to extract these filter descriptors from the Grid you can use the filter method without parameters. An object will be returned which will contain how exactly the Grid is filtered.
Please notice that this approach does not even require to have the columns hidden (you can skip declaring them at all). The whole objects (with all fields) are available by default on the client.

Dynamic editable table/grid generation with postback in MVC

I need to generate a table in MVC that can have a variable set of horizontal columns (years). I need to render a textbox in each cell and I need to postback the values to a action method. I have seen examples where the editable cells are generated but the columns are fixed (using partials). I have also seen examples where the table can be rendered with dynamic columns but without the editable cells/textboxes. Can anyone suggest an approach?
I would recommend creating the dynamic table with a textbox in each cell with an onchange action to send the data via ajax to the controller for the update.
You will probably need to pass a multidimensional array within the model and use it to create and load your table.
The question is though how are you expecting to handle this on the server side?
If you name them all sequentially and know the # of columns ahead of time the model binder CAN bind to a list for you if they are all named in the appropriate format. Do you want to generate the list from a model or some other method?
Phil Haack covers how the naming format is, although the EditorFor will handle this automatically in some cases. If it doesnt work in yours, simply naming them in this scheme should work.

jqgrid save xml string inside hidden cell problem

I have 2 grids. in both of them i use loadonce:true .
In the first grid i have a cell with an onblur event which
opens a dialog with the second grid.
after i edit the second grid i want to save as xml it's content and
ascribe it to the row of the first grid (the row witch opened the dialog).
In the end i want to generate an xml from the first grid that will
include the xml I generated before in the second grid.
so what is the best way to implement this?
Thank's In Advance.
Depend on how exactly you implement the scenario which you describe you could has any data in the internal data parameter of jqGrid existing always if one use local datatype or loadonce:true in your case.
Direct accessing to the data parameter per jQuery("#grid_id").getGridParam('data') get your reference to the data array. The data array contain all data of the grid (not only the current displayed page) and the data are not yet placed in the <td> element. So the data are unmodified and could contain for example any XML fragments.
UPDATED: To make you easier to understand what I mean I made the small demo. If you double-click on a row you will see the XML data associated with the row.
The "note" column can be hidden. Because all hidden columns exist in grid as HTML markup I made it visible. You can see the difference what can be saved as grid internal data and what can be displayed (also as hidden data).
UPDATED 2: You can consider to use autoencode:true option in your grids.
