jqgrid save xml string inside hidden cell problem - jqgrid

I have 2 grids. in both of them i use loadonce:true .
In the first grid i have a cell with an onblur event which
opens a dialog with the second grid.
after i edit the second grid i want to save as xml it's content and
ascribe it to the row of the first grid (the row witch opened the dialog).
In the end i want to generate an xml from the first grid that will
include the xml I generated before in the second grid.
so what is the best way to implement this?
Thank's In Advance.

Depend on how exactly you implement the scenario which you describe you could has any data in the internal data parameter of jqGrid existing always if one use local datatype or loadonce:true in your case.
Direct accessing to the data parameter per jQuery("#grid_id").getGridParam('data') get your reference to the data array. The data array contain all data of the grid (not only the current displayed page) and the data are not yet placed in the <td> element. So the data are unmodified and could contain for example any XML fragments.
UPDATED: To make you easier to understand what I mean I made the small demo. If you double-click on a row you will see the XML data associated with the row.
The "note" column can be hidden. Because all hidden columns exist in grid as HTML markup I made it visible. You can see the difference what can be saved as grid internal data and what can be displayed (also as hidden data).
UPDATED 2: You can consider to use autoencode:true option in your grids.


Hide Column, but display its filter, in Kendo Grid

I am looking to create a bunch of filters on a Kendo Grid but these filters are for hidden columns.
I want to display the filter (perhaps moving it outside the grid area with jQuery) but keep the entire column hidden.
Any suggestions?
Use the dataSource.filter method for that implementation.
If for some reason you want to extract these filter descriptors from the Grid you can use the filter method without parameters. An object will be returned which will contain how exactly the Grid is filtered.
Please notice that this approach does not even require to have the columns hidden (you can skip declaring them at all). The whole objects (with all fields) are available by default on the client.

How to appened Data in JQGrid table Cell?

I have created JQGrid.
I have put the Data in cell and one html Link in cells.
OnClick of that link I need to open JQGrid Specific popUp.Popup have one combobox .I'll select one option and click submit button and that data needs to be appear in clicked cell.
The construction which you suggest seems me too complex. Probably you can consider to use more simple user interface?
Nevertheless you can just use setCell method to set new contain of the cell of the grid.

Client side paging on Jqgrid?

could anyone tell me how to implement client side paging on jqgrid?
Currently, my pager just shows one page which is an error. However, if I change the number of records per page using the drop down, the grid is updated accordingly. But I am unable to navigate thru the pages.
Thanks in advance
I suppose that you fill the grid in the wrong way. You don't included any code in your question, so I can only guess that you use addRowData method to fill the grid. If it's so, then you should know that the usage of addRowData method it the worst and the slowest way to fill the grid which I know.
The best way in case of datatype: 'local' is to use data option of jqGrid in combination with gridview: true. It sorts the data from the data parameter corresponds with sortname and sortorder options, create jqGrid and display the first page of the grid (the size of the page defines rowNum option). The value of data parameter should be array of items which represent the grid rows. Every item should contains properties with the names like the name property of colModel. Additionally every item of data should contains id property which unique value will be used as id attribute of rows (id of <tr> elements).

jqGrid issue - getRowData

I seem to be havign yet another problem with jqGrid :-( I am trying to get the current row data using getRowData, but all I get back is an array [object, Object]. What am I doing wrong?
This is what I'm using
var rowdata = $("#list").jqGrid('getRowData');
Can somebody help?
After reading in the comments additional information about your problem I would recommend you following.
If you need to print the page which contains jqGrid you could need to prepare additional CSS for media="print". See here for additional information.
The method getRowData called without parameters give back the array of rows which are array of visible cells. For every cell will be called unformatter, so the data could be not identical to to data which you posted to jqGrid. Moreover if you use data paging or filtering you can have another problem: only visible cells from the current page will be returned back.
I personally prefer to use export to Excel instead of printing the pages. In the case I add an custom button in the navigator bar. If the button will be clicked by the user the request to the corresponding MVC controller action will be sent. The server get all data for the corresponding grid from the database and generate XLSX Excel data as stream with respect of Open XML SDK. The corresponding code is not very small, but in the way one can generate perfect Excel file formatted like it is required. In the case you don't need install Microsoft Office on the server side. The user just opens Excel with all data if he/she clicks the "Export to Excel" button in the jqGrid. In Excel there are very good printing possibility. The most users knows Excel very good and can customize the data (hide some columns for example) before printing.
So my suggestion to you to spend some time in implementing export to Excel instead of implementing printing of jqGrid directly.

Add an icon instead of a text in a column

in JQGrid 3.8, is it possible to have an icon instead of text in a column ?
I don't think it's possible but if you have a trick, i'd be happy
There are many ways to add icons in the grid. First way is: the data which be placed in the column header (colNames) or inside of the cell data could be HTML data. So you can easy insert the <img> element in the grid. One more method is th use custom formatters. See here some demos. If the standard jQuery UI icons contain all the icons which you need I would recommend you to use there.
