Windows 7 (and up) taskbar thumbnail preview not working - windows

My app developped with Unity doesn't display the taskbar thumbnail preview in Windows 7. It just shows a blank square. Is there a setting that I'm forgetting to change here or something that I need to setup in app ?
How do I make this work ?
EDIT : Forgot to mention, this does work when the application is in Windowed mode, however when it is fullscreen and tabbed out the preview will be empty.


PhoneGap, Windows overflow divs won't scroll on drag, only on release

I have four things: mobile site, iOS app, Android app, and Windows app.
The only time this occurs is on my Windows 10 Lumia PhoneGap app. (haven't tested other windows phones)
The divs with overflow-y do not scroll as you drag a finger up and down. Nothing happens until your finger comes off the device, then it throws the scrollbar. So technically it scrolls, but not in a way you'd expect. It makes it impossible to slowly scroll the page up.
Windows mobile site works as expected, the divs scroll in a controlled manner with the drag of your finger. Works same everywhere else too.
Anyone run into this sort of thing? I couldn't find any user-select, -ms-overflow*, or touchmove e.preventDefault() issues in the code.

windows 8 gestures on edge of screen

I have a desktop application running on windows 7 and 8. We implemented gestures using WM_GESTURE to support both windows. When running on windows 8 tablet, if user try to swipe, pan etc from of the edge i.e out side the visible screen, gestures do not work. When i logged the event(messages) application receives, it shows no gesture message.
On metro apps you see menu at bottom of screen when you swipe up from outside the screen area. I want similar functionality with my desktop application. Is this possible? Does desktop app has limitation or i am missing something? I searched over but cannot find a clear cut answer positive or negative.
Further info if of any help. It is a MFC application using both VC++ and C#. Minimum supported version of windows is 7.
One more thing. Our application runs in full screen with no task bar etc, like slide show.

Slide horizontal menu for Windows mobile 7 /8?

Hello everyone i am trying to build a horizontal slide menu for a windows mobile 7 app. Any idea how to do that?
That sliding menu is called Navigation Drawer and is a standard UI element for Android OS. It is not recommended on Windows Phone. However, you can mimic it using an offscreen UserControl or Panel.
Take a look at the following blog post: A behavior to implement a scroll-into-view panel (for a Facebook-like GUI) on Windows Phone.

Metro style,how to make my screen compatible for landscape and portrait mode?

I am new to metro style app.I designed a normal page in visual studio 2012 ultimate in landscape mode using only drag and drop tools.I run this page using Emulator.It runs well in landscape mode.but In Portrait mode,the contents of the page is not fitted automatically.Even it is not allowed to scroll the screen to see all the contents in the page.
I want a design fits for all screen resolution and different orientation. what should i do?
If any tutorial available please provide the link.
Are you talking about Windows Phone or WinRT?
Either way, you need to handle the orientation change yourself.
If you're doing WinRT, start here:
Optimizing for both landscape and portrait
and if you're doing Windows Phone, start here:
How to: Handle Orientation Changes on Windows Phone

Animate Windows Wallpaper with QT

i want to make an animated wallpaper for windows. So far i have only expreience with Mac OS X programming and i'm new to windows. So i decided to work with QT because it seems that there is more help out there.
Until now i have created the app in a borderless window in qt. It work quiet fine.
But is there a way in QT to change the level of the window so that its appear above the windows wallpaper but behind the icons?
Ok if found a simple solution.
After some testing with the hints form kusg1 I figured out when there is a transparent window mouse events going still to the desktop.
I actualy want have this website has wallpaper: Ticketack. - So i created a frameless window which stays on bottom and has a transparent background and displays the text. Beside this i can change the windows wallpaper directly to get the background of the clock.
So clock text is not behind the icons but i think this will be ok.
Just some ideas: Use the windows flag as Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint + Windows Stay at bottom hint, and set the content of the widget with your animated content (the suitable candidate is to use QGraphicsView).
The widget needs two main tasks:
Upon launching, it grabs the desktop background as pixmap and do overlay with the animated content (this needs to have the desktop to be wallpaper-less for simple scenario).
The widget needs to capture mouse and focus event and channel back to actual window command if the user wants to click the icon on the desktop.
Some pointers for the implementation:
For managing desktop icon, there is a good article here! (also found from SO).
Qt example and demos has an example on the taking desktop snapshot, the snippet is: QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId());
Answer to your question: no, there isn't.
However, you can try something like this using Windows API: How to draw directly on the Windows desktop, C#?
