Gantry v4 - disable Cache - joomla

Is there any other way to disable the cache in gantry besides this core hack?

I could be wrong but I don't think Gantry itself as a framework caches files. If you're using a Rockettheme template that was part of a demo package (includes the Joomla CMS, template and extensions), then you most likely have the RokBooster plugin which
is caching the files. Have a look to see if this plugin is installed, else check if you have any core Joomla settings that are enabled for caching.


Is it possible to upgrade Tinymce to v5.x in Joomla?

The current latest Joomla! v3.9.14 (August 2019)
The integrated tinymce is v4.5.11
Tinymce released the new V.5.0.0 in February 2019, including major improvements and a great new API
I want to use a plugin written with the new V5 API in Joomla!, so I wondered if it's possible to upgrade Tinymce to V5 in Joomla, or if we have no choice but to still use the old ugly Tinymce v4.x?
I tried to replace/edit files in media/editors/tinymce, just to see if it could lead to something, but of course it doesn't seem to be the right direction.
Rather than replacing the files (which could be overwritten in any future update), you're probably better off writing a new plugin for Joomla that installs Tiny 5.
The source code for the (v4) TinyMCE plugin is a good place to start to write your own - replicate how this plugin works, and you'll need to extend its functionality.
Doing it this way also means you could choose to use the Cloud version of Tiny, meaning you don't need to host the files locally, and receive updates as Tiny push them live. You do need a Tiny API key for this, but IMO, I feel it is a smarter way to host Tiny given that even during 5's life in 2019, some really useful features have been deployed, and if you're hosting all the files yourself, you'll need to keep updating them as you go.
The challenge with writing your own Tiny 5 Joomla plugin is that the core TinyMCE plugin for Joomla does not make it possible to have externally hosted Tiny plugins (such as a custom one you've created). So you would need to extend both the configuration and the instantiation to be able to store external plugin configuration, pull it in to Tiny's config, and also be able to manage your toolbars.
At Joomla Day Australia 2019 I spoke about developing external plugins for Tiny 5 in Joomla 4, and have a plugin that uses the cloud version of Tiny, and allows for external plugin configuration - but this was for an alpha version of Joomla 4.
Joomla 4 will come with Tiny 5, and I did a pull request to get external plugins in to the Editor config, so just waiting for Joomla 4 could be a more passive option.

disabling mootools in joomla 3.2

How can I disable Mootools in Joomla 3.2 without hacking core files? I have already tested this link, but it does not work for me.
Simple way is edit your templates not to include it but some things still require it.
Newer versions of 3.2.3 remove the tooltip js that was built in mootools but earlier ones will give you a console error if you have forms using it for the tip on the input label.
Also Kunena Forum uses mootools for the profiles and post edit tools, so I tend to write code that just includes it there.
Outside that there are plugins in the JED
I found this page on helpful. I was using JHtml::_('behavior.framework') which loads mootools.

Disabling Joomla component com_content

Just trying to understand the working of com_content component in Joomla 3. Is it possible to disable or uninstall com_content component? Is it a core component that is essential for the functioning of the entire framework, so it cannot be removed?
You can't disable or uninstall any core components such as com_content. They are protected. I'm not sure of the exact things that require com_content, however completely removing it which would have to be done by deleting the folders and removing any reference to it in the database could possibly and most likely result your site malfunctioning. It's therefore protected for good reason ;)
I do know that in either Joomla 3.5 or 4.0, there will be an option to install core components with installing Joomla.
While there might be some benefits in making Joomla lighter, in the current configuration I would say that IS NOT RECOMMENDED to even try something.
Consider using ACL to hide it for the users that don't need it.

Mootools and Joomla 2.5 Custom Template

Im creating a custom template for joomla 2.5 and I want to know if is it safe to disable mootools for my template?
If its safe, how can I disable mootools?
You can find several extensions that disable MooTools in the Core Enhancements/Performance section of the Joomla! Extension Directory (JED)
As mentioned already it is safe to do it as MooTools is only really required for the Joomla! 2.5.x backend i.e. /administrator.
Having said that you should be aware that some aspects of Joomla! 2.5 front-end do require MooTools to be loaded and many extensions "expect" it to be there (although they are not particularly good ones).
Generally Mootools is loaded by a PHP call of the form JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); or JHTML::_('behavior.framework')
Core elements that load MooTools in the front-end include:
Contacts (com_contact)
Content (com_content in the blog, category views)
Advanced Search (com_finder)
Newsfeeds (com_newsfeeds)
Weblinks (com_weblinks)
Popular third party components that use it in the front-end include:
1. RokGallery — infact a lot of their stuff prior to RokSprocket
2. Akeeba Subscriptions
3. Akeeba Release System
4. and many others...
The thing to remember is MooTools has been in the 'core' for a long time and developers expect it to be there, rightly or not, so, you will have to check any extensions and see if any core components are impacted adversely when you do remove it.
To add to cppl answer:
As far as I know, every library in Joomla is/should loaded only when it's required.
If MooTools loaded on your site, some extension/ core functionality is using it so if you just remove it, some things may break.
What you can do:
Inspect the code that's using MooTools
If it's inline code, probably you may overwrite it using template overwrites to use jQuery
If there's a library (like validate.js) you can provide alternative libraries (utilizing jQuery), put these in /templates/[your_template/js/system/ folder.
Removing MooTools and loading jQuery would make perfect sense than.
Judging by the number of extensions that do this, I'd say it's not only safe, but often desirable.

Upgrad joomla 1.0.15 to joomla 1.5 with virtumart 1.0.15

I have a web application on joomla 1.0.15 with virtumart 1.0.15 and mojoblog beta v0.16 . There are some changes in virtue mart core file and table structure according to my application requirement. I want to upgrade joomla with virtuemart and mojoblog component. Please guide me tell me a proper way to do this. My application a have a lot user information and order records in database. Need your suggestion.
You are not going to be able to easily upgrade your site to 1.5. The biggest problem you face is that Mojoblog is not a 1.5 extension and is no longer supported. At a minimum, you will have to find a replacement for that. How you use it will determine which extensions are suitable replacements, but there is almost certainly an extension that will fit your needs. Blog type extensions are plentiful for Joomla 1.5.
In order to migrate from 1.0 to 1.5 you can follow the official Joomla guide -
