Laravel Load part of page - laravel

I'm developing a Laravel 4 page,
I already have all my routes defined and my main layout with the contents that is dynamic for each route view.
What I'm facing now, is that every time I change the view, the whole page is reloaded!!
So all the menu images, css, javascripts are reloaded..
Is there any way to make it to just reload the content section?


Is it possible to navigate through page by navbar without page refresh with Laravel Livewire and AlpineJS?

I am just wondering whether it's possible to navigate through navigation without any page refresh using Laravel Livewire and AlpineJS? I also want to keep the state of the clicked link of the navbar, so I can change it's color.

Intertia modal - load view into a model for create, edit etc

Im using Laravel 9 with inertia. The design of the project includes modals for creating, updating but i see that inertia doesnt have support for modals?
I have found a few projects for inertia modals but they dont seem to work.
Currently when you navigate using inertia, Laravel hits the route and then in the controller you render an inertia page and vue knows to find a specific page and then navigates to that new page (loads it in a new vue page)
I am wanting to do the same but instead of a new page loaded i want to remain on the same parent page and load the new route content into a modal.
If you want a blade view to be loaded inside a modal in an Inertia page you can do:
$modalContent = view('your-blade-view-name', $modalData)->render();
return Inertia::render('inertia-page', $inertiaData);
I created a demo repository for this

Stick Header and Footer on page reloading in laravel 5.8

My Laravel website take too much time on loading views I am using master blade system and have same header and footer on my all pages so i want to make them stick and load only the child part to load . I have no idea how to do that I am new learner . IF any one know how to do that please share it.

Loading Laravel blase views using Vue

I have a Laravel project with a dashboard that contains a side menu. When navigating through this side menu, it refreshes the whole page (layout & view in blade). This is my dashboard:
I want to know how I'm able to load my blade views without page refresh. So that when I'm clicking on a navigation link, only the yielded content changes. How am I able to achieve this? Please don't mark this as a dublicate as I've visited most of the similar topics but without any succes.
Oh, and I'd appriciate it so bad if there's someone that's willing to help me out using Teamview.
views cannot be loaded that way with laravel. you will need to use components to design your pages with vue. with components in place you can now use vuerouter to load your pages that way.
Run php artisan preset vue to start your project using Vue.
To access a menu link without refresh the page, use <route-link to="..."></route-link>

Building Magento - how to keep code and CMS in sync

We are developing with Magento, we are having problem of keeping our code and our CMS page in sync. Let say I have a branch that task include
Create a new CMS page
Use jQuery slider to display products on this new CMS page
We create a new CMS page in Magento admin. We then add jquery.js and js for slider, and write js function to slide all products inside the main div of the new CMS page. However, when we check code into our branch, we only able to checkin the js files. So people are assigned to review this task, they only able to pull the js code, but not the CMS page, which I think locate inside the database. Therefore, they are unable to test, since I dont have the CMS page. I am thinking of couples way:
Passing the db around. This is not a solution, because it is big, and will take long time to import.
point db connection in app/etc/local.xml to the remote db that contain the CMS page. Also not a valid solution, because magento store url in database under web/unsecure/base_url. So I will always get redirect to the other machine ip address instead of my local ip address.
So how do I resolve this issue? What are industry accepted method for this?Please help? THank you very much
Did you try to place full content outside of block code and use only its template?
Let's say you have static page 'Slider-2014'. In WYSIWYG editor you place
{{widget type="cms/widget_block" template="customjs/slider-2014.phtml"}}
In app/design/frontend/base/default/template/ create folder 'customjs'
In folder customjs create file slider-2014.phtml and place anything you need to show in slideshow:
<div class="slider"></div>
Clear cache if needed. Then reload /slider-2014.html page and you'll get all content from that file. Now you can share folder customjs
