NSTextView + NSTextFinder + my separate NSSearchField - cocoa

I am trying to implement searching in NSTextView with search query coming from my custom NSSearchField.
Sounds pretty simple, but I cannot get it working.
So far I've looked through all the Apple Documentation about NSTextFinder, its client and FindBarContainer. The TextFinder simply provides the FindBarView to the container, and container shows it when you activate searching.
All the communication between the client, container and TextFinder is hidden. It just looks like a black-box that is designed to work "as is" without any customisation or interference.
But what about - (void)performAction:(NSTextFinderAction)op method of NSTextFinder? Isn't it for sending custom commands to the TextFinder?
I was trying to assign a new search string to it with the following:
NSPasteboard* pBoard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSFindPboard];
[pBoard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSPasteboardTypeString, NSPasteboardTypeTextFinderOptions, nil] owner:nil];
[pBoard setString:_theView.searchField.stringValue forType:NSStringPboardType];
NSDictionary * options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSTextFinderCaseInsensitiveKey,
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:NSTextFinderMatchingTypeContains], NSTextFinderMatchingTypeKey,
[pBoard setPropertyList:options forType:NSPasteboardTypeTextFinderOptions];
[textFinder performAction:NSTextFinderActionSetSearchString];
but that doesn't work and simply breaks the normal findBar operation.
I have a strong feeling that I am doing something wrong.
All I want is to have a standard search functionality in my own NSSearchField. Is that possible?
I bet I am not the first one who is not happy with normal findBar.
Your help is very needed and appreciated!

For an NSTextView, NSTextFinder is mostly just a user interface for NSString's func range(of searchString: String, options mask: NSString.CompareOptions = [], range rangeOfReceiverToSearch: NSRange) -> NSRange
If you want to implement your own search on an NSTextView, use that. To search forward, you construct a range starting at the end of the current selections's range and going to the end of the NSTextView's text. To search backward, construct a range starting at 0 and going to the beginning of the current selection's range, and tell NSString to use backwards search.
If NSString returns a .notFound range, implement wrap-around yourself.
If you need startsWith, endsWith or wholeWord you'll need to take the result NSString's func gives you, check to see if it will do, and if not adjust the range and call it again.

You can use NSComboBox. Return search value using below delegate:
- (NSString *)comboBox:(NSComboBox *)aComboBox completedString:(NSString *)substring
if ([aComboBox tag] == 101 || [aComboBox tag] == 102) {
NSArray *currentList;
if ([aComboBox tag] == 101) {
NSArray *keyArray = keySuggestions;
currentList = keyArray;
} else {
currentList = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.valueSuggestions];
NSEnumerator *theEnum = [currentList objectEnumerator];
id eachString;
NSInteger maxLength = 0;
NSString *bestMatch = #"";
while (nil != (eachString = [theEnum nextObject])) {
NSString *commonPrefix = [eachString
commonPrefixWithString:substring options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if ([commonPrefix length] >= [substring length] && [commonPrefix
length] > maxLength)
maxLength = [commonPrefix length];
bestMatch = eachString;
return bestMatch;
return substring;


NSRegularExpressions - filtering out words within Xcode

I'm currently teaching myself NSRegularExpressions and how to filter certain things out of RSS feeds. Particularly, the RSS feed is in the format "some text :: (there can be a Re: here for a reply) some text :: some text". I would like to remove that Re: if it exists. I know that there should be a way to do this without creating another NSRegularExpression within the one I currently have. I don't have a grasp on all of the symbols. I was trying to use ?: to uninclude the Re: from capture, but I can't quite figure out how. Would someone mind looking at this for me and giving me a helping hand?
NSRegularExpression *reg = [[NSRegularExpression alloc] initWithPattern:#".* :: ?:Re: (.*) :: .*" options:0 error:nil]; //The () creates a capture group and an array of ranges for reg
//Loop through every title of the items in channel
for (RSSItem *i in items) {
NSString *itemTitle = [i title];
//find mittts
//Find matches in the title string. The range argument specifies how much of the title to search; in this case, all of it.
NSArray *matches = [reg matchesInString:itemTitle options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [itemTitle length])];
//If there was a match...
if ([matches count] > 0) {
//Print the location of the match in the string and the string
NSTextCheckingResult *result = [matches objectAtIndex:0];
NSRange r = [result range];
NSLog(#"\nMatch at {%d, %d} for %#!\n", r.location, r.length, itemTitle);
NSLog(#"Range : %d",[result numberOfRanges]);
//One capture group, so two ranges, let's verify
if ([result numberOfRanges] == 2) {
//Pull out the 2nd range, which will be the capture group
NSRange r = [result rangeAtIndex:1];
//Set the title of the item to the string within the capture group
[i setTitle:[itemTitle substringWithRange:r]];
NSLog(#"%#", [itemTitle substringWithRange:r]);
Never mind, found it. I needed (?:Re: )? to prevent capturing it.

Remarkable behaviour by NSScanner

I have the following string in an NSTextView:
Horus avenged his father Osiris
There are two tags assigned to this, Horus and Osiris. I use NSScanner to scan the string for both tags and highlight them with a yellow background when found.
The code is:
for (Tag *aTag in tags) {
NSString *aTagName = [aTag name];
NSUInteger strLength = [aTagName length];
NSScanner *aScanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString: aString];
[aScanner setCaseSensitive: YES];
[aScanner setScanLocation: 0];
BOOL result = [aScanner scanUpToString: aTagName intoString: nil];
while (![aScanner isAtEnd]) {
NSUInteger position = [aScanner scanLocation];
if (result) {
NSRange aRange = NSMakeRange(position, strLength);
[storage removeAttribute: NSBackgroundColorAttributeName range: aRange];
if (onOrOff) {
[storage addAttribute: NSBackgroundColorAttributeName value: aColor range: aRange];
position = position + [aTagName length];
[aScanner setScanLocation: position];
[aScanner scanUpToString: aTagName intoString: nil];
This fails when the frist tag (in the above example it's Horus) is located at the very beginning (location = 0) of the scanned string. The tag is not found and the code keeps looping.
However, when I replace the string with:
After 10 years Horus avenged his father Osiris
... it all works and both my tags are found (as expected) and nicely highlighted.
Am I missing something or is this a bug in NSScanner?
See the docs for
- (BOOL)scanUpToString:(NSString *)stopString intoString:(NSString **)stringValue
If stopString is the first string in the receiver, then the method returns NO and stringValue is not changed.
The scanner has found the string, but returned NO, because it has not scanned through any characters to do so. Your code then doesn't increase the position variable, because that part is within the if (result) block.
I think removing the if statement should fix the problem. If the scanner didn't find the stopString, the while condition will fail and the code won't get into the loop at all.

Check for String within a String

I'm trying to compare two strings
NSString strOne = #"Cat, Dog, Cow";
NSString strTwo = #"Cow";
How do I determine if strOne contains strTwo
Try using rangeOfString:
NSRange result = [strOne rangeOfString:strTwo];
From the documentation:
Returns an NSRange structure giving the location and length in the receiver of the first occurrence of aString. Returns {NSNotFound, 0} if aString is not found or is empty (#"").
For anyone needing the code to check is a string exists within a string, here's my code thanks to fbrereto. This example checks to see if any string contained in an array of strings (stringArray) can be found within a string (myString):
int count = [stringArray count];
for (NSUInteger x = 0; x < count; ++x) {
NSRange range = [self.myString rangeOfString:[stringArray objectAtIndex:x]];
if (range.length > 0) {
// A match has been found
NSLog(#"string match: %#",[stringArray objectAtIndex:x]);
I believe this is the correct syntax for checking if the range exists (correcting response from Kendall):
range.location != NSNotFound
Gradually straying off topic, but I always explode my strings, which would mean just exploding it using your search string as a key and you can use the array count to see how many instances you have.
Just incase anyone is coming from a code language that uses "explode" to blow a string up into an array like me, I found writing my own explode function tremendously helpful, those not using "explode" are missing out:
- (NSMutableArray *) explodeString : (NSString *)myString key:(NSString*) myKey
NSMutableArray *myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSRange nextBreak = [myString rangeOfString:myKey];
while(nextBreak.location != NSNotFound)
[myArray addObject: [myString substringToIndex:nextBreak.location]];
myString = [myString substringFromIndex:nextBreak.location + nextBreak.length];
nextBreak = [myString rangeOfString:myKey];
if(myString.length > 0)
[myArray addObject:myString];
return myArray;
works like this:
[self explodeString: #"John Smith|Age: 37|Account Balance: $75.00" key:#"|"];
which will return this array:
[#"John Smith", #"Age: 37", #"Account Balance: $75.00"];
This lets you quickly pull out a specific value in a tight space, Like if you have a client and you want to know how much money he has:
[[self explodeString: clientData key: pipe] objectAtIndex: 1];
or if you wanted specifically the dollar amount as a float:
[[[self explodeString: [[self explodeString: clientData key: pipe] objectAtIndex: 1] key: #": "] objectAtIndex: 2] floatValue];
anyway I find arrays way easier to work with and more flexible, so this is very helpful to me. Additionally with a little effort you could make an "explodable string" data type for your private library that lets you treat it like a string or return an index value based on the key
ExplodableString *myExplodableString;
myExplodableString.string = #"This is an explodable|string";
NSString *secondValue = [myExplodableString useKey: #"|" toGetValue: index];

Search a string with nsmutablearray contents

This is probably a quick and easy question, but how would I be able to search a string with the contents of a nsmutablearray which are strings. So I have the NSString *blah = #"djfald.ji". I have the nsmutablearray filled with different extensions and I want to search the string blah to see if any of the extensions have a match. I used to use -[NSRange rangeOfString:] but that doesn't work with arrays.
If you really are dealing with path extensions, it's probably better to approach this the other way round. Something like:
NSString *extension = [#"djfald.ji" pathExtension];
BOOL found = [extensions containsObject:extension];
Simply use a block:
NSUInteger extIndex = [extensionArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
return [blah hasSuffix:obj];
NSString *extension = extensionIndex == NSNotFound ? [extensionArray objectAtIndex extIndex] : nil;
Or simply loop through the array with an enumeration.

NSArray to Core Data items

I have an method that reads an xml file and stores the xml nodes at a certain XPath-path in an NSArray called *nodes. What I want to do is take each one of the items in the array and add it to a core data entity called Category with the attribute of "name".
I have tried a number of different ways of creating the entity but I'm not sure about the correct way to do this effectively. This is the code used to create the NSArray, any ideas on how to implement this? (ignore the NSError, I will fix this in the final version)
- (IBAction)readCategories:(id)sender
NSString *xmlString = [resultView string];
NSData *xmlData = [xmlString dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSXMLDocument *xmlDoc = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:xmlData options:nil error:nil];
NSError *err=nil;
NSArray *nodes = [xmlDoc nodesForXPath:#"//member[name='description']/value/string" error:&err];
EDIT - My loop code
NSArray *nodes = [xmlDoc nodesForXPath:#"//member[name='description']/value/string" error:&err];
int arrayCount = [nodes count];
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSXMLElement *categoryEl;
NSString *new = [catArrayController newObject];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++)
[categoryEl = [nodes objectAtIndex:i]];
[new setValue:[categoryEl stringValue] forKey:#"name"];
[catArrayController addObject:new];
[pool release];
Here's how I'd write it:
for (NSXMLElement *categoryElement in nodes) {
NSManagedObject *newObject = [catArrayController newObject];
[newObject setValue:[categoryElement stringValue] forKey:#"name"];
[catArrayController addObject:newObject];
[newObject release];
First, I'm using the Objective-C 2.0 for-each syntax. This is simpler than using index variables. I eliminated i and arrayCount.
Next, I took out your NSAutoreleasePool. None of the objects in the loop are autoreleased, so it had no effect. (The newObject method returns a retained object which is, by convention, what methods with the word new in their name do) This is also why I release newObject after adding it to the array controller. Since I'm not going to be using it any more in this method, I need to release it.
Also, you had defined new (which I renamed newObject) as an NSString. Core Data objects are always either an instance of NSManagedObject or a subclass of NSManagedObject.
Your line [categoryEl = [nodes objectAtIndex:i]] won't compile. That's because the bracket syntax is used to send a message to an object. This is an assignment statement, so the bracket syntax is not needed here. (This line is also not necessary any more because of I've changed the loop to use the for-each syntax) But, for future reference, categoryEl = [nodes objectAtIndex:i]; would have worked.
What part are you having trouble with? There shouldn't be much more to it than looping through the array, creating a new managed object for each entry, and setting the correct attributes. You can create the managed object with NSEntityDescription's -insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext: method.
