schedule powershell task using BAT file - windows

This is not exactly a question but rather your views on whether I'm on the right track.
I want to schedule a powershell v2 script in windows 2008 R2. I can put C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe in the program/script textbox and the script name and the arguments in the "Add arguments(optional) textbox. My script accepts around 5 arguments and since the window is not resizable I have to scroll to view all of them. SO, I'm thinking about creating a BAT file with powershell script and the arguments in it and then schedule the BAT file.
So my question is whether this is the right approach? Wouldn't using the BAT file invoke DOS process which in turn would invoke the powershell executable?

So my question is whether this is the right approach?
It is a technically valid approach. Whether it's right or wrong is subjective. If it functions properly, then it's technically "right" but you may lose the ability to see/capture any errors that are thrown; you may want to set up your PowerShell script to email your errors, or log them to a file (or even Event Viewer).
Wouldn't using the BAT file invoke DOS process which in turn would invoke the PowerShell executable?
DOS has been dead for over a dozen years (so no DOS process will be invoked), but you are correct that an instance of cmd.exe would be started by Task Scheduler, and that in turn would start PowerShell.
Don't sacrifice long-term functionality/reliability because the window provided in Task Scheduler for entering the command line is inconvenient to you. There's no rule that says you can't write out the full command line in Notepad, and then copy/paste it into that little box. If the job works better with PowerShell being invoked directly instead of through a BAT file, do what works best for the functionality of the job itself.


How to make VB6 console application which prints output to the command prompt

I want to make command line VB6 application which prints its result to the command prompt (similar as printf in C). However, none of the found solutions does not work for me.
I have VB6 SP6, Windows 7 x64.
I tried
How to write to a debug console in VB6?
to accomodate this, but in this line
Public SIn As Scripting.TextStream
compiler returns an error: User-defined type not defined
Why this is not workin? Is there a way to do it?
I would prefer API solution (system independent).
The best solution is Karl E. Peterson's code at which has complete source, interactive debugging, several examples and many other great features. No need for scripting.
But if you make an EXE file (and sure you would!), it is absolutely necessary to fix resulting EXE (explanation and manual is on the same Peterson's page), i.e. to set PE bit in EXE header.
Otherwise, if there in EXE is any input waiting, EXE will enter an infinite loop and will never return (but in command-prompt it looks like finished, because prompt is displayed). If you try to start EXE more times, you can see these never-ending processes populating in Task Manager/Processes).

Not Recognizing Script Name as cmdlet, function, etc; nor can positional perameter be found on simple script

I am trying to do my first script. To simply get PowerShell to pull up a script typed up in notepad and saved as a .ps1 file titled "test" (have also tried Script, but know names have nothing to do with it):
Write-Host "Hello, World!"
In PowerShell I am typing
& "C:\Scripts\test.ps1"
As well as
And am only met with this:
./test.ps1.txt : The term './test.ps1.txt' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ ./test.ps1.txt
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (./test.ps1.txt:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
Have tried renaming the file within PowerShell with
PS C:\Scripts> Rename-Item test.ps1.txt test.ps1
I have switched between RemoteSigned and Unrestricted, I have tried a code including executionpolicy bypass (I do apologize, I closed my window without writing that one down). As far as I know everything is up to date and I am running Windows 10, Windows PowerShell, and regular Windows Notepad.
First, I'd HIGHLY recommend using the Windows PowerShell ISE for writing scripts. It's free, and provides a pretty decent console/editor experience, given that it's free (there are allegedly better ones out there, but this has always done just fine for me). I use Visual Studio for other stuff, and while it is an EXPONENTIALLY better product (and should be), the PowerShell ISE is pretty feature-rich.
Next, if you're just getting started, you should check out Don Jone's "Learn PowerShell 3.0 in a Month of Lunches" book. It's two versions behind the most current, however, all of the information is still relevant, and once you've finished the book, you'll be able to seek help for anything else pretty easily on your own. It covers all the basics, and is a very good first step to learning the language.
Now, to answer your question: PowerShell scripts commonly have the .ps1 file extension. Other extensions are generally used for modules (.psm1) or other helper content that Windows PowerShell leverages. For most things, you'll stick to .ps1, and when you've reached a point where you start needing the other extensions, I suspect you will have no problems identifying which ones you need.
There are two ways generally call a PowerShell script. The first is from a normal command prompt, and telling PowerShell to execute your script. This is shown below:
powershell.exe -File MyScript.ps1
There are some additional parameters that I'd recommend you use, but usage is dependent on your requirements. Here's what I usually tag on mine:
powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File MyScript.ps1
This will tell the PowerShell process to ignore any PowerShell profiles you have set up, which is ideal if you have a bunch of stuff in your profile script that does things like read console input (for your current situation, I'm going to assume you don't, but you may in the future). The other is that ExecutionPolicy one: RemoteSigned will tell PowerShell to basically ignore anything that's been downloaded from the interwebs, but allow anything originating inside your network to run free. Probably not the best practice, but this isn't a TERRIBLE policy if you can trust that your script repository is secured. If not, then go for something tighter than this (you can read up on execution policies by typing "Get-Help about_Execution_Policies" in the PowerShell prompt, or by visiting the TechNet page about them -- the content should be similar if not identical).
The second way is from inside of a Windows PowerShell script. It's actually much easier to do. Note that you must set your execution policy to something that will allow scripts to run, but thereafter, you're smooth sailing.
. .\MyScript.ps1
This is called "dot-sourcing" your script. The advantage of doing this from within Windows PowerShell is that if you've got something like a script full of functions, they get added to the current scope (Get-Help about_Scopes), which means they're now available in your current session. A good example would be defining a function called "Test-DomainConnection" in a script you distribute with your main script: You'd dot-source the script that is distributed with the main one (this is done usually when you separate your "standard" PowerShell functions from your main script), and then use the functions in the main script. There are pros and cons to this approach, but it seems to be generally recommended (there may be some community extensions out there that remove the need to manage this manually).
For additional information, you can call Get-Help about_Scripts from inside Windows PowerShell. Because you're using Windows 10, you may need to run Update-Help from an administrative PowerShell window before the help content is available on your local system.
If you have any more questions, feel free to message me :) I've been doing PowerShell for a while and may be able to help out.
Powershell processes in order (top-down) so the function definition needs to be before the function call:

Is it possible to run a batch file when a program is launched?

I have a batch file that toggles aero. Is there a way that when you open a certain program the batch file will run when it is launched and run again when the program is closed?
Well yes, but on the Properties for the program you can tick a checkbox to do this on the compatability tab.
Find out info on what the browser is doing. Sart your program and then use Task manager to find your game (it is a real game and not some jscript web thing?).
Compatability layers are scritable.
set __compatlayer=256Color (note wrong spelling)
Running a program will have same problem as setting compatability. You have to find something to run it on.
Windows can start a debugger automatically when a program is started. You can substitute any program that can start a program (as a batch can) for the debugger.
You can also run a script that triggers on program start. Task Scheduler can run tasks when certain events occur.
But you have to know what exact object to trap. Use task manager in the first instance.

Does running a .bat file in Windows generates any system log?

I want to create a .bat file in Windows that receives a password and will call a custom utility to encrypt that password.
Is really important that the password sent to the .bat file as parameter is not logged anywhere.
My question is, if running a .bat file will create any system logs? anywhere? What if the .bat fails?
Are there any other better ways of doing this?
The generic answer is, "No, the running of batch files is not logged." However, there is no guarantee on a given system that the information is not saved somewhere. Or to say that again without double negatives, it is possible on some system that the information could be saved. For example, there could be a custom command shell (possibly created by the "bad" guy) that does log information.
You're going to see the command line in the process list. So if something is logging processes, or if it's long-running and someone opens the Task Manager, they could see it.

bat file to launch exe and wait for string in standard output

Is it possible to create a bat file that launches an executable and waits for a pre-determined string in the standard output. When that string is found, the batch file will exit (the exe can continue running). How could this be accomplished?
In short, no.
Note that originally MS-DOS was an operating system in which Windows ran. Now it is an application that simulates the earlier OS. The way to solve your would possibly involve using an application called from within MS-DOS, that will perform this kind of logic (i.e. IF(file_is_present_with_string)THEN {...}) in the MS-DOS command library.
Powershell is a powerful scripting language allowing you to perform many operations previously unavailable in MS-DOS, such as take the output from one MS-DOS command (e.g. ipconfig /all) and reformat it into a different layout, possibly using it as another command's input parameters (e.g. select a value from ipconfig and use it in another command). Although it supports MS-DOS command execution, it does so through the use of CMDLETs (pronouned command-let) which is a self-contained application designed to run inside Powershell. There are many other CMDLETs out there that might be able to help solve your problem.
