How to make VB6 console application which prints output to the command prompt - vb6

I want to make command line VB6 application which prints its result to the command prompt (similar as printf in C). However, none of the found solutions does not work for me.
I have VB6 SP6, Windows 7 x64.
I tried
How to write to a debug console in VB6?
to accomodate this, but in this line
Public SIn As Scripting.TextStream
compiler returns an error: User-defined type not defined
Why this is not workin? Is there a way to do it?
I would prefer API solution (system independent).

The best solution is Karl E. Peterson's code at which has complete source, interactive debugging, several examples and many other great features. No need for scripting.
But if you make an EXE file (and sure you would!), it is absolutely necessary to fix resulting EXE (explanation and manual is on the same Peterson's page), i.e. to set PE bit in EXE header.
Otherwise, if there in EXE is any input waiting, EXE will enter an infinite loop and will never return (but in command-prompt it looks like finished, because prompt is displayed). If you try to start EXE more times, you can see these never-ending processes populating in Task Manager/Processes).


How do I open a program in a Win32 Console without cmd.exe?

I have little previous experience with Windows (for programming, anyway), but recognizing that Windows has an enormous market share, I am trying to support it in my programs (even though they are just for fun, I like to pretend they're big projects). I have written a tiny shell with minimal (and when I say minimal, I mean minimal) features.
I am trying to port it to Windows and would like to use it independently from cmd.exe in a Win32 Console window (meaning the shell part of cmd.exe isn't running at all, but the window used for it shows). I have already done most of the other porting stuff such as build system (CMake) and changing appropriate Unix syscalls to Windows ones in a #define. I have done a little research and found little on this topic, however. I know it is possible because I've seen it done with Bash. Visual Studio also used to do it when I ran a program in its GUI.
Reference article I got some of this info from:
Note: What I mean is when you click on it and it opens it without running cmd in its own little console window. Or when you type it into cmd it opens in a separate window that isn't running cmd. I am assuming cmd.exe and the console window it runs in are two separate things, but if I am wrong, please let me know. :)
This question is inspired by and a similar question where I got that Wikipedia link. Someone said that the console window and the shell were separate. I was writing my own shell so I started to wonder how to make mine independent of the default one.
The Win32 Console and cmd.exe are two different things. Windows automatically opens a console window when a program that needs one is started. It decides whether do to so by switches hard-wired into the executable. This window will be running said program. If the program that started the process is running in a console window, the two programs will share that console window.
As Noodles said, it really is that simple. You just start it. Double-clicking on it will do it. The CreateProcess() function with CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE passed to it will do it. Running the program from cmd.exe with
start <command>
will do it.
There is also a family of functions in the Windows API, called FreeConsole() and AllocConsole() that will free a program from its current console and create a new console for it, respectively.
Reference link (given by Noodles):

See std::cout of .exe

I have a .exe file that I've compiled on windows. But when I run it from the command line I don't see any of the things my program outputs to std::cout or std::cerr. The program runs and continues to run even after the command line returns to the prompt (it's a GUI program and doesn't quit until I press the quit button). How can I see the output of my program?
I'm using cmake to make a visual studio project which I then compile with msbuild.
One way to see the output is to run:
program.exe > output.txt
and then monitor that file for the output. Or use a pipe to view it:
program.exe | find /v ""
To also monitor the error output you could use
program.exe > output.txt 2>&1
program.exe 2>&1 | find /v ""
I figured it out based on the documentation by Microsoft that leaves a lot to the imagination and from the
much more practical examples here and here.
This helps me see "hidden" stdout and stderr messages from my (and other peoples) windows applications. It's interesting to see what messages have been left in some programs, but usually aren't seen.
The simplest approach is to rebuild the program as a console application. The option to link.exe needs to be /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE instead of /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS; presumably there is a straightforward way of specifying this in cmake.
This change shouldn't affect your GUI at all, but it will cause Windows to allocate a console if the process isn't already associated with one. Also, command line shells will usually wait for console applications to exit before continuing.
The other approach is to call AllocConsole to explicitly create a new console, or AttachConsole if you want to use an existing one. Or, of course, you could send the output to a log file.
According to a Google search, you can build the program as a console application by adding the following line to your source code:
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE")
This is probably the easiest solution. You can put it in an #if block if you only want the console for debug builds.
See also CMake: How to use different ADD_EXECUTABLE for debug build?
Harry Johnston's answer is spot-on if you want to permanently alter your application to display this information. I would recommend the latter approach he suggests, because switching your app to targeting the console subsystem will cause it to always allocate and display a console window on startup, even if you don't want it to.
However, I notice that you mention you want to display output from std::cerr, which implies that you might be only interested in this information for debugging purposes. In that case, my recommendation would be to call the OutputDebugString function instead of outputting to either std::cout or std::cerr. Then, you can use a little utility like DebugView to monitor the debug output of your application. Everything it sends to the OutputDebugString function will be displayed in the DebugView window.
If you want to use this setup with minimal changes to your existing code base, you can actually redirect the output of streams like std::cout and std::cerr to the debugger, just as if you'd called the OutputDebugString function. Advice on how to do this can be found in the answers to this question and in this blog post.
Windows doesn't support dual mode. Which means that when you run gui, you cannot get output to your console that you run the app from.

Windows application that optionally remains attached to console

I've got a Windows application (written in C, compiled with MSVC Express edition, 32-bit mode), which has two main modes of operation:
Windowed mode -- create a window, and draw stuff in it (namely, a fractal).
Benchmark mode -- when run with --benchmark as an argument, don't make a window but just print some benchmark statistics to stdout.
During development I've compiled as a Console app, and used SDL to create the window and perform other GUI functions. So benchmark mode runs fine (no window is created), and graphical mode just has a lingering console window.
However for my release compilation I've enabled the Windows subsystem instead of Console. (As explained in this question). This works great except I've suddenly discovered I can't run benchmarks any more. :o
I'm just wondering, is there a way for an application to choose at run time (e.g. based on the command line it's given) which kind of subsystem behaviour to use?
I've done some experimentation with EXE files in Windows (explorer, notepad, winword) and none of them seem to print anything to the console when run with an argument like "/?" (which most Windows console apps support). So it doesn't look like it, but I thought it's worth asking here in case there's a special trick.
Update. It looks like, no, you can't. Thanks for the answers guys.
Additional academic question. Does this mean that the subsystem choice is marked in the EXE header, and it's the operating system that examines this and sets up the Window or connects it to the console it's run from? I don't know much about EXE loading, but I would be curious to learn a few details here.
Conclusion. I think there are four good solutions (plus two semi-solutions, making five total :p) to choose from:
Use the console subsystem, but use FreeConsole when running in GUI mode.
Use the windows system, and use AllocConsole when running in benchmark mode. Not perfect if fractal.exe is run from an existing console, so I'll count this as half a solution ;-).
Just have one executable for each subsystem, fractal.exe and fractalgui.exe.
Have two (or more) executables, one of which does the work and passes it to the other to be displayed on the console or in a Window as appropriate. Needs some thought on how to divide the programs and how to communicate between them.
Another half-solution: have fractalgui.exe print the benchmark to standard out, and pipe that to a utility that will simply print it.
I haven't yet chosen, but I'm leaning towards #3.
Thanks to Matteo and smerlin for the ideas!
There is no way a application can choose her subsystem at runtime (well there are some really ugly workarounds, but those are full of quirks).
Then general solution for this problem is to have a console application, which starts your gui application if necessary
For your benchmark case, it would just print your benchmark statistics.
example setup:
- fractalgui.exe (subsystem: windows)
- fractal.exe (subsystem: console)
* the shortcut on the user desktop links to your fractalgui.exe
* if the user starts fractal.exe from the console, fractal exe starts fractalgui.exe
* if the user starts fractal.exe --benchmark, it either does the benchmark itself (if its possible to add this benchmark logic to another executable) and prints the information directly to console, or - if thats not possible - it will need to start fractalgui.exe --nogui --benchmark. The tricky case here is to get your output from fractalgui.exe to fractal.exe, so you can print it on the appropriate console. There are several ways to do this, e.g. named pipes (there are ways to start fractalgui.exe in a way, that you can just use stdout / cout there, and the data will be piped to the stdout of fractal.exe, but i dont recall how excactly this works anymore (edit: maybe this works)). The easiest way would be to start fractalgui.exe --nogui --benchmark > mylogfile and then print mylogfile after fractalgui.exe finished (since stdout/cout of fractalgui.exe will work if the output is redirected to a file), however you wont get "live" output, since all the output will be printed on the console when fractalgui.exe is already finished.
To add to #smerlin's answer, the other oft-seen method (cited into the articles I linked inside the comment) is to mark your application as a console application, but free the console (using FreeConsole) when you determine that you don't need it.
This is how ildasm does it, but it has the disadvantage of flashing the console for a brief moment between the start of the application and the call to FreeConsole.
Additional academic question. Does this mean that the subsystem choice is marked in the EXE header, and it's the operating system that examines this and sets up the Window or connects it to the console it's run from? I don't know much about EXE loading, but I would be curious to learn a few details here.
Yes, the loader checks the PE header and sets up everything according to the subsystem specified here.
Contrast with the *NIX approach: no executable is "special", and everyone has a working stdin/stdout/stderr; applications that want to display something will call the appropriate functions of Xlib. The drawback is that GUI applications have no clue if the application you are starting normally uses the console, so the system has to ask if you want to spawn also a terminal emulator or to discard the standard streams and just wait for it to spawn a window (obviously shortcuts store this information).
I described a technique for achieving this in my question here.
Matteo already mentioned the .com trick, but that's only part of a viable solution.

Identifying Command Line Arguments [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Windows Program: How to snoop on command line arguments?
I am working under Windows XP.
I've been given some third-party software that spawns several processes when launched. I've been tasked with writing a replacement for this software, though I will need to keep one of its proceeses (a "communication server" that passes / receives messages to / from identical "communication servers" on other networked machines). One small part of this process is learning to start the "communication server" directly. If I just start it with no arguments from the command line, it immediately dies. I'm thinking it needs some arguments. So, all my question boils down to is...
Is it possible, for any arbitrary process, to see what arguments it was started with? If so, how may I do so?
I tried attaching Visual Studio 2010, but there's no .pdb, so I got nothing. Unfortunately, I do not know what language this "communication server" is written in. So, it was really a longshot. (I wasn't sure if doing so would give me a way to find the arguments anyway, but I thought it was worth a try.)
P.S. Sorry for the poor choice of tags. This is a tough one to categorize...
Process Explorer displays them. Right click on a process in the list, then Properties... -> Image -> Command line
It's not 100% reliable since the process can overwrite the buffer containing the command line, but usually it works.
Process explorer will allow you to see the command line arguments for a given running process :)
You don't need the PDB for the app itself. Windows DLLs have PDB's; put a breakpoint on CreateProcess and variants like ShellExecute / CreateProcessAsUser.

Win GUI App started from Console => print to console impossible?

this is not yet another "I need a console in my GUI app" that has been discussed quite frequently. My situation differs from that.
I have a Windows GUI application, that is run from a command line. Now if you pass wrong parameters to this application, I do not want a popup to appear stating the possible switches, but I want that printed into the console that spawned my process.
I got that far that I can print into the console (call to AttachConsole(...) for parent process) but the problem is my application is not "blocking". As soon as I start it, the command prompt returns, and all output is written into this window (see attached image for illustration).
I played around a bit, created a console app, ran it, and see there, it "blocks", the prompt only re-appears after the app has terminated. Switching my GUI app to /SUBSYSTEM:Console causes strange errors (MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj) : error LNK2019: nonresolved external Symbol "_main" in function "___tmainCRTStartup".)
I have seen the pipe approach with an ".exe" and a ".com" file approach from MSDEV but I find it horrible. Is there a way to solve this prettier?
This is not behaviour that you can change by modifying your application (aside from re-labelling it as already discussed). The command interpreter looks at the subsystem that an executable is labelled with, and decides whether to wait for the application to terminate accordingly. If the executable is labelled as having a GUI, then the command interpreter doesn't wait for it to terminate.
In some command interpreters this is configurable. In JP Software's TCC/LE, for example, one can configure the command interpreter to always wait for applications to terminate, even GUI ones. In Microsoft's CMD, this is not configurable behaviour, however. The Microsoft answer is to use the START command with the /WAIT option.
Once again: This is not the behaviour of your application. There is, apart from relabelling as a TUI program, no programmatic way involving your code to change this.
Maybe write a console-based wrapper app that checks the parameters, prints the error message on bad parameters, and calls/starts up the actual program when the parameters are correct?
