Maven does not take newly built snapshot, uses global repository - maven

I am trying to build a patch branch, into which I build both a parent(a snapshot) and a child(a snapshot as well) as modules listed in an aggregation pom.
Maven finds out everyone depends on the parent, and builds it first, BUT it does not use the newly built parent when I build into clean repository.
When built immediately afterwards, against the same repository, that the built Parent 2.2.5- Snapshot is installed in already, everything works correctly and the patched parent is used in its children.
The problem is that the CI build is always built on a clean repo, and hence, the parent that we use is the one from the global repository, not the local one.
Is this wrong pom.xml, maven settings or possible a bug in maven algorithm?
I tried
mvn clean install -nsu
but in vain.

If you use the option -nsu which means:
-nsu,--no-snapshot-updates Suppress SNAPSHOT updates
It will never use the most up-to-date snapshots. To force maven to do so you should use:
mvn -U clean install

It turned out the major problem was that we were building the parent pom together with the rest.
Maven downloads all parents first and then resolves dependencies.
So, it was not correct that the parent is listed together with the rest, as a module, when this is a clean build and this version of the parent was not yet deployed(children saw an old snapshot of it instead).
Solution 1: use relativePath to point to the branched parent. This is the better solution in case you do not have very complex hierarchy of modules.
Solution 2: build and deploy the parent of the patch first, so that it is seen by all children, and hence they use correct versions of each other.


how to force mvn redownload snapshot

I got a maven project (myApp) depending on another maven project in snapshot version.
But I got a problem with this after the "arty" got an update without changing the version (I know that would be the cleanest solution).
I build the myApp local and got still the old version of the "arty" dependency.
I verified tow option working for me (and a college):
1) Manual cleaning of the local repository: navigating to my .m2/repo/org/group/dep/arty and deleted all folders inside. After rebuilding the myApp local it was working fine - arty was downloaded form the again with the updated content.
2) Local building of the arty package so it got updated in the local repository. After rebuilding the myApp local it was working fine.
But I got similar problem on the Jenkins:
I got a Jenkins job just building without building before It failed for the missing changes form "arty".
What can I do now to solve my problem there?
I can not rely on first building as I can not be sure for Jenkins to run both jobs on the same host using same local repository (I don't want to change that).
Somehow the myApp-Jobs was failing after I manually cleared on that Jenkins node the in the repository and running than the myApp-job (was somehow not downloading the package).
I finally found the mvn -u but as I tried this I was as well disappointed.
I tried different maven versions on that jenkins and got the same result.
Is there no way to force the update of the snapshot versions?
Is this "another project" is a part of the same multi-module project?
If so you can build your project with --also-make options so that maven will effectively rebuild your module and all of its dependencies
If its an entirely different project, use mvn -U to forcefully download all the snapshot dependencies of your project.
If there is a particular issue with one concrete dependency consider using mvn dependency:get. This get goal of maven-dependency-plugin downloads one specific artifact from the remote repository
Here is a link to the plugin documentation
The simplest solution to redownload -SNAPSHOT is by using the command line option: -U or as long option --update-snapshots
Furthermore your project sounds like the need for a multi module build which prevents such issues. Or you might need to define those Jobs depending on each other (There is an option to build if a SNAPSHOT has been updated in Jenkins).

Maven: how can I skip building artifacts which exist in central repo?

My situation: I have project which contains several Maven modules. I make changes to one of them. Suddenly I find out, that my project is no longer possible to be built because of the errors in other modules. To fix this I need to run SVN UPDATE and rebuilt the project.
My assumption: probably, during the build process of my module some of the artifacts are taken from central repository and have the most newest version, while others are still outdated and taken from my local repo.
A question: I don't want to rebuild my project each time someone updates ANOTHER Maven module. I want to download the already built artefacts from the central repository without rebuilding them by myself. Is it possible?
You can tell Reactor which modules to build. In your case when you only change a single module and want to speed up the build you can pass -pl (Project Location) parameter to maven. For example:
mvn -pl module-with-changes
That will build single module, while taking other dependencies from your local Maven Repository or download from Central (whatever is the latest). That said, if you already ran mvn install for whole project and other artifacts have not been updated in Central repository, then Maven will see your local artifacts as latest and will not re-download them.
Another issue you might get with -pl parameter is when other modules in your project depend on the module that you are building. If there is a problem in dependent module you will not see it by building only the dependency model. To avoid that you can pass -amd (Also Make Dependents). Like this:
mvn -pl module-with-changes -amd
That will trigger the build for module-with-changes + modules that depend on module-with-changes + their dependents.
You can get more info about Reactor parameters from here:

parameterise POM file (Maven)

Whenever I want to create a new version of my projects, I have to go in and edit the <version> tag in the POM files.
The projects are related, so they have the same version, most of the time.
Is it possible to just put the new version in some file, and have the POM regenerated when needed?
The best thing in such situations is to use the release plugin which supports automatically changing the version in the pom and creating a tag/label in the appropriate VCS. There are two steps release:prepare and release:perform which can simply be combined.
A command like this:
mvn release:prepare release:prepare
will do all needed steps like making a tag in VCS, change pom's version and deploy the artifacts to your repository. But the prerequesite is having correct entries in the SCM area of your pom, correctly configured the distributionManagement etc.
If the project comprises of several modules which have the same version this sounds like using a multi-module build instead of separated projects which would solve the problem of changing the version manually.

Maven uses different timestamps when building snapshot artifacts in a large project

We have a large maven 3 project with around 250 modules. All modules have version 1.0-SNAPSHOT and modules tree has single parent module with the same version as a tree root.
Project is built with Bamboo nightly and artifacts are installed to a Nexus repository using command "mvn clean install".
It happens that part of modules are built with one timestamp while the rest with the other, something like:
In another project I was trying to set dependency to artifacts of this project using specific version of a snapshot dependency (as discussed in this question Maven specific version of a snapshot dependency) but failed to build due to the problem described above.
Does anyone know why maven would use different timestamps and how to fix that?
MNG-6754 was finally fixed in 3.8.2.

Best practice wrt. `mvn install`, multi-module projects, and running one submodule

I tend to avoid using mvn install in my multi-module projects because I feel like I then don't know which exact version of a submodule is then used when building / launching other submodules (particularly when switching between branches very often).
I tend to use mvn package a lot and then mvn verify.
I'm now facing the issue in a FOSS project (a Maven archetype moreover) where I'd like to use Maven's best practices.
It's a multi-module project with a webapp submodule depending on the other modules, and what worries me is the ease of development along with mvn jetty:run (or jetty:start).
Currently, I defined 2 profiles:
prod, the default one, declares dependencies on the other submodules;
dev on the other hand does not depend on the other modules, and configures the jetty-maven-plugin by adding the other modules' output directories as extraClasspath and resourcesAsCSV.
That way, I can mvn package once and then cd webapp && mvn jetty:start -Pdev and quickly iterate, reloading the webapp without the need to even stop the server.
AFAICT, extraClasspath was added for that exact purpose (JETTY-1206).
I've been pointed at the tomcat7-maven-plugin which can resolve modules from the reactor build when using Maven 3 (and I raised an issue to bring the same to Jetty: JETTY-1517), but that hardly solve my
If I hadn't removed the dependency on the other submodules from in dev profile, I'd have had to do an mvn install first so that validating the POM doesn't fail, even if jetty:start doesn't use those dependencies afterwards.
So here's my question: is mvn install really that common? or my approach of putting the intra-reactor dependencies only in the prod profile OK?
(note that I have the exact same problem with the gwt-maven-plugin, so please don't tell me to simply switch to Tomcat; that wouldn't even work actually, details here)
The mvn install is common in particular in relationship with multi-module builds, cause it will give you the chance to run a single module from your multi-module build.
This can be achieved by using:
mvn -pl submodule LifeCycle
I just found a workaround (which seems logical as an afterthought):
In brief: skip the plugin by default in the parent module then re-enable it where needed.
This however only works if the plugin can be skipped (i.e. has a skip configuration) and is only used in one specific submodule, and it has to be selectively done for each plugin you need/want to run that way (in my case, jetty:run and gwt:run).
I do most of my development on my laptop. For the projects I'm currently working on, my local repository is really more of a temporary holding area. I run mvn install all the time. Putting artifacts in one's local repo is the only way I know of to share built artifacts between projects, especially if you are working on projects which are related but are not (and should not be) part of the same multi-module build.
When I'm done developing I commit changes to the shared SCM and let Jenkins build & deploy the code to the shared remote repo. Then I either blow away the changed projects in my local repository so the next build brings down the freshly built artifacts, or I run Maven with -U to force updates.
This works well for me, YMMV.
