stumped on list recursion - scheme

I am having issues with recursions involving lists for my HW. The HW problem asks the following:
"a (pair a b) is a (make-pair x y)
where x is type a and y is type b
(define-struct pair (a b))
Write the function partition as described here:
partition : (a -> bool) (listof a) -> (pair (listof a) (listof a))
divide a list into two lists:
- one list of the elements for which the test is true, and
- a second list of the elements for which the test is false."
What I was trying to do is the following:
(define (partition test lst2)
[(null? lst2) null]
[(boolean=? #f (first(map test lst2))) (remove (first lst2) lst2) (partition test (rest lst2)))]
[else (cond (first lst2) (partition test (rest lst2)))]))
I realize that using the map function here is not the right way to to do it, but I do not really know how to keep the recursion for the 2nd case going (or the else case for that matter, since no matter what I do, it doesn't move forward). Once I get the cases for true, would I get the cases for false using not somewhere in the code? Or would I need to do something completely different? I have been stumped on this problem for a while and some guidance would be nice!

For future reference, Racket already implements a partition procedure that returns two list values. For example:
(partition even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
=> '(2 4 6 8 10)
'(1 3 5 7 9)
If you're interested in an implementation from scratch, filter is your best bet, as has been suggested in the comments. This implementation will return a pair as defined in the question:
(define (my-partition pred lst)
(make-pair (filter pred lst)
(filter-not pred lst)))


Quicksort in Scheme using a partition

I have a partition for a quicksort:
(define (partition pivot lst)
((lambda (s) (s s lst list))
(lambda (s l* c)
(if (null? l*)
(c '() '())
(let ((x (car l*)))
(s s (cdr l*)
(lambda (a b)
(if (< x pivot)
(c (cons x a) b)
(c a (cons x b))))))))))
partition code source
=>(partition '5 '(1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2))
;Value: ((1 3 4 2) (5 7 9 8 6))
How can I implement this partition in a quicksort? I've tried this so far:
(define (quicksort lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(let* ((y (car lst))
(pn (partition y (cdr lst))))
(append (quicksort (car pn))
(list y)
(quicksort (cdr pn))))))
First, your code is trivially fixed by changing one cdr to cadr:
(define (partition pivot lst)
((lambda (s) (s s lst list))
......)) ; ^^^^ `list` the top continuation
(define (quicksort lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(let* ((y (car lst))
(pn (partition y (cdr lst))))
(quicksort (car pn))
(list y)
(quicksort (cadr pn))))))
;; ^^^^ cdr --> cadr
because the top continuation used in partition is list, and so the call
(partition pivot lst)
is equivalent to the call
(list { x IN lst SUCH THAT x < pivot }
{ x IN lst SUCH THAT x >= pivot } )
(the parts in {...} are pseudocode, where we don't care about the implementation, just the results)
And so to access the two parts of that list built by partition you need to use car and cadr.
Or you could keep the cdr in the accessing part of your code in quicksort if you'd change that top continuation to cons:
(define (partition pivot lst)
((lambda (s) (s s lst cons))
......)) ; ^^^^ `cons` the top continuation
(define (quicksort lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let* ((y (car lst))
(pn (partition y (cdr lst))))
(quicksort (car pn))
(list y)
(quicksort (cdr pn))))))
;; ^^^^ `cdr` works fine with `cons`
This because of the general principle in programming, where the functions used to build our data dictate which functions are to be used to access that data:
(list <A> <B> )
car cadr
(cons <A> <B> )
car cdr
( this particular correspondence is because (list <A> <B>) is the same as (cons <A> (cons <B> '())) and (cadr <C>) is the same as (car (cdr <C>)): )
(list <A> <B> )
(cons <A> (cons <B> '()))
car cdr
And conversely, the functions we use to access our data dictate the implementation of the function which must be used to build that data.
Of course that way of coding in your question is considered unnecessarily convoluted by modern standards since it emulates recursion through argument passing and reuse, -- just like in the famous Y combinator, -- but any Scheme worthy of its name already supports recursion.
So this partition would normally be written as the fully equivalent yet more readable code using the "named let" construct,
(define (partition pivot lst)
(let s ( (l* lst) ; first `l*` is `lst`
(c cons) ) ; top `c` is `cons`
(if (null? l*)
(c '() '())
(let ((x (car l*)))
(s (cdr l*)
(lambda (a b)
(if (< x pivot)
(c (cons x a) b)
(c a (cons x b)))))))))
except the name loop is conventionally used in place of s here (which itself most probably is intended as the shortening of "self").
But the true trouble with your quicksort/partition pair is algorithmic.
Yes I say pair (in non-cons sense of course) since the two go together -- just as with the data access/creation functions which must work together too.
Implementation of one dictates the implementation of the other -- in both directions, too. partition's code dictates quicksort's, or if we'd written quicksort first, we'd need to implement the partition in the corresponding way -- so that the two work together. Which means quicksort indeed producing the correct results, turning any input list into a sorted one:
(quicksort lst) --->
FOR ANY splitting xs = { ..., x, ...ys }
AND ANY splitting ys = { ..., y, ... }
AND ALSO xs is a permutation of lst
(which implies (length lst) == (length xs))
So then, what is that trouble? It is that the true quicksort does no work whatsoever after the partitioning. None:
(define (quicksort! lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let* ((y (car lst))
(pn (partition! y lst)))
(quicksort! (car pn)) ; no `append`, NB!
(quicksort! (cdr pn))))) ; no (list y) either
How is that even possible? What kind of partition! implementation would make that work? Well, most certainly not a functional one.
Instead it must be changing (i.e. mutating) the very lst itself somehow:
{ a, b, c, ....., k, l, m, ..... }
{ d, e, ...., p, n, o, ..... }
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
where we denote with p the partition point -- so that indeed all that's left to do after this kind of partitioning "in-place" is to sort the first part, and then to sort the second part, -- and then there's nothing more left to be done, after that! Which was the key insight in the original Tony Hoare's formulation of it:
{ a, b, c, ....., k, l, m, ..... } DO:
{ d, e, ...., p, n, o, ..... } AND THEN:
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
This partitioning is usually implemented with swap! which actually swaps two elements in the underlying data structure. Most usually that data structure is an array with its facilities to change the value stored in it at any given index.
But it can also be a list, where the change i.e. mutation can be done with the set-car! primitive.
Looks like we'd need to build a list of cdrs out of the input list, and another one in reverse, -- to be able to iterate over them in both directions, back and forth, -- to make that happen.
I'll leave that for another day, for now.
Once you have the partition, there is still a small step to do.
Take care, you need to be sure partition splits the input in smaller sets all the time. In other word, partition not to return some empty set. The pivot can go in any of the sets and use this fact to check that you do not return an empty set, in case your comparison operator does not really decrease the size of the input. This is why I inserted the equality operator -- to be able to check if I insert the pivot in the first returned set or in the second one.
(define (partition pivot lst ret)
((lambda (s)
(s s lst
(lambda (a b p*)
(if (and (null? a) (null? b))
(ret (list pivot) (cdr p*))
(if (null? a)
(ret p* b)
(if (null? b)
(ret a p*)
(if (< (car b) pivot)
(ret a (append p* b))
(if (< (car a) pivot)
(ret (append a p*) b)
(error "never here")))))))))
(lambda (s l* c)
(if (null? l*)
(c '() '() '())
(let ((x (car l*)))
(s s (cdr l*)
(lambda (a b p*)
(if (= x pivot)
(c a b (cons pivot p*))
(if (< x pivot)
(c (cons x a) b p*)
(c a (cons x b) p*))))))))))
(define choose-pivot car)
In a real implementation, you will all the time use vectors and this is why the append will not be present, as, sorting on the place, at the end of partition, both sides will be sorted relatively one to the other. Here, we need to reassemble the 2 sides using append:
(define (quicksort lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(if (null? (cdr lst))
(let* ((pivot (choose-pivot lst)))
(partition pivot lst
(lambda (p< p>)
(quicksort p<)
(quicksort p>))))))))
A test:
1 ]=> (quicksort '(1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2))
;Value: (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
1 ]=> (quicksort '(1 9 3 8 5 7 7 6 9 5 8 4 6 3 4 2 2 1))
;Value: (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9)
I used as pivot the first element of the input to split, but you can redefine the choose-pivot to select other element.
In practice, this algorithm is used in combination with other sorts -- when the input has fewer than 4-8 elements, the quicksort is not recurred any more, but other sorting is used for the lowest cases of recurrence relation.
I used directly < in the code -- you can insert it as a parameter in case you prefer a more generic procedure... In any case, the operator that you use needs to simulate the equality and different of in the same time.
UPDATE I have updated the partition, such that to consider duplicated elements. In my first version, it ignored duplicated elements.

If a list is found in another list?

I started to learn Racket and I don't know how to check if a list is found in another list. Something like (member x (list 1 2 3 x 4 5)), but I want that "x" to be a a sequence of numbers.
I know how to implement recursive, but I would like to know if it exists a more direct operator.
For example I want to know if (list 3 4 5) is found in (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
I would take a look at this Racket Object interface and the (is-a? v type) -> boolean seems to be what you are looking for?, simply use it while looping to catch any results that are of a given type and do whatever with them
you may also want to look into (subclass? c cls) -> boolean from the same link, if you want to catch all List types in one go
should there be a possiblity of having a list inside a list, that was already inside a list(1,2,(3,4,(5,6))) i'm afraid that recursion is probally the best solution though, since given there is a possibility of an infinit amount of loops, it is just better to run the recursion on a list everytime you locate a new list in the original list, that way any given number of subList will still be processed
You want to search for succeeding elements in a list:
(define (subseq needle haystack)
(let loop ((index 0)
(cur-needle needle)
(haystack haystack))
(cond ((null? cur-needle) index)
((null? haystack) #f)
((and (equal? (car cur-needle) (car haystack))
(loop index (cdr cur-needle) (cdr haystack)))) ; NB no consequence
(else (loop (add1 index) needle (cdr haystack))))))
This evaluates to the index where the elements of needle is first found in the haystack or #f if it isn't.
You can use regexp-match to check if pattern is a substring of another string by converting both lists of numbers to strings, and comparing them, as such:
(define (member? x lst)
(define (f lst)
(foldr string-append "" (map number->string lst)))
(if (regexp-match (f x) (f lst)) #t #f))
f converts lst (a list of numbers) to a string. regexp-match checks if (f x) is a pattern that appears in (f lst).
For example,
> (member? (list 3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
One can also use some string functions to join the lists and compare them (recursion is needed):
(define (list-in-list l L)
(define (fn ll)
(string-join (map number->string ll))) ; Function to create a string out of list of numbers;
(define ss (fn l)) ; Convert smaller list to string;
(let loop ((L L)) ; Set up recursion and initial value;
[(empty? L) #f] ; If end of list reached, pattern is not present;
[(string-prefix? (fn L) ss) #t] ; Compare if initial part of main list is same as test list;
[else (loop (rest L))]))) ; If not, loop with first item of list removed;
(list-in-list (list 3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 ))
straight from the Racket documentation:
(member v lst [is-equal?]) → (or/c list? #f)
v : any/c
lst : list?
is-equal? : (any/c any/c -> any/c) = equal?
Locates the first element of lst that is equal? to v. If such an element exists, the tail of lst starting with that element is returned. Otherwise, the result is #f.
Or in your case:
(member '(3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
where x is '(3 4 5) or (list 3 4 5) or (cons 3 4 5)
it will return '(3 4 5 6 7) if x ( searched list '(3 4 5) ) was found in the list or false (#f) if it was not found
or you can use assoc to check if your x is met in one of many lists, or :
(assoc x (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4) (list x 6)))
will return :
'(x 6)
There are also lambda constructions but I will not go in depth since I am not very familiar with Racket yet. Hope this helps :)
EDIT: if member gives you different results than what you expect try using memq instead

multiplying list of items by a certain number 'x'

How would you write a procedure that multiplies each element of the list with a given number (x).If I give a list '(1 2 3) and x=3, the procedure should return (3 6 9)
My try:
(define (mul-list list x)
(if (null? list)
(list(* x (car list))(mul-list (cdr list)))))
The above code doesnt seem to work.What changes do I have to make ? Please help
Thanks in advance.
This is the text book example where you should use map, instead of reinventing the wheel:
(define (mul-list lst x)
(map (lambda (n) (* x n)) lst))
But I guess that you want to implement it from scratch. Your code has the following problems:
You should not call list a parameter, that clashes with the built-in procedure of the same name - one that you're currently trying to use!
The base case should return an empty list, given that we're building a list as output
We build lists by consing elements, not by calling list
You forgot to pass the second parameter to the recursive call of mul-list
This should fix all the bugs:
(define (mul-list lst x)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (* x (car lst))
(mul-list (cdr lst) x))))
Either way, it works as expected:
(mul-list '(1 2 3) 3)
=> '(3 6 9)
For and its extensions (for*, for/list, for/first, for/last, for/sum, for/product, for/and, for/or etc: are very useful for loops in Racket:
(define (ml2 lst x)
(for/list ((item lst))
(* item x)))
(ml2 '(1 2 3) 3)
'(3 6 9)
I find that in many cases, 'for' implementation provides short, simple and easily understandable code.

Scheme : I have no idea to implement given function

It's the exercise of "Programming language pragmatics, Michael Scott" .
Q. return a list containing all elements of a given list that satisfy a given predicate. For example, (filter (lambda (x) (< x 5) '(3 9 5 8 2 4 7)) should return (3 2 4).
I think that question require function which satisfy every predicate not only above. But I don't have any idea to implement such function. Please help.
The filter procedure already exists in most Scheme implementations, it behaves as expected:
(filter (lambda (x) (< x 5)) '(3 9 5 8 2 4 7))
=> '(3 2 4)
Now, if the question is how to implement it, it's rather simple - I'll give you some hints so you can write it by yourself. The trick here is noticing that the procedure is receiving another procedure as parameter, a predicate in the sense that it'll return #t or #f when applied to each of the elements in the input list. Those that evaluate to #t are kept in the output list, those that evaluate to #f are discarded. Here's the skeleton of the solution, fill-in the blanks:
(define (filter pred? lst)
(cond (<???> ; if the list is empty
<???>) ; return the empty list
(<???> ; apply pred? on the first element, if it's #t
(cons <???> ; then cons the first element
(filter pred? <???>))) ; and advance recursion
(else (filter pred? <???>)))) ; else just advance recursion

List length in scheme

Hi I am trying to write a program where given a list of lists check to see if they are equal in size and return #t if they are.
So for example if i were to write (list-counter? '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))) the program would return #t, and (list-counter? '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8))) would return #f.
SO far this is what I have done:
(define list-counter?
(lambda (x)
(if (list? x)
(if (list?(car x))
(let (l (length (car x))))
(if (equal? l (length(car x))))
(list-counter?(cdr x))
) ) ) ) )
I think where I am going wrong is after I set the length of l to the length of the first list. Any help would be appreciated.
There are several ways to solve this problem. For instance, by hand and going step-by-step:
(define (all-lengths lists)
(if (null? lists)
(cons (length (car lists))
(all-lengths (cdr lists)))))
(define (all-equal? head lengths)
(if (null? lengths)
(and (= head (car lengths))
(all-equal? head (cdr lengths)))))
(define (list-counter? lists)
(let ((lengths (all-lengths lists)))
(all-equal? (car lengths) (cdr lengths))))
Let me explain the above procedures. I'm dividing the problem in two steps, first create a new list with the lengths of each sublist - that's what all-lengths does. Then, compare the first element in a list with the rest of the elements, and see if they're all equal - that's what all-equal? does. Finally, list-counter? wraps it all together, calling both of the previous procedures with the right parameters.
Or even simpler (and shorter), by using list procedures (higher-order procedures):
(define (list-counter? lists)
(apply = (map length lists)))
For understanding the second solution, observe that all-lengths and all-equal? represent special cases of more general procedures. When we need to create a new list with the result of applying a procedure to each of the elements of another list, we use map. And when we need to apply a procedure (= in this case) to all of the elements of a list at the same time, we use apply. And that's exactly what the second version of list-counter? is doing.
You could write an all-equal? function like so:
(define (all-equal? list)
;; (all-equal? '()) -> #t
;; (all-equal? '(35)) -> #t
;; (all-equal? '(2 3 2)) -> #f
(if (or (null? list) (null? (cdr list)))
(reduce equal? list)
then do:
(all-equal? (map length listOfLists))
Alternatively you can do:
(define (lists-same-size? list-of-lists)
(if (== (length listOfLists) 0)
(( firstLength
(length (car listOfLists)) )
( length-equal-to-first?
(lambda (x) (== (length x) firstLength)) )
(reduce and #t (map length-equal-to-first? listOfLists))
What this says is: if the list length is 0, our statement is vacuously true, otherwise we capture the first element of the list's length (in the 'else' part of the if-clause), put it in the closure defined by let's syntactic sugar (actually a lambda), and use that to define an length-equal-to-first? function.
Unfortunately reduce is not lazy. What we'd really like is to avoid calculating lengths of lists if we find that just one is not equal. Thus to be more efficient we could do:
( all-match? ;; lazy
(lambda (pred list)
(if (null? list)
(and (pred (first list)) (all-match? (cdr list)))
;;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stops recursion if this is false
)) )
(all-match? length-equal-to-first? listOfLists)
Note that all-match? is already effectively defined for you with MIT scheme's (list-search-positive list pred) or (for-all? list pred), or in Racket as andmap.
Why does it take so long to write?
You are forced to write a base-case because your reduction has no canonical element since it relies on the first element, and list manipulation in most languages is not very powerful. You'd even have the same issue in other languages like Python. In case this helps:
second method:
if len(listOfLists)==0:
return True
firstLength = len(listOfLists[0])
return all(len(x)==firstLength for x in listOfLists)
However the first method is much simpler to write in any language, because it skirts this issue by ignoring the base-cases.
first method:
if len(listOfLists)<2:
return True
return reduce(lambda a,b: a==b, listOfLists)
This might sound a bit weird, but I think it is easy.
Run down the list, building a new list containing the length of each (contained) list, i.e. map length.
Run down the constructed list of lengths, comparing the head to the rest, return #t if they are all the same as the head. Return false as soon as it fails to match the head.
