I am using the below function to push my offline leads to api, everything looks good and returns success but when I check adwords, it doesnt show any data saying it received. I have tried many leads and also waited for around 3-4 days now.
What am I doing wrong?
function UploadOfflineConversionsExample(AdWordsUser $user, $conversionName,$gClId, $conversionTime, $conversionValue)
// Get the services, which loads the required classes.
// $conversionTrackerService = $user->GetService('ConversionTrackerService', ADWORDS_VERSION);
$offlineConversionService = $user->GetService('OfflineConversionFeedService', ADWORDS_VERSION);
// Associate offline conversions with the upload conversion we created.
$feed = new OfflineConversionFeed();
$feed->conversionName = $conversionName;
$feed->conversionTime = $conversionTime;
$feed->conversionValue = $conversionValue;
$feed->googleClickId = $gClId;
$offlineConversionOperation = new OfflineConversionFeedOperation();
$offlineConversionOperation->operator = 'ADD';
$offlineConversionOperation->operand = $feed;
$offlineConversionOperations = array($offlineConversionOperation);
$result = $offlineConversionService->mutate($offlineConversionOperations);
$feed = $result->value[0];
return ("Uploaded offline conversion value of ". $feed->conversionValue.
" for Google Click ID = ". $feed->googleClickId." and Conversion Name " . $feed->conversionName);
In adwords reports this conversion will be shown in Conversions Column. and change the daterange to the date what you pushed as $conversionTime
I'm having trouble updating the notes of contacts through Googles People API. I used some code from a previous stackoverflow answer, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Below is the function I'm using. I'm attempting to change the notes of a particular contact to "changed bio xyz".
What am I doing wrong? The api does read a listing of the contacts, but I haven't been able to successfully write yet.
Thanks and please let me know if I can make this question more clear
results = service.people().connections().list(
connections = results.get('connections', [])
aContact = service.people().get(
resourceName = 'people/c1589313158061148817',
personFields = 'biographies' ).execute()
notesNames = aContact['biographies'][0]
notesNames['value'] = 'changed bio xyz'
result = service.people().updateContact(
resourceName = 'people/c1589313158061148817',
body = aContact,
updatePersonFields = 'biographies'
I figured it out. The update goes in the body section, and it needs to follow a dictionary format
aContact = service.people().get(
resourceName = 'people/c36943406266964946',
personFields = 'names,nicknames'
print ('this is acontact', aContact)
NickNames = aContact['nicknames'][0]
NickNames['value'] = 'newNickName'
aContact['nicknames'] = NickNames
result = service.people().updateContact(
resourceName = 'people/c36943406266964946',
body = aContact,
updatePersonFields = 'nicknames'
I tried creating a method in Postman and got really close but am having issues with the signature. We are trying to query the IP ranges for VPCs to add to a WAF rule, in order to allow traffic to a secure application.
Postman allows a pre-request script, in Javascript, and supports a handful of included JS libraries, including CryptoJS.
The code here creates exactly the request that Ali Cloud says needs to be signed. It signs with HMAC-SHA1 from CryptoJS and encodes to base 64.
All of the variables are included in the request parameters. I'm not sure what else it could be complaining about.
var dateIso = new Date().toISOString();
var randomString = function(length) {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
var accesskeyid = "LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZxZ"
var action = "DescribePublicIPAddress"
var format = "XML"
var regionid = "cn-shanghai-eu13-a01"
var signaturemethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
var signaturenonce = randomString(16)
var signatureversion = "1.0"
var timestamp = dateIso.replace(/:/gi, "%253A")
var version = "2016-04-28"
pm.environment.set("AccessKeyId", accesskeyid)
pm.environment.set("Action", action)
pm.environment.set("Format", format)
pm.environment.set("RegionID", regionid)
pm.environment.set("SignatureMethod", signaturemethod)
pm.environment.set("SignatureNonce", signaturenonce)
pm.environment.set("SignatureVersion", signatureversion)
pm.environment.set("Timestamp", dateIso)
pm.environment.set("Version", version)
var request = "GET&%2F&" + "AccessKeyID%3D" + accesskeyid + "%26Action%3D" + action + "%26Format%3D" + format + "%26RegionID%3D" + regionid + "%26SignatureMethod%3D" + signaturemethod + "%26SignatureNonce%3D" + signaturenonce + "%26SignatureVersion%3D" + signatureversion + "%26Timestamp%3D" + timestamp + "%26Version%3D" + version
pm.environment.set("Request", request)
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(request, "spwH5dNeEm4t4dlpqvYWVGgf7aEAxB&")
var base64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
var encodesig = encodeURIComponent(base64)
pm.environment.set("Signature", encodesig);
The console output shows:
Signature: XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY=
Parameter string to be signed:
Request sent:
GET https://vpc.aliyuncs.com/?AccessKeyID=LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC&Action=DescribePublicIPAddress&Format=XML&RegionID=cn-shanghai-eu13-a01&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=iP1QJtbasQNSOxVY&SignatureVersion=1.0&Timestamp=2020-06-01T15:38:12.266Z&Version=2016-04-28&Signature=XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY%3D
Response Received:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><RequestId>B16D216F-56ED-4D16-9CEC-633C303F2B61</RequestId><HostId>vpc.aliyuncs.com</HostId><Code>IncompleteSignature</Code><Message>The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. server string to sign is:GET&%2F&AccessKeyID%3DLTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC%26Action%3DDescribePublicIPAddress%26Format%3DXML%26RegionID%3Dcn-shanghai-eu13-a01%26SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26SignatureNonce%3DiP1QJtbasQNSOxVY%26SignatureVersion%3D1.0%26Timestamp%3D2020-06-01T15%253A38%253A12.266Z%26Version%3D2016-04-28</Message><Recommend><![CDATA[https://error-center.aliyun.com/status/search?Keyword=IncompleteSignature&source=PopGw]]></Recommend></Error>
When I check the "server string to sign" from the response and the parameter string that was signed in a compare, they are identical.
It looks like everything is built as needed but the signature is still barking. Guessing I missed something simple but haven't found it yet.
Note: The accesskeyID and key posted are for example purposes and not a real account so this code will not copy and paste to execute in Postman.
PS - I learned quite a bit from the other few threads on this topic, which is how I got to this point. akostadinov was super helpful on another thread.
I believe you have double encoded &. I have implemented other Alibaba Cloud REST APIs successfully. Could you please check this.
Following is the expected string to sign format:
A bit late to the party, but as this is the first result when googling for the IncompleteSignature error, I thought I might comment and hopefully save someone else the grief I have been through.
For me, the subtle detail that I missed in the official documentation here is that the key used for the signature requires an ampersand & to be added to the end, before being used.
As soon as I caught that, everything else worked perfectly.
I am newbie to MWS and working on returned items.
I have used Reports API .
$marketplaceIdArray = array("Id" => array('$MARKETPLACE_ID'));
$t1 = date("c", time()-437*24*60*60);
$t2 = date("c", time()-1*24*60*60);
// #TODO: set request. Action can be passed as
// object or array of parameters
$parameters = array (
'Merchant' => MERCHANT_ID,
'MarketplaceIdList' => $marketplaceIdArray,
'ReportOptions' => 'ShowSalesChannel=true'
$request = new MarketplaceWebService_Model_RequestReportRequest($parameters);
$request = new MarketplaceWebService_Model_RequestReportRequest();
invokeRequestReport($service, $request);
the ouput was :
Service Response
ResponseHeaderMetadata: RequestId: 1ecdc803-b26c-47a2-af0e-e598a00d379d, ResponseContext: 0KH8lyC6JDI3d4zFp8/qpB5ZmQJx/IVxWhOq4BLHsmELEaNWGUBNKvPZpghwlK2Q1TjAQiX5bls=, Timestamp: 2018-01-05T06:55:49.488Z
but how to fetch the fields like product name, quality, reson,SKU , etc ...,
You have requested the report.
Now you can use that request ID to check when the report has finished running. (You can test it all here before writing the php code: https://mws.amazonservices.com/scratchpad/index.html )
Go to Reports and choose GetReportRequestList and type in your requestID. This will then tell you if the ReportProcessingStatus is done or still processing. When it is done you can then get the GeneratedReportId and request the GetReport using that id. That will then give you a CSV result with your returns for the given time period from the initial report request.
If all of that looks good then you will need to add steps in your PHP code to do all of that.
Once you have requested the report you will need to save the request id and periodically (depending on your order volume, maybe check every few seconds or every minute to see if the request is done. Then you would have something like this:
$reportId = $this->invokeGetReportList($service, $request);
$reportRequest = new MarketplaceWebService_Model_GetReportRequest();
$reportRequest->setReport(#fopen('php://memory', 'rw+'));
$resultArray = $this->invokeGetReportAllOrderData($service, $reportRequest);
I have retrieved a workitem using API and changed the attachment fields using setParameterValue , After saving the work usingstepElement.doSave(true), I can see the added attachments in the process tracker through process administration console , but my problem is it is not showing up in case navigator and in workplaceXT also it is saying "Attachment may be corrupted or deleted"
below is the code i used to create attachment
tempAtt.setAttachmentDescription("Added by code");
tempAttA[0] = tempAtt;
stepElement.setParameterValue("Zip", tempAttA, true);
I dont understand where i am wrong , please suggest.
//Filenet p8 5.2 , Content Platform Engine
Got the solution after banging my head for a couple of hours , posting the entire code , may be helpful for others
//Connect to PE
//Query the queue with wobnum and get the workobject
queryIndex = "F_WobNum";
queryMin[0] = wob;
queryMax[0] = wob;
queryTypeStepElement = VWFetchType.FETCH_TYPE_STEP_ELEMENT;
queue = session.getQueue("Queue_Name");
query = queue.createQuery(queryIndex, queryMin, queryMax, queryFlag, null, null, queryType);
System.out.println("count " + query.fetchCount());
workObject = (VWWorkObject) query.next();
//get the stepelement
stepElement = workObject.fetchStepElement();
parameters = stepElement.getParameters(VWFieldType.ALL_FIELD_TYPES, VWStepElement.FIELD_USER_AND_SYSTEM_DEFINED);
//get the existing attachment value
tempAttA= (VWAttachment[]) stepElement.getParameterValue("attachment_field_name");
//attachment is VWAttachment array
//lock the item for working
//set the new values for the new attachment to be added
tempAtt=new VWAttachment();
tempAtt.setAttachmentDescription("Added by code");
//vs id of the existing CE document , note that adding attachment means refering a CE object , so the document u want to attach should be stored in CE before.
//law is a arraylist of VWAttachment type , so u dont override any existing attachments
//set the attchment field with new values
stepElement.setParameterValue("attachment_name", law.toArray(), true);
I'm using Joomla 2.5 to build a medium-sized website, and I've decided to ease maintenance and content management headaches through creating menus automatically.
I've looked for extensions which did this, but only found Joomla 1.5 extensions. I ended up trying to upgrade a GPL extension called Auto Menu Magic.
It was easy to deal with the basic issues like the XML tags in the extension file, since there's a page in the Joomla which helps you migrate from Joomla 1.5 to 1.6.
The extension I mentioned has a function named onContentAfterSave which is called by joomla when an article is saved. I've been debugging through creating rubbish articles in the admin interface and changing the code to throw exceptions in several places, which I can see as error messages on the admin frontend.
This is where I got stuck:
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$menu = JTable::getInstance( 'menu');
$menu->menutype = $menutype;
$menu->name = $name;
$menu->link = $link;
$menu->type = $linktype;
$menu->published = $published;
$menu->componentid = $componentid;
$menu->parent = $menuparentid;
$menu->sublevel = $menusublevel;
$menu->checked_out = 0;
$menu->checked_out_time = 0;
$menu->pollid = 0;
$menu->browserNav = 0;
$menu->access = 0;
$menu->utaccess = 0;
$menu->lft = 0;
$menu->rgt = 0;
$menu->home = 0;
$menu->params = $params;
// Figure out the order (Just pop this article at the end of the list):
$menu->ordering = $menu->getNextOrder(
"menutype = ".$db->Quote($menu->menutype).
" AND published >= 0 AND parent = ".(int) $menu->parent
// Validate:
if (!$menu->check())
return NULL;
// DEBUG 2 -- Integrity check
throw new Exception ("menutype: $menutype, name: $name, link: $link published: $published, componentid: $componentid menuparentid: $menuparentid menusublevel: $menusublevel");
// Save:
if (!$menu->store())
return NULL;
// DEBUG 1
throw new Exception(" Could save! ");
As you can see above, I tried to throw an exception (DEBUG 1) when the menu was saved to the database. This exception was never reached, but the upper exception (DEBUG 2) is reached. This means that $menu->check() returns true, but not $menu->store(). I assume that the database is returning an error because some of the Joomla database structure might have changed after 1.5.
I have read the source a lot these past hours, but I can't find one thing. How can I look at the columns that a Joomla table uses, so I can debug this error properly?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I've looked at the SQL database too, but it doesn't help much. The variables seem to have different naming conventions from the column names.
I think it should look like this because I have been trying to convert auto menu as well!
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$menu = JTable::getInstance('menu');
$menu->menutype = $menutype;
$menu->title = $title;
$menu->alias = strtolower($title) ;
$menu->note = "Created by automenu";
$menu->path = $link;
$menu->link = $link;
$menu->type = $linktype;
$menu->published = $published;
$menu->parent_id = $menuparentid
$menu->level = $menusublevel;
$menu->componentid = $componentid;
$menu->ordering = 0;
$menu->checked_out = 0;
$menu->checked_out_time = 0;
$menu->browserNav = 0;
$menu->access = 1;
$menu->img = '';
$menu->templat_style_id = 0;
$menu->params = $params;
$menu->lft = 0;
$menu->rgt = 0;
$menu->home = 0;
$menu->language = '*';
$menu->client_id = 0;
I would be interseted to know if you ever got it working!
I'd suggest turning on Joomla debugging in the System Configuration. At the bottom of each page it shows all the queries it has executed, and this (depending on the plugin) might show you what SQL is being executed, and presumably, failing. There's likely to be a big list, so you may have to search through it a bit to find the statement you're interested in.
Many thanks! I will try it out and see if I can improve it further.
You're forgetting the first rule of Exceptions Club, if you throw something... you have to catch it.
I don't see a try/catch pair in your code so PHP would be stopping with a "Fatal Error..." for the uncaught exception so it would never get to the DEBUG 1. e.g.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message ...
Try wrapping your code in a try/catch pair and allowing the execution to continue after DEBUG 2 have a look at the PHP doc's for exceptions