Update contact in Google People API - google-api

I'm having trouble updating the notes of contacts through Googles People API. I used some code from a previous stackoverflow answer, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Below is the function I'm using. I'm attempting to change the notes of a particular contact to "changed bio xyz".
What am I doing wrong? The api does read a listing of the contacts, but I haven't been able to successfully write yet.
Thanks and please let me know if I can make this question more clear
results = service.people().connections().list(
connections = results.get('connections', [])
aContact = service.people().get(
resourceName = 'people/c1589313158061148817',
personFields = 'biographies' ).execute()
notesNames = aContact['biographies'][0]
notesNames['value'] = 'changed bio xyz'
result = service.people().updateContact(
resourceName = 'people/c1589313158061148817',
body = aContact,
updatePersonFields = 'biographies'

I figured it out. The update goes in the body section, and it needs to follow a dictionary format
aContact = service.people().get(
resourceName = 'people/c36943406266964946',
personFields = 'names,nicknames'
print ('this is acontact', aContact)
NickNames = aContact['nicknames'][0]
NickNames['value'] = 'newNickName'
aContact['nicknames'] = NickNames
result = service.people().updateContact(
resourceName = 'people/c36943406266964946',
body = aContact,
updatePersonFields = 'nicknames'


Google Analytics Reporting v4 with streams instead of views

I've just created a new Google Analytics property and it now defaults to data streams instead of views.
I had some code that was fetching reports through the API that I now need to updated to work with those data streams instead of views since there are not views anymore.
I've looked in the docs but i don't see anything related to data streams, anybody knows how this is done now?
Here's my current code that works with a view ID (I'm using the ruby google-api-client gem):
SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly'
client = AnalyticsReportingService.new
#server to server auth mechanism using a service account
#creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds({:json_key_io => File.open('account.json'), :scope => SCOPE})
#creds.sub = "myserviceaccount#example.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
client.authorization = #creds
metric_views = Metric.new
metric_views.expression = "ga:pageviews"
metric_unique_views = Metric.new
metric_unique_views.expression = "ga:uniquePageviews"
dimension = Dimension.new
dimension.name = "ga:hostname"
range = DateRange.new
range.start_date = start_date
range.end_date = end_date
orderby = OrderBy.new
orderby.field_name = "ga:pageviews"
orderby.sort_order = 'DESCENDING'
rr = ReportRequest.new
rr.view_id = VIEW_ID
rr.metrics = [metric_views, metric_unique_views]
rr.dimensions = [dimension]
rr.date_ranges = [range]
rr.order_bys = [orderby]
grr = GetReportsRequest.new
grr.report_requests = [rr]
response = client.batch_get_reports(grr)
I would expect that there would be a stream_id property on the ReportRequest object that I could use instead of the view_id but that's not the case.
Your existing code uses the Google Analytics Reporting api to extract data from a Universal analytics account.
Your new Google analytics property is a Google Analytics GA4 account. To extract data from that you need to use the Google analytics data api These are two completely different systems. You will not be able to just port it.
You can find info on the new api and new library here: Ruby Client for the Google Analytics Data API
$ gem install google-analytics-data
Thanks to Linda's answer i was able to get it working, here's the same code ported to the data API, it might end up being useful to someone:
client = Google::Analytics::Data.analytics_data do |config|
config.credentials = "account.json"
metric_views = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::Metric.new(name: "screenPageViews")
metric_unique_views = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::Metric.new(name: "totalUsers")
dimension = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::Dimension.new(name: "hostName")
range = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::DateRange.new(start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date)
order_dim = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::OrderBy::DimensionOrderBy.new(dimension_name: "screenPageViews")
orderby = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::OrderBy.new(desc: true, dimension: order_dim)
request = Google::Analytics::Data::V1beta::RunReportRequest.new(
property: "properties/#{PROPERTY_ID}",
metrics: [metric_views, metric_unique_views],
dimensions: [dimension],
date_ranges: [range],
order_bys: [orderby]
response = client.run_report request

Request signature failing for Alibaba Cloud API call

I tried creating a method in Postman and got really close but am having issues with the signature. We are trying to query the IP ranges for VPCs to add to a WAF rule, in order to allow traffic to a secure application.
Postman allows a pre-request script, in Javascript, and supports a handful of included JS libraries, including CryptoJS.
The code here creates exactly the request that Ali Cloud says needs to be signed. It signs with HMAC-SHA1 from CryptoJS and encodes to base 64.
All of the variables are included in the request parameters. I'm not sure what else it could be complaining about.
var dateIso = new Date().toISOString();
var randomString = function(length) {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
var accesskeyid = "LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZxZ"
var action = "DescribePublicIPAddress"
var format = "XML"
var regionid = "cn-shanghai-eu13-a01"
var signaturemethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
var signaturenonce = randomString(16)
var signatureversion = "1.0"
var timestamp = dateIso.replace(/:/gi, "%253A")
var version = "2016-04-28"
pm.environment.set("AccessKeyId", accesskeyid)
pm.environment.set("Action", action)
pm.environment.set("Format", format)
pm.environment.set("RegionID", regionid)
pm.environment.set("SignatureMethod", signaturemethod)
pm.environment.set("SignatureNonce", signaturenonce)
pm.environment.set("SignatureVersion", signatureversion)
pm.environment.set("Timestamp", dateIso)
pm.environment.set("Version", version)
var request = "GET&%2F&" + "AccessKeyID%3D" + accesskeyid + "%26Action%3D" + action + "%26Format%3D" + format + "%26RegionID%3D" + regionid + "%26SignatureMethod%3D" + signaturemethod + "%26SignatureNonce%3D" + signaturenonce + "%26SignatureVersion%3D" + signatureversion + "%26Timestamp%3D" + timestamp + "%26Version%3D" + version
pm.environment.set("Request", request)
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(request, "spwH5dNeEm4t4dlpqvYWVGgf7aEAxB&")
var base64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
var encodesig = encodeURIComponent(base64)
pm.environment.set("Signature", encodesig);
The console output shows:
Signature: XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY=
Parameter string to be signed:
Request sent:
GET https://vpc.aliyuncs.com/?AccessKeyID=LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC&Action=DescribePublicIPAddress&Format=XML&RegionID=cn-shanghai-eu13-a01&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=iP1QJtbasQNSOxVY&SignatureVersion=1.0&Timestamp=2020-06-01T15:38:12.266Z&Version=2016-04-28&Signature=XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY%3D
Response Received:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><RequestId>B16D216F-56ED-4D16-9CEC-633C303F2B61</RequestId><HostId>vpc.aliyuncs.com</HostId><Code>IncompleteSignature</Code><Message>The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. server string to sign is:GET&%2F&AccessKeyID%3DLTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC%26Action%3DDescribePublicIPAddress%26Format%3DXML%26RegionID%3Dcn-shanghai-eu13-a01%26SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26SignatureNonce%3DiP1QJtbasQNSOxVY%26SignatureVersion%3D1.0%26Timestamp%3D2020-06-01T15%253A38%253A12.266Z%26Version%3D2016-04-28</Message><Recommend><![CDATA[https://error-center.aliyun.com/status/search?Keyword=IncompleteSignature&source=PopGw]]></Recommend></Error>
When I check the "server string to sign" from the response and the parameter string that was signed in a compare, they are identical.
It looks like everything is built as needed but the signature is still barking. Guessing I missed something simple but haven't found it yet.
Note: The accesskeyID and key posted are for example purposes and not a real account so this code will not copy and paste to execute in Postman.
PS - I learned quite a bit from the other few threads on this topic, which is how I got to this point. akostadinov was super helpful on another thread.
I believe you have double encoded &. I have implemented other Alibaba Cloud REST APIs successfully. Could you please check this.
Following is the expected string to sign format:
A bit late to the party, but as this is the first result when googling for the IncompleteSignature error, I thought I might comment and hopefully save someone else the grief I have been through.
For me, the subtle detail that I missed in the official documentation here is that the key used for the signature requires an ampersand & to be added to the end, before being used.
As soon as I caught that, everything else worked perfectly.

How do I enable following URL capability to work in my code?

I am attempting to add the follow url capability but can't seem to get it to work. I need to crawl all the pages. There are around 108 pages of the job listings. Thank you.
import scrapy
class JobItem(scrapy.Item):
# Data structure to store the title, company name and location of the job
title = scrapy.Field()
company = scrapy.Field()
location = scrapy.Field()
class PythonDocumentationSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'pydoc'
start_urls = ['https://stackoverflow.com/jobs?med=site-ui&ref=jobs-tab']
def parse(self, response):
for follow_href in response.xpath('//h2[#class="fs-body2 job-details__spaced mb4"]/a/#href'):
follow_url = response.urljoin(follow_href.extract())
yield scrapy.Request(follow_url, callback=self.parse_page_title)
for a_el in response.xpath('//div[#class="-job-summary"]'):
section = JobItem()
section['title'] = a_el.xpath('.//a[#class="s-link s-link__visited job-link"]/text()').extract()[0]
span_texts = a_el.xpath('.//div[#class="fc-black-700 fs-body1 -company"]/span/text()').extract()
section['company'] = span_texts[0]
section['location'] = span_texts[1]
yield section
I am attempting to get the following url capability to work with my code and then be able to crawl the pages and store job postings in csv file.
.extract() return a list. In most cases you'll need to use .get() or .extract_first() instead if you don't need a list.
First you need to rewrite this part:
for follow_href in response.xpath('//h2[#class="fs-body2 job-details__spaced mb4"]/a/#href').getall(): # or .extract()
follow_url = response.urljoin(follow_href)
yield scrapy.Request(follow_url, callback=self.parse_page_title)

Pushing Offline Leads using Adwords API

I am using the below function to push my offline leads to api, everything looks good and returns success but when I check adwords, it doesnt show any data saying it received. I have tried many leads and also waited for around 3-4 days now.
What am I doing wrong?
function UploadOfflineConversionsExample(AdWordsUser $user, $conversionName,$gClId, $conversionTime, $conversionValue)
// Get the services, which loads the required classes.
// $conversionTrackerService = $user->GetService('ConversionTrackerService', ADWORDS_VERSION);
$offlineConversionService = $user->GetService('OfflineConversionFeedService', ADWORDS_VERSION);
// Associate offline conversions with the upload conversion we created.
$feed = new OfflineConversionFeed();
$feed->conversionName = $conversionName;
$feed->conversionTime = $conversionTime;
$feed->conversionValue = $conversionValue;
$feed->googleClickId = $gClId;
$offlineConversionOperation = new OfflineConversionFeedOperation();
$offlineConversionOperation->operator = 'ADD';
$offlineConversionOperation->operand = $feed;
$offlineConversionOperations = array($offlineConversionOperation);
$result = $offlineConversionService->mutate($offlineConversionOperations);
$feed = $result->value[0];
return ("Uploaded offline conversion value of ". $feed->conversionValue.
" for Google Click ID = ". $feed->googleClickId." and Conversion Name " . $feed->conversionName);
In adwords reports this conversion will be shown in Conversions Column. and change the daterange to the date what you pushed as $conversionTime

Reporting in Microsoft AdCenter (Sandbox) - RoR

I am using AdCenter API for my RoR application. I searched a lot on Internet to find example of ruby code to fetch account performance report using API, But didn't get.. Now I have written following code but submitGenerateReport returns nil
Here is my code.
report_request = AccountPerformanceReportRequest.new
start_date = 10.days.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
end_date = Time.zone.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
scope = AccountReportScope.new
scope.accountIds = [AppConfig.adcenter['accountId']]
# Specify the format of the report.
report_request.format = 'Xml'
report_request.returnOnlyCompleteData = false
report_request.language = 'English'
report_request.reportName = "My Account Report"
report_request.aggregation = 'Daily'
report_request.time = ReportTime.new(start_date, end_date)
report_request.columns = %w[ AccountName AccountName GregorianDate CurrentMaxCpc Impressions Clicks ]
report_request.scope = scope
report_request.filter = nil
report = SubmitGenerateReportRequest.new(report_request)
# Returns nil
puts response = svc.submitGenerateReport(report)
I have campaigns, adgroups as well as ads in specified account.
Can anyone please guide me where I am wrong or give some example of reporting adcenter through api using ruby?
Thanks in advance
Got the solution...
The time was not in right format so, start time and end time was unrecognisable in soap request. SOAP debugging helped me a lot..
