Meaning of SNMP V2 Traps and way to customize it - snmp

Recently I am facing a problem with SNMP Trap generation. I have already configured my SNMP Trap and if any error occurs in hard disk I am getting the below trap.
Trap Type = -89 Variables = [ = 0:00:00.16, =, = Hard disk status, = , =
, =, = 1, = /, = /: less than 99% free (= 79%)]
Now for project purpose I need to know the meaning of every OI for my project purpose like whats is the meaning form = mentioned in the trap. So, where I will find those. I have done googling but details of few OID's are not present.
Secondly, my client wants to customize the trap as per their requirement. So, how could I achieve that. I am new to SNMP so, please clarify me.
Thanks in advance.


How to change parameters Runtime in Omnet++ with setDoubleValue()

I am simulating a network with 2 wireless hosts and 1 Access point. During runtime a node sets the Access Point's transmit power to zero (to turn it off) by accessing the module and using setDoubleValue(0). But the new values never takes effect. AP's msgs continue to reach the nodes. What am I doing wrong here? I want to turn access point off while the simulation is running. Please help.
cSimulation *currentSimulation = getSimulation();
cModule *tx = nullptr;
//cPar& po = tx->par("power");
I want to turn the access point off while simulation is running.
You cannot change the power parameter after initialization because it is a non-volatile parameter, so its value is read at initialization and cached afterwards. You can manipulate only volatile NED parameters where the C++ code is already prepared for this.
On the other hand, what you are trying to achieve is to disable a node at a certain time, which is what ScenaioManager is for:

Shell command to change macOS Time Machine update rate

After seeing mathiasbynens' dotfiles, I've decided that I want to start building a script to configure all my system preferences to my liking.
As part of this, I need to decrease the Time Machine update rate (in order to reduce wear levels on my NAS' hard disk).
After doing some reading online [1], I have concluded that the file I need to edit is /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
I know that this is possible via the defaults command. Here is the section of the file I want to change:
$ defaults read /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ LaunchEvents
"" = {
"" = {
AllowBattery = 1;
Delay = 3600;
GracePeriod = 1800;
Interval = 3600;
PowerNap = 1;
Priority = Utility;
Repeating = 1;
The problem is that, due to the dots (.) in the path to the Delay property, I cannot figure out how to specify said path directly.
I have tried LaunchEvents.\"\", 'LaunchEvents.""', and many variations thereof.
I took a copy of /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and saved it elsewhere as a.plist:
cp "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" /tmp/a.plist
Then I played around with PlistBuddy until I got this which seems to work:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set 7200" /tmp/a.plist
Vaguely related to the original topic, it is way more flexible to disable time machine's auto scheduling and replace it with either TimeMachineEditor or simply create a launchd(8) rule. Eg. via LaunchControl

Siemens MC35 + ATcommand

I would like to do 2 things.
Recognize when someone is calling - In terminal will appear RING and to answer I have to send command ATA. But How can I recognize it when I am doing something else. Should I use new thread and read port until send RING? Is there any beter solution?
What is a symbol of end of response? I'm reading char using for(), but I do not know number of signs. Example below doesn't work properly
while(readCharUART()!=10) {};
getchar() = ..
You are on the right track.
For RING then yes, the correct way to do it is to have one thread just read modem responses until you get the Unsolicited result code RING. If you from time to time want to run AT commands (say ATA), then you should let this thread do that as well, e.g. you have one thread that takes care of both issuing AT commands and monitor for UR codes.
Regarding formatting of responses from the modem, this is well described in chapter 5.7.1 Responses in the ITU V.250 standard. Short summary (reading the spec is highly recommended!):
where header and trailer is both "\r\n" (unless the modem is configured strangely).

Stuck with basic programming of STM32L-Discovery

I've got a STM32L-Discovery Board, which has got a STM32L152R8 microprocessor. I'm quite stuck trying to make basic things work.
I've looked the examples given by ST (the current consumption touch sensor and the temperature sensor), and I think they aren't user-friendly, with so many libraries, sub-processes and interrupts, that make the code really difficult to understand.
I've tried to turn on the blue LED (GPIO PB6), but I can't manage to do that.
My code compiles correctly but does nothing to the board. This is the code of "main.c".
RCC->AHBRSTR = 0x00000002;
RCC->AHBRSTR = 0x00000000;
RCC->AHBENR = 0x00000002;
GPIOB->MODER = 0x00001000;
GPIOB->OTYPER = 0x00000040;
GPIOB->OSPEEDR = 0x00001000;
GPIOB->PUPDR = 0x00000000;
GPIOB->ODR = 0x00000040;
while(1) {}
Am I missing something? Could I find really basic examples somewhere?
Thanks in advance!
The standard peripheral library that ST supplies on their website is a good starting point. It has examples on programming a GPIO. Note that their code is absolutely horrible, but at least it works and is something to start with.
What compiler/debugger are you using? If you are using IAR, then you can view the GPIO registers while stepping thru the code. Please post the values of the GPIO registers to your question and maybe we can help.
RCC->AHBENR = 0x00000002;
Change to "RCC->AHBENR |= 0x00000002;"
This will ensure you enable GPIOB without disabling everything else. The existing code will disabled important things like the flash memory controller and all the other GPIOs.
GPIOB->MODER = 0x00001000;
// This will set pin 6 as output, and all other pins as input. Was this your intent?
Change to "GPIOB->MODER = (GPIOB->MODER & 0xFFFFDFFF ) | 0x00001000;"
This will set pin 6 as an output without changing the configuration of any other pins.
GPIOB->OTYPER = 0x00000040;
// This will set the output type as open drain, meaning you can only pull the line down.
Change to "GPIOB->OTYPER |= 0x00000040;"
Set output as push-pull instead of open drain. You later code attempts to set this line high which will not work as an open drain output will pull to ground or allow the line to float. A push-pull output will allow you to set the line high or low.

How to kill slave kernel securely?

LinkClose[link] "does not necessarily terminate the program at the other end
of the connection" as it is said in the Documentation. Is there a way to kill the
process of the slave kernel securely?
In really I need a function in Mathematica that returns only when the process of the slave kernel has already killed and its memory has already released. Both LinkInterrupt[link, 1] and LinkClose[link] do not wait while the slave kernel exits. At this moment the only such function is seemed to be killProc[procID] function I had showed in one of answers at this page. But is there a built-in analog?
At this moment I know only one method to kill the MathKernel process securely. This method uses NETLink and seems to work only under Windows and requires Microsoft .NET 2 or later to be installed.
killProc[processID_] := If[$OperatingSystem === "Windows",
With[{procID = processID},
killProc[procID_] := (
proc = Process`GetProcessById[procID];
(*Killing the current MathKernel process*)
Any suggestions or improvements will be appreciated.
The more correct method:
$kern = LinkLaunch[First[$CommandLine] <> " -mathlink -noinit"];
LinkWrite[$kern, Unevaluated[$ProcessID]];
$kernProcessID = First#LinkRead[$kern];
$kernProcess = Process`GetProcessById[$kernProcessID];
AbortProtect[If[! ($kernProcess#Refresh[]; $kernProcess#HasExited),
$kernProcess#Kill[]; $kernProcess#WaitForExit[];
Edit 2:
Even more correct method:
$kern = LinkLaunch[First[$CommandLine] <> " -mathlink -noinit"];
LinkWrite[$kern, Unevaluated[$ProcessID]];
$kernProcessID = First#LinkRead[$kern];
$kernProcess = Process`GetProcessById[$kernProcessID];
krnKill := AbortProtect[
If[TrueQ[MemberQ[Links[], $kern]], LinkClose[$kern]];
If[TrueQ[MemberQ[LoadedNETObjects[], $kernProcess]],
If[! TrueQ[$kernProcess#WaitForExit[100]],
Quiet#$kernProcess#Kill[]; $kernProcess#WaitForExit[]];
$kernProcess#Close[]; ReleaseNETObject[$kernProcess];
Todd Gayley has answered my question in the newsgroup. The solution is to send to the slave kernel an MLTerminateMessage. From
top-level code:
LinkInterrupt[link, 1] (* An undocumented form that lets you pick
the message type *)
In C:
MLPutMessage(link, MLTerminateMessage);
In Java using J/Link:
In .NET using .NET/Link:
I have discovered that in standard cases when using LinkInterrupt[link, 1]
my operating system (Windows 2000 at the moment) releases physical memory
only in 0.05-0.1 second beginning with a moment of execution of
LinkInterrupt[link, 1] while with LinkClose[link] it releases physical
memory in 0.01-0.03 second (both values include the time, spent on execution
of the command itself). Time intervals were measured by using SessionTime[]
under equal conditions and are steadily reproduced.
Actually I need a function in Mathematica that returns only when the process of the slave kernel has already killed and its memory has already released. Both LinkInterrupt[link, 1] and LinkClose[link] do not wait while the slave kernel exits. At this moment the only such function is seemed to be killProc[procID] function I had showed in another answer at this page.
