Get Macbook screen size from terminal/bash - bash

Does anyone know of any possible way to determine or glean this information from the terminal (in order to use in a bash shell script)?
On my Macbook Air, via the GUI I can go to "About this mac" > "Displays" and it tells me:
Built-in Display, 13-inch (1440 x 900)
I can get the screen resolution from the system_profiler command, but not the "13-inch" bit.
I've also tried with ioreg without success. Calculating the screen size from the resolution is not accurate, as this can be changed by the user.
Has anyone managed to achieve this?

I think you could only get the display model-name which holds a reference to the size:
ioreg -lw0 | grep "IODisplayEDID" | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6 | grep '^LSN\|^LP'
will output something like:
which depends on the display manufacturer. But as you can see the first three numbers in this model name string imply the display-size: 154 == 15.4''
Found a neat solution but it requires an internet connection:
curl -s`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}' | cut -c 9-` |
sed 's|.*<configCode>\(.*\)</configCode>.*|\1|'
hope that helps

The next script:
model=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | \
/usr/bin/perl -MLWP::Simple -MXML::Simple -lane '$c=substr($F[3],8)if/Serial/}{
print XMLin(get(q{}.$c))->{configCode}')
echo "$model"
will print for example:
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)
Or the same without perl but more command forking:
model=$(curl -s$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | sed -n '/Serial/s/.*: \(........\)\(.*\)$/\2/p')|sed 's:.*<configCode>\(.*\)</configCode>.*:\1:')
echo "$model"
It is fetched online from apple site by serial number, so you need internet connection.

I've found that there seem to be several different Apple URLs for checking this info. Some of them seem to work for some serial numbers, and others for other machines.
e.g:$Serial&Continue=Continue&num=0$Serial$serial (last 4 digits)
However, the first two URLs are the ones that seem to work for me. Maybe it's because the machines I'm looking up are in the UK and not the US, or maybe it's due to their age?
Anyway, due to not having much luck with curl on the command line (The Apple sites redirect, sometimes several times to alternative URLs, and the -L option doesn't seem to help), my solution was to bosh together a (rather messy) PHP script that uses PHP cURL to check the serials against both URLs, and then does some regex trickery to report the info I need.
Once on my web server, I can now curl it from the terminal command line and it's bringing back decent results 100% of the time.
I'm a PHP novice so I won't embarrass myself by posting the script up in it's current state, but if anyone's interested I'd be happy to tidy it up and share it on here (though admittedly it's a rather long winded solution to what should be a very simple query).
This info really should be simply made available in system_profiler. As it's available through System, I can't see a reason why not.

Hi there for my bash script , under GNU/Linux : I make the follow to save
# Resolution Fix
echo `xrandr --current | grep current | awk '{print $8}'` >> /tmp/width
echo `xrandr --current | grep current | awk '{print $10}'` >> /tmp/height
cat /tmp/height | sed -i 's/,//g' /tmp/height
WIDTH=$(cat /tmp/width)
HEIGHT=$(cat /tmp/height)
rm /tmp/width /tmp/height
echo "$WIDTH"'x'"$HEIGHT" >> /tmp/Resolution
Resolution=$(cat /tmp/Resolution)
rm /tmp/Resolution
# Resolution Fix
and the follow in the same script for restore after exit from some app / game
in some S.O
This its execute command directly
ResolutionRestore=$(xrandr -s $Resolution)
But if dont execute call the variable with this to execute the varible content
And the another way you can try its with the follow for example
RESOLUTION=$(xdpyinfo | grep -i dimensions: | sed 's/[^0-9]*pixels.*(.*).*//' | sed 's/[^0-9x]*//')
VRES=$(echo $RESOLUTION | sed 's/.*x//')
HRES=$(echo $RESOLUTION | sed 's/x.*//')


Grep title of a page which is written with spaces [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Parsing XML using unix terminal
(9 answers)
Closed last month.
I am trying to get the meta title of some website...
some people write title like
`<title>AllHeart Web INC, IT Services Digital Solutions Technology
`<title>AllHeart Web INC, IT Services Digital Solutions Technology</title>`
AllHeart Web INC, IT Services Digital Solutions Technology
some like more ways... my current focus on above 3 ways...
I wrote a simple code, it only capture 2nd way of title written, but i am not sure how can I grep the other ways,
`curl -s | grep -o '<title>.*</title>'`
I also made a code (very bad i guess)
where i can grep number of line like
% curl -s | grep -n '<title>'
7:<title>AllHeart Web INC, IT Services Digital Solutions Technology
% curl -s | grep -n '</title>'
and store it and run loop to get title item... which i guess a bad idea...
any help I can get all possible of getting title?
Try this:
curl -s | tr -d '\n' | grep -m 1 -oP '(?<=<title>).+?(?=</title>)'
You can remove newlines from HTML via tr because they have no meaning in the title. The next step returns the first match of the shortest string enclosed in <title> </title>.
This is quite a simple approach of course. xmllint would be better but that's not available to all platforms by default.
'grep' is not a very good tool to match multiple lines. It is processing line-by-line. You could hack that by making your incoming text one line like
curl -s | xargs | grep -o -E "<title>.*</title>"
This is probably what you want.
Try this sed:
curl -s | sed -n "{/<title>/,/<\/title>/p}"

What does ^$1$ mean in bash and why doesn't it work in zsh

I have recently moved from bash to zsh and one of the little scripts I found a long time ago stopped working.
The script shows what packages depend on the package specified.
comm -12 <(pactree -ru $1 | sort) <(pacman -Qqe | sort) | grep -v ^$1$ | sed 's/^/ /'
After some time messing with it around I found out it breaks at grep -v ^$1$. Back then, when I found the script I tried googling to learn what does it mean but unsuccessfully. Now that it broke itself I'm even more interested in what it does and how exactly does it work.
So, the question is, what does ^$1$ mean and how to get it to work in zsh? Thanks!
Okay, ^ and $ are regular expressions, I see. RE is the topic I always laid aside as it requires a lot of free time and willingness to study. The question is, why doesn't it work in zsh as it is a grep feature and the shell shouldn't interact with it.
I fixed it by adding a pair of double quotes around the ^$1$. For some reason bash worked perfectly without the quotes yet zsh didn't like it at all. The fix is actually a lot easier than I expected but that's just because I didn't know that that was a regular expression(thanks, #DevSolar).
If one wants the final script for pacman to check what packages depend on a specific package, here it is
comm -12 <(pactree -ru $1 | sort) <(pacman -Qqe | sort) | grep -v "^$1$" | sed 's/^/ /'
Use it in a function or in a shell script.
Edit: I figured what was the problem by myself before #DevSolar suggested it but I'm still very grateful for the help :)

Does grep support the OR in a group?

I am looking at this question:
which asked using a cmd to extract the phone numbers.
I found this command works:
cat file.txt | grep -Eo '^(\([0-9]{3}\) ){1}[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$|^([0-9]{3}-){2}[0-9]{4}$'
while this failed:
cat file.txt | grep -E '(^(\([0-9]{3}\))|^([0-9]{3}-))[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}'
I don't know why the second failed. Does it because grep doesn't support OR in a group?
No, it's because you dropped the space, so space in a phone number will no longer be allowed.
Also, the grouping in your regex seems to be off by a whack or two. What are you actually trying to express?
Finally, you have a useless use of cat -- grep can perfectly well read one or more input files without the help of cat.

Update my.cnf auto_increment_offset with last character of hostname

I need to take the hostname of the machine and grab the last character. In this example the hostname is: web-01
I want to get the "1" from the hostname. This command will also be used on web-02, etc.
I have this working pretty well with:
hostname | awk '{print substr($0,length,1)}'
After I get that number I need to update a file. In this case I need to update the following line:
auto_increment_offset = 0
And it should become:
auto_increment_offset = <the last character of the hostname>
I was attempting to do this portion with:
sed -i "/^auto_increment_offset/s/0/$1/" /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf;
Full command I am attempting to run:
hostname | awk '{print substr($0,length,1)}' | sed -i "/^auto_increment_offset/s/0/$1/" /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
For some reason it isn't working and I need to step-out for a bit, so I figured I would ask for help. That's it. Please inform me that I am an idiot and assist me in making this work. Thanks for your help.
Simplified your command a bit, this one works for me:
sed "/^auto_increment_offset/s/=.*/= ${HOSTNAME#${HOSTNAME%?}}/" /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf;
This may be what you're looking for... I just took what you wrote, and wrote some sed inside sed. I often use this sort of trick to work around similar problems - even if it's not very succinct. Otherwise gergoerdosi's answer is nicer imo.
hostname | awk '{print substr($0,length,1)}' | sed -e "s%\(.*\)%sed -i \"/^auto_increment_offset/s/0/\1/\" /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf %" | sh

How to create a file using a variable as filename?

I'm testing mobile Android devices and I would like to redirect the device log on a file whose name indicates both the date and time of my test, and the device model that is being tested.
For the first issue, I have already resolved with
now=$(date +"%b_%d_%Y_%k_%M");adb logcat -c;adb logcat|tee $now
$ echo $now
and the tee command creates a file with this filename.
As for the device model I have written two bash lines that obtain it from adb shell, namely
device=$(adb shell cat /system/build.prop | grep "^ro.product.device=")
deviceshortname=$(echo $device | sed 's/ro.product.device=//g')
(not optimal as I am not very good in bash programming... :) but I manage to get
$ echo $deviceshortname
My problem is how to combine $now and $deviceshortname to obtain a filename such as:
I tried to set another variable:
filename=($(echo $deviceshortname"_"$now))
and got:
$ echo $filename
but if I try redirecting the log:
$ adb logcat | tee $filename
I obtain such file:
-rw-r--r--+ 1 ele None 293 Jan 3 13:21 ?[01;31m?[K?[m?[KLT15i_Jan_03_2012_13_19
I don't know why these strange characters and what I'm doing wrong.
Something is adding color to your output. It might be grep(1), it might adb, it might be baked into the /system/build.prop resource that you're reading.
If you're lucky, it is being added by grep(1) -- because that is supremely easy to disable with --color=no:
device=$(adb shell cat /system/build.prop | grep --color=no "^ro.product.device=")
deviceshortname=$(echo $device | sed 's/ro.product.device=//g')
If the colors are being added by adb, then perhaps it has a command line option that asks it to avoid colorizing the output.
If the colors are hard-coded into the /sys/build.prop resource in some way, then you'll need some little tool that filters out the color codes. I don't have one handy (and it's bedtime) but you can probably build one starting with tr(1) to delete \033 ASCII ESC characters.
Looks like an ANSI sequence used by adb to color the output.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but this works for me
p2=$(date +%d_%m_%Y)
cat sample_file.txt | tee $p1"_"$p2
Just type: echo ${deviceshortname}${now} and it will do the trick.
