magento Manage Products* logs me out - magento

Firstly let me say that I haven't changed anything on our magento installation.
This problem occured 1-2 weeks ago after updating stock products. After that an asterisk mark appeared next to Manage Products link.
When I click the Catalog -> Manage Products link it goes to /index.php/enhancedgrid/catalog_product/
I've searched all over the net but couldn't find the reason.
Thank you,

This looks like a 3rd party extension causing this. I see that they are actually quite a few like this. Ex:
You can tell by the controller name enhancedgrid in the url you listed which is not a core controller for magento.
I would look for this particular extension and disable it completely in the proper xml file located in your app/etc/modules folder (or uninstall it). Then your store should behave normally again.


Missing Cart Information in Magento

Bit of a strange one but when I go to add products to the cart on my Magento website (I'm using the product information (image, name, etc) no longer shows up in the cart, either the preview when you hover over it or when in the cart itself. (Images in links)
The product is in there as the prices are there and customers have still been able to checkout and go ahead with their orders. But obviously, not having the product information there may confused some so it would be great to get it fixed.
The website has been targeted in a couple of phishing attacks recently so I have password protected some folders and added htaccess files to the affected folders denying access, I don't know if my above problem is anything to do with this but my worry is that in doing this I have accidentally broken the cart and have no idea how to fix it. I have gone back and removed some of the htaccess files but nothing has seemed to fix it.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
Some time ago, I met the same case, the information about the product has disappeared on the cart. I changed the base theme to test. I compare the current version with a fresh one. I see some code gone. So, you need to enable the Magento's path hint to correctly check the PHP code in Phtml files. Maybe they are gone.

Magento 2.2.3 Top category menu suddenly disappeared

Sorry in advance I'm not very familiar with Magento.
I am working on a Magento Web Shop and one day the top navigation, where you can open the categories, just disappeared. I tried searching in the vendor folder for the Block or templates for it but no success there. Didn't find a solution in the Admin panel as well. Searched in Google, but the only thing I found was about Varnish, which I'm not using.
I'm open to any suggestions and questions.
Look in Vendor/magento/module_theme/view/frontend/layout/default.xml
remove ttl="3600" from
This happens on sites without ssl (local?)
Preferably you make a child theme first and put the catalog.topnav section in the default.xml of your theme otherwise you have to repeat this with every update..

Prestashop 1.7 product list, product view changes

I'm trying to add some extra row after product image in prestashop 1.7 product list page.
I want to add manufacturer title above product title.
Already tried:
Change product-list.tpl code.
but nothing happened.
Here is product image with some info about my problem:
Maybe some one know how to achieve this? Thanks.
You have to edit this file:
Under the block named product_thumbnail (also external to block if you want)
Ok, I found something by my self. I'm not so sure why it happened but it was some of ".../app/cache/dev/..." - files.
Step by step:
1. Download website file
2. Search for specific classes
3. Found those classes on two files product.tpl and f33as2f1a2sf5asfa2sfasf20132.file.product.tpl.php
4. Then back to my ftp found that second file with long name and change a code there...
5. It works
Maybe its nasty work-around, so that's why I'm asking for more information for those who know more about things like this. Maybe there is something in back office (prestashop dashboard) settings... Developer/production mode or something? because by my opinion is just a nasty work around and I want to know more and learn more about it. Thanks. <- UPDATE: -> its useless to edit cache files, you need to make changes ant clear cache from terminal || or admin dashboard.
UPDATE BELOW (in comments)--->>>

Magento admin CMS pages content in wrong tab

I've got a Magento site however when I login into the admin area to create a new CMS page the content box is appearing in the Page Information tab and not the Content tab. This is causing the validation to fail when I add the content.
Any help would be much appreciated
Try disabling any third party extensions/customizations you may of installed.
It could also be caused by corrupted database entries.
Try reinstalling Magento to a new database and seeing if the issue persists.
If it's fixed, then it's a problem with your data. If it isn't, then it must be a extension or customization causing the bug.
Go to System>Configuration>Advanced and you will see a brand of extension you recently installed. Set it to disabled and hit Save Config. Flush Cache, log out and log back in to admin and it should be corrected. If it is, contact the extension creator and report the bug as it shouldnt do that.The only realy way for that to happen is for something to overrule its placement which would be a 3rd party extension.
The other possibility is that you moved some folders in adminhtml by accident. If thats the case, try uploading an original copy of adminhtml.

Magento Checkout Page content (not in CMS)

Can someone please explain the Magento directory structure in relation to URL? I'm using the community version I believe.
So I had someone ask me to update some content on a magento checkout page. I'm not familiar with the framework that much so trying to figure out the file/folder structure has been a challenge for me. That said, the checkout is located on
The only thing I'm trying to update is some "terms" that are showing up in the checkout tab, which I can't seem to find through the Magento CMS anywhere (pages, terms, etc), and the other thing I'm trying to add is the coupon code field display, which I checked (at least what I think) were the corresponding XML and PHTML files and the code isn't commented out for the coupon code, so I suspect my problem is with the fact that I'm just not looking in the right project folder/file, or there's some kind of inheritance from default that I'm missing.
Step 1 to debug this is to enable template path hints from the admin HTML console. This will show you what template files are being loaded. From there you should be able to resolve your problem.
System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Advanced -> Template hints
However I've looked at my local install of CE and on the one page checkout don't see any reference to terms. Perhaps this is an extra block being inserted?
Applies to all versions of Magento
Magento path hints
If you enable Template Path Hints on a site and refresh the cache, ALL site visitors will see the hints.
To avoid this, put you external ip address into:
System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Developer Client Restrictions -> Allowed IPs (comma separated)
Example: goto and note down your ip address (for example Enter the ip into the field and save.
Doing this will only show the path hints to visitors from the above mentioned ip address.
Path to template files
This will depend on the theme used. Let's pretend you're using the default magento theme on community edition. Then you will find all of the templates at app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/
Checkout parts live in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage
Magento Path hints for sure or if you can invest a few bucks buy commerce Bug 2. Now if this is your first time working with magento I strongly advice you to backup your database, copy all the files from your theme and set a development enviroment. Other thing you should do is to disable the cache and tell magento to display erros while workin (check your index.php ini_set('display_errors', 1);}
