Missing Cart Information in Magento - magento

Bit of a strange one but when I go to add products to the cart on my Magento website (I'm using the product information (image, name, etc) no longer shows up in the cart, either the preview when you hover over it or when in the cart itself. (Images in links)
The product is in there as the prices are there and customers have still been able to checkout and go ahead with their orders. But obviously, not having the product information there may confused some so it would be great to get it fixed.
The website has been targeted in a couple of phishing attacks recently so I have password protected some folders and added htaccess files to the affected folders denying access, I don't know if my above problem is anything to do with this but my worry is that in doing this I have accidentally broken the cart and have no idea how to fix it. I have gone back and removed some of the htaccess files but nothing has seemed to fix it.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.

Some time ago, I met the same case, the information about the product has disappeared on the cart. I changed the base theme to test. I compare the current version with a fresh one. I see some code gone. So, you need to enable the Magento's path hint to correctly check the PHP code in Phtml files. Maybe they are gone.


Prestashop cart not updating with ajax but updates after a refresh

So I'm using Prestashop for a client's project and It's my first e-commerce site. I was planning on using WooCommerce but the client asked for Prestashop specifically so here we are.
Here's my issue: I order something on the store, the product is added to the cart, but the cart visually doesn't show that. It used to, but at some point it stopped automatically updating the cart's information unless I refresh the page.
I looked around some forums and they mentioned checking the debugger and hook positioning but I think I got those two checked because the debugger is only showing warnings regarding some missing translations, and the Cart module is positioned on the displayTop hook which is what it was by default.
The only thing I remember doing that might be related is that, while testing, I did move some modules around but then I put them back in place. So at least in the case of the displayTop hook, everything is as it was. Can't guarantee the same for other hooks, but would it matter?
Since I'm not really very savvy with programming yet, nor Prestashop, I can't figure out where I should be looking for clues.
Any ideas about what I can do to get to the bottom of this? Thanks!
Problem was solved by using the reset button for the cart module on the Modules page. Then you have to make sure the module is on the hook you want and it should be working. Thanks!

Magento showing different product quantities on different pages

We have a Magento site running on version 1.7.0 on the Argento theme that seems to be having intermittent issues with products not appearing. This appears to happen on certain pages and not others.
For example, if you add a product from the homepage or single category pages, it will show immediately as being part of the cart (note, Argento uses AjaxPro for the cart). However, once you navigate to another page, say "My Cart" or "Checkout" the total will show as zero. Doing a hard-refresh on the browser will update the total.
Additionally, if you open the Chrome Dev tools, navigate to "Network" and then check "disable cache" everything runs perfectly.
Things we have tried to resolve this:
Flushing/Clearing/Disabling the Magento cache. Seems to make things slightly better but doesn't clear up the issue.
x-cache-control meta tag. Same as above, issue seems to be less frequent but still definitely appearing.
Turn off AjaxPro. Our initial belief was that this plugin was causing issues, but turning it off has no effect.
Re-Index. Has no effect.
Added $.ajaxSetup({"cache" : false}) at the top of our scripts. This also has no effect.
Any advice or tips on where to look next would be appreciated.
It turns out that our hosting provider had set up the installation with the sessions stored in memcache. We switched this over to file storage in our local.xml and it fixed the issue.

magento Manage Products* logs me out

Firstly let me say that I haven't changed anything on our magento installation.
This problem occured 1-2 weeks ago after updating stock products. After that an asterisk mark appeared next to Manage Products link.
When I click the Catalog -> Manage Products link it goes to /index.php/enhancedgrid/catalog_product/
I've searched all over the net but couldn't find the reason.
Thank you,
This looks like a 3rd party extension causing this. I see that they are actually quite a few like this. Ex: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/enhanced-admin-product-grid.html.
You can tell by the controller name enhancedgrid in the url you listed which is not a core controller for magento.
I would look for this particular extension and disable it completely in the proper xml file located in your app/etc/modules folder (or uninstall it). Then your store should behave normally again.

Magento cart does not display products, but does show the total price

I am running a Magento 1.8 multistore with around 10 different shops.
On one of the shops I am experiencing a weird bug, the shopping cart stays empty, but gives me a total of the added products (see image)
I am running default /template/checkout files. and some of my other stores do as well, but they do not have this problem.
I checked almost every option in the admin, but i cannot find a option that relates to this.
The web unfortunately didn't give me answers.
Thanks in advance
I fixed this by making a new store, set all settings as the old one and assign the design to it.
still no clue to what the cause of the problem was.

Google Checkout button not appearing on cart page

Hope you guys don't mind me asking this question, but I find myself at a loss to why this is happening and need some suggestions on how I might resolve the issue. If I shouldn't ask these kinds of questions, please let me know.
Currently I am working on a Magento 1.9 site that was upgraded from 1.8 and when I enabled Google Checkout, the button doesn't appear on the cart page (/checkout/cart/). I went back to the default template that Magento uses and it still didn't work.
I then tried enabling Google Checkout on a clean copy of Magento 1.9 and it worked. Then I tried replacing the core mage checkout folder with the ones from the clean copy of Magento and that didn't work.
So I have test the layout, template and core mage checkout files and nothing happens.
I also tried accessing Google Checkout directly with this piece of code:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('googlecheckout/link')->setTemplate('googlecheckout/link.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
First, turn the default template on for testing, just to be sure. Clear all your caches and try again. Make sure that there aren't any "hidden" elements on the page displaying it. It may be helpful to turn on template hints to see if the block exists as anticipated but does not render any content, or if the block actually does not exist as anticipated.
If no joy, check to make sure that Google's critera are met. Taking a look at that template and block, there are a few checks that need to pass to get checkout:
Every single product in the cart must return false to $item->getProduct()->getEnableGooglecheckout() (otherwise, ti looks like the template wants to display an image)
Report back if you still have problems :)
