Simple 'in-file' completion with XCode - xcode

XCode has really good completion when it comes to library functions.
But is there any way to accomplish simple 'in-file' completion like sublime or vim (with ctrl-p) does?
For example I define a variable named myCustomSuperVariable.
Now when I enter myCu, there should be a possibility to complete it, right?


AppleScript: "use framework" errors out in "Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier."

I have the following piece of AppleScript.
use framework "Foundation"
display dialog "foo"
Note: the Foundation framework is not actually used in this example, because that part of the code is irrelevant for this example. This code alone already produces the error. In real life, we obviously only import a framework to use it, duh :-)
When I run this I get the unhelpful error:
Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier.
The identifier on which the macOS Script Editor stops is "dialog".
When I change the code to:
display dialog "foo"
The script runs as I expect it.
I have two questions:
Why does the top example produce an error?
Why does it produce this exact error? Or in other words: why is this error so unhelpful? Is this the case for AppleScript in general?
The predication in your answer is outdated. You can import frameworks in standard scripts nowadays (AFAIR since Yosemite).
If you apply an use framework statement you have to add
use scripting additions
to be able to access display dialog
! The information I based my answer on was out of date, see under my answer for the update.
The reason why the script errors is because:
"The importation of frameworks via the use statement is only supported in script libraries, not in other scripts or applets."
So basically: you're not allowed to use the use statement in a regular AppleScript script. You can only use it in script libraries.
To fix this we create a "script library", which is just another AppleScript file. Let's say we call this script library chewbacca.scpt. You need to place the script in a specific location on your Mac. (You have a few options for this location). AppleScript only looks in those locations when trying to import script libraries.
Then, to use the script library do something like:
tell script "chewbacca"
display dialog "foo"
end tell
That should give the desired result.
After reading some answers and reading some more documentation:
The way AppleScript is extended is by importing a library, these libraries are called osax (or "Scripting Additions") because their file names end in .osax. OSAX stands for "Open Scripting Architecture eXtension". To import an osax we write use library in our script (I'm not 100% sure about this). By importing an osax we can use the commands in that osax.
AppleScript (the language) does not have commands for things like: user interaction dialogs (display dialog), reading and writing files, file system commands, date functions, and text and mathematical operations.
But: Apple does provide an osax that offers these commands: StandardAdditions.osax, it's not hard to see why this is one of the most commonly used osax.
To import this osax:
use scripting additions
Now back to my question:
I see AppleScript behaving differently under certain conditions:
a script does not import an osax
a script imports an osax (but not StandardAdditions.osax)
In situation 1 it seems like AppleScript (the runtime?) silently auto-imports StandardAdditions.osax. I think this is the case because I can use display dialog.
In situation 2 AppleScript (the runtime) does not auto-import StandardAdditions.osax.
I can theorize about this different behavior:
I suspect for situation 1 they want to make it easier for people to get started with AppleScript so they auto-import the basic commands most people/beginners probably want to use.
The thinking behind situation 2 might have been something like:
"the developer is explicitly importing an osax so they may not have a
need for StandardAdditions.osax so let's not auto-import it".
I've found somewhere that it's a good idea to always explicitly import StandardAdditions.osax by adding use scripting additions to your script.
I'll follow this advice in the future.

Advanced code style in Clion

I want to have google-style like code style checker that would automatically run within Clion.
However, what I found as solutions (predeclared code style for google and others, direct Editor settings and EditorConfig support in Clion help) are all rather primitive. For example, I want to use snake case with final underscore for class member fileds (e.g. my_class_member_) and usual snake case for function arguments (e.g. some_argument), and none of the suggested options would do the trick as far as I am concerned. Furthermore, some politics associated with endless loops and so are to be added, which is even more context-specific.
I consider creating script for this, but it is going to be very time-consuming and is likely to be run outside Clion. Are there any elegant ways to solve my problem?
Yeah, you able to do this! Look into Clion plug-in Clion-cpplint and use with script, provided by Google. You will get highlights on the fly when you are editing C++ source code.
You able to install add-on through Plugins tab in settings. In the end you will get something like:

How to compile SML using SMLNJ while the code is in Notepad++?

I'm completely new to SML and I have no idea how to work with anything related to it.
I am supposed to use the SMLNJ compiler and I'm currently coding using Notepad++.
But how do I compile the program exactly? Do I copy and paste the code in the SMLNJ command line thing? Or is there an environment for SMLNJ I can actually code in and compile my code?
If by "compile" you mean "compile to a stand-alone executable" -- don't worry about that when first learning the language as a full answer is somewhat involved. In principle it is possible, though there seems to be practical issues (as this excellent answer details).
On the other hand, SML/NJ has a command-line based REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) which actually is an compiler. It is an incremental compiler -- meaning that it compiles newly defined functions in the context of currently defined functions. At the very first you will be experimenting with short snippets typed directly into the REPL. Sooner rather than later you will want to write the code in something like NotePad++ . Just write the file, save it with a .sml extension, then in the REPL type
use "filename";
and it loads and compiles your definitions.
A trick that I sometimes use is the following. On the top of my files I have a comment like this:
(* val _ = (use "C:/Programs/sets.sml", OS.Process.system "cls"); *)
Here sets.sml just happens to be an SML file I have on my machine. When I get done editing the file I save it and then copy the insides of the comment (beginning with val and extending to the semicolon) to the clipboard and then paste it into an open SML REPL (using the edit menu for the command window which pops up when you hit the icon in the upper left hand corner of the command window). This loads the definitions and presents you with a cleared REPL for experimenting with your definitions.
Notepad++ seems to lack a syntax definition file for SML (although it has one for F#, which might be close enough). Personally, I do most of my SML using Textpad. This isn't open source but is reasonably priced nagware which is roughly comparable to Notepad++. From their website you can download a useful SML syntax-definition file which does a nice job of logically highlighting your code. I even created a Textpad tool (which for unknown reasons only works sporadically) for automatically saving the file, opening SML, and invoking use on the file name.

Is it possible to have Xcode completion in new Swift file edition (not in a project)?

Now that I found out that you can actually execute a swift program in command line by calling swift myScript.swift I was thinking about writing a few programs that I usually write in Python with Swift.
Although I can do that in another editor without trouble, I grew used to Xcode's completion (automatically fill existing class names, methods, constructor parameters, etc. that makes coding much easier). However, when I open a single Swift file in Xcode (without including it in a full project) with File > New... > File... Xcode doesn't do any completion.
Is there a special setup to do? Also, from a single open swift file, is there a way to run the script directly in a terminal from Xcode (and maybe use the debugger, etc.)?
As far as I know, Xcode is pretty useless for writing single independent swift scripts. I feel I'm missing something.
All the information I found was either about how to use the REPL in a terminal (and copy paste from a file written in any other text editor), or using Playgrounds (which are nice but incredibly slow when running simple algorithms that perform some nested loops or such), or of course making a small project, which feels way too much for some simple script writing.
Xcode's code completion and related tools work from knowledge of the compile-time and run-time environment of your code... that knowledge is supplied by the compiler. Xcode doesn't know what a compiler is doing with any given file unless Xcode is the one telling the compiler what to do with that file — i.e. the file is in an Xcode project, which specifies how to compile, or in a playground, which implicitly provides a certain compilation/runtime environment.
You can create an Xcode project for a Command Line Tool (using Swift, even). That'll tell Xcode how to compile it, and thus how to interpret it for code completion and whatnot. And hitting Run in Xcode will use the debugger, with command-line I/O in the Xcode window's debug area.
(And if you're looking for other ways besides playgrounds and projects for Xcode to work with Swift files... they do look at feature requests.)

Does Go provide REPL?

The interactive environment is VERY helpful for a programmer. However, it seems Go does not provide it. Is my understanding correct?
No, Go does not provide a REPL(read–eval–print loop).
However, as already mentioned, Go Playground is very handy. The Go Authors are also thinking about adding a feature-rich editor to it.
If you want something local, consider installing hsandbox. Running it simply with hsandbox go will split your terminal screen (with screen) where you can write code at the top and see its execution output at the bottom on every save.
There was a gotry among standard Go commands, which used to evaluate expressions (with an optional package name), and could be run like gotry 1+2 and gotry fmt 'Println("hello")' from shell. It is no longer available because not many people actually used it.
I have also seen third party projects for building a REPL for Go, but now I can only find links to two of them: igo and go-repl. How well do they work I don't know.
My two cents: Speed of compilation makes writing a REPL possible for Go, as it has also helped building the tools mentioned here, but the same speed makes REPL less necessary. Every time I want to test something in Go that I can't run in Playground I open a simple .go file and start coding and simply run the code. This will be even easier when the go command in Go 1 makes one-command build process possible and way easier.
UPDATE: Latest weekly release of Go added go command which can be used to very easily build a file: write your prog.go file and run go build prog.go && ./prog
UPDATE 2: With Go 1 you can directly run go programs with go run filename.go
UPDATE 3: gore is a new project which seems interesting.
Try motemen/gore
Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing,
code completion, and more.
You also have a recent (March 2013) project called gore from Sriram Srinivasan, which can be useful:
gore is a command-line evaluator for golang code -- a REPL without a loop, if you will.
It is a replacement for the go playground, while making it much easier to interactively try out bits of code: gore automatically supplies boiler-plate code such as import and package declarations and a main function wrapper.
Also, since it runs on your own computer, no code is rejected on security grounds (unlike go playground's safe sandbox mode).
If you're a Vim user, the vim-go plugin ( provides a command (GoRun) to run and print the output of the current buffer. You still have to include all the boilerplate code of a main Go file, but it still provides a convenient way to quickly test code snippets in your local environment.
Have you tried the Go Playground?
About the Go Playground
The Go Playground is a web service that runs on's servers.
The service receives a Go program, compiles, links, and runs the
program inside a sandbox, then returns the output.
The GoSpeccy project includes a builtin REPL of a restricted subset of the Go language. The implementation is using goeval.
No, but you can exploit the speed of compilation (as mentioned in other answers).
Have a look at rango that uses a generate-compile-run loop to mimic a REPL. You can also start it with imports and statements to begin an interactive session.
Gosh is the interactive Golang shell. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use interactive execution environment.
I've had some luck with the VSCode debugger, but it's fairly limited in so far as you cannot invoke function calls from the debug console Debug: Function Calls not supported #2225.
Basically you set a breakpoint after properly configuring your launch.json file. Then you can drill down on the left in the variables side bar and enter variable expressions an the debug console.
You may also like to try
This enables you to run go code files from your terminal directly to the Go Playground
Please also check for go REPL and other REPLs
Go code can be run in a REPL-like way in Visual Studio Code with the Go extension and Code Runner extension. Click the Run triangle ▶ which is marked by the mouse cursor in the below screenshot to run the code and show the results in the Output pane at the bottom of Visual Studio Code.
When programming with Go Visual Studio Code will suggest additional Go extensions that can be installed to extend Visual Studio Code's functionality.
