Is there a way to save open Xcode tabs? - xcode

Is there a way to save the current 'workspace' in Xcode and/or create keyboard shortcuts for different workspaces? Not the workspace as xcode defines it (, but rather the open files and split panels etc.

Yes, there is a way. You can "Create Snapshot" from the File menu. Give the snapshot a name. The next time you open XCode it should be in the state you left it.
Actually, scratch that. I just tested and it's not even necessary. If I open multiple tabs and then close Xcode, when I reopen Xcode the tabs are still there. Is that what you mean?


Open two windows with two iOS projects

How can I open two windows with two different projects in Xcode?
Having two windows open must ease to drag and drop files from one project to the other.
Use File/Open (⌘O) to open a project in another window.
Firstly, be sure to un-maximize the window by hovering on top left and touching the green button (if presently maximized). If you use Command+T then afterwards you can drag that tab into the desktop space to make a new window. Then you can open your other project. Then be sure to unmaximize it as well. Then you can use Fn+drag to copy files and storyboard from one prpject to the other. Go figure.
I am using xcode 9.2 and it has default like you said i.e. when we open a new project it will attach itself with the current window.
OR you can try (Command+T) to open a new tab then open project manually.

How to "Delete derived data" in Xcode8?

In Xcode7 you click Window -> Projects and select the projects that you want the derived data to be deleted.
But with Xcode8 beta 2 the project menu no longer exists under the Windows menu.
Are there any quick methods to delete the derived data through Xcode8 interface?
Close Xcode
Open Terminal and enter this command
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
You can not use shift-alt-command-k.
shift-alt-command-k - This will delete all of the products and intermediate files in the build folder.It's different from delete derive data.
Yep, the 'Window/Projects' menu choice is missing, so it's all back to manual now.
Go to Prefs/Locations>Derived Data, where you can tap on the tiny arrow at the end of the derived data path to open it in the Finder, however. Then you have to figure out which one you want to remove.
Below is screenshot..
2)2nd way to delete derive data File->Project Setting...
You can add an alias to the bash. Open Terminal:
sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
alias DeleteDerivedData='rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData'
Ctrl + o
Ctrl + x
source ~/.bash_profile
So then, whenever you want to delete the derived data, go to the Terminal and type the alias you've created (DeleteDerivedData).
For Xcode Version 8.2 (8C38), you can remove the projects completely (project name in Xcode, programs, data, derived data, etc.) one by one by doing the following: [Note: the instructions are not for just remove the project names from the Welcome Window]
Launch the Xocde and wait until the Welcome window is displayed. The projects will be shown on the right hand side
Right click the project you want to remove completely and a pop window [Show in Folder] jumps out; selec it to find out where is the project in the [Finder]
Right click the project folder in the Finder to find it’s path through [Get Info]; use path in the Info window to go to the parent folder, and go to there
Right click the Project Folder (e.g. DemoProject01) and Porject file (DemoProject01.xcodeproj) and select [Move to Trash] ; you will see that (a) the folder in finder is removed AND (b) the Project in the Xcode Welcome Window’s Project List is removed.

Keeping unused files in Xcode project

In Eclipse you can create a folder and name it, say, "unused", to keep currently unused files (incomplete code, resources for future use, etc)
which are ignored by project builder. Can I have something similar with Xcode?
If I move a file to a project folder without inserting it with Xcode, it may be OK, and I will be able to see it while opening in Finder. However, it will be more convenient to have it listed by Project Navigator.
As far as I am concerned, it's not possible. Though, you can comment all of your code in one click to momentarily disable it.
Press command + A;
Right click and select Comment Selection.

Xcode: Tabbed workflow

In Xcode I use a task-based tabbed workflow (a separate tab for editing, UI/Modeling, building, debugging, etc.). I accomplish this using Behaviors (see the Custom section in the attached screen shot). When I create a new Project I use press ⌘+1, ⌘+2, etc. to quickly setup all of my task tabs.
My issue is that when I do this for a newly created Project all of the tabs display the source, storyboards, etc. from my most recently open Project. How often do you think this is useful or the desired behavior? I realize that one of the great things about tabs is that they remember their state and this is helpful. But as far as the source files that are initially displayed, this is a real pain. I do not want to see files from other (generally unrelated) projects.
Now what I just did as an experiment was open Project A and setup all of my tabs and ensured that each tab contained a source file from Project A. Then I quit Xcode and moved Project A a new location on the file system. When I opened Project B and created all of my tabs they were, as desired, empty.
I realize that I'm just going to receive the canonical "File a Radar" here but in the off chance that there is a workaround (NOT moving files) or a preference I could set, I figured I'd at least ask.
Thanks in advance,

TextMate: using tmctags bundle, opens in new window!!! how do i open it as a tab?

I have this issue with textmate where it opens up a file in a new window, but not a tab. thereby its harder to navigate and also disables me from using tcmtags on that new file. Has anyone ever ran into this issue? I suspected it was some type of setting that got messed up, but opening any other file traditionally with the point and click will open in a new tab. So why does it screw up using tcmtags?
I just had this problem with the Latex bundle in a newly created project. The Latex bundle had a macro that was using the 'open' command.
Quitting and reopening TextMate solved it for me. Files now open in a new tab rather than new window.
Only Projects have tabs in Textmate afaik. So create a new project e.g. by dropping a folder on the TextMate Icon in dock. The files in this folder will open in tabs.
The issue is that my files are in a project. It's the bundle that has the issue. Jumping to a definition source in a different file opens the file in a new window as opposed to a new tab. All the files are in the same project.
No one else I know has this issue.
