Open two windows with two iOS projects - xcode

How can I open two windows with two different projects in Xcode?
Having two windows open must ease to drag and drop files from one project to the other.

Use File/Open (⌘O) to open a project in another window.

Firstly, be sure to un-maximize the window by hovering on top left and touching the green button (if presently maximized). If you use Command+T then afterwards you can drag that tab into the desktop space to make a new window. Then you can open your other project. Then be sure to unmaximize it as well. Then you can use Fn+drag to copy files and storyboard from one prpject to the other. Go figure.

I am using xcode 9.2 and it has default like you said i.e. when we open a new project it will attach itself with the current window.
OR you can try (Command+T) to open a new tab then open project manually.


Open folder as project in PhpStorm

When I install PhpStorm from JetBrains Toolbox app I do not have an option to open folders as project when right clicking
Sadly JetBrains Toolbox App does not provide such functionality. Only standalone installer has an option to make them right now. You will have to either use that... or create such entries manually. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.
To add an entry to the Windows Explorer's right-click menu:
you can use FileTypesMan by NirSoft or a similar tool.
or create such entry manually, e.g. see this comment for a basic .bat file: (at very least it lists Registry keys where to create such an entry).
I found this from Jet Brains :
Click Open on the Welcome screen or select File | Open from the main menu.
In the Select Path dialog, select the directory that contains the project to open.
Drag the desired project from your file chooser right to the Open Project dialog without locating it there. The respective file in the dialog will be found automatically.
Specify whether you want to open the project in a new window, close the current project and reuse the existing window, or open the new project in the same window with the current one. Refer to the Opening multiple projects section for details.
and for the command line you could use this :
<PhpStorm> <path_to_the_project folder>
See Open files from the command line for more information.

How to access project structure to add jar files on MacBook?

I'm used to using IntelliJ on Windows. For work purposes I also need to use it on a MacBook and I'm completely lost. First time using MacOS.
I have IntelliJ installed and running. No menu bar! I need to access the Project Structure dialog so I can add the missing jar files for Selenium.
What's Mac equivalent to CTRL+ALT+Shift+S? Also is there a way on Mac to enable the menu bar?
Thanks in advance!
-Mac Noob
There must be a project tab on the left hand side of the window that will show the file tree if you click it. From there, you can drag and drop.
To access the project structure you can go File --> Project Structure or do cmd+; (for me)
As for the menu bar, I think you are talking about the File/Edit/View bar at the top of the screen (very top, right next to the apple logo).

How do I embed projects using Xcode 10?

I've been searching the internet for hours trying to figure this out. In previous versions of Xcode, I could drag a .xcodeproj file onto my workspace, and the groups, etc. of that project would be in the main one. That is, its sources and products would be accessible in the parent project. I mean to do this for a new private framework of mine, but it seems that in Xcode 10.2.1, this behavior is changed.
When I follow the instructions found in Apple's archived documentation (all that seems to survive), the .xcodeproj file sits alone in my file inspector. No reference hierarchy, and nothing happens when I click on it. On top of that, that project's frameworks are not accessible to the parent project.
Has anyone here figured out how this changed in Xcode 10, and what we are to do about it now? Many thanks!
This certainly feels like a workaround, but it does seem to work:
Open one of the projects you want to be in the final workspace
From the "File" menu choose "Save As Workspace…" and save it somewhere on disk
This will create a new workspace that looks identical to the Xcode project you originally opened.
From the "File" menu choose "Add files to “WorkspaceName“…" and select the next project you want in the workspace
At this point it will probably put the newly added project "inside" of the existing one in the file navigator pane. Simply drag it out to the top level and it will be on the same level as the original project. You should be able to twirl open the disclosure triangle and see the source files it contains. Clicking on the project will show the targets it contains.
Repeat as necessary for the remaining Xcode projects
As you add projects, the schemes from each project will show up in the popup menu under the scheme button in the toolbar.

Is there a way to save open Xcode tabs?

Is there a way to save the current 'workspace' in Xcode and/or create keyboard shortcuts for different workspaces? Not the workspace as xcode defines it (, but rather the open files and split panels etc.
Yes, there is a way. You can "Create Snapshot" from the File menu. Give the snapshot a name. The next time you open XCode it should be in the state you left it.
Actually, scratch that. I just tested and it's not even necessary. If I open multiple tabs and then close Xcode, when I reopen Xcode the tabs are still there. Is that what you mean?

Xcode: Tabbed workflow

In Xcode I use a task-based tabbed workflow (a separate tab for editing, UI/Modeling, building, debugging, etc.). I accomplish this using Behaviors (see the Custom section in the attached screen shot). When I create a new Project I use press ⌘+1, ⌘+2, etc. to quickly setup all of my task tabs.
My issue is that when I do this for a newly created Project all of the tabs display the source, storyboards, etc. from my most recently open Project. How often do you think this is useful or the desired behavior? I realize that one of the great things about tabs is that they remember their state and this is helpful. But as far as the source files that are initially displayed, this is a real pain. I do not want to see files from other (generally unrelated) projects.
Now what I just did as an experiment was open Project A and setup all of my tabs and ensured that each tab contained a source file from Project A. Then I quit Xcode and moved Project A a new location on the file system. When I opened Project B and created all of my tabs they were, as desired, empty.
I realize that I'm just going to receive the canonical "File a Radar" here but in the off chance that there is a workaround (NOT moving files) or a preference I could set, I figured I'd at least ask.
Thanks in advance,
