Reading multiple PDF files in Preview app Mac OS X Maverick - macos

I need to work on multiple PDF files and because of annotating those files, I prefer to use Preview built-in app for Mac OSX.
If I am in the middle of one PDF file say on Page 5, and I transit to some other PDF file and come back to the previous file, then I always get the first page of that PDF.
Is there any setting which I can use so that I always get the page from where I left?

Not sure what the problem is, mine works as you seem to want it to. Maybe your Preferences are set differently. Here are mine.


How to retain URLs in pdfjoin?

I am using pdfjoin to merge two pdfs. The first pdf has a "Click here" link which goes to a webpage. When I open the first pdf, I can click on the link which automatically opens my default browser and shows the webpage.
However, when I merge the two pdfs using pdfjoin, the "Click here" link has no effect and it just behaves as plain text in the final pdf.
How can I keep the effect of the URL using pdfjoin?
I am using OS X Yosemite and pdfjoin version 2.08.
take a look at PDFtk which is available for GNU+Linux, macOS and Windows. according to this blog post only PDFtk maintains hyperlinks, and i can confirm the findings when trying the same with pdfjam/pdfjoin.

broken image in chrome and firefox works in safari

I have a logo that shows up in Safari but in Chrome it appears as a broken link and simply does not show up at all in Firefox.
<img src="images/logo-01.png"/>
I have re-uploaded it many times and have even tried alternative paths and file names.
anyone know how i might be screwing this up?
I ran into this same problem. For me, it turns out the image was corrupt. If i tried to open the png file up in photoshop, i would get an error saying it could not parse the file.
For whatever reason, safari could display the corrupt file, but chrome could not. This is how i fixed my issue. I noticed "preview" on my macbook could open the file fine. If you are using windows, possibly try paint or gimp or some other program besides photoshop.
I downloaded the corrupt file onto my macbook, opened it with preview (open with > preview)
In the preview app, go to file > duplicate, which makes a copy of your image
Save that duplicated image
As a test, i tried opening that new copied image in photoshop and i was able to!
Upload new file to website. I was able to view the image in chrome now.
Hope that helps anyone who ran into the same problem.
It could be an issue with your file structure. Right now your links are using relative paths (e.g. href="index.html"). This is fine if the file you're referencing is in the same directory as the current page file. But if your current page is located elsewhere, like in a 'pages' directory or something, then you need to tell the links to start from the site root. That would look like href="/index.html" (note the slash). So for the image, you'd have:
<img src="/images/logo-01.png"/>

Apple's PDFKit (or anything else), extract positions of images

I need to extract the positions of all images from a pdf-file on the Mac. For now I am considering PDFKit, but that if there is a better way of doing that, i'm open to suggestions.
So the question is, how can i parse a PDF file on the Mac, receiving (images, not necessarily), their positions within a page and page numbers using PDFKit or, probably, another library or even a program (I don't have to build it into my program, i just need it done).
UPD Seems like it is possible to do that using Adobe's Acrobat SDK.
Thanks in advance,

How to use the existing Png-Shell-Thumbnail for my file types?

I am currently writing an application working with specially prepared image data. Another tool prepares the images (basically PNGs with additional data stored in the meta-data section). Now my tool works with these files, but not with all PNGs, so "we" decided to use a different file extension. So far, so good.
Now, because I am a lazy sack I implemented some file type registration to allow double-clicking on the file and opening it in my application (no problem at all).
And here is my Question:
It would be cool if the windows explorer could still show me the thumbnail previews for my files. Since they basically are still PNG files, it should be possible without writing my own shell extension (at least I believe so).
I quickly tried to copy all registry keys and values from HKCR.png to HKCR.mInDat (my file name ext) and it worked. However, I would prefere knowning what I am doing ;-)
Which of the registry settings are responsible for the thumbnail preview control and which can I use to get the preview for my file types?
I tried to google it, but I failed, since it seems I am unable to come up with the right buzz-words to find the info I need. Please, help me.
Thank you!
"Content Type"="image/png"

Browser add-on to find a download's origin

Back in the earlier days of the internet I remember that in certain browsers, every time you downloaded an image or a file, the URL of where that file was downloaded from would be written into that file's properties (I guess the summary tab?). I think Netscape v2 did this if I remember correctly.
I really miss that kind of functionality as every once in a while I'll run into a neat little program stored somewhere in the depths of my hard drive and wonder where I got it from originally.
I googled around but I'm not quite sure what terms to use to describe what I'm looking for. So I'm wondering if anyone knows of a Firefox plug-in or something similar that would do this?
If you use the DownThemAll! extension for Firefox, you can tell it to prepend the URL of the site to the downloaded file name...
thus you end up with files like:
It also works really well when you want to download/queue a bunch of files.
You download to ~/Desktop/foo, and you want to see the originating URL in the properties of the local file foo?
Back when I used OS X, I remember Safari used to record the original URL in the resource fork of the downloaded file. Can't remember what the named fork is, well, named, but it'll show up in the properties panel from Finder. Since it's there, Spotlight will probably index it, too, but I haven't used OS X since 10.3.
If you use Opera, and haven't cleared the file out from your download manager, select the download and it'll show the original URL that the file is from in the properties pane.
Is this what you want? If so... well, I don't know of a similar Firefox extension, but it'll clarify the question.
For the IE Browser I use the hell out of Fidler to look at all traffic going across the wire.
For FireFox, you can use the FireBug plugin. There is a "Net" tab that will show you request information that is going across the wire.
Most of the time you can use one of these tools to see what URL was requested in order to start a download. You can also view all the get and post information that might need to be sent in order to have your request succeed.
Fidler is here:
FireBug is here:
Best of Luck!
