What I am trying to accomplish is this:
We have CCSprite Circle A and CCSprite Circle B.
Move Circle B around Circle A. I already tried to create a CCNode and attach the circle B to it. In this case it works perfectly but the position is constant also. I need to move the circle around A and update the position. I will have more objects on the screen and I will check if B intersect some other objects, but for that case I need to update the position while rotating. Much appreciate your help guys. I am using Cocos2D v3.0
Maybe something like this? Put this in your update method. I used this code in my box2d project for orbit. Change it for your needs.
b2Vec2 center = bodyA->GetPosition();
int smoothness = 1000;
int radius = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < smoothness; i++) {
float angle = (i / smoothness) * 360 * DEGTORAD;
b2Vec2 pos( sinf(angle), cosf(angle));
b2Vec2 newposition = center + radius * pos;
bodyB->SetTransform(newposition, bodyB->GetAngle());
Put the anchor point of B in the position of the anchor point of A and then rotate the B by 360 in animation.
I have a problem and although I serached everywhere I couldn't find a solution.
I have a stacked sprite and I'm rotating this sprite around the center of the screen. So I iterate over a list of sprites (stacked) and increase the y-coordinate by 2 every loop (rotation is increased step by step by 0.01f outside of the loop):
foreach(var s in stacked)
Vector2 origin = new Vector2(Basic.width / 2, Basic.height / 2);
Rectangle newPosition = new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y - y, position.Width, position.Height);
float angle = 0f;
Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-origin.X, -origin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin.X, origin.Y, 0f);
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(newPosition.X, newPosition.Y);
pos = Vector2.Transform(pos, transform);
newPosition.X = (int)pos.X;
newPosition.Y = (int)pos.Y;
angle += rotation;
s.Draw(newPosition, origin, angle, Color.White);
y += 2;
This works fine. But now my problem. I want not only to rotate the sprite around the center of the screen but also around itself. How to achieve this? I can only set one origin and one rotation per Draw. I would like to rotate the sprite around the origin 'Basic.width / 2, Basic.height / 2' and while it rotates, around 'position.Width / 2, position.Height / 2'. With different rotation speed each. How is this possible?
Thank you in advance!
Just to be clear:
When using SpriteBatch.Draw() with origin and angle, there is only one rotation: the final angle of the sprite.
The other rotations are positional offsets.
The origin in the Draw() call is a translation, rotation, translate back. Your transform matrix shows this quite well:
Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-origin.X, -origin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin.X, origin.Y, 0f);
//Class level variables:
float ScreenRotation, ScreenRotationSpeed;
float ObjectRotation, ObjectRotationSpeed;
Vector2 ScreenOrigin, SpriteOrigin;
// ...
// In constructor and resize events:
ScreenOrigin = new Vector2(Basic.width <<1, Basic.height <<1);
// shifts are faster for `int` type. If "Basic.width" is `float`:
//ScreenOrigin = new Vector2(Basic.width, Basic.height) * 0.5f;
// In Update():
ScreenRotation += ScreenRotationSpeed; // * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds; // for FPS invariant speed where speed = 60 * single frame speed
ObjectRotation+= ObjectRotationSpeed;
//Calculate the screen center rotation once per step
Matrix baseTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-ScreenOrigin.X, -ScreenOrigin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ScreenRotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(ScreenOrigin.X, ScreenOrigin.Y, 0f);
// In Draw() at the start of your code snippet posted:
// moved outside of the loop for a translationally invariant vertical y interpretation
// or move it inside the loop and apply -y to position.Y for an elliptical effect
Vector2 ObjectOrigin = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y);
Matrix transform = baseTransform *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(-ObjectOrigin.X, -ObjectOrigin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ObjectRotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(ObjectOrigin.X, ObjectOrigin.Y, 0f);
foreach(var s in stacked)
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(ObjectOrigin.X, ObjectOrigin.Y - y);
pos = Vector2.Transform(pos, transform);
float DrawAngle = ObjectRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = ScreenRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = ScreenRotation + ObjectRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = 0;
s.Draw(pos, SpriteOrigin, DrawAngle, Color.White);
I suggest moving the Draw() parameter away from destinationRectangle and use the Vector2 position directly with scaling. Rotations within square rectangles can differ up to SQRT(2) in aspect ratio, i.e. stretching/squashing. Using Vector2 incurs a cost of higher collision complexity.
I am sorry for the ors, but without complete knowledge of the problem...YMMV
In my 2D projects, I use the vector form of polar coordinates.
The Matrix class requires more calculations than the polar equivalents in 2D. Matrix operates in 3D, wasting cycles calculating Z components.
With normalized direction vectors (cos t,sin t) and a radius(vector length),in many cases I use Vector2.LengthSquared() to avoid the square root when possible.
The only time I have used Matrices in 2D is display projection matrix(entire SpriteBatch) and Mouse and TouchScreen input deprojection(times the inverse of the projection matrix)
I know a method from Unity whichs is very useful to convert a screen position to a world position : https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint.html
I've been looking for something similar in A-Frame/THREE.js, but I didn't find anything.
Is there an easy way to convert a screen position to a world position in a plane which is positioned a given distance from the camera ?
This is typically done using Raycaster. An equivalent function using three.js would be written like this:
function screenToWorldPoint(screenSpaceCoord, target = new THREE.Vector3()) {
// convert the screen-space coordinates to normalized device coordinates
// (x and y ranging from -1 to 1):
const ndc = new THREE.Vector2()
ndc.x = 2 * screenSpaceCoord.x / screenWidth - 1;
ndc.y = 2 * screenSpaceCoord.y / screenHeight - 1;
// `Raycaster` can be used to convert this into a ray:
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
raycaster.setFromCamera(ndc, camera);
// finally, apply the distance:
return raycaster.ray.at(screenSpaceCoord.z, target);
Note that coordinates in browsers are usually measured from the top/left corner with y pointing downwards. In that case, the NDC calculation should be:
ndc.y = 1 - 2 * screenSpaceCoord.y / screenHeight;
Another note: instead of using a set distance in screenSpaceCoord.z you could also let three.js compute an intersection with any Object in your scene. For that you can use raycaster.intersectObject() and get a precise depth for the point of intersection with that object. See the documentation and various examples linked here: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/core/Raycaster
I try to do an animation which represents a sphere around which camera is rotating and I have drawn a circle on it (drawn with a THREE.TorusGeometry).
Then, I project a plane on the current point defined by the direction from camera position to the origin (0,0,0).
For a circle defined by y=0 and x²+z²=1 (i.e a circle defined into Oxz plane = equatorial plane of the sphere), you can see the result on :
link 1 : circle defined by y=0 and x²+z²=1
As you can see, the coordinates of plane are well drawn but I can't get to understand why the yellow circle is not drawn into Oxz plane (in this link, you can see that it is in Oxy plane).
Before the matrix multiplication, I defined above the vector of Torus by :
var coordTorus = new THREE.Vector3(radius*Math.cos(timer), 0, radius*Math.sin(timer));
i.e, by x'²+z'²=1 and y'=0 (choice 2). In this case, I don't get a valid result for the yellow circle, it is drawn into Oxy plane and not into Oxz plane like expected.
To get a good result, I have to define x'²+y'²=1 and z'=0 in local plane but I can't understand why ?
If someone could tell me the explication ?
It was hard to extract from all the code where exactly your problem was. I cleaned things up and solved it differently and I think this Fiddle shows what you wanted.
Instead of rotating all objects I rotated only the camera which seems much simpler then your solution:
* Rotate camera
function rotateCamera() {
// For camera rotation
stepSize += 0.002;
alpha = 2 * Math.PI * stepSize;
if (alpha > 2 * Math.PI) {
stepSize = 0;
// Rotate camera around a circle
camera.position.x = center.x + distance * Math.cos(alpha);
camera.position.z = center.y + distance * Math.sin(alpha);
// Camera should look at center
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
And then I added your tangent plane to the camera instead of the scene:
So it rotates with the camera.
video game link
I'm trying to make a game (see link above) , and I need to have the stick rotate around himself to maintain the orientation face to center of the circle.
this is how I declare the Sprite, and how I move it around the circle:
line = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("drawable/blockLine.png")));
line.setSize(140, 20);
lineX = Gdx.graphics.getWidth()/2 - line.getWidth()/2;
lineY = (Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2 - line.getHeight()/2) + circle.getHeight()/2;
Point point = rotatePoint(new Point(lineX, lineY), new Point(Gdx.graphics.getWidth()/2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2), angle+= Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime() * lineSpeed);
line.setPosition(point.x, point.y);
rotatePoint function:
Point rotatePoint(Point point, Point center, double angle){
angle = (angle ) * (Math.PI/180); // Convert to radians
float rotatedX = (int) (Math.cos(angle) * (point.x - center.x) - Math.sin(angle) * (point.y-center.y) + center.x);
float rotatedY = (int) (Math.sin(angle) * (point.x - center.x) + Math.cos(angle) * (point.y - center.y) + center.y);
return new Point(rotatedX,rotatedY);
Any sugestions ?
I can't test right now but I think the rotation of the line should simply be:
Math.atan2(rotatedPoint.getOriginX() - middlePoint.getOriginX(), rotatedPoint.getOriginY() - middlePoint.getOriginY()));
Then you'll have to adjust rad to degrees or whatever you'll use. Tell me if it doesn't work!
I would take a different approach, I just created a method that places n Buttons around a click on the screen. I am using something that looks like this:
float rotation; // in degree's
float distance; //Distance from origin (radius of circle).
vector2 originOfRotation; //Center of circle
vector2 originOfSprite; //Origin of rotation sprite we are calculating
Vector2 direction = new vector2(0, 1); //pointing up
//rotate the direction
// add distance based of the direction. Warning: originOfRotation will change because of chaining method.
// use originOfRotation.cpy() if you do not want to init each frame
originOfSprite = originOfRotation.add(direction.scl(distance));
Now you have the position of your sprite. You need to increment rotation by x each frame to have it rotate. If you want the orientation of the sprite to change you can use the direction vector, probably rotated by 180 again. Efficiency wise I'm not sure what the difference would be.
I need some help understanding the basics of a frustum transformation. Mainly, how depth works.
The following uses a viewport of 768x1024. Using an Orthogonal projection and a square of 768x768 (z defaults to 0) with no translation or scaling, and a viewport of glViewport(0, 0, 768, 1024) this square easily fills the width of the frame:
Now when I change the project to a frustum and mess with the z translation, the square scales appropriately due to the perspective changes.
Here is the same square in such an environment:
I can play with this z translation, as well as the near and far parameters of the frustum matrix and make the square change is apparent onscreen size accordingly. Fine.
But what I cannot figure out is the obvious relationship between its onscreen size and these depth parameters.
For example, suppose I want to use a frustum but have the square fill the frame width, as in my first example image above. How to achieve this?
I would think that if the z translation matched the near plane, then you'd essentially have a square "right in front of the camera", filling the frame. But I cannot figure a way to achieve this. If my near is 1 and my z translation is -1, then the square should be sitting right on the near plane itself (right?!) , filling the width of the frame (where the frustum's left and right planes are the same as the orthogonal projection).
I could paste a bunch of code here to show what I'm doing but I think the concept here is clear. I just want to figure out where the near plane actually is, how to situate something on it, as this will help me understand how the frustum is working.
Okay here is the relevant code I'm using, where width=768 and height=1024.
My vertex shader is the simple gl_Position=Projection*Modelview*Position;
My projection matrix (frustum) is thus:
Frustum(-width/2, width/2, -height/2, height/2, 1,10);
This function is:
static Matrix4<T> Frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far)
T a = 2 * near / (right - left);
T b = 2 * near / (top - bottom);
T c = (right + left) / (right - left);
T d = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
T e = - (far + near) / (far - near);
T f = -2 * far * near / (far - near);
Matrix4 m;
m.x.x = a; m.x.y = 0; m.x.z = 0; m.x.w = 0;
m.y.x = 0; m.y.y = b; m.y.z = 0; m.y.w = 0;
m.z.x = c; m.z.y = d; m.z.z = e; m.z.w = -1;
m.w.x = 0; m.w.y = 0; m.w.z = f; m.w.w = 1;
return m;
My square is just two 2d triangles with a default z=0, and an x range from left as -768/2 and right edge at 768/2. The square is clearly working properly as my first image above shows, using the orthogonal projection. (Though I switched to the frustum projection for this question)
To draw the square, I translate the Modelview with:
Translate(0, 0, -1);
static Matrix4<T> Translate(T x, T y, T z)
Matrix4 m;
m.x.x = 1; m.x.y = 0; m.x.z = 0; m.x.w = 0;
m.y.x = 0; m.y.y = 1; m.y.z = 0; m.y.w = 0;
m.z.x = 0; m.z.y = 0; m.z.z = 1; m.z.w = 0;
m.w.x = x; m.w.y = y; m.w.z = z; m.w.w = 1;
return m;
As you can see, the translation should put the square on the near plane, yet it looks like this:
If I translate instead of -1.01 just to be sure I avoid near clipping, the result is the same. If I do not translate, thus z=0, the square does not appear, as you'd expect, since it would be behind the camera.
In your frustum matrix, m.w.w should be 0, not 1. This will fix your problem.
But, the mistake isn't your fault. It's my fault! I'm actually the one who wrote that code in the first place, and unfortunately it has proliferated. It's an errata in my book (iPhone 3D Programming), which is where it first appeared.
Feeling very guilty about this!
If my near is 1 and my z translation is -1, then the square should be sitting right on the near plane itself (right?!)
, filling the width of the frame (where the frustum's left and right planes are the same as the orthogonal projection).
Not neccesarily. The near plane has the extents given with the left, right, bottom and top parameters of glFrustum. A rectangle going to exactly those bounds will snugly fit the viewport when being placed at the near plane distance.