Loop over distinct combinations of 3 pins - algorithm

I'm working with 3 LED's and I'd like to write some concise code to loop through all distinct combinations of the 3.
i.e. 0=Red led, 1=blue, 2=green
000 = Red
001 = 011 = ... = 110 = Red + Blue
There are only 7 combinations but i'm stuck with the pseudo code below
for(i=0 to 2)
for(j=i to 2)
The for loops handle all 2 LED combos without repetition but I've had to add a special case for all 3.
I keep looking at the code and thinking their might be a way I can nest another loop to catch that case (I realize there is nothing to gain from this). More of an exercise than anything else. Or perhaps there is a recursive way to do this?

I would recommend a different approach (C-ish pseudocode):
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
{ if (i & 1)
if (i & 2)
if (i & 4)


Infering set mapping in Matlab

I am trying to infer a mapping scheme from set A to B (given below). Is there a way (Toolbox, long-forgotten File Exchange Gem, ...) to do that in Matlab?
My A and B are:
A = [8955573624 8727174542 6144057737 6697647320 1335549467 6669202192...
9276317113 5048034450 4757279524 1423969226 9729294957 4332046813...
0681780168 8231841017 9809242207 5584677643 6193476760 7203972648...
7286156579 5669792887 6789954237 8042954283 7426511939 4053045131...
8629149977 2997522935 9363344270 9890870146 9426932555 5755262458...
8327043690 0162545530 6451719711 5376165082 0595003112 5172323540...
9314878787 6822370777 8236826223 3097377830];
B = [000 001 001 003 003 004...
004 005 005 005 005 007...
007 009 009 009 010 010...
013 013 013 018 018 018...
018 019 019 019 020 020...
020 024 024 024 024 027...
027 027 027 028];
A brute-force method may be a good starting point. It at least give one some place to start thinking about the problem. I include the code I used to find out that for the first four numbers the following order of operations on each of the 10 digits in the gives the 3 digit code.
#mod, #times, #rem, #mod, #times, #plus, #rem, #rem, #mod
Elapsed time is 391.706191 seconds.
data = [8955573624 000
8727174542 001
6144057737 001];
operations = {#plus, #minus, #times, #rdivide, #mod, #rem};
j = 1; % start from 1st row
while true
a = data(j,1);
digits = arrayfun(#str2mat,b(:)); b = num2str(a(1)); % Digits
if j == 1; % Find a set of operations which converts from digits to the code
value = NaN;
trials = 0;
while value ~= data(j,2) || trials > 1e3
ops = datasample(operations,numel(digits)-1); % Random operations
value = digits(1);
for jj = 1:numel(digits)-1
value = arrayfun(ops{jj},value,digits(jj+1));
trials = trials + 1;
else % Test whether it works for j > 1
value = digits(1);
for jj = 1:numel(digits)-1
value = arrayfun(ops{jj},value,digits(jj+1));
if value == data(j,2);
if j == size(data,1); break; end;
j = j + 1;
j = 1;
In terms of other things to try in the framework of this code:
Allowing for the digits to be tested as larger portions of the code. E.g. split the first code into 89,5,55,736,2,4 as opposed to only into single digits
Allowing other/more operations
Paralleling the attempts
Splitting the codes into digits before the while loop (<- Probably the easiest optimization to do here)
Trying the operations on all the codes at once (vectorising)
Changing both code and the answer into binary and trying to find a map there
Hope that helps. Even though It does not straight up solve your problem it might help you think about it in a new way.

Generating number within range with equal probability with dice

I've been thinking about this but can't seem to figure it out. I need to pick a random integer between 1 to 50 (inclusive) in such a way that each of the integer in it would be equally likely. I will have to do this using a 8 sided dice and a 15 sided dice.
I've read somewhat similar questions related to random number generators with dices but I am still confused. I think it is somewhere along the line of partitioning the numbers into sets. Then, I would roll a die, and then, depending on the outcome, decide which die to roll again.
Can someone help me with this?
As a simple - not necessarily "optimal" solution, roll the 8 sided die, then the 15 sided:
8 sided 15 sided 1..50 result
1 or 2 1..15 1..15
3 or 4 1..15 16..30 (add 15 to 15-sided roll)
5 or 6 1..15 31..45 (add 30 to 15-sided roll)
7 or 8 1..5 46..50 (add 45 to 15-sided roll)
7 or 8 6..15 start again / reroll both dice
lets say you have two functions: d8(), which returns a number from 0 to 7, and d15(), which returns a number from 0 to 14. You want to write a d50() that returns a number from 0 to 49.
Of all the simple ways, this one is probably the most efficient in terms of how many dice you have to roll, and something like this will work for all combinations of dice you have and dice you want:
int d50()
int result;
result = d8()*8+d8(); //random from 0 to 63
} while(result >=50);
return result;
If you want really constant time, you can do this:
int d50()
int result = d15();
int result = result*15+d15(); //0 to 225
int result = result*8+d8(); //0 to 1799
return result/36; //integer division rounds down
This way combines dice until the number of possibilities (1800) is evenly divisible by 50, so the same number of possibilities correspond to each result. This works OK in this case, but doesn't work if the prime factors of the dice you have (2, 3, and 5 in this case), don't cover the factors of the dice you want (2, 5)
I think that you can consider each dice result as a subdivision of a bigger interval. So throwing one 8 sided dice you choose one out the 8 major interval that divide your range of value. Throwing a 15 sided dice means selecting one out the 15 sub-interval and so on.
Considering that 15 = 3*5, 8 = 2*2*2 and 50 = 2*5*5 you can choose 36 = 3*3*2*2 as an handy multiple of 50 so that:
15*15*8 = 50*36 = 1800
You can even think of expressing the numbers from 0 to 1799 in base 15 and choose ramdomly the three digits:
choice = [0-7]*15^2 + [0-14]*15^1 + [0-14]*15^0
So my proposal, with a test of the distribution, is (in the c++ language):
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <map>
int main() {
std::map<int, int> hist;
int result;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // initialiaze the random generator
std::uniform_int_distribution<> d8(0, 7); // istantiate the dices
std::uniform_int_distribution<> d15(0, 14);
for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) { // make a lot of throws...
result = d8(gen) * 225;
result += d15(gen) * 15; // add to result
result += d15(gen);
++hist[ result / 36 + 1]; // count each result
for (auto p : hist) { // show the occurences of each result
std::cout << p.first << " : " << p.second << '\n';
return 0;
The output should be something like this:
1 : 387
2 : 360
3 : 377
4 : 393
5 : 402
48 : 379
49 : 378
50 : 420

How to seperate strings and add them back together?

I am currently building an app in xcode and I have something i'm stuck on... for example if the total of a question came to 15 how do you seperate the "1" and "5" and add those two number and recieve six? and i only want to display the six for my pp user to see
9+6 = 15
nut instead i want it to display as 9+6= 15/6
The wording of your post is a little confusing. Are you asking how to separate numbers into their individual digits, and then do things with those digits?
Not sure exactly what language you're writing in here, but in C:
int firstDigit = 0;
int secondDigit = 0;
int result = 0;
int num = 15;
firstDigit = num % 10; // 15 % 10 = 5
num /= 10; // 15 / 10 = 1
secondDigit = num % 10; // 1 % 10 = 1
result = firstDigit + secondDigit; // 5 + 1 = 6
Taking a number modulo 10 allows you to easily isolate the trailing digit.
You could even throw the above logic (isolate trailing digit, chop off trailing digit) into a loop to deal with arbitrarily-long numbers (within reason, of course).

Converting data from 8 bits to 12 bits

I am getting signal that is stored as a buffer of char data (8 bits).
I am also getting the same signal plus 24 dB and my boss told me that it should be possible to reconstruct from those two buffers, one (which will be used as output) that will be stored as 12 bits.
I would like to know the mathematical operation that can do that and why choosing +24dB.
Thanks (I am dumb ><).
From the problem statement, I guess you have an analog signal which are sampled at two amlitudes. Both signals has a resolution of 8 bits, but one is shifted and truncated.
You could get a 12 bit signal by combining the upper 4 bits of the first signal, and concatenating them with the second signal.
sOut = ((sIn1 & 0xF0) << 4) | sIn2
If you want to get a little better accuracy, you could try to calculate an average over the common bits of the two signals. Normally, the lower 4 bits of the first signal should be approximately equal to the upper 4 bits of the second signal. Due to rounding-errors or noise, the values could be slightly different. One of the values could even have overflowed, and moved to the other end of the range.
int Combine(byte sIn1, byte sIn2)
int a = sIn1 >> 4; // Upper 4 bits
int b1 = sIn1 & 0x0F; // Common middle 4 bits
int b2 = sIn2 >> 4; // Common middle 4 bits
int c = sIn2 & 0x0F; // Lower 4 bits
int b;
if (b1 >= 12 && b2 < 4)
// Assume b2 has overflowed, and wrapped around to a smaller value.
// We need to add 16 to it to compensate the average.
b = (b1 + b2 + 16)/2;
else if (b1 < 4 && b2 >= 12)
// Assume b2 has underflowed, and wrapped around to a larger value.
// We need to subtract 16 from it to compensate the average.
b = (b1 + b2 - 16)/2;
// Neither or both has overflowed. Just take the average.
b = (b1 + b2)/2;
// Construct the combined signal.
return a * 256 + b * 16 + c;
When I tested this, it reproduced the signal accurately more often than the first formula.

Counting, reversed bit pattern

I am trying to find an algorithm to count from 0 to 2n-1 but their bit pattern reversed. I care about only n LSB of a word. As you may have guessed I failed.
For n=3:
000 -> 0
100 -> 4
010 -> 2
110 -> 6
001 -> 1
101 -> 5
011 -> 3
111 -> 7
You get the idea.
Answers in pseudo-code is great. Code fragments in any language are welcome, answers without bit operations are preferred.
Please don't just post a fragment without even a short explanation or a pointer to a source.
Edit: I forgot to add, I already have a naive implementation which just bit-reverses a count variable. In a sense, this method is not really counting.
This is, I think easiest with bit operations, even though you said this wasn't preferred
Assuming 32 bit ints, here's a nifty chunk of code that can reverse all of the bits without doing it in 32 steps:
unsigned int i;
i = (i & 0x55555555) << 1 | (i & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1;
i = (i & 0x33333333) << 2 | (i & 0xcccccccc) >> 2;
i = (i & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4 | (i & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4;
i = (i & 0x00ff00ff) << 8 | (i & 0xff00ff00) >> 8;
i = (i & 0x0000ffff) << 16 | (i & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
i >>= (32 - n);
Essentially this does an interleaved shuffle of all of the bits. Each time around half of the bits in the value are swapped with the other half.
The last line is necessary to realign the bits so that bin "n" is the most significant bit.
Shorter versions of this are possible if "n" is <= 16, or <= 8
At each step, find the leftmost 0 digit of your value. Set it, and clear all digits to the left of it. If you don't find a 0 digit, then you've overflowed: return 0, or stop, or crash, or whatever you want.
This is what happens on a normal binary increment (by which I mean it's the effect, not how it's implemented in hardware), but we're doing it on the left instead of the right.
Whether you do this in bit ops, strings, or whatever, is up to you. If you do it in bitops, then a clz (or call to an equivalent hibit-style function) on ~value might be the most efficient way: __builtin_clz where available. But that's an implementation detail.
This solution was originally in binary and converted to conventional math as the requester specified.
It would make more sense as binary, at least the multiply by 2 and divide by 2 should be << 1 and >> 1 for speed, the additions and subtractions probably don't matter one way or the other.
If you pass in mask instead of nBits, and use bitshifting instead of multiplying or dividing, and change the tail recursion to a loop, this will probably be the most performant solution you'll find since every other call it will be nothing but a single add, it would only be as slow as Alnitak's solution once every 4, maybe even 8 calls.
int incrementBizarre(int initial, int nBits)
// in the 3 bit example, this should create 100
// This should only return true if the first (least significant) bit is not set
// if initial is 011 and mask is 100
// 3 4, bit is not set
if(initial < mask)
// If it was not, just set it and bail.
return initial+ mask // 011 (3) + 100 (4) = 111 (7)
// it was set, are we at the most significant bit yet?
// mask 100 (4) / 2 = 010 (2), 001/2 = 0 indicating overflow
if(mask / 2) > 0
// No, we were't, so unset it (initial-mask) and increment the next bit
return incrementBizarre(initial - mask, mask/2)
// Whoops we were at the most significant bit. Error condition
throw new OverflowedMyBitsException()
Wow, that turned out kinda cool. I didn't figure in the recursion until the last second there.
It feels wrong--like there are some operations that should not work, but they do because of the nature of what you are doing (like it feels like you should get into trouble when you are operating on a bit and some bits to the left are non-zero, but it turns out you can't ever be operating on a bit unless all the bits to the left are zero--which is a very strange condition, but true.
Example of flow to get from 110 to 001 (backwards 3 to backwards 4):
mask 100 (4), initial 110 (6); initial < mask=false; initial-mask = 010 (2), now try on the next bit
mask 010 (2), initial 010 (2); initial < mask=false; initial-mask = 000 (0), now inc the next bit
mask 001 (1), initial 000 (0); initial < mask=true; initial + mask = 001--correct answer
Here's a solution from my answer to a different question that computes the next bit-reversed index without looping. It relies heavily on bit operations, though.
The key idea is that incrementing a number simply flips a sequence of least-significant bits, for example from nnnn0111 to nnnn1000. So in order to compute the next bit-reversed index, you have to flip a sequence of most-significant bits. If your target platform has a CTZ ("count trailing zeros") instruction, this can be done efficiently.
Example in C using GCC's __builtin_ctz:
void iter_reversed(unsigned bits) {
unsigned n = 1 << bits;
for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%x\n", j);
// Compute a mask of LSBs.
unsigned mask = i ^ (i + 1);
// Length of the mask.
unsigned len = __builtin_ctz(~mask);
// Align the mask to MSB of n.
mask <<= bits - len;
// XOR with mask.
j ^= mask;
Without a CTZ instruction, you can also use integer division:
void iter_reversed(unsigned bits) {
unsigned n = 1 << bits;
for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%x\n", j);
// Find least significant zero bit.
unsigned bit = ~i & (i + 1);
// Using division to bit-reverse a single bit.
unsigned rev = (n / 2) / bit;
// XOR with mask.
j ^= (n - 1) & ~(rev - 1);
void reverse(int nMaxVal, int nBits)
int thisVal, bit, out;
// Calculate for each value from 0 to nMaxVal.
for (thisVal=0; thisVal<=nMaxVal; ++thisVal)
out = 0;
// Shift each bit from thisVal into out, in reverse order.
for (bit=0; bit<nBits; ++bit)
out = (out<<1) + ((thisVal>>bit) & 1)
printf("%d -> %d\n", thisVal, out);
Maybe increment from 0 to N (the "usual" way") and do ReverseBitOrder() for each iteration. You can find several implementations here (I like the LUT one the best).
Should be really quick.
Here's an answer in Perl. You don't say what comes after the all ones pattern, so I just return zero. I took out the bitwise operations so that it should be easy to translate into another language.
sub reverse_increment {
my($n, $bits) = #_;
my $carry = 2**$bits;
while($carry > 1) {
$carry /= 2;
if($carry > $n) {
return $carry + $n;
} else {
$n -= $carry;
return 0;
Here's a solution which doesn't actually try to do any addition, but exploits the on/off pattern of the seqence (most sig bit alternates every time, next most sig bit alternates every other time, etc), adjust n as desired:
#define FLIP(x, i) do { (x) ^= (1 << (i)); } while(0)
int main() {
int n = 3;
int max = (1 << n);
int x = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= max; ++i) {
std::cout << x << std::endl;
/* if n == 3, this next part is functionally equivalent to this:
* if((i % 1) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 1);
* if((i % 2) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 2);
* if((i % 4) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 3);
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if((i % (1 << j)) == 0) FLIP(x, n - (j + 1));
How about adding 1 to the most significant bit, then carrying to the next (less significant) bit, if necessary. You could speed this up by operating on bytes:
Precompute a lookup table for counting in bit-reverse from 0 to 256 (00000000 -> 10000000, 10000000 -> 01000000, ..., 11111111 -> 00000000).
Set all bytes in your multi-byte number to zero.
Increment the most significant byte using the lookup table. If the byte is 0, increment the next byte using the lookup table. If the byte is 0, increment the next byte...
Go to step 3.
With n as your power of 2 and x the variable you want to step:
(defun inv-step (x n) ; the following is a function declaration
"returns a bit-inverse step of x, bounded by 2^n" ; documentation
(do ((i (expt 2 (- n 1)) ; loop, init of i
(/ i 2)) ; stepping of i
(s x)) ; init of s as x
((not (integerp i)) ; breaking condition
s) ; returned value if all bits are 1 (is 0 then)
(if (< s i) ; the loop's body: if s < i
(return-from inv-step (+ s i)) ; -> add i to s and return the result
(decf s i)))) ; else: reduce s by i
I commented it thoroughly as you may not be familiar with this syntax.
edit: here is the tail recursive version. It seems to be a little faster, provided that you have a compiler with tail call optimization.
(defun inv-step (x n)
(let ((i (expt 2 (- n 1))))
(cond ((= n 1)
(if (zerop x) 1 0)) ; this is really (logxor x 1)
((< x i)
(+ x i))
(inv-step (- x i) (- n 1))))))
When you reverse 0 to 2^n-1 but their bit pattern reversed, you pretty much cover the entire 0-2^n-1 sequence
Sum = 2^n * (2^n+1)/2
O(1) operation. No need to do bit reversals
Edit: Of course original poster's question was about to do increment by (reversed) one, which makes things more simple than adding two random values. So nwellnhof's answer contains the algorithm already.
Summing two bit-reversal values
Here is one solution in php:
function RevSum ($a,$b) {
// loop until our adder, $b, is zero
while ($b) {
// get carry (aka overflow) bit for every bit-location by AND-operation
// 0 + 0 --> 00 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 0 + 1 --> 01 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 1 + 0 --> 01 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 1 + 1 --> 10 overflow! carry is "1"
$c = $a & $b;
// do 1-bit addition for every bit location at once by XOR-operation
// 0 + 0 --> 00 result = 0
// 0 + 1 --> 01 result = 1
// 1 + 0 --> 01 result = 1
// 1 + 1 --> 10 result = 0 (ignored that "1", already taken care above)
$a ^= $b;
// now: shift carry bits to the next bit-locations to be added to $a in
// next iteration.
// PHP_INT_MAX here is used to ensure that the most-significant bit of the
// $b will be cleared after shifting. see link in the side note below.
$b = ($c >> 1) & PHP_INT_MAX;
return $a;
Side note: See this question about shifting negative values.
And as for test; start from zero and increment value by 8-bit reversed one (10000000):
$value = 0;
$add = 0x80; // 10000000 <-- "one" as bit reversed
for ($count = 20; $count--;) { // loop 20 times
printf("%08b\n", $value); // show value as 8-bit binary
$value = RevSum($value, $add); // do addition
... will output:
Let assume number 1110101 and our task is to find next one.
1) Find zero on highest position and mark position as index.
11101010 (4th position, so index = 4)
2) Set to zero all bits on position higher than index.
3) Change founded zero from step 1) to '1'
That's it. This is by far the fastest algorithm since most of cpu's has instructions to achieve this very efficiently. Here is a C++ implementation which increment 64bit number in reversed patern.
#include <intrin.h>
unsigned __int64 reversed_increment(unsigned __int64 number)
unsigned long index, result;
_BitScanReverse64(&index, ~number); // returns index of the highest '1' on bit-reverse number (trick to find the highest '0')
result = _bzhi_u64(number, index); // set to '0' all bits at number higher than index position
result |= (unsigned __int64) 1 << index; // changes to '1' bit on index position
return result;
Its not hit your requirements to have "no bits" operations, however i fear there is now way how to achieve something similar without them.
