Converting data from 8 bits to 12 bits - algorithm

I am getting signal that is stored as a buffer of char data (8 bits).
I am also getting the same signal plus 24 dB and my boss told me that it should be possible to reconstruct from those two buffers, one (which will be used as output) that will be stored as 12 bits.
I would like to know the mathematical operation that can do that and why choosing +24dB.
Thanks (I am dumb ><).

From the problem statement, I guess you have an analog signal which are sampled at two amlitudes. Both signals has a resolution of 8 bits, but one is shifted and truncated.
You could get a 12 bit signal by combining the upper 4 bits of the first signal, and concatenating them with the second signal.
sOut = ((sIn1 & 0xF0) << 4) | sIn2
If you want to get a little better accuracy, you could try to calculate an average over the common bits of the two signals. Normally, the lower 4 bits of the first signal should be approximately equal to the upper 4 bits of the second signal. Due to rounding-errors or noise, the values could be slightly different. One of the values could even have overflowed, and moved to the other end of the range.
int Combine(byte sIn1, byte sIn2)
int a = sIn1 >> 4; // Upper 4 bits
int b1 = sIn1 & 0x0F; // Common middle 4 bits
int b2 = sIn2 >> 4; // Common middle 4 bits
int c = sIn2 & 0x0F; // Lower 4 bits
int b;
if (b1 >= 12 && b2 < 4)
// Assume b2 has overflowed, and wrapped around to a smaller value.
// We need to add 16 to it to compensate the average.
b = (b1 + b2 + 16)/2;
else if (b1 < 4 && b2 >= 12)
// Assume b2 has underflowed, and wrapped around to a larger value.
// We need to subtract 16 from it to compensate the average.
b = (b1 + b2 - 16)/2;
// Neither or both has overflowed. Just take the average.
b = (b1 + b2)/2;
// Construct the combined signal.
return a * 256 + b * 16 + c;
When I tested this, it reproduced the signal accurately more often than the first formula.


Assembly language using signed int multiplication math to perform shifts

This is a bit of a turn around.
Usually one is attempting to use shifts to perform multiplication and not the other way around.
On the Hitachi/Motorola 6309 there is no shift by n bits. There is only shift by 1 bit.
However there is a 16 bit x 16 bit signed multiply (provides a 32 bit signed result).
(EDIT) Using this is no problem for a 16 bit shift (left) however I'm trying to use 2 x 16x16 signed mults to do a 32 bit shift. The high order word of the result for the low order word shift is the problem. (Does that make sence?)
Some pseudo code might help:
result.highword = low word of (val.highword * shiftmulttable[shift])
temp = val.lowword * shiftmulttable[shift]
result.lowword = temp.lowword
result.highword = or (result.highword, temp.highword)
(with some magic on temp.highword to consider signed values)
I have been exercising my logic in an attempt to use this instruction to perform the shifts but so far I have failed.
I can easily achieve any positive value shifts by 0 to 14 but when it comes to shifting by 15 bits (mult by 0x8000) or shifting any negative values certain combinations of values require either:
complementing the result by 1
complementing the result by 2
adding 1 to the result
doing nothing to the result
And I just can't see any pattern to these values.
Any ideas appreciated!
Best I can tell from the problem description, implementing the 32-bit shift would work as desired by using an unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply. This can easily be synthesized from a signed 16x16->32 multiply instruction by exploiting the two's complement integer representation. If the two factors are a and b, adding b to the high-order 16 bits of the signed product when a is negative, and adding a to the high-order 16 bits of the signed product when b is negative will give us the unsigned multiplication result.
The following C code implements this approach and tests it exhaustively:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* signed 16x16->32 bit multiply. Hardware instruction */
int32_t mul16_wide (int16_t a, int16_t b)
return (int32_t)a * (int32_t)b;
/* unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply (synthetic) */
int32_t umul16_wide (int16_t a, int16_t b)
int32_t p = mul16_wide (a, b); // signed 16x16->32 bit multiply
if (a < 0) p = p + (b << 16); // add 'b' to upper 16 bits of product
if (b < 0) p = p + (a << 16); // add 'a' to upper 16 bits of product
return p;
/* unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply (reference) */
uint32_t umul16_wide_ref (uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
return (uint32_t)a * (uint32_t)b;
/* test synthetic unsigned multiply exhaustively */
int main (void)
int16_t a, b;
int32_t res, ref;
uint64_t count = 0;
a = -32768;
do {
b = -32768;
do {
res = umul16_wide (a, b);
ref = umul16_wide_ref (a, b);
if (res != ref) {
printf ("!!!! a=%d b=%d res=%d ref=%d\n", a, b, res, ref);
if (b == 32767) break;
b = b + 1;
} while (1);
if (a == 32767) break;
a = a + 1;
} while (1);
printf ("test cases passed: %llx\n", count);
I am not familiar with the Hitachi/Motorola 6309 architecture. I assume it uses a special 32-bit register to hold the result of a wide multiply, from which high and low half can be extracted into 16-bit general-purpose registers, and the conditional corrections can then be applied to the register holding the upper 16 bits.
Are you using fixed-point multiplicative inverses to use the high half result for a right shift?
If you're just left-shifting, multiply by 0x8000 should work. The low half of an NxN => 2N-bit multiply is the same whether inputs are treated as signed or unsigned. Or do you need a 32-bit shift result from your 16-bit input?
Is the multiply instruction actually faster than a few 1-bit shifts for small shift counts? (I wouldn't be surprised if compile-time-constant counts of 2 or 3 would be faster with just a chain of 2 or 3 add same,same or left-shift instructions.)
Anyway, for a compile-time-constant shift count of 15, maybe just multiply by 1<<14 and then do the last count with a 1-bit shift (add same,same).
Or if your ISA has rotates, rotate right by 1 and mask away the low bits, skipping the multiply. Or zero a register, right-shift the low bit into the carry flag, then rotate-through-carry into the top of the zeroed register.
(The latter might be useful on an ISA that doesn't have large immediates and couldn't "mask away all the low bits" in one instruction. Or an ISA that only has RCR not ROR. I don't know 6309 at all)
If you're using a runtime count to look up a multiplier from a table, maybe branch for that case, or adjust your LUT so every entry needs an extra 1-bit shift, so you can do mul(lut[count]) and an unconditional extra shift.
(Only works if you don't need to support a shift-count of zero.)
Not that there would be many interested people who would want to see the 6309 code, but here it is:
Compliant with OS9 C ABI.
Pointer to result and arguments pushed on stack right to left.
0 2 4 8 10
* 10,s pointer to long result
* 4,s 4 byte value
* 8,s 2 byte shift
* x = pointer to result
pshs u
ldx 10,s * load pointer to result
ldd 8,s * load shift
* if shift amount is greater than 31 then
* just return zero. OS9 C standard.
cmpd #32
blt _10x
ldq #0
stq 4,s
bra _13x
* if shift amount is greater than 16 than
* move bottom word of value into top word
* and clear bottom word
cmpb #16
blt _1x
ldu 6,s
stu 4,s
clr 6,s
clr 7,s
* setup pointer u and offset e into mult table _2x
leau _2x,pc
andb #15
* if there is no shift value just return value
beq _13x
aslb * need to double shift to use as word table offset
stb 8,s * save double shft
tfr b,e
* shift top word q = val.word.high * multtab[shft]
ldd 4,s
muld e,u
stw ,x * result.word.high = low word of mult
* shift bottom word q = val.word.low * multtab[shft]
lde 8,s * reload double shft
ldd 6,s
muld e,u
stw 2,x * result.word.low = low word of mult
* The high word or mult needs to be corrected for sign
* if val is negative then muld will return negated results
* and need to un negate it
lde 8,s * reload double shift
tst 4,s * test top byte of val for negative
bge _11x
addd e,u * add the multtab[shft] again to top word
* if multtab[shft] is negative (shft is 15 or shft<<1 is 30)
* also need to un negate result
cmpe #30
bne _12x
addd 6,s * add val.word.low to top word
* combine top and bottom and save bottom half of result
ord ,x
std ,x
bra _14x
* this is only reached if the result is in value (let result = value)
ldq 4,s * load value
stq ,x * result = value
puls u,pc
_2x fdb $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$0100,$0200,$0400,$0800
fdb $1000,$2000,$4000,$8000

How to convert between Hilbert Curve QuadTree and S2 Geometry CellId

Let's say I know the Hilbert Curve Face and Quadtree, such as 4/032212303102122 (face 4, level 15).
Or perhaps I know the S2 Geometry CellId, such as 9749618424903892992.
How can I convert from the one to the other?
(this is the kind of thing you need to do for Pokemon GO and Ingress maps)
I'm trying to do this in JavaScript and a library exists for manipulating 64-bit integers (long.js) as well as for S2CellIds (s2-geometry.js).
Also, I'm feeling pretty good about walking the hilbert curve simply by adding or subtracting the base four numbers (except when crossing faces, but that happens rarely enough that I'll be fine... for a while...), just not sure how to go back and forth with the 64-bit id.
It turns out that it's much, much, much easier to do it with strings than with binary - and since this is JavaScript where bitshifting with the long.js would take significantly more time, it's actually faster!
Code Example:
From s2-geometry-javascript:
'use strict';
var Long = require('long');
var S2 = {};
S2.MAX_LEVEL = 30;
S2.POS_BITS = (2 * S2.MAX_LEVEL) + 1;
S2.fromFacePosLevel = function (faceN, posS, levelN) {
var Long = exports.dcodeIO && exports.dcodeIO.Long || require('long');
if (!levelN) {
levelN = posS.length;
if (posS.length > levelN) {
posS = posS.substr(0, levelN);
var posB = Long.fromString(posS, true, 4).toString(2);
while (posB.length < (2 * levelN)) {
posB = '0' + posB;
var bin = Long.fromString(faceN.toString(10), true, 10).toString(2);
while (bin.length < S2.FACE_BITS) {
bin = '0' + bin;
bin += posB;
bin += '1';
while (bin.length < (S2.FACE_BITS + S2.POS_BITS)) {
bin += '0';
return Long.fromString(bin, true, 2).toString(10);
Here's a quick 'n' dirty breakdown of the bits
id encoding
Note that + means concat and NOT add
(padding + face bits) + (padding + position bits) + (lsb marker + padding)
// quadkey 4/032212303102210
// id (base 10) 9749618446378729472
// base 4 10 032212303102210 1000000000000000
// base 2 100 001110100110110011010010100100 1000000000000000000000000000000
face encoding
"human readable" form is base 10
3-bit - i.e. an unfolded 6-sided cube with base 10 face representations of 0,1,2,3,4,5
6 and 7 are unused and invalid
3 binary characters - i.e. 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101
110 and 111 are unused and invalid
left-padded to 3-bits with '0's (i.e. 001)
position encoding
"human readable" form is base 4 (quadkey)
60 data bits, 1 bit for lsb marker
left-padded to LEVEL with '0's (i.e. 00322130 for level 8)
level encoding
"human readable" form is base 10
the length of hilbert curve quadkey / quadtree string is the level
calculated from the least significant bit in binary form
lsb (least-significant bit) marker is '1', just to right of position
right-padded to MAX_LEVEL*2 (after lsb marker) with a leading '0's
(i.e. '1' for level 30, '1000' for level 27)

check overflow when multiply with 3 by bitwise

I have problem how to solve this one, Iam thinking about return
int product = 3 * n;
return (!n || product/n == 3);
however, I cant use those operators.
* Overflow detection of 3*n
* Input is positive
* Example: overflow( 10 ) = 0
* Example: overlfow( 1<<30 ) = 1
* Legal ops: & | >> << ~
* Max ops: 10
* Number of X86 instructions:
int overflow_3( int n ) {
return 2;
The condition is equivalent to checking whether x is larger than MAX_INT / 3, that is, x > 0x2aaaaaaa. Since x is known to be nonnegative, we know that the top bit is zero and thus we can check the condition as follows:
unsigned overflow(unsigned x) {
return (x + 0x55555555) >> 31;
There are two possible options for a number to overflow when multiplied by 3.
Let's look at X3 multiplication. There are two actions:
1. Shift left by 1 leaves the leftmost bit set. This could only happen if the near leftmost (i.e the 30) bit is set
2. Shift left by 1 leaves the leftmost bit unset. However the following addition of the original number results in having the bits set. This could only happen if the 29 bit is set (since it is the only one that will become the 30 after the shift) and if either the 28 or the 27 bit is set (since they can overflow to the 30 bit). However the 27 but by itself being set is not enough (since we need the 26 bit to be set, or the 25th and 24th) and etc.
So basically you need a loop here. However since loops are not allowed I would use recursion. So:
int overflow_3(int n){
return n >> 30 || (n >> 29 && overflow_3( (n & ( (1 << 29) - 1)) << 2 ) );

What is the fastest possible way to sort an array of 7 integers?

This is a part of a program that analyzes the odds of poker, specifically Texas Hold'em. I have a program I'm happy with, but it needs some small optimizations to be perfect.
I use this type (among others, of course):
T7Cards = array[0..6] of integer;
There are two things about this array that may be important when deciding how to sort it:
Every item is a value from 0 to 51. No other values are possible.
There are no duplicates. Never.
With this information, what is the absolutely fastest way to sort this array? I use Delphi, so pascal code would be the best, but I can read C and pseudo, albeit a bit more slowly :-)
At the moment I use quicksort, but the funny thing is that this is almost no faster than bubblesort! Possible because of the small number of items. The sorting counts for almost 50% of the total running time of the method.
Mason Wheeler asked why it's necessary to optimize. One reason is that the method will be called 2118760 times.
Basic poker information: All players are dealt two cards (the pocket) and then five cards are dealt to the table (the 3 first are called the flop, the next is the turn and the last is the river. Each player picks the five best cards to make up their hand)
If I have two cards in the pocket, P1 and P2, I will use the following loops to generate all possible combinations:
for C1 := 0 to 51-4 do
if (C1<>P1) and (C1<>P2) then
for C2 := C1+1 to 51-3 do
if (C2<>P1) and (C2<>P2) then
for C3 := C2+1 to 51-2 do
if (C3<>P1) and (C3<>P2) then
for C4 := C3+1 to 51-1 do
if (C4<>P1) and (C4<>P2) then
for C5 := C4+1 to 51 do
if (C5<>P1) and (C5<>P2) then
//This code will be executed 2 118 760 times
As I write this I notice one thing more: The last five elements of the array will always be sorted, so it's just a question of putting the first two elements in the right position in the array. That should simplify matters a bit.
So, the new question is: What is the fastest possible way to sort an array of 7 integers when the last 5 elements are already sorted. I believe this could be solved with a couple (?) of if's and swaps :-)
For a very small set, insertion sort can usually beat quicksort because it has very low overhead.
WRT your edit, if you're already mostly in sort order (last 5 elements are already sorted), insertion sort is definitely the way to go. In an almost-sorted set of data, it'll beat quicksort every time, even for large sets. (Especially for large sets! This is insertion sort's best-case scenario and quicksort's worst case.)
Don't know how you are implementing this, but what you could do is have an array of 52 instead of 7, and just insert the card in its slot directly when you get it since there can never be duplicates, that way you never have to sort the array. This might be faster depending on how its used.
I don't know that much about Texas Hold'em: Does it matter what suit P1 and P2 are, or does it only matter if they are of the same suit or not? If only suit(P1)==suit(P2) matters, then you could separate the two cases, you have only 13x12/2 different possibilities for P1/P2, and you can easily precalculate a table for the two cases.
Otherwise, I would suggest something like this:
(* C1 < C2 < P1 *)
for C1:=0 to P1-2 do
for C2:=C1+1 to P1-1 do
Cards[0] = C1;
Cards[1] = C2;
Cards[2] = P1;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(* C1 < P1 < C2 *)
for C1:=0 to P1-1 do
for C2:=P1+1 to 51 do
Cards[0] = C1;
Cards[1] = P1;
Cards[2] = C2;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(* P1 < C1 < C2 *)
for C1:=P1+1 to 51 do
for C2:=C1+1 to 51 do
Cards[0] = P1;
Cards[1] = C1;
Cards[2] = C2;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(this is just a demonstration for one card P1, you would have to expand that for P2, but I think that's straightforward. Although it'll be a lot of typing...)
That way, the sorting doesn't take any time at all. The generated permutations are already ordered.
There are only 5040 permutations of 7 elements. You can programmaticaly generate a program that finds the one represented by your input in a minimal number of comparisons. It will be a big tree of if-then-else instructions, each comparing a fixed pair of nodes, for example if (a[3]<=a[6]).
The tricky part is deciding which 2 elements to compare in a particular internal node. For this, you have to take into account the results of comparisons in the ancestor nodes from root to the particular node (for example a[0]<=a[1], not a[2]<=a[7], a[2]<=a[5]) and the set of possible permutations that satisfy the comparisons. Compare the pair of elements that splits the set into as equal parts as possible (minimize the size of the larger part).
Once you have the permutation, it is trivial to sort it in a minimal set of swaps.
Since the last 5 items are already sorted, the code can be written just to reposition the first 2 items. Since you're using Pascal, I've written and tested a sorting algorithm that can execute 2,118,760 times in about 62 milliseconds.
procedure SortT7Cards(var Cards: T7Cards);
CardsLength = Length(Cards);
I, J, V: Integer;
V1, V2: Integer;
// Last 5 items will always be sorted, so we want to place the first two into
// the right location.
V1 := Cards[0];
V2 := Cards[1];
if V2 < V1 then
I := V1;
V1 := V2;
V2 := I;
J := 0;
I := 2;
while I < CardsLength do
V := Cards[I];
if V1 < V then
Cards[J] := V1;
Cards[J] := V;
while I < CardsLength do
V := Cards[I];
if V2 < V then
Cards[J] := V2;
Cards[J] := V;
if J = (CardsLength - 2) then
Cards[J] := V1;
Cards[J + 1] := V2;
else if J = (CardsLength - 1) then
Cards[J] := V2;
Use min-sort. Search for minimal and maximal element at once and place them into resultant array. Repeat three times. (EDIT: No, I won't try to measure the speed theoretically :_))
cards,result: array[0..6] of integer;
i,min,max: integer;
while (n<3) do begin
for i from 0 to 6 do begin
if cards[i]<min then min:=cards[i]
else if cards[i]>max then max:=cards[i]
for i from 0 to 6 do
if (cards[i]<52) and (cards[i]>=0) then begin
result[3] := cards[i];
{ Result is sorted here! }
This is the fastest method: since the 5-card list is already sorted, sort the two-card list (a compare & swap), and then merge the two lists, which is O(k * (5+2). In this case (k) will normally be 5: the loop test(1), the compare(2), the copy(3), the input-list increment(4) and the output list increment(5). That's 35 + 2.5. Throw in loop initialization and you get 41.5 statements, total.
You could also unroll the loops which would save you maybe 8 statements or execution, but make the whole routine about 4-5 times longer which may mess with your instruction cache hit ratio.
Given P(0 to 2), C(0 to 5) and copying to H(0 to 6)
with C() already sorted (ascending):
If P(0) > P(1) Then
// Swap:
T = P(0)
P(0) = P(1)
P(1) = T
// 1stmt + (3stmt * 50%) = 2.5stmt
P(2), C(5) = 53 \\ Note these are end-of-list flags
k = 0 \\ P() index
J = 0 \\ H() index
i = 0 \\ C() index
// 4 stmt
Do While (j) < 7
If P(k) < C(I) then
H(j) = P(k)
k = k+1
H(j) = C(i)
j = j+1
End if
j = j+1
// 5stmt * 7loops = 35stmt
And note that this is faster than the other algorithm that would be "fastest" if you had to truly sort all 7 cards: use a bit-mask(52) to map & bit-set all 7 cards into that range of all possible 52 cards (the bit-mask), and then scan the bit-mask in order looking for the 7 bits that are set. That takes 60-120 statements at best (but is still faster than any other sorting approach).
For seven numbers, the most efficient algorithm that exists with regards to the number of comparisons is Ford-Johnson's. In fact, wikipedia references a paper, easily found on google, that claims Ford-Johnson's the best for up to 47 numbers. Unfortunately, references to Ford-Johnson's aren't all that easy to found, and the algorithm uses some complex data structures.
It appears on The Art Of Computer Programming, Volume 3, by Donald Knuth, if you have access to that book.
There's a paper which describes FJ and a more memory efficient version here.
At any rate, because of the memory overhead of that algorithm, I doubt it would be worth your while for integers, as the cost of comparing two integers is rather cheap compared to the cost of allocating memory and manipulating pointers.
Now, you mentioned that 5 cards are already sorted, and you just need to insert two. You can do this with insertion sort most efficiently like this:
Order the two cards so that P1 > P2
Insert P1 going from the high end to the low end
(list) Insert P2 going from after P1 to the low end
(array) Insert P2 going from the low end to the high end
How you do that will depend on the data structure. With an array you'll be swapping each element, so place P1 at 1st, P2 and 7th (ordered high to low), and then swap P1 up, and then P2 down. With a list, you just need to fix the pointers as appropriate.
However once more, because of the particularity of your code, it really is best if you follow nikie suggestion and just generate the for loops apropriately for every variation in which P1 and P2 can appear in the list.
For example, sort P1 and P2 so that P1 < P2. Let's make Po1 and Po2 the position from 0 to 6, of P1 and P2 on the list. Then do this:
Loop Po1 from 0 to 5
Loop Po2 from Po1 + 1 to 6
If (Po2 == 1) C1start := P2 + 1; C1end := 51 - 4
If (Po1 == 0 && Po2 == 2) C1start := P1+1; C1end := P2 - 1
If (Po1 == 0 && Po2 > 2) C1start := P1+1; C1end := 51 - 5
If (Po1 > 0) C1start := 0; C1end := 51 - 6
for C1 := C1start to C1end
// Repeat logic to compute C2start and C2end
// C2 can begin at C1+1, P1+1 or P2+1
// C2 can finish at P1-1, P2-1, 51 - 3, 51 - 4 or 51 -5
You then call a function passing Po1, Po2, P1, P2, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and have this function return all possible permutations based on Po1 and Po2 (that's 36 combinations).
Personally, I think that's the fastest you can get. You completely avoid having to order anything, because the data will be pre-ordered. You incur in some comparisons anyway to compute the starts and ends, but their cost is minimized as most of them will be on the outermost loops, so they won't be repeated much. And they can even be more optimized at the cost of more code duplication.
For 7 elements, there are only few options. You can easily write a generator that produces method to sort all possible combinations of 7 elements. Something like this method for 3 elements:
if a[1] < a[2] {
if a[2] < a[3] {
// nothing to do, a[1] < a[2] < a[3]
} else {
if a[1] < a[3] {
// correct order should be a[1], a[3], a[2]
swap a[2], a[3]
} else {
// correct order should be a[3], a[1], a[2]
swap a[2], a[3]
swap a[1], a[3]
} else {
// here we know that a[1] >= a[2]
Of course method for 7 elements will be bigger, but it's not that hard to generate.
The code below is close to optimal. It could be made better by composing a list to be traversed while making the tree, but I'm out of time right now. Cheers!
object Sort7 {
def left(i: Int) = i * 4
def right(i: Int) = i * 4 + 1
def up(i: Int) = i * 4 + 2
def value(i: Int) = i * 4 + 3
val a = new Array[Int](7 * 4)
def reset = {
0 until 7 foreach {
i => {
a(left(i)) = -1
a(right(i)) = -1
a(up(i)) = -1
a(value(i)) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(52)
def sortN(i : Int) {
var index = 0
def getNext = if (a(value(i)) < a(value(index))) left(index) else right(index)
var next = getNext
while(a(next) != -1) {
index = a(next)
next = getNext
a(next) = i
a(up(i)) = index
def sort = 1 until 7 foreach (sortN(_))
def print {
def traverse(i: Int): Unit = {
if (i != -1) {
In pseudo code:
int64 temp = 0;
int index, bit_position;
for index := 0 to 6 do
temp |= 1 << cards[index];
for index := 0 to 6 do
bit_position = find_first_set(temp);
temp &= ~(1 << bit_position);
cards[index] = bit_position;
It's an application of bucket sort, which should generally be faster than any of the comparison sorts that were suggested.
Note: The second part could also be implemented by iterating over bits in linear time, but in practice it may not be faster:
index = 0;
for bit_position := 0 to 51 do
if (temp & (1 << bit_position)) > 0 then
cards[index] = bit_position;
Assuming that you need an array of cards at the end of it.
Map the original cards to bits in a 64 bit integer ( or any integer with >= 52 bits ).
If during the initial mapping the array is sorted, don't change it.
Partition the integer into nibbles - each will correspond to values 0x0 to 0xf.
Use the nibbles as indices to corresponding sorted sub-arrays. You'll need 13 sets of 16 sub-arrays ( or just 16 sub-arrays and use a second indirection, or do the bit ops rather than looking the answer up; what is faster will vary by platform ).
Concatenate the non-empty sub-arrays into the final array.
You could use larger than nibbles if you want; bytes would give 7 sets of 256 arrays and make it more likely that the non-empty arrays require concatenating.
This assumes that branches are expensive and cached array accesses cheap.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// for general case of 7 from 52, rather than assuming last 5 sorted
uint32_t card_masks[16][5] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 3, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 2, 3, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 0, 0 },
{ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 4, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 2, 4, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 4, 0, 0 },
{ 3, 4, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 3, 4, 0, 0 },
{ 2, 3, 4, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 },
void sort7 ( uint32_t* cards) {
uint64_t bitset = ( ( 1LL << cards[ 0 ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 1LL ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 2 ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 3 ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 4 ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 5 ] ) | ( 1LL << cards[ 6 ] ) ) >> 1;
uint32_t* p = cards;
uint32_t base = 0;
do {
uint32_t* card_mask = card_masks[ bitset & 0xf ];
// you might remove this test somehow, as well as unrolling the outer loop
// having separate arrays for each nibble would save 7 additions and the increment of base
while ( *card_mask )
*(p++) = base + *(card_mask++);
bitset >>= 4;
base += 4;
} while ( bitset );
void print_cards ( uint32_t* cards ) {
printf ( "[ %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ]\n", cards[0], cards[1], cards[2], cards[3], cards[4], cards[5], cards[6] );
int main ( void ) {
uint32_t cards[7] = { 3, 9, 23, 17, 2, 42, 52 };
print_cards ( cards );
sort7 ( cards );
print_cards ( cards );
return 0;
Use a sorting network, like in this C++ code:
template<class T>
inline void sort7(T data) {
#define SORT2(x,y) {if(data##x>data##y)std::swap(data##x,data##y);}
//DD = Define Data, create a local copy of the data to aid the optimizer.
#define DD1(a) register auto data##a=*(data+a);
#define DD2(a,b) register auto data##a=*(data+a);register auto data##b=*(data+b);
//CB = Copy Back
#define CB1(a) *(data+a)=data##a;
#define CB2(a,b) *(data+a)=data##a;*(data+b)=data##b;
DD2(1,2) SORT2(1,2)
DD2(3,4) SORT2(3,4)
DD2(5,6) SORT2(5,6)
DD1(0) SORT2(0,2)
SORT2(2,6) CB1(6)
SORT2(0,3) CB1(0)
SORT2(2,5) CB1(5)
SORT2(1,3) CB1(1)
SORT2(2,4) CB1(4)
SORT2(2,3) CB2(2,3)
#undef CB1
#undef CB2
#undef DD1
#undef DD2
#undef SORT2
Use the function above if you want to pass it an iterator or a pointer and use the function below if you want to pass it the seven arguments one by one. BTW, using templates allows compilers to generate really optimized code so don't get ride of the template<> unless you want C code (or some other language's code).
template<class T>
inline void sort7(T& e0, T& e1, T& e2, T& e3, T& e4, T& e5, T& e6) {
#define SORT2(x,y) {if(data##x>data##y)std::swap(data##x,data##y);}
#define DD1(a) register auto data##a=e##a;
#define DD2(a,b) register auto data##a=e##a;register auto data##b=e##b;
#define CB1(a) e##a=data##a;
#define CB2(a,b) e##a=data##a;e##b=data##b;
DD2(1,2) SORT2(1,2)
DD2(3,4) SORT2(3,4)
DD2(5,6) SORT2(5,6)
DD1(0) SORT2(0,2)
SORT2(2,6) CB1(6)
SORT2(0,3) CB1(0)
SORT2(2,5) CB1(5)
SORT2(1,3) CB1(1)
SORT2(2,4) CB1(4)
SORT2(2,3) CB2(2,3)
#undef CB1
#undef CB2
#undef DD1
#undef DD2
#undef SORT2
Take a look at this:
You would need to pick one that will have a stable worst case cost...
Another option could be to keep the array sorted the whole time, so an addition of a card would keep the array sorted automatically, that way you could skip to sorting...
What JRL is referring to is a bucket sort. Since you have a finite discrete set of possible values, you can declare 52 buckets and just drop each element in a bucket in O(1) time. Hence bucket sort is O(n). Without the guarantee of a finite number of different elements, the fastest theoretical sort is O(n log n) which things like merge sort an quick sort are. It's just a balance of best and worst case scenarios then.
But long answer short, use bucket sort.
If you like the above mentioned suggestion to keep a 52 element array which always keeps your array sorted, then may be you could keep another list of 7 elements which would reference the 7 valid elements in the 52 element array. This way we can even avoid parsing the 52 element array.
I guess for this to be really efficient, we would need to have a linked list type of structure which be supports operations: InsertAtPosition() and DeleteAtPosition() and be efficient at that.
There are a lot of loops in the answers. Given his speed requirement and the tiny size of the data set I would not do ANY loops.
I have not tried it but I suspect the best answer is a fully unrolled bubble sort. It would also probably gain a fair amount of advantage from being done in assembly.
I wonder if this is the right approach, though. How are you going to analyze a 7 card hand?? I think you're going to end up converting it to some other representation for analysis anyway. Would not a 4x13 array be a more useful representation? (And it would render the sorting issue moot, anyway.)
Considering that last 5 elements are always sorted:
for i := 0 to 1 do begin
j := i;
x := array[j];
while (j+1 <= 6) and (array[j+1] < x) do begin
array[j] := array[j+1];
array[j] := X;
bubble sort is your friend. Other sorts have too many overhead codes and not suitable for small number of elements
Here is your basic O(n) sort. I'm not sure how it compares to the others. It uses unrolled loops.
char card[7]; // the original table of 7 numbers in range 0..51
char table[52]; // workspace
// clear the workspace
memset(table, 0, sizeof(table));
// set the 7 bits corresponding to the 7 cards
table[card[0]] = 1;
table[card[1]] = 1;
table[card[6]] = 1;
// read the cards back out
int j = 0;
if (table[0]) card[j++] = 0;
if (table[1]) card[j++] = 1;
if (table[51]) card[j++] = 51;
If you are looking for a very low overhead, optimal sort, you should create a sorting network. You can generate the code for a 7 integer network using the Bose-Nelson algorithm.
This would guarentee a fixed number of compares and an equal number of swaps in the worst case.
The generated code is ugly, but it is optimal.
Your data is in a sorted array and I'll assume you swap the new two if needed so also sorted, so
a. if you want to keep it in place then use a form of insertion sort;
b. if you want to have it the result in another array do a merging by copying.
With the small numbers, binary chop is overkill, and ternary chop is appropriate anyway:
One new card will mostly like split into two and three, viz. 2+3 or 3+2,
two cards into singles and pairs, e.g. 2+1+2.
So the most time-space efficient approach to placing the smaller new card is to compare with a[1] (viz. skip a[0]) and then search left or right to find the card it should displace, then swap and move right (shifting rather than bubbling), comparing with the larger new card till you find where it goes. After this you'll be shifting forward by twos (two cards have been inserted).
The variables holding the new cards (and swaps) should be registers.
The look up approach would be faster but use more memory.

Counting, reversed bit pattern

I am trying to find an algorithm to count from 0 to 2n-1 but their bit pattern reversed. I care about only n LSB of a word. As you may have guessed I failed.
For n=3:
000 -> 0
100 -> 4
010 -> 2
110 -> 6
001 -> 1
101 -> 5
011 -> 3
111 -> 7
You get the idea.
Answers in pseudo-code is great. Code fragments in any language are welcome, answers without bit operations are preferred.
Please don't just post a fragment without even a short explanation or a pointer to a source.
Edit: I forgot to add, I already have a naive implementation which just bit-reverses a count variable. In a sense, this method is not really counting.
This is, I think easiest with bit operations, even though you said this wasn't preferred
Assuming 32 bit ints, here's a nifty chunk of code that can reverse all of the bits without doing it in 32 steps:
unsigned int i;
i = (i & 0x55555555) << 1 | (i & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1;
i = (i & 0x33333333) << 2 | (i & 0xcccccccc) >> 2;
i = (i & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4 | (i & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4;
i = (i & 0x00ff00ff) << 8 | (i & 0xff00ff00) >> 8;
i = (i & 0x0000ffff) << 16 | (i & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
i >>= (32 - n);
Essentially this does an interleaved shuffle of all of the bits. Each time around half of the bits in the value are swapped with the other half.
The last line is necessary to realign the bits so that bin "n" is the most significant bit.
Shorter versions of this are possible if "n" is <= 16, or <= 8
At each step, find the leftmost 0 digit of your value. Set it, and clear all digits to the left of it. If you don't find a 0 digit, then you've overflowed: return 0, or stop, or crash, or whatever you want.
This is what happens on a normal binary increment (by which I mean it's the effect, not how it's implemented in hardware), but we're doing it on the left instead of the right.
Whether you do this in bit ops, strings, or whatever, is up to you. If you do it in bitops, then a clz (or call to an equivalent hibit-style function) on ~value might be the most efficient way: __builtin_clz where available. But that's an implementation detail.
This solution was originally in binary and converted to conventional math as the requester specified.
It would make more sense as binary, at least the multiply by 2 and divide by 2 should be << 1 and >> 1 for speed, the additions and subtractions probably don't matter one way or the other.
If you pass in mask instead of nBits, and use bitshifting instead of multiplying or dividing, and change the tail recursion to a loop, this will probably be the most performant solution you'll find since every other call it will be nothing but a single add, it would only be as slow as Alnitak's solution once every 4, maybe even 8 calls.
int incrementBizarre(int initial, int nBits)
// in the 3 bit example, this should create 100
// This should only return true if the first (least significant) bit is not set
// if initial is 011 and mask is 100
// 3 4, bit is not set
if(initial < mask)
// If it was not, just set it and bail.
return initial+ mask // 011 (3) + 100 (4) = 111 (7)
// it was set, are we at the most significant bit yet?
// mask 100 (4) / 2 = 010 (2), 001/2 = 0 indicating overflow
if(mask / 2) > 0
// No, we were't, so unset it (initial-mask) and increment the next bit
return incrementBizarre(initial - mask, mask/2)
// Whoops we were at the most significant bit. Error condition
throw new OverflowedMyBitsException()
Wow, that turned out kinda cool. I didn't figure in the recursion until the last second there.
It feels wrong--like there are some operations that should not work, but they do because of the nature of what you are doing (like it feels like you should get into trouble when you are operating on a bit and some bits to the left are non-zero, but it turns out you can't ever be operating on a bit unless all the bits to the left are zero--which is a very strange condition, but true.
Example of flow to get from 110 to 001 (backwards 3 to backwards 4):
mask 100 (4), initial 110 (6); initial < mask=false; initial-mask = 010 (2), now try on the next bit
mask 010 (2), initial 010 (2); initial < mask=false; initial-mask = 000 (0), now inc the next bit
mask 001 (1), initial 000 (0); initial < mask=true; initial + mask = 001--correct answer
Here's a solution from my answer to a different question that computes the next bit-reversed index without looping. It relies heavily on bit operations, though.
The key idea is that incrementing a number simply flips a sequence of least-significant bits, for example from nnnn0111 to nnnn1000. So in order to compute the next bit-reversed index, you have to flip a sequence of most-significant bits. If your target platform has a CTZ ("count trailing zeros") instruction, this can be done efficiently.
Example in C using GCC's __builtin_ctz:
void iter_reversed(unsigned bits) {
unsigned n = 1 << bits;
for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%x\n", j);
// Compute a mask of LSBs.
unsigned mask = i ^ (i + 1);
// Length of the mask.
unsigned len = __builtin_ctz(~mask);
// Align the mask to MSB of n.
mask <<= bits - len;
// XOR with mask.
j ^= mask;
Without a CTZ instruction, you can also use integer division:
void iter_reversed(unsigned bits) {
unsigned n = 1 << bits;
for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%x\n", j);
// Find least significant zero bit.
unsigned bit = ~i & (i + 1);
// Using division to bit-reverse a single bit.
unsigned rev = (n / 2) / bit;
// XOR with mask.
j ^= (n - 1) & ~(rev - 1);
void reverse(int nMaxVal, int nBits)
int thisVal, bit, out;
// Calculate for each value from 0 to nMaxVal.
for (thisVal=0; thisVal<=nMaxVal; ++thisVal)
out = 0;
// Shift each bit from thisVal into out, in reverse order.
for (bit=0; bit<nBits; ++bit)
out = (out<<1) + ((thisVal>>bit) & 1)
printf("%d -> %d\n", thisVal, out);
Maybe increment from 0 to N (the "usual" way") and do ReverseBitOrder() for each iteration. You can find several implementations here (I like the LUT one the best).
Should be really quick.
Here's an answer in Perl. You don't say what comes after the all ones pattern, so I just return zero. I took out the bitwise operations so that it should be easy to translate into another language.
sub reverse_increment {
my($n, $bits) = #_;
my $carry = 2**$bits;
while($carry > 1) {
$carry /= 2;
if($carry > $n) {
return $carry + $n;
} else {
$n -= $carry;
return 0;
Here's a solution which doesn't actually try to do any addition, but exploits the on/off pattern of the seqence (most sig bit alternates every time, next most sig bit alternates every other time, etc), adjust n as desired:
#define FLIP(x, i) do { (x) ^= (1 << (i)); } while(0)
int main() {
int n = 3;
int max = (1 << n);
int x = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= max; ++i) {
std::cout << x << std::endl;
/* if n == 3, this next part is functionally equivalent to this:
* if((i % 1) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 1);
* if((i % 2) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 2);
* if((i % 4) == 0) FLIP(x, n - 3);
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if((i % (1 << j)) == 0) FLIP(x, n - (j + 1));
How about adding 1 to the most significant bit, then carrying to the next (less significant) bit, if necessary. You could speed this up by operating on bytes:
Precompute a lookup table for counting in bit-reverse from 0 to 256 (00000000 -> 10000000, 10000000 -> 01000000, ..., 11111111 -> 00000000).
Set all bytes in your multi-byte number to zero.
Increment the most significant byte using the lookup table. If the byte is 0, increment the next byte using the lookup table. If the byte is 0, increment the next byte...
Go to step 3.
With n as your power of 2 and x the variable you want to step:
(defun inv-step (x n) ; the following is a function declaration
"returns a bit-inverse step of x, bounded by 2^n" ; documentation
(do ((i (expt 2 (- n 1)) ; loop, init of i
(/ i 2)) ; stepping of i
(s x)) ; init of s as x
((not (integerp i)) ; breaking condition
s) ; returned value if all bits are 1 (is 0 then)
(if (< s i) ; the loop's body: if s < i
(return-from inv-step (+ s i)) ; -> add i to s and return the result
(decf s i)))) ; else: reduce s by i
I commented it thoroughly as you may not be familiar with this syntax.
edit: here is the tail recursive version. It seems to be a little faster, provided that you have a compiler with tail call optimization.
(defun inv-step (x n)
(let ((i (expt 2 (- n 1))))
(cond ((= n 1)
(if (zerop x) 1 0)) ; this is really (logxor x 1)
((< x i)
(+ x i))
(inv-step (- x i) (- n 1))))))
When you reverse 0 to 2^n-1 but their bit pattern reversed, you pretty much cover the entire 0-2^n-1 sequence
Sum = 2^n * (2^n+1)/2
O(1) operation. No need to do bit reversals
Edit: Of course original poster's question was about to do increment by (reversed) one, which makes things more simple than adding two random values. So nwellnhof's answer contains the algorithm already.
Summing two bit-reversal values
Here is one solution in php:
function RevSum ($a,$b) {
// loop until our adder, $b, is zero
while ($b) {
// get carry (aka overflow) bit for every bit-location by AND-operation
// 0 + 0 --> 00 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 0 + 1 --> 01 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 1 + 0 --> 01 no overflow, carry is "0"
// 1 + 1 --> 10 overflow! carry is "1"
$c = $a & $b;
// do 1-bit addition for every bit location at once by XOR-operation
// 0 + 0 --> 00 result = 0
// 0 + 1 --> 01 result = 1
// 1 + 0 --> 01 result = 1
// 1 + 1 --> 10 result = 0 (ignored that "1", already taken care above)
$a ^= $b;
// now: shift carry bits to the next bit-locations to be added to $a in
// next iteration.
// PHP_INT_MAX here is used to ensure that the most-significant bit of the
// $b will be cleared after shifting. see link in the side note below.
$b = ($c >> 1) & PHP_INT_MAX;
return $a;
Side note: See this question about shifting negative values.
And as for test; start from zero and increment value by 8-bit reversed one (10000000):
$value = 0;
$add = 0x80; // 10000000 <-- "one" as bit reversed
for ($count = 20; $count--;) { // loop 20 times
printf("%08b\n", $value); // show value as 8-bit binary
$value = RevSum($value, $add); // do addition
... will output:
Let assume number 1110101 and our task is to find next one.
1) Find zero on highest position and mark position as index.
11101010 (4th position, so index = 4)
2) Set to zero all bits on position higher than index.
3) Change founded zero from step 1) to '1'
That's it. This is by far the fastest algorithm since most of cpu's has instructions to achieve this very efficiently. Here is a C++ implementation which increment 64bit number in reversed patern.
#include <intrin.h>
unsigned __int64 reversed_increment(unsigned __int64 number)
unsigned long index, result;
_BitScanReverse64(&index, ~number); // returns index of the highest '1' on bit-reverse number (trick to find the highest '0')
result = _bzhi_u64(number, index); // set to '0' all bits at number higher than index position
result |= (unsigned __int64) 1 << index; // changes to '1' bit on index position
return result;
Its not hit your requirements to have "no bits" operations, however i fear there is now way how to achieve something similar without them.
