Creating a Many-to-many relationship in Laravel with additional data - laravel

I have in my database a pivot table that stores extra information. It has 2 foreign keys, and an additional field. Here's what it looks like:
int event_id (fk)
int team_id (fk)
boolean home
The intent here is that an Event may have many teams (in fact, it must have at least 2, but that's not a database constraint), and a team may participate in many events. However, for each event-team relationship, I want to also track whether the team is considered the home team for that event.
How do I define my model with this in mind? Do I have an EventTeam model at all, or do I define a belongsToMany relationship in both the Team and Event models? If I need a separate model, what relationships do I define in it? If I don't, how do I add the boolean field to the pivot table that gets used? I really have no idea how to do this.

You dont need a EventTeam model per se, but it could come in handy for seeders or if you are going to attach models to your EventTeam connection anywhere else in your app. This should work:
Event model:
public function teams()
return $this->belongsToMany('Team');
Team model:
public function events()
return $this->belongsToMany('Event');
For the extra boolean you can use ->withPivot().
See for more info.
Updated answers:
1) I would put it in both models so you can access the pivot data from both sides without a problem.
2) It should be to column name indeed.
3) Like i said its not really needed for you in this situation, but you could do this:
EventTeam model:
public function event()
return $this->belongsTo('Event');
public function team()
return $this->belongsTo('Team');

Add withPivot('home') on your relations definitions, then you can access it like this:
$team->events->first()->pivot->home; // 0/1
$event->teams->first()->pivot->home; // 0/1
first is just an example of getting single related model here.
Now, next thing is adding that value to the relation:
$team = Team::find($id);
$event = Event::find($eventId);
$team->events()->attach($event, ['home' => 1]);
// or
$team->events()->attach($eventId, ['home' => 1]);
// or using sync
$event->teams()->sync([1,5,15], ['home' => 0]);
Another thing is querying that field:
// load first team and related events, that the team hosts
$team = Team::with(['events'=>function ($q) {
$q->wherePivot('home', 1);
// load only teams that are hosts for any event
$hostTeams = Team::whereHas('events', function ($q) {
// wherePivot won't work here!
$q->where('event_team.home', 1);
and so on.


Scope by custom attribute or excluding data by scope

I have a Model User that has a polymorphic relation to table Relationships with Pivot column relationship_level.
public function activities()
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Activity', 'relationship')->withPivot('relationship_level')->withTimestamps();
public function relationships()
return $this->hasMany('App\Relationship');
I want one the following:
I want scopeNoCitizens which to exclude everyone who has a relationship_level Citizen no matter what other relationships he has.
I've tried:
scopeNoCitizens($query) {
$query->whereHas('relationship', function($query) {
$query->where('relationship_level', '!=', 'Citizen');
This doesn't work, maybe because all users have many levels and I want everyone who has even one record among many that has level citizen to be excluded from the collection.
I also have a custom attribute getHighestRoleAttribute, but as far as I understand you can't filter by accessor/custom attribute in a scope.
What I currently do is "filter" the collection after get(), but I have to manually paginate after that and do that on numerous places in the app.

Laravel - Eloquent relation whereHas one or more other relations

I'm learning Laravel and Laravel eloquent at the moment and now I try to solve a problem using relations in Laravel.
This is what I want to archive:
The database holds many sport clubs. A sport club has a lot of teams. Each team has games. The teams table has a column named club_id. Now I want to create Eloquent relations to get all games of a club.
Here is what I got so far:
Club model
public function games()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Games')->whereHas('homeTeam')->orWhereHas('guestTeam');
Game model
home_id => FOREIGN KEY of team ; guest_id => FOREIGN KEY of team
public function homeTeam()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Team','home_id')->where('club_id','=', $club_id);
public function guestTeam()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Team','guest_id')->where('club_id','=', $club_id);
Team model
id => PRIMARY ; club_id => FOREIGN
In my controller all I want to do is Club::findOrFail($id)->games()
Executing the code above returns a SQL error that the games table does not have a column named club_id.
What is the correct way to create this kind of relation?
Thanks to Nikola Gavric I've found a way to get all Games - but only where club teams are the home or away team.
Here is the relation:
public function games()
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\Game','App\Models\Team','club_id','home_id');
How is it possible to get the games where the home_id OR the guest_id matches a team of the club? The last parameter in this function does not allow an array.
There is method to retrieve a "distant relationship with an intermediary" and it is called Has Many Through.
There is also a concrete example on how to use it which includes Post, Country and User, but I think it will be sufficient to give you a hint on how to create games relationship inside of a Club model. Here is a link, but when you open it, search for hasManyThrough keyword and you will see an example.
P.S: With right keys naming you could achieve it with:
public function games()
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\Games', 'App\Models\Teams');
EDIT #01
Since you have 2 types of teams, you can create 2 different relationships where each relationship will get you one of the type you need. Like this:
public function gamesAsHome()
return $this
->hasManyThrough('App\Models\Games', 'App\Models\Teams', 'club_id', 'home_id');
public function gamesAsGuests()
return $this
->hasManyThrough('App\Models\Games', 'App\Models\Teams', 'club_id', 'guest_id');
EDIT #02
Merging Relationships: To merge these 2 relationships, you can use merge() method on the Collection instance, what it will do is, it will append all the records from second collection into the first one.
$gamesHome = $model->gamesAsHome;
$gamesGuests = $model->gamesAsGuests;
$games = $gamesHome->merge($gamesGuests);
return $games->unique()->all();
Thanks to #HCK for pointing out that you might have duplicates after the merge and that unique() is required to get the unique games after the merge.
EDIT #03
sortBy also offers a callable instead of a attribute name in cases where Collection contains numerical indexing. You can sort your Collection like this:
$merged->sortBy(function($game, $key) {
return $game->created_at;
When you define that Club hasMany games you are indicating that game has a foreign key called club_id pointing to Club. belongsTo is the same but in the other way. These need to be coherent with what you have on your database, that means that you need to have defined those keys as foreign keys on your tables.
Try this...
Club model
public function games()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Games');
Game model
public function homeTeam()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Team','home_id');
public function guestTeam()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Team','guest_id');
Your Query like

How to retrieve data through model?

I have Order model with another relation OrderPhoto:
public function OrderPhoto()
return $this->hasMany('App\OrderPhoto');
In turn OrderPhoto model has relation:
public function Photo()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Photo');
So, how to get data from OrderModel with related data from third model Photo?
I guess this:
to retrieve only data from Photo model for each Order
So, each Order has some OrderPhotos. Relationship is one to many.
But one item from OrderPhotos is related with primary key from table Photos. It is one to one relation.
My result query should be:
select `photos`.*, `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` from `photos` inner join `ordersphoto` on `ordersphoto`.`Photos_Id` = `photos`.`Id` where `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` in (1);
How to use hasManyThrough for this query?
Just having a quick look at your relationships it looks like you could create a hasManyThrough relationship on the order Model.
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\OrderPhoto', 'App\Photo')
You may need to add the table keys to make it work
This will allow you to do:
You can see more details here
Try this
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Photo', 'App\OrderPhoto', 'Order_id', 'Photos_id', 'id', 'id')
It is a little hard to get my head around your DB structure with this info but you should hopefully be able to work it out. This may also help

Laravel Eloquent ORM - Many to Many Delete Pivot Table Values left over

Using Laravel, I have the following code
$review = Review::find(1);
Review has a many to many relationship defined with a Product entity. When I delete a review, I'd expect it to be detached from the associated products in the pivot table, but this isn't the case. When I run the code above, I still see the linking row in the pivot table.
Have I missed something out here or is this the way Laravel works? I'm aware of the detach() method, but I thought that deleting an entity would also detach it from any related entities automatically.
Review is defined like this:
class Review extends Eloquent
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany('Product');
Product is defined like this:
class Product extends Eloquent
public function reviews()
return $this->belongsToMany('Review');
Thanks in advance.
The detach method is used to release a relationship from the pivot table, whilst delete will delete the model record itself i.e. the record in the reviews table. My understanding is that delete won't trigger the detach implicitly. You can use model events to trigger a cleanup of the pivot table, though, using something like:
protected static function booted()
static::deleting(function ($review) {
Also, I would suggest that the relationship would be a one to many, as one product would have many reviews, but one review wouldn't belong to many products (usually).
class Review extends \Eloquent {
public function product()
return $this->belongsTo('Product');
class Product extends \Eloquent {
public function reviews()
return $this->hasMany('Review');
Of course, this would then require that you tweak your database structure. If you wanted to leave the database structure and your current relationships as they are, the other option would be to apply a foreign key constraint on the pivot table, such that when either a review or product is removed, you could cascade the delete on the pivot table.
// Part of a database migration
Edit: In adding the constraint, you push the cleanup work onto the database, and don't have to worry about handling it in code.
Simpler Steps:
In this example an Account has many Tags:
To delete the Tags, then the Account do this:
// delete the relationships with Tags (Pivot table) first.
// delete the record from the account table.
On the Pivot Table make sure you have ->onDelete('cascade');
$review->product()->sync([]) also works.
However $review->product()->detach() is much more explicit.
public function destroy($id)
$review = Review::find($id);
$review ->tagged_users()->detach();
return $review ->delete();
also works
If that way doesn't solve your problem, you can delete Pivot table records to using the DB option like below ;
DB::table('any_pivot_table')->where('x_column', $xParameter)->delete();
You can solve the problem just like this.
Enjoy your coding !
i guess you have a error in your models relationship conception, the product has many reviews but the review associated with one product so you have here one to many relationship.
but in general the answer in the general case will be using:

Filtering eager-loaded data in Laravel 4

I have the following setup:
Clubs offer Activities, which are of a particular Type, so 3 models with relationships:
function activities()
return $this->hasMany('Activity');
function club()
return $this->belongsTo('Club');
function activityType()
return $this->hasMany('ActivityType');
function activities()
return $this->belongsToMany('Activity');
So for example Club Foo might have a single Activity called 'Triathlon' and that Activity has ActivityTypes 'Swimming', 'Running', and 'Cycling'.
This is all fair enough but I need to show a list of ActivityTypes on the Club page - basically just a list. So I need to get the ActivityTypes of all the related Activities.
I can do that like so from a controller method that receives an instance of the Club model:
$data = $this->club->with(array('activities', 'activities.activityTypes'))->find($club->id)
That gets me an object with all the related Activities along with the ActivityTypes related to them. Also fair enough. But I need to apply some more filtering. An Activity might not be in the right status (it could be in the DB as a draft entry or expired), so I need to be able to only get the ActivityTypes of the Activities that are live and in the future.
At this point I'm lost... does anybody have any suggestions for handling this use case?
To filter, you can use where() as in the fluent DB queries:
$data = Club::with(array('activities' => function($query)
$query->where('activity_start', '>', DB::raw('current_time'));
The example which served as inspiration for this is in the laravel docs, check the end of this section:
(the code's not tested, and I've taken some liberties with the property names! :) )
I think if you first constraint your relationship of activities, the activity types related to them will be automatically constrained as well.
So what I would do is
function activities()
return $this->belongsToMany('Activity')->where('status', '=', 'active');
and then your
$data = $this->club->with(array('activities', 'activities.activityTypes'))->find($club->id)`
query will be working as you would expect.
