how to install a downloaded theme to magento? - magento

I am using magento 1.8. I downloaded a theme,
Now I have the theme zip file. I searched over the internet but I couldn’t find any solution. I replaced the folders app, js, skin of magento root folder with the folders from theme folder. After that to activate the theme I open the admn dashboard I got an error,
The page isn't redirecting properly
Which is the correct way to install a new theme to magento?
Any one provide the step by step installation.

After you install the theme, go to System -> Configuration -> Design.
For the Themes section, set everything to modern, since that’s the name of the theme.
The theme will now be applied.
If you’re running the default install, you can make the front page look how the demo store on here does. For that you’ll need to update the CMS blocks, so go to CMS -> Manage Pages. Click on the Home Page.
You’ll be in the General Information section. Under Content, put the following:
{{block type="core/template" template="sample/home.phtml"}}
You can either comment out what’s already there, or just remove it completely.
Then you need to go to Custom Design and set the Layout to 1 column.
That’s it! Hope It will help you.

there are 3 steps to install a downloaded Magento theme. I followed this tutorial: and successfully to install ultimo theme downloaded from Themeforest
Step 1: Extract/unzip template file
Step 2: Upload theme to Magento root folder
Step 3: Activate your new Magento theme
see the screenshot
Hope this helps


Opencart 2.2 - new custome theme not available in the admin panel

I just followed this tutorial to create a custom new theme for my localhost opencart 2.2 installation. I followed the following instructions from the tutorial :
Let's create a new directory, named mycustomtheme underneath catalog/view/theme. ..... Furthermore, you need to create three more directories within the mycustomtheme directory: image, stylesheet, and templates.
Then I navigated to Admin->System->Settings and clicked on the 'Edit' button of the default store and in the subsequent page expected to get the custom theme in the 'Theme' dropdown but only the 'Default Store theme ' was there.
The tutorial tells that I am supposed to get a 'Template' dropdown there and I found a 'Theme' dropdown instead due to version change I think.
But how to activate the new theme then ?
To change a theme on Opencart, follow below setting:
Login to admin panel.
Go to Extension > Themes > Edit
Select your theme for Theme Directory option
Click on save to activate your new theme.
In opencart 2.2 you need to go into the Admin->Extensions->Themes
I know it's bit late to answer but it can be helpful to others.
In OpenCart creating a custom theme is little complex , i have already answered it here , you can check this link
Why is OpenCart 2.3 custom theme not showing?
or can find this blog
In Open Cart version:2.2
"Admin->Extensions->themes" You can Select your theme.Enable That theme.
After that go to "Extensions->Modules->Theme Control panel",choose your theme and click on insert data,then all data added successfully.

Magento new theme with default data

I have installed Magento CE with sample data. I have copied the default theme of interface rwd and rename it as test theme. Update the package and theme from the admin panel and Save the same. But when refresh the front panel from browser no data will be displayed including images etc. Please help me to know what are the tricks behind the same.
Why data is lost while new theme has been activated?
How to see the sample data?
What are the files am I need to configure more?
you want to Customize RWD your rwd package you can make a new theme like
design/frontend/rwd/yourtheme and start copying the files which you want to customize in yourtheme.
copy files from design/frontend/rwd/default to design/frontend/rwd/yourtheme and start customization.
and also check this link too
If my understanding is right, you already create your own theme package and set it in the System > Configuration > Design (and correctly followed the magento fallback system) Link
Next, if your working on locally, make sure to set the cache as disabled. Navigate to System > Cache management and select all, refresh and then disabled it.

Missing Moodle Admintration block in Afterburner

Please I changed my default theme to the Afterburner theme on my Bitnami Moodle 2.6 which in is installed on my laptop. My question is? Can any one help me find site administration Block? I cant find the site administration block again. How can I get it to show up and it cant how do I uninstall the Afterburner theme without site administration?
Try to change theme via direct link in administration panel: [moodle web path]/theme/index.php
Another way - simply delete "afterburner" folder from moodle "theme" directory (delete or move, not rename). Moodle automatically set another theme.

opencart theme not changing

I installed opencart 1.5.6 on my localhost, and it's not possible for me to change the theme. The admin panel says the new theme is active, but the default theme always appears.
I made the same installation on a remote server, and everything is working well there.
I have no idea what's wrong on my localhost. I'm on a new installation on Ubuntu 12.4 with a default configuration for LAMP. I tried to compare the two phpinfo but there are so many things that are different that gives me no clue.
It was just a problem of rights on the theme folder. Very stupid ...
First, I would check your database to see if the change is registered. Use phpMyAdmin (or whatever included with your LAMP stack) and look at the "oc_setting" (prefix may differ) and see if the config_template is set to the template you've chosen via the admin. This will help identify if the issue is database related.
I have the solution, the ACTUAL solution. (For me anyway)
Extract the theme.
Login to your OpenCart website using FTP. Please read our article if
you need help using FTP.
Upload the catalog and images folders to the root of your OpenCart installation.
Once the upload is finished, log into your OpenCart Dashboard and go
to System > Settings
Choose your website from the list, check the box next to it, and select “Edit”
In the store tab you will now see your new theme option available under 'Template'
Click Save.
It has now been updated.
Many, many tutorials online at the moment incorrectly instruct people to upload their theme directly into the catalog > view > theme location as though it were a WordPress theme or similar. You actually need to put the appropriate resources where they need to be.

Completely Remove Magento Template

I installed magento on my webserver and tried 3 different templates on my URL. I want to stick on template number 3, but i don't know how te completely remove my 2 old templates.
There are still in my Admin Dashboard
How can i remove this old themes?
Greetings Dennis
go to system=>configuration=>design and update theme name and default to your 3 theme and clear all you var/cache and see
I will go with Anil's solution but even this doesn't help try deleting the theme file from the directory if you know what all you added to the project directory while adding those themes. Be careful do not delete any other files other than those theme files or regarding to it.
Clear your magento cache by going to cache management in system menu on admin panel.
I hope this will solve your issue.
