Unable to clone git repository from siteground - windows

I'm trying to set up MS WebMatrix to use a Git repository from my siteground hosting account. I created the repository using their cpanel plugin and it tells me that I can clone it using this command
git clone ssh://username#sm3.siteground.biz:18765/home/username/public_html/
I replaced username of course and I created an rsa key using ssh-keygen. In the Webmatrix GUI it just opens a window saying "Clone is in progress" but it doesn't to anything.
And when I run that command in PowerShell, this is the output:
Cloning into 'public_html'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Any help is highly appreciated!
I haven't used github before but I'm pretty sure I'm not connecting to it. The repository is on siteground's server I think. Anyway, I couldn't figure it out in PowerShell so now I'm using putty to load the appropriate key and connect using an external git tool (source tree) that doesn't use the same ssh client as PowerShell. That is the solution that's working for me now.
I'll leave this question open as maybe someone comes around and can help with how to set this up using PowerShell.

The missing piece to the Siteground guide is:
Create a blank file in ~/.ssh/ or C:\Users\username\.ssh on your computer. It does not matter what you name it. I named it siteground_dsa. You could also name it id_dsa_siteground.
Copy the private ssh key that you get from siteground.com and paste the whole of it in the this newly created file.
Open Git Bash locally on your computer and run the following command
$ eval ssh-agent -s
Then run the following. Remember to use the filename that you gave it.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/siteground_dsa
Now you need to enter the passphrase for the ssh key. You will have defined it when creating the ssh key.
Now you should be logged in and you can run git clone the directory of your wish.
git clone ssh://username#ams14.siteground.eu:18765/home/username/public_html/
To permanently add the SSH key extend ~/.ssh/config with the following and updating server_name and username.
Host server_name
User username
Port 18765
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/siteground_dsa

keep in mind that for Windows operators, you should write eval $(ssh-agent)
eval $(ssh-agent)
chmod 600 file_name
ssh-add C:\Users\username\.ssh\siteground
Then you can easily clone your file into your local server following inserting your passphrase of the SSH key.

GitHub isn't able to authenticate you. Probably your key isn't associated with your GitHub account.
Take a look to GitHub's recommended method


github ssh key names

I'm trying to configure git so I don't have to keep authenticating (and also learn a bit more about git).
I had previously been using password-based authentication, which is repetitive to keep typing in my passwords. I followed the steps (using windows) to set up SSH keys in github. I gave my key a specific name, anticipating that I will need more than one SSH key at some point. It doesn't make sense to always have id_rsa for github! I received the email that the key was successfully created, and I used git bash (because windows) to start the SSH client silently and added my private key. But running a git clone gave me this error:
git#github.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I then had the idea to try it with the default name (id_rsa), rather than my custom name, and of course it works. So my question is how do I avoid this? I don't want the default name to be reserved for github.
You can set up an ssh configuration file to tell the ssh command to use that specific key when connecting to github.
Create the file .ssh/config with the content:
Host github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa_key
Assuming that you've named your private key ~/.ssh/github_rsa_key.
Now try connecting to github:
$ ssh git#github.com
You should see:
Hi <your github username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Git configuration on windows for ssh access to Github

I have a Github account with multiple projects.
I have cloned these projects to my windows 10 computer using ssh key.
some time later, it appear my ssh keys were compromise so i delete my ssh on Github and locally, then regenerate new ones :
4096 bits
saved the pub as ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa.pub
add the pub key to my Github ssh keys
saved the priv as ~/.ssh/git/git_id_rsa.ppk
converted to Openssh format as ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
the fact is I want different ssh keys for my different web tools (one for GitHub, one for DigitalOcean, one for OVH cloud, etc...) and I want to specify witch key to use when connecting to each host. thats why I change the default name for the ssh generated with PuttyGen (and converted with the same).
I don't have passphrase on the git_id_rsa.ppk (nor git_id_rsa) keys, as it seems that GitHub dont like them (saw long time ago).
I've configure my (projecytdir)/.git/config like bellow :
[remote "origin"]
url = git#github.com:hdGuild/JenkinsServerOnDO.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
identityfile= ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
But when I try a Git Pull, I've got the following error :
git#github.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Following the following answers I've created the ~/.ssh/config file with the following (using OpenSSH key for GitHub), and it works :
Host github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
The fact is that if I need the ~/.ssh/config file, why would I need to configure my local git with (projecytdir)/.git/config as I describe it above ?
I would like to configure my local git to use the right ssh key for Github, without having to explain it in my ~/.ssh/config file.
I'm sure it is (again) a configuration problem and I miss something somewhere, but I can't find where.
Please help :)
As previously, I answer my own question :D
After some more research, I found this post that explain how to specify in Git local config file, the ssh key to use for git sh connection.
The command is simply, in the above explained case, the following while in project directory :
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa -F /dev/null"
This way, the git_id-rsa will be used by git for ssh connections on this particular project (as it is a local configuration).
Thank-you for reading.

Windows Ubuntu Bash SSH into Github

I am having trouble using SSH with Window's Ubuntu Bash version 14.04. Here are the steps I took
Generated a SSH key and it is in ~/.ssh/id_rsa
I added the key in id_rsa.pub to Github
I ran ssh-add to add the key to bash
However, when I try to clone a private repository (that I have permissions to use, and can load in my browser) I get an error "Permission Denied (publickey)".
Here is what I have verified/double checked:
The key is correct on Github
The key is correct locally
The filepath is correct
My user "Chinnick967" owns the directories so it's not a root ownership problem
I have set the permissions to at least 700
Bash has the key loaded when I check with ssh-add -l
Anyone have any ideas?
You should use git as username. In this case
User git
That should create the keys, you can check https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/

Permission denied (publickey) errors on Windows when using Moovweb

I'm able to authenticate, generate, push etc just fine with my SSH keys and Moovweb credentials on my Mac and Linux machines.
However, on my Windows machine, using Git Bash, I get an SSH Permission denied (publickey) error. The error message is below:
$> moov generate 123dsfsdsf nytimes.com
Running environment checks.
Verifying that git is installed...OK
Checking that current 123dsfsdsf directory doesn't exist...OK
Registering project with MoovCloud.
Authenticating with MoovCloud.
Checking for git access...Enter passphrase for key '/Users/firstname.lastname/.ssh/id_rsa':
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/firstname.lastname/.ssh/id_rsa':
> Need to upload an ssh key in order to generate a project...
Found the following SSH public keys:
1 ) id_rsa.pub
2 ) new_rsa.pub
Which would you like to use with your Moovweb account? 2
Uploading public key...
Successfully uploaded public key new_rsa.pub as 'firstname.lastname#GGT.local'
You are now ready to push projects to MoovCloud!
Creating project in MoovCloud...OK
Generating files...OK
Cloning project locally.
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/firstname.lastname/.ssh/id_rsa':
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/firstname.lastname/.ssh/id_rsa':
Cloning into '123dsfsdsf'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
ERROR: Error cloning git repo: exit status 128
Please try cloning the repository (git clone moov#git.moovweb.com:firstnameglastname/123dsfsdsf.git) again later.
Try 'moov help generate' to find out details.
Seems like a Windows-specific SSH error. Any workarounds?
So as mentioned in prior answers, the Permission denied error in Windows is because you are trying to use a key other than id_rsa.
Windows lacks the bells and whistles that Linux and Mac have to try out all your public keys when trying to connect to a server via SSH. If you're using the ssh command, you can tell it which key to use by passing the -i flag followed by the path to the key to use:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/moovweb_rsa moov#git.moovweb.com
The above command should work just fine if you've uploaded moovweb_rsa.pub to the console (either via the moov login command or the console UI). However, trying any git related commands should fail because Git doesn't give you the ability to chose which key to use when connecting to the git remote. Because of this, SSH is forced to use the default key, id_rsa, and if that key doesn't work (or doesn't exist), then the connection fails with a permission denied error.
One possible solution, as suggested in other answers, is to simply rename your key to id_rsa. For most people, this is a fine solution. However, if you already have an id_rsa key and you would prefer to use a different key with Moovweb, you can edit your ~/.ssh/config file by adding the following contents:
Host git.moovweb.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/moovweb_rsa
If you append the above lines to your ~/.ssh/config file (create it if it doesn't exist), you should be able to successfully get Git to communicate with the Moovweb remote git server. The config basically tells SSH that for the given host (git.moovweb.com), SSH should use the given key rather than the default.
It's worth nothing that this happens to all Git remotes; interactions with Github, Heroku, etc... also suffer through this problem in Windows. You could easily extend your ~/.ssh/config file to use separate SSH keys for each one of those services if you so desired:
Host git.moovweb.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/moovweb_rsa
Host github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa
Host heroku.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/heroku_rsa
Quick & dirty solution: use only the default id_rsa.pub key
Some notes:
make sure you enter the right passphrase to id_rsa.pub
do not use your other key, new_rsa.pub
It turns out that Windows Git Bash doesn't quite come with all the cool utilities Mac/Linux users are used to. Specifically, you don't have ssh-agent running to help handle multiple keys. Without ssh-agent, the git command only seems to use the default id_rsa.pub key.
You can verify this is an SSH/Windows issue following Github's awesome SSH troubleshooting guide. You'll get a Permission denied (publickey) no matter which SSH/Git server you try to connect to.

Source Tree for Windows doesn't seem to work with valid SSH key

I have created an ssh key pair using putty within Source Tree on Windows, and then added that to my repo client (I use Gitlab on a personal server).
This works fine from gitbash (cloning and pushing etc) and via SourceTree for OSX but after adding the .ppk key to pageant, which is actively running and seems to have loaded the key correctly, I cannot seem to clone via SourceTree. I get a "This is not a valid source Path/URL" when adding the repo path with details stating:
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you
have the correct access rights and repository exists.
If I add an existing repo that I have cloned using the same ssh key pair via git bash (by just drag dropping the folder into Source Tree for Windows) that seems to work up to a point - I can commit and see history etc. When I try to Push, however, it fails with much the same message (I've altered the repo path):
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v
--tags origin master:master Pushing to git#MyServer.com:MyRepo.git
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you
have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
Completed with errors, see above.
As far as I can tell Pageant is up and running with the correct (well only) ssh key on my machine.
Any help is very welcomed.
Ok so this is a little embarrasing/confusing.
It would seem that I did not copy the correct public key onto my repo management web interface. The thing is, I copied the public key from git bash using the command:
clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
But that seems to give me a different public key from what I actually get opening id_rsa.pub in a text editor...
Is that normal? Why is it different? Why does it work within gitbash and not in SourceTree (via pageant).
Anyway, copying the contents of my public key in directly from the file when opened in notepad got things to work with SourceTree and Pageant etc.
