ode45 mex file runs slow - performance

This is the function trial2 which creates the system of differential equations:
function xdot=trial2(t,x)
Then, I try and solve this using ode45:
[t,x]=ode45('trial2',[0 10000000],[0;1]);
But, this takes approximately 15 minutes. So I tried to improve the run time by creating a mex file. I found an ode45 mex equivalent function ode45eq.c. Then, I tried to solve by:
mex ode45eq.c;
[t,x]=ode45eq('trial2',[0 10000000],[0;1]);
But this seems to run even slower. What could be the reason and how can I improve the run time to 2–3 minutes? I have to perform a lot of these computations. Also, is it worth creating a standalone C++ file to solve the problem faster?
Also, I am running this on an Intel i5 processor 64-bit system with 8 gb RAM. How much gain in speed do you think I can get if I move to a better processor with say 16 gb RAM?

With current versions of Matlab, it's very unlikely that you'll see any performance improvement by compiling ode45 to C/C++ mex. In fact, the compiled version will almost certainly be slower as you found. There's a good reason that ode45 is written in pure Matlab, as opposed to being compiled down to a native C function: it has to call user functions written in Matlab on every iteration. Additionally, Matlab's ode45 is a very dynamic function that is capable of interacting with the Matlab environment in many ways during the course of integration (plotting output functions, event detection, interpolation, etc.). It's also probably more straightforward to safely handle dynamic memory allocation in Matlab, than in C.
Your C code calls your user function via mexCallMATLAB. This function is not really meant for repeated calls, especially if they transfer data back and forth. Doing what you're trying to do would likely require new mex APIs and possibly changes to the Matlab language.
If you want faster numerical integration, you're going to have to give up the convenience of being able to write your integrations functions (i.e., trial2 in your example) in Matlab. You'll need to "hard code" your integration functions and compile them along with the integration scheme itself. With a detailed knowledge about your problem, and decent programming skills, you can write a tight integration loop and it may be possible to achieve an order of magnitude speedup in some cases.
Lastly, your trial2 function has an absolute value as well as an oscillating trigonometric function in it. Is this differential equation stiff? Have you tried other solvers, e.g., ode15s? Compare the outputs even over a shorter time period. And you may find that you get a bit of a speed-up (~25% on my machine) if you use the modern way of passing function handles instead of strings to ode45:
[t,x] = ode45(#trial2,[0 10000000],[0;1]);
The trial2 function can still be in a separate M-file or it can be a sub-function in the same file with your call to ode45 (this file need to be a function file, not a script of course).

What you did is basically replacing the todays implementation with the implementation of 1993, you have shown that mathworks did a great job improving the performance of the ode45 solver.
I don't see any possibility to improve the performance in this case, you can assume that such a fundamental part of MATLAB like ode45 is implemented in a optimal way, replacing it with some other code to mex it is not the solution. Everything you could gain using a mex function is cutting of the overhead of input/output handling which is implemented in m. Probably less than 0.1s execution time.


Is there any reliable data for benchmarking math library?

I'm going to test the performance for some math function like pow, exp and log etc. Is there any reliable test data for that?
As those functions were highly optimized in exist modern system library like glibm or in OpenJDK, the general random inputs may lead to a quick convergence, or triggered some short path.
Call them in a loop to test throughput or latency, depending on whether the input to the next call depends on the output of the previous or not. Probably with data from a small to medium sized array of random values for the throughput test.
You want your compiler to produce an asm loop that does minimal work beyond the function call, so use appropriate techniques for whatever language and compiler you choose. (Idiomatic way of performance evaluation?)
You might disassemble or single-step through their execution to look for data-dependent branching to figure out which ranges of inputs might be faster or slower. (Or for open-source math libraries like glibc, the commented source could be good to look at.)

Compiled Simulink/Matlab x Fortran - Performance

I have to prove to my client that Fortran is faster than Matlab/Simulink. He is considering migrating a code from fortran to Matlab. The code is mainly logic and "procedural" subroutines. It does not use any native matrix operations or mathematical functions (eigenvalues, non linear equations, etc)
I think that the question of who is faster is already answered considering several references over the internet and the "intrinsic characteristics" of each language, but I need concrete data.
All charts that I found compare Matlab/Simulink x Fortran but do not specify if the Matlab code is compiled or not (using matlab coder toolbox). I think that it is a critical issue.
I´m not saying that compiling the code will make matlab faster than fortran, but in order to really convince someone I would like to see the results.
A good start would be:
Performance - Matlab (.m) compiled (Matlab coder toolbox) X Intel Fortran
Performance - Simulink compiled (Realtime toolbox) X Intel Fortran
Does anyone have already tested this scenario?
Matlab code that I recently "compiled" using the Matlab Coder produced a speed-up of x20 (!). The actual expected speedup depends on many things. If your Matlab code is highly vectorized and uses mainly linear-algebra routines, then the Coder is unlikely to produce much speedup. But if you have multiple loops and conditionals in your algorithm then you can indeed achieve order-of-magnitude speedup as in my example above.
Under the hood, Matlab's linear-algebra uses BLAS/LAPACK (via the MKL/ACML libraries), that use highly-optimized Fortran code. So unless you write extremely efficient Fortran, it is not likely that you will be able to outperform Matlab (despite the function-call overheads) for highly-vectorized Matlab linear-algebra/math algos. However, if your code uses conditionals/loops and similar non-math programming constructs, then the picture might change. In short, there's no simple answer - it depends on your specific algorithm/program.
Putting performance aside for the moment, Matlab has numerous other benefits over Fortran, including a vast array of tested built-in functions and enabling a rapid development cycle.
You would need to ask a more tightly defined question - there's no single answer to whether Fortran is faster than MATLAB/Simulink.
First of all, it's easy to write terrible, slow algorithms in either language. So you'd need to specify particular, well-written algorithms.
Secondly, there are many things for which MATLAB will be faster than even very well-written Fortran (or C). For example, if you want to multiply two big matrices together, or calculate some eigenvalues, or other linear algebra that is in MATLAB's sweet spot, you won't beat it. On the other hand if you're doing something with a lot more logic, that can't be vectorised, Fortran is likely to be faster (as long as it's written well).
When you introduce MATLAB Coder into the picture, these latter things are the ones that are most likely to benefit from a speedup by converting to C code (mostly because the former things really can't be sped up much, which is why you wouldn't beat them). But the speedup is variable - I've seen over 10-15x, but also sometimes only 1-2x.
You don't mention where you found the charts you have comparing MATLAB to Fortran, but if you've found them on the internet I would think it's a pretty safe assumption that they don't involve C code generation with MATLAB Coder, and represent the performance of just MATLAB.
Finally - one other method of speeding up MATLAB is to parallelize it with Parallel Computing Toolbox (which enables you to parallelize things over the cores on your local machine) and possibly also with Distributed Computing Server (parallelization on cluster). It's typically a lot easier to do this with MATLAB code than it is to speed up by using MATLAB Coder to produce C code - so if you think it's critical to consider MATLAB Coder in your comparisons, you should probably also consider this as well.
MATLAB Compiler will not make your code faster, it is intended for distributing your code to third party users that do not have MATLAB. You need to provide, along with your compiled code, the MCR or MATLAB Component Runtime, which is essentially a headless version of MATLAB, and which you can distribute freely if you have a license of MATLAB Compiler.
Now, if you use MATLAB Coder (or Simulink Coder for Simulink) to generate C code from your MATLAB code, then it is likely that you will get a speed up compared to interpreted MATLAB code. Even then, that depends on the code in question. Also, this only supports a subset of the MATLAB language, that is compatible with C code generation.

If or function pointers in fortran

as it is so common with Fortran, I'm writing a massively parallel scientific code. In the beginning of my code I read my configuration file which tells me which type of solver I want to use. Now that means that in a subroutine (during the main run) I have
call solver1()
call solver2()
call solver3()
Edit to avoid some confusion: This if is inside my time integration loop and I have one that is inside 3 nested loops.
Now my question is, wouldn't it be more efficient to use function pointers instead as the solver variable will not change during execution, except at the initialisation procedure.
Obviously function pointers are F2003. That shouldn't be a problem as long as I use gfortran 4.6. But I'm mainly using a BlueGene P, there is a f2003 compiler, so I suppose it's going to work there as well although I couldn't find any conclusive evidence on the web.
Knowing nothing about Fortran, this is my answer: The main problem with branching is that a CPU potentially cannot speculatively execute code across them. To mitigate this problem, branch prediction was introduced (which is very sophisticated in modern CPUs).
Indirect calls through a function pointer can be a problem for the prediction unit of the CPU. If it can't predict where the call will actually go, this will stall the pipeline.
I am quite sure that the CPU will correctly predict that your branch will always be taken or not taken because it is a trivial case of prediction.
Maybe the CPU can speculate across the indirect call, maybe it can't. This is why you need to test which is better.
If it cannot, you will certainly notice in your benchmark.
In addition, maybe you can hoist the if test out of your inner loop so it won't be called often. This will make the actual performance of the branch irrelevant.
If you only plan to use the function pointers once, at initialisation, and you are running codes on a BlueGene, isn't your concern for the efficiency mis-directed ? Generally, any initialisation which works is OK, if it takes 1sec instead of 1msec it's probably going to have 0 impact on total execution time.
Code initialisation routines for clarity, ease of modification, that sort of thing.
My guess is that using function pointers rather than your current code will have no impact on execution speed. But it's just a (educated perhaps) guess and I'll be very interested in any data you gather on this question.
If you solver routines take a non-trivial runtime, then the trivial runtime of the IF statements is likely to be immaterial. If the sovler routines have a comparable runtine to the IF statement, then the total runtime is very short, so why do your care? This seems an optimization unlikely to pay off.
The first rule of runtime optimization is to profile your code is see what portions are consuming the runtime. Otherwise you are likely to optimize portions that are unimportant, which will accomplish nothing.
For what its worth, someone else recently had a very similar concern: Fortran Subroutine Pointers for Mismatching Array Dimensions
After a brief search I couldn't find the answer to the question, so I ran a little benchmark myself (see this link for the Makefile & dependencies). The benchmark consists of:
Draw random number to select method a, b, or c, which all perform a simple addition to their single integer argument
Call the chosen method 100 million times, using either a procedure pointer or if-statements
Repeat the above 5 times
The result with gfortran 4.8.5 on an CPU E5-2630 v3 # 2.40GHz is:
Time per call (proc. pointer): 1.89 ns
Time per call (if statement): 1.89 ns
In other words, there is not much of a performance difference!

Fastest math programming language?

I have an application that requires millions of subtractions and remainders, i originally programmed this algorithm inside of C#.Net but it takes five minutes to process this information and i need it faster than that.
I have considered perl and that seems to be the best alternative now. Vb.net was slower in testing. C++ may be better also. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You need a compiled language like Fortran, C, or C++. Other languages are designed to give you flexibility, object-orientation, or other advantages, and assume absolutely fastest performance is not your highest priority.
Know how to get maximum performance out of a single thread, and after you have done so investigate sharing the work across multiple cores, for example with MPI. To get maximum performance in a single thread, one thing I do is single-step it at the machine instruction level, to make sure it's not dawdling about in stuff that could be removed.
Some calculations are regular enough to take profit of GPGPUs: recent graphic cards are essentially specialized massively parallel numerical co-processors. For instance, you could code your numerical kernels in OpenCL. Otherwise, learn C++11 (not some earlier version of the C++ standard) or C. And in many cases Ocaml could be nearly as fast as C++ but much easier to code with.
Perhaps your problem can be handled by scilab or R, I did not understand it enough to help more.
And you might take advantage of your multi-core processor by e.g. using Pthreads or MPI
At last, the Linux operating system is perhaps better to deal with massive calculations. It is significant that most super computers use it today.
If execution speed is the highest priority, that usually means Fortran.
Try Julia: its killing feature is being easy to code in a high level concise way, while keeping performances at the same order of magnitude of Fortran/C.
PARI/GP is the best I have used so far. It's written in C.
Try to look at DMelt mathematical program. The program calls Java libraries. Java virtual machine can optimize long mathematical calculations for you.
The standard tool for mathmatic numerical operations in engineering is often Matlab (or as free alternatives octave or the already mentioned scilab).

Why are Interpreted Languages Slow?

I was reading about the pros and cons of interpreted languages, and one of the most common cons is the slowness, but why are programs in interpreted languages slow?
Native programs runs using instructions written for the processor they run on.
Interpreted languages are just that, "interpreted". Some other form of instruction is read, and interpreted, by a runtime, which in turn executes native machine instructions.
Think of it this way. If you can talk in your native language to someone, that would generally work faster than having an interpreter having to translate your language into some other language for the listener to understand.
Note that what I am describing above is for when a language is running in an interpreter. There are interpreters for many languages that there is also native linkers for that build native machine instructions. The speed reduction (however the size of that might be) only applies to the interpreted context.
So, it is slightly incorrect to say that the language is slow, rather it is the context in which it is running that is slow.
C# is not an interpreted language, even though it employs an intermediate language (IL), this is JITted to native instructions before being executed, so it has some of the same speed reduction, but not all of it, but I'd bet that if you built a fully fledged interpreter for C# or C++, it would run slower as well.
And just to be clear, when I say "slow", that is of course a relative term.
All answers seem to miss the real important point here. It's the detail how "interpreted" code is implemented.
Interpreted script languages are slower because their method, object and global variable space model is dynamic. In my opinion this is the real definition of of script language not the fact that it is interpreted. This requires many extra hash-table lookups on each access to a variable or method call. And its the main reason why they are all terrible at multithreading and using a GIL (Global Interpreter Lock). This lookups is where most of the time is spent. It is a painful random memory lookup, which really hurts when you get a L1/L2 cache-miss.
Google's Javascript Core8 is so fast and targeting almost C speed for a simple optimization: they take the object data model as fixed and create internal code to access it like the data structure of a native compiled program. When a new variable or method is added or removed then the whole compiled code is discarded and compiled again.
The technique is well explained in the Deutsch/Schiffman paper "Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 System".
The question why php, python and ruby aren't doing this is pretty simple to answer: the technique is extremely complicated to implement.
And only Google has the money to pay for JavaScript because a fast browser-based JavaScript interpreter is their fundamental need of their billion dollar business model.
Think of the interpeter as an emulator for a machine you don't happen to have
The short answer is that the compiled languages are executed by machine instructions whereas the interpreted ones are executed by a program (written in a compiled language) that reads either the source or a bytecode and then essentially emulates a hypothetical machine that would have run the program directly if the machine existed.
Think of the interpreted runtime as an emulator for a machine that you don't happen to actually have around at the moment.
This is obviously complicated by the JIT (Just In Time) compilers that Java, C#, and others have. In theory, they are just as good as "AOT" ("At One Time") compilers but in practice those languages run slower and are handicapped by needing to have the compiler around using up memory and time at the program's runtime. But if you say any of that here on SO be prepared to attract rabid JIT defenders who insist that there is no theoretical difference between JIT and AOT. If you ask them if Java and C# are as fast as C and C++, then they start making excuses and kind of calm down a little. :-)
So, C++ totally rules in games where the maximum amount of available computing can always be put to use.
On the desktop and web, information-oriented tasks are often done by languages with more abstraction or at least less compilation, because the computers are very fast and the problems are not computationally intensive, so we can spend some time on goals like time-to-market, programmer productivity, reliable memory-safe environments, dynamic modularity, and other powerful tools.
This is a good question, but should be formulated a little different in my opinion, for example: "Why are interpreted languages slower than compiled languages?"
I think it is a common misconception that interpreted languages are slow per se. Interpreted languages are not slow, but, depending on the use case, might be slower than the compiled version. In most cases interpreted languages are actually fast enough!
"Fast enough", plus the increase in productivity from using a language like Python over, for example, C should be justification enough to consider an interpreted language. Also, you can always replace certain parts of your interpreted program with a fast C implementation, if you really need speed. But then again, measure first and determine if speed is really the problem, then optimize.
In addition to the other answers there's optimization: when you're compiling a programme, you don't usually care how long it takes to compile - the compiler has lots of time to optimize your code. When you're interpreting code, it has to be done very quickly so some of the more clever optimizations might not be able to be made.
Loop a 100 times, the contents of the loop are interpreted 100 times into low level code.
Not cached, not reused, not optimised.
In simple terms, a compiler interprets once into low level code
Edit, after comments:
JIT is compiled code, not interpreted. It's just compiled later not up-front
I refer to the classical definition, not modern practical implementations
A simple question, without any real simple answer. The bottom line is that all computers really "understand" is binary instructions, which is what "fast" languages like C are compiled into.
Then there are virtual machines, which understand different binary instructions (like Java and .NET) but those have to be translated on the fly to machine instructions by a Just-In-Compiler (JIT). That is almost as fast (even faster in some specific cases because the JIT has more information than a static compiler on how the code is being used.)
Then there are interpreted languages, which usually also have their own intermediate binary instructions, but the interpreter functions much like a loop with a large switch statement in it with a case for every instruction, and how to execute it. This level of abstraction over the underlying machine code is slow. There are more instructions involved, long chains of function calls in the interpreter to do even simple things, and it can be argued that the memory and cache aren't used as effectively as a result.
But interpreted languages are often fast enough for the purposes for which they're used. Web applications are invariably bound by IO (usually database access) which is an order of magnitude slower than any interpreter.
From about.com:
An Interpreted language is processed
at runtime. Every line is read,
analysed, and executed. Having to
reprocess a line every time in a loop
is what makes interpreted languages so
slow. This overhead means that
interpreted code runs between 5 - 10
times slower than compiled code. The
interpreted languages like Basic or
JavaScript are the slowest. Their
advantage is not needing to be
recompiled after changes and that is
handy when you're learning to program.
The 5-10 times slower is not necessarily true for languages like Java and C#, however. They are interpreted, but the just-in-time compilers can generate machine language instructions for some operations, speeding things up dramatically (near the speed of a compiled language at times).
There is no such thing as an interpreted language. Any language can be implemented by an interpreter or a compiler. These days most languages have implementations using a compiler.
That said, interpreters are usually slower, because they need process the language or something rather close to it at runtime and translate it to machine instructions. A compiler does this translation to machine instructions only once, after that they are executed directly.
Yeah, interpreted languages are slow...
However, consider the following. I had a problem to solve. It took me 4 minutes to solve the problem in Python, and the program took 0.15 seconds to run. Then I tried to write it in C, and I got a runtime of 0.12 seconds, and it took me 1 hour to write it. All this because the practical way to solve problem in question was to use hashtables, and the hashtable dominated the runtime anyway.
Interpreted languages need to read and interpret your source code at execution time. With compiled code a lot of that interpretation is done ahead of time (at compilation time).
Very few contemporary scripting languages are "interpreted" these days; they're typically compiled on the fly, either into machine code or into some intermediate bytecode language, which is (more efficiently) executed in a virtual machine.
Having said that, they're slower because your cpu is executing many more instructions per "line of code", since many of the instructions are spent understanding the code rather than doing whatever the semantics of the line suggest!
Read this Pros And Cons Of Interpreted Languages
This is the relevant idea in that post to your problem.
An execution by an interpreter is
usually much less efficient then
regular program execution. It happens
because either every instruction
should pass an interpretation at
runtime or as in newer
implementations, the code has to be
compiled to an intermediate
representation before every execution.
For the same reason that it's slower to talk via translator than in native language. Or, reading with dictionary. It takes time to translate.
Update: no, I didn't see that my answer is the same as the accepted one, to a degree ;-)
Wikipedia says,
Interpreting code is slower than running the compiled code because the interpreter must analyze each statement in the program each time it is executed and then perform the desired action, whereas the compiled code just performs the action within a fixed context determined by the compilation. This run-time analysis is known as "interpretive overhead". Access to variables is also slower in an interpreter because the mapping of identifiers to storage locations must be done repeatedly at run-time rather than at compile time.
Refer this IBM doc,
Interpreted program must be translated each time it is executed, there is a higher overhead. Thus, an interpreted language is generally more suited to ad hoc requests than predefined requests.
In Java though it is considered as an interpreted language, It uses JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation which mitigate the above issue by using a caching technique to cache the compiled bytecode.
The JIT compiler reads the bytecodes in many sections (or in full, rarely) and compiles them dynamically into machine code so the program can run faster. This can be done per-file, per-function or even on any arbitrary code fragment; the code can be compiled when it is about to be executed (hence the name "just-in-time"), and then cached and reused later without needing to be recompiled.
