Magento: “Add New Set” button in “Manage Attribute Sets” is not visible… - magento

For some reason the "Add New Set" buton is not visible in the "Manage Attribute Sets". Hope someone can help with this...
I have tried everything... gone through all settings... nothing seems to be wrong... Desperate as I was, I even made a complete reinstall on a clean site (and DB)... Same issue...
The "default" set is empty, and there are no unassigned attributes in the list... I think it's weird... (see attached images)
Anyone have an idea of what(if) I'm doing(something) wrong? Everything else seem to be working ok!
(thanks in advance)

The issue is because there is template files missing in magento version adminhtml catalog directory.
You will need to add the files from magento old version manually to make the attribute section work properly. you can find more detail here:
magento attribute set missing button


Configurable product options not showing the options on Frontend

I am having problems with the configurable products not showing the options on the frontend. If I use the default theme that came with magento (rwd), all the options are there and working great. But if I select my custom theme, the dropdown options shows nothing but the default "choose an option..."
I have tried most of the troubleshooting but still the problem persist.
Console errors.
By the way, my custom theme is based on rwd built-in theme in magento. I only modified most of the styles and copied some phtml from the base folder.
This problem took me a day to figure out what was wrong and now I finally have an answer to my own problem.
Great Tip: Always check for jquery conflicts for this type of issue. thanks to #Chiragit007 for the hint.

Where is menu item in Joomla 1.5?

OK, I'm new to Joomla. Making updates for someone still using 1.5, plan to get them upgraded to v3...
I need to add a new article and menu item. I've figured out where to do that in the backend, but my menu item isn't showing up in the navigation. I went to menu manager, where I added the new link to a menu called mymenu. I see the actual module in the template is titled myleftmenu, and I have the menu item selected there with the others from mymenu that appear throughout the site.
I've researched this and see maybe there were some bugs in 1.5, even some weird conflict with php 5.3, but none of this makes sense. I don't have spaces or special characters in the menu alias (or wherever that had been an issue for some people). I'm really stumped here because this really makes no sense. I don't seem to have anywhere else to look in the backend to update or change this, so what's the issue?
I would check:
1- check if you are placing your mymenu in the right module position. To do that put that /index.php?tp=1 at the end of your url (eg: it will give you the position.
2- check if your menu is published (you need to click on "published")
3- if you are trying to make a drop down menu : know that it is not supporter by native joomla so you need to download module such as this one.
4- maybe your menu works but is not display because of overflow:hidden
I tried to modify other menu items in the backend and nothing was updating. I finally went searching for a php file that could have been hand-coded and modified and found that in my modules directory. Not being familiar with Joomla, and not sure if this menu had even been set up correctly, I then had to figure out how to get the right blog and item ID numbers for the hyperlink. Ugh! I feel like someone went about building this in a way that just made it more difficult for everyone who has to update the site in the future. Now I'm really wondering what a version upgrade is going to do to this!

Cannot disable button in front-end for joomla 3.1.5?

I'm having issues removing this button icon from my joomla site.
I went to the article options and selected Hide/no for all the options and yet this icon does not dissappear. The full site looks as follows.
Does anyone know how to remove this icon? Can someone kindly assist?
When you click on the button you get the following options.
I was searched for a solution for the same issue you had when I found your question. The solution I took was a template overwrite, which removed the edit button for me. You need to change the com_content/article/default.php file and change the line:
$canEdit = $params->get('access-edit');
$canEdit = false;
A more detailed explanation can be found in the source here. This solved the issue for me.
These links are all control in Global Configuration > Article Options. If you have them set to off, then you need to LOG OUT of the admin and then look at your page. They will be gone at that point.

Google Checkout button not appearing on cart page

Hope you guys don't mind me asking this question, but I find myself at a loss to why this is happening and need some suggestions on how I might resolve the issue. If I shouldn't ask these kinds of questions, please let me know.
Currently I am working on a Magento 1.9 site that was upgraded from 1.8 and when I enabled Google Checkout, the button doesn't appear on the cart page (/checkout/cart/). I went back to the default template that Magento uses and it still didn't work.
I then tried enabling Google Checkout on a clean copy of Magento 1.9 and it worked. Then I tried replacing the core mage checkout folder with the ones from the clean copy of Magento and that didn't work.
So I have test the layout, template and core mage checkout files and nothing happens.
I also tried accessing Google Checkout directly with this piece of code:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('googlecheckout/link')->setTemplate('googlecheckout/link.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
First, turn the default template on for testing, just to be sure. Clear all your caches and try again. Make sure that there aren't any "hidden" elements on the page displaying it. It may be helpful to turn on template hints to see if the block exists as anticipated but does not render any content, or if the block actually does not exist as anticipated.
If no joy, check to make sure that Google's critera are met. Taking a look at that template and block, there are a few checks that need to pass to get checkout:
Every single product in the cart must return false to $item->getProduct()->getEnableGooglecheckout() (otherwise, ti looks like the template wants to display an image)
Report back if you still have problems :)

Showing Custom Options on Magento Product Page

I am having a problem displaying custom options on the product page in Magento. I'm using Modern as the base for my theme, and changing themes doesn't seem to have any effect. The catalog.xml is almost the stock one for the theme.
When viewing the page, I get the message "Please specify the product's required option(s)." but nothing shows up. Additional information that have been added to the attributes show, but no product specific custom options.
Looking with developer hints, I see that /catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml is not appearing on the file. Could something be missing in one of the layout .xml files?
Any idea what might be going on? Thanks!
If you have tried enabling the default template and it still doesn't work, try creating a new product with some options and see if that works. If that still doesn't work, enable the logs and pop them open and see if there are any errors being recorded during rendering. Also, make sure that they aren't just being hidden using CSS or JavaScript (try turning off the latter, for the former use Firebug to inspect the page)
The problem I had was related to this:
The difference is that the attribute was set to container2 in my case when I need it set to container1.
Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
Compare your layout files to the default Magento layout files.
