How to post a URL containting curly braces and colons - ruby

I need to do a POST request for a URL containing curly braces and colons:{power:200}&apikey=671b341330a7b1a4c20bf8ae7dd1faf1&time=12345677890
I tried this:
uri = URI("")
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, "json" => "{power:200}", "apikey" => "671b341330a7b1a4c20bf8ae7dd1faf1", "time" => "1234567890")
But this results in:
The service I am calling can't parse this string. How can I force ruby not to encode these values?

The URL query values have to be encoded, but you're not going about this the right way. Use a class designed to manipulate URIs:
require 'uri'
url = URI.parse('')
url.query = URI::encode_www_form(
'json' => '{power:200}',
'apikey' => '671b341330a7b1a4c20bf8ae7dd1faf1',
'time' => 12345677890
url.to_s # => ""
Both Ruby's built-in URI, and Addressable::URI are designed to work with URIs. Of the two, Addressable::URI is the more feature-complete.
URI::encode_www_form basically treats the hash as if its contents were the values from a form, and encodes them as a URL query. url.query = then appends that to url.


How to replace string in URL with captured regex pattern

I want to replace 'hoge' to 'foo' with regex. But the user's value is dynamic so I can't use str.gsub('hoge', 'foo').
str = '?user=hoge&tab=fuga'
What should I do?
Don't do this with a regular expression.
This is how to manipulate URIs using the existing wheels:
require 'uri'
str = ''
uri = URI.parse(str)
query = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query).to_h # => {"user"=>"hoge", "tab"=>"fuga"}
query['user'] = 'foo'
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(query)
uri.to_s # => ""
require 'addressable'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('')
query = uri.query_values # => {"tab"=>"fuga", "user"=>"hoge"}
query['user'] = 'foo'
uri.query_values = query
uri.to_s # => ""
Note that in the examples the order of the parameters changed, but the code handled the difference without problems.
The reason you want to use URI or Addressable is because parameters and values have to be correctly encoded when they contain illegal characters. URI and Addressable know the rules and will follow them, whereas naive code assumes it's OK to not bother with encoding, causing broken URIs.
URI is part of the Ruby Standard Library, and Addressable is more full-featured. Take your pick.
You can try below regex
You probably want to find out what the user query maps to first before using a .gsub to replace whatever value it is.
First, parse the URL string into an URI object using the URI module. And then, you can use the CGI query methods to get the key value pairs of the query params off the URI object using the CGI module. And finally, you can .gsub off the values in that hash.

Regular expression in ruby?

I have a URL like below.
I need to extract only the id of the play (i.e. 5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db) using regular expression. How can I do it?
I would not use a regexp to parse a url. I would use Ruby's libraries to handle URLs:
require 'uri'
url = '/shows/the-ruby-book/meta-programming/?play=5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db'
uri = URI.parse(url)
params = URI::decode_www_form(uri.query).to_h
# => 5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db
You can do:
str = '/shows/the-ruby-book/meta-programming/?play=5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db'
match = str.match(/.*\?play=([^&]+)/)
puts match[1]
=> "5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db"
The regex /.*\?play=([^&]+)/ will match everything up until ?play=, and then capture anything that is not a & (the query string parameter separator)
A match will create a MatchData object, represented here by match variable, and captures will be indices of the object, hence your matched data is available at match[1].
url = '/shows/the-ruby-book/meta-programming/?play=5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db'
url.split("play=")[1] #=> "5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db"
Ruby's built-in URI class has everything needed to correctly parse, split and decode URLs:
require 'uri'
uri = URI.parse('/shows/the-ruby-book/meta-programming/?play=5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db')
URI::decode_www_form(uri.query).to_h['play'] # => "5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db"
If you're using an older Ruby that doesn't support to_h, use:
Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query)]['play'] # => "5b35a825-d372-4375-b2f0-f641a38067db"
You should use URI, rather than try to split/extract using a regexp, because the query of a URI will be encoded if any values are not within the characters allowed by the spec. URI, or Addressable::URI, will decode those back to their original values for you.

How to insert variables in an url?

I have this code for send a request to an url, and I wanted to place on the url two variables :
talksList = open('{variable1}&key=#{variable2}')
But when I insert my variables like this, it doesn't work. Can you help me ?
Thanks in advance.
As #YuHao said, you're trying to interpolate a variable into a non-interpreted string. But you have a bigger long-term problem.
Don't try to inject unencoded variables into a URL. While it will work, you run the risk of generating nonsensical URLs, which a browser would accept, but code won't. Instead, use the appropriate tools to modify the URL, which will maintain appropriate encoding for you.
Here's an example using URI:
require 'uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = URI.parse('')
params = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query)
params << ['id', variable1]
params << ['key', variable2]
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
uri.to_s # => ""
You can do the same thing using the Addressable gem, which is more full-featured:
require 'addressable/uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('')
params = uri.query_values
uri.query_values = params.merge('id' => variable1, 'key' => variable2)
uri.to_s # => ""
That's because you are using strings with single quotes. In single quoted strings, nothing is replaced except \\ and \'.
Specifically, interpolation is only available in double quoted strings, try
talksList = open("{variable1}&key=#{variable2}")

Get values from server response in ruby

I send request to server and server returns me response. If I print this response, it looks exactly as mentioned below (with array and braces). I'm new to Ruby so I have two questions:
1. To what structure should I add this response?
2. How to I get values from this response (eg value of user_id or user_status). How to get rid of quotes in value
Request code:
def userGet(user_id_or_email)
uri = URI(SRV + '/userGet')
http =,uri.port)
req =
req['bla-bla'] = 'bla-bla'
req.set_form_data('search' => user_id_or_email)
res = http.request(req)
Output of puts(res)
array (
'user_id' => 301877459,
'login' => '0301877459',
'email' => 'YS5raG96eWFfdHZhc2lsaWlAY29ycC5iYWRvby5jb20=',
'passwd' => 'cc03e747a6afbbcbf8be7668acfebee5',
'partner_id' => '105',
'user_status' => 'active',
'nickname' => 'Test',
'fullname' => 'Test',
As other commentors have mentioned, the first step is to determine the encoding of the response. If you can easily change the way that the data is returned by the server, you could output valid JSON and use a gem such as this. If you cannot, then an ad-hoc method for parsing responses of this type would be to define a function like this:
def parseResult(res)
# Remove the array wrapper and any leading/trailing whitespace
parsed_string = res.gsub(/^\s*array\s*\(/, "").gsub(/[\s,]*\)[\s,]*$/, "")
# Split the string into an array of key-value tuples
parsed_array = parsed_string.split(',').collect do |tuple|
tuple.split("=>").collect do |x|
# Convert the array of tuples into a hash for easy access
This is similar sawa's method, but it assumes that you cannot trust the data being returned by the server and therefore cannot use eval safely.
Not sure what that array ( ... ) means, but assuming it means a hash, you can do:
.sub(/\A\s*array\s*\(/, "{")
.sub(/\)\s*\z/, "}")

Ruby RestClient converts XML to Hash

I need to send a POST request as an XML string but I get odd results. The code:
require 'rest_client'
response = "", "<tag1>text</tag1>", :content_type => "text/xml"
I expect to receive "<tag1>text</tag1>" as the parameter on the request server. Instead, I get "tag1"=>"text". It converts the XML to a hash. Why is that? Any way around this?
Try this:
response = "",
{:accept => :xml, :content_type => :xml}
I think you just needed to specify the ":accept" to let it know you wanted to receive it in the XML format. Assuming it's your own server, you can debug on the server and see the request format used is probably html.
Hope that helps.
Instead of using RestClient, use Ruby's built-in Open::URI for GET requests or something like Net::HTTP or the incredibly powerful Typhoeus:
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
In Typhoeus, you'd use:
res =
:params => {
:title => 'test post',
:content => 'this is my test'
Your resulting page, if it's in XML will be easy to parse using Nokogiri:
doc = Nokogiri::XML(res.body)
At that point you'll have a fully parsed DOM, ready to be searched, using Nokogiri's search methods, such as search and at, or any of their related methods.
