How to properly fix contacts in SpriteKit? - xcode

I use this code and it has to work, but it doesn't:
static const uint32_t platformCategory = 0x1 << 1;
static const uint32_t playerCategory = 0x1 << 2;
Code of player:
self.player = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"player"];
self.player.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:self.player.size];
self.player.physicsBody.dynamic = false;
self.player.physicsBody.friction = 0;
self.player.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true;
self.player.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = playerCategory;
self.player.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = platformCategory;
self.player.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = platformCategory;
[self addChild:self.player];
And code of "platforms":
- (void)addPlatformRight {
int plType = arc4random()%3;
SKSpriteNode * platform = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"platform%d", plType]];
platform.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width+100, self.frame.size.height-200);
platform.size = CGSizeMake(platform.size.width*1.2, platform.size.height*2);
platform.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:platform.size];
platform.physicsBody.dynamic = false;
platform.physicsBody.friction = 0;
platform.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true;
platform.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = platformCategory;
platform.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = playerCategory;
platform.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = playerCategory;
[self addChild:platform];
[platform runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[[SKAction rotateByAngle:M_PI/4.0*8 duration:3], [SKAction removeFromParent]]]];
- (void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact {
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Are there any errors?

two overlapping non-dynamic bodies do not generate contact events, at least one of them has to be dynamic


Is it possible to Insert an anchored text frame above a text/word?

I want to mark each CharacterStyle in the document by placing an achored text frame above each text/word. I am quite new to scripting in indesign, so any help is much appreciated.
Here is the expected output:
I found a solution to this, and for those who might encounter the same problem as me here is my code :
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = style;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+";
var found_item = doc.findGrep();
var res_count = found_item.length;
if(res_count > 0){
var found_text = found_item[0].paragraphs.firstItem();
var insertion_character = (found_text.characters.lastItem().index);
var check_insertion_character = insertion_character + 1;
var alt_insertion_character = (found_text.characters.firstItem().index);
var the_story = found_text.parentStory;
app.selection = the_story.insertionPoints[check_insertion_character];
app.selection = the_story.insertionPoints[alt_insertion_character];
var the_anchored_frame = app.selection[0].textFrames.add({geometricBounds:["0","0",1,10],anchoredObjectSettings:{anchoredPosition: AnchorPosition.ABOVE_LINE, horizontalReferencePoint: AnchoredRelativeTo.ANCHOR_LOCATION, verticalReferencePoint: VerticallyRelativeTo.TOP_OF_LEADING}});
the_anchored_frame.contents = style;
// the_anchored_frame.appliedObjectStyle = real_anchor_style;

loading animation through texturepacker in cocos2dx for windows phone

Im running an animation using the following code
CCSpriteBatchNode *spritesheet = CCSpriteBatchNode::create("kid1.png");
CCArray *kidframes = new CCArray;
for(int i=1; i<3; i++){
CCString *filename = CCString::createWithFormat("kid%d.png",i);
CCSpriteFrame *frame = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(filename->getCString());
CCAnimation *runanim = CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(kidframes, 0.1);
CCSprite *kiddo = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("kid2.png");
CCAction *action = CCRepeatForever::create(CCAnimate::create(runanim));
CCAssert(m_uReference > 0, "reference count should greater than 0");
any help?
Here's something that we used to animate our Sprites.
CCAnimation *animation = CCAnimation::create();
//Add the frames to the animation
string animationFramePrefix = "mySprite";
string animationFrames = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";
char *strArr=new char[animationFrames.size()+1];
const char* p;
for (p = strtok(strArr, "," ); p; p = strtok( NULL, "," ))
string frameName = animationFramePrefix+"_"+p+".png";
CCSpriteFrame* sprite = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(frameName.c_str());
//initialize sprite with initial display frame
CCSprite *mySprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("mySprite_1.png");
//then use the animation when required!
CCAnimate *animationAction = CCAnimate::create(animation);
CCRepeatForever *repeatAction = CCRepeatForever::create(animationAction);
Try to change
CCArray *kidframes = new CCArray;
CCArray *kidframes = CCArray::create();
instead of new ccarray();
try create::ccarray();

Memory management in window phone 8

My app need to load image from web each time with provided category and it is working, the problem is memory, Image loaded in memory not being remove when next category image load and hence memory increases and the app closing with the following message-
The program '[4036] TaskHost.exe' has exited with code -2005270523 (0x887a0005).
The code is ---
void webClient_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
List rootobj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(e.Result);
int c = 0, x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rootobj.Count; i++)
Image img = new Image();
img.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
img.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
img.Height = 160;
img.Width = 210;
img.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill;
BitmapImage bit = new BitmapImage();
string path = rootobj.ElementAt(i).ThumbnailUrl;
bit.UriSource = new Uri(path,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
img.Source = bit;
img.Margin = new Thickness(x, y, 0, 0);
if (c == 2)
x = 0;
y = y + 160;
c = 0;
x = x + 210;
} mainGrid.Children.Add(grid);
and to remove i had tried these--
for (int i = 0; i < rootobj.Count; i++)
Image image = (Image)mainGrid.Children.ElementAt(i);
BitmapImage bitmapImage = image.Source as BitmapImage;
bitmapImage.UriSource = null;
image.Source = null;
bitmapImage = null;
image = null;
But it still crashes after few type of image selected.
you can do something like the following :
image1 = null;

Is it possible to replace a system dll with a proxy dll?

After reading this interesting article:
I've decided to try and create a proxy dll for pure research purposes. :-)
I did all the steps on ws2_32.dll and this is the code I've got:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma pack(1)
FARPROC p[182] = {0};
//to get indication whether we were loaded
FILE* f;
fopen_s(&f, "C:\\load.txt", "a+");
if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
hLThis = hInst;
hL = LoadLibrary("ws2_32_.dll");
if (!hL) return false;
p[0] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoEx");
p[1] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoExW");
p[2] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoW");
p[3] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoExA");
p[4] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoExW");
p[5] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoW");
p[6] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetNameInfoW");
p[7] = GetProcAddress(hL,"InetNtopW");
p[8] = GetProcAddress(hL,"InetPtonW");
p[9] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetAddrInfoExA");
p[10] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetAddrInfoExW");
p[11] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WEP");
p[12] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WPUCompleteOverlappedRequest");
p[13] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAccept");
p[14] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAddressToStringA");
p[15] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAddressToStringW");
p[16] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAdvertiseProvider");
p[17] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr");
p[18] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByName");
p[19] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByName");
p[20] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber");
p[21] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByName");
p[22] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByPort");
p[23] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncSelect");
p[24] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelAsyncRequest");
p[25] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelBlockingCall");
p[26] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACleanup");
p[27] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACloseEvent");
p[28] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnect");
p[29] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByList");
p[30] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByNameA");
p[31] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByNameW");
p[32] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACreateEvent");
p[33] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSADuplicateSocketA");
p[34] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSADuplicateSocketW");
p[35] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA");
p[36] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExA");
p[37] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExW");
p[38] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW");
p[39] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNetworkEvents");
p[40] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumProtocolsA");
p[41] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumProtocolsW");
p[42] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEventSelect");
p[43] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetLastError");
p[44] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetOverlappedResult");
p[45] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetQOSByName");
p[46] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassInfoA");
p[47] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassInfoW");
p[48] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA");
p[49] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW");
p[50] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAHtonl");
p[51] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAHtons");
p[52] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAInstallServiceClassA");
p[53] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAInstallServiceClassW");
p[54] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAIoctl");
p[55] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAIsBlocking");
p[56] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAJoinLeaf");
p[57] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceBeginA");
p[58] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceBeginW");
p[59] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceEnd");
p[60] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceNextA");
p[61] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceNextW");
p[62] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANSPIoctl");
p[63] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANtohl");
p[64] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANtohs");
p[65] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAPoll");
p[66] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAProviderCompleteAsyncCall");
p[67] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAProviderConfigChange");
p[68] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecv");
p[69] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecvDisconnect");
p[70] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecvFrom");
p[71] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARemoveServiceClass");
p[72] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAResetEvent");
p[73] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASend");
p[74] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendDisconnect");
p[75] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendMsg");
p[76] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendTo");
p[77] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetBlockingHook");
p[78] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetEvent");
p[79] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetLastError");
p[80] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetServiceA");
p[81] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetServiceW");
p[82] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASocketA");
p[83] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASocketW");
p[84] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStartup");
p[85] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStringToAddressA");
p[86] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStringToAddressW");
p[87] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAUnadvertiseProvider");
p[88] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAUnhookBlockingHook");
p[89] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAWaitForMultipleEvents");
p[90] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSApSetPostRoutine");
p[91] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCDeinstallProvider");
p[92] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCDeinstallProvider32");
p[93] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnableNSProvider");
p[94] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnableNSProvider32");
p[95] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumNameSpaceProviders32");
p[96] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx32");
p[97] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumProtocols");
p[98] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumProtocols32");
p[99] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetApplicationCategory");
p[100] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderInfo");
p[101] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderInfo32");
p[102] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderPath");
p[103] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderPath32");
p[104] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpace");
p[105] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpace32");
p[106] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpaceEx");
p[107] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpaceEx32");
p[108] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProvider");
p[109] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProvider64_32");
p[110] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProviderAndChains64_32");
p[111] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetApplicationCategory");
p[112] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetProviderInfo");
p[113] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetProviderInfo32");
p[114] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUnInstallNameSpace");
p[115] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUnInstallNameSpace32");
p[116] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUpdateProvider");
p[117] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUpdateProvider32");
p[118] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder");
p[119] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder32");
p[120] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteProviderOrder");
p[121] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteProviderOrder32");
p[122] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseApcHelper");
p[123] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseHandleHelper");
p[124] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseNotificationHandleHelper");
p[125] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseSocketHandle");
p[126] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseThread");
p[127] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCompleteRequest");
p[128] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateHandleContextTable");
p[129] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateNotificationHandle");
p[130] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateSocketHandle");
p[131] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahDestroyHandleContextTable");
p[132] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahDisableNonIFSHandleSupport");
p[133] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahEnableNonIFSHandleSupport");
p[134] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahEnumerateHandleContexts");
p[135] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahInsertHandleContext");
p[136] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahNotifyAllProcesses");
p[137] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenApcHelper");
p[138] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenCurrentThread");
p[139] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenHandleHelper");
p[140] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenNotificationHandleHelper");
p[141] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahQueueUserApc");
p[142] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahReferenceContextByHandle");
p[143] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahRemoveHandleContext");
p[144] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahWaitForNotification");
p[145] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahWriteLSPEvent");
p[146] = GetProcAddress(hL,"__WSAFDIsSet");
p[147] = GetProcAddress(hL,"accept");
p[148] = GetProcAddress(hL,"bind");
p[149] = GetProcAddress(hL,"closesocket");
p[150] = GetProcAddress(hL,"connect");
p[151] = GetProcAddress(hL,"freeaddrinfo");
p[152] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getaddrinfo");
p[153] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyaddr");
p[154] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyname");
p[155] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostname");
p[156] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getnameinfo");
p[157] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getpeername");
p[158] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobyname");
p[159] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobynumber");
p[160] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyname");
p[161] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyport");
p[162] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockname");
p[163] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockopt");
p[164] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htonl");
p[165] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htons");
p[166] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_addr");
p[167] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_ntoa");
p[168] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_ntop");
p[169] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_pton");
p[170] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ioctlsocket");
p[171] = GetProcAddress(hL,"listen");
p[172] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohl");
p[173] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohs");
p[174] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recv");
p[175] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recvfrom");
p[176] = GetProcAddress(hL,"select");
p[177] = GetProcAddress(hL,"send");
p[178] = GetProcAddress(hL,"sendto");
p[179] = GetProcAddress(hL,"setsockopt");
p[180] = GetProcAddress(hL,"shutdown");
p[181] = GetProcAddress(hL,"socket");
if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
return 1;
// FreeAddrInfoEx
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__0__()
jmp p[0*4];
// FreeAddrInfoExW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__1__()
jmp p[1*4];
// FreeAddrInfoW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__2__()
jmp p[2*4];
// GetAddrInfoExA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__3__()
jmp p[3*4];
// GetAddrInfoExW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__4__()
jmp p[4*4];
I've compiled it (with the .def file) and got a new proxy.dll file. :-)
So far so good. Now, on my VBox win7 x64 I've renamed the original ws2_32.dll to ws2_32_.dll, placed my proxy.dll in C:\\Windows\\System32\\ and renamed it to ws2_32.dll. I did all of this with live-cd linux because of premmisions problems.
As you can see the proxy loads ws2_32_.dll so we should be okay.
But when the system returns from boot every program uses ws2_32.dll throws an error and the file C:\\load.txt is never create.
I don't know what the guy from the article did to make it work. I've read on google that you need to place (and rename) the proxy.dll in the same directory as the program that you want to run the proxy dll with, but I am looking for a global solution.
Maybe it's a checksum problem? I've read that Microsoft uses some secret checksum on it's system PEs.
Thanks, gfgqtmakia.
Moved to 32bit and now it's working.
Check your proxy's dependencies, it might need additional .dlls in order to run. (Dependency Walker)
Use this guide to replace the system's .dll. This is faster than rebooting into linux.

What's the difference between file attributes returned by Cocoa and CoreFoundation?

In Cocoa, you can get the attributes of a file as follow
NSString *path = #"/path/to/some/file";
NSError *err = ......;
NSDictionary *dic = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:path error:&err];
NSLog(#"%#", dic);
And it will return a directory of keys, for example
NSFileCreationDate = "2009-12-02 10:03:38 +0000";
NSFileExtensionHidden = 0;
NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID = 80;
NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName = admin;
NSFileHFSCreatorCode = 0;
NSFileHFSTypeCode = 0;
NSFileModificationDate = "2009-12-02 19:20:54 +0000";
NSFileOwnerAccountID = 501;
NSFileOwnerAccountName = Tony;
NSFilePosixPermissions = 511;
NSFileReferenceCount = 1;
NSFileSize = 496988;
NSFileSystemFileNumber = 5187496;
NSFileSystemNumber = 234881029;
NSFileType = NSFileTypeRegular;
Now, you can also use the CoreFoundation MDItem to get file attributes
NSString *path = #"/path/to/some/file";
MDItemRef mdItem = MDItemCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)path);
CFArrayRef arr = MDItemCopyAttributeNames(mdItem);
CFDictionaryRef dic = MDItemCopyAttributes(mdItem, arr);
NSLog(#"%#", dic);
And it will return something like this
kMDItemAuthors = (
"Some One"
kMDItemContentCreationDate = "2009-12-02 10:03:38 +0000";
kMDItemContentModificationDate = "2009-12-02 19:20:54 +0000";
kMDItemContentType = "org.openxmlformats.presentationml.presentation";
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
kMDItemDateAdded = "2011-08-16 07:52:53 +0000";
kMDItemDisplayName = "Some File.pptx";
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = "2009-12-02 19:20:54 +0000";
kMDItemFSCreationDate = "2009-12-02 10:03:38 +0000";
kMDItemFSCreatorCode = 0;
kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 0;
kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = 0;
kMDItemFSInvisible = 0;
kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = 0;
kMDItemFSIsStationery = 0;
kMDItemFSLabel = 0;
kMDItemFSName = "Some File.pptx";
kMDItemFSNodeCount = 496988;
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 80;
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501;
kMDItemFSSize = 496988;
kMDItemFSTypeCode = 0;
kMDItemKind = "Microsoft PowerPoint presentation";
kMDItemLogicalSize = 496988;
kMDItemPhysicalSize = 499712;
kMDItemTitle = "PowerPoint Presentation";
My question is, what's the difference between these two methods of finding file attributes? There seem to be some equivalence but not all the time, which is better? And why are there these two ways anyways?
The attributes returned from NSFileManager are attributes stored on the file in the filesystem. The results from MDItemCopyAttributes are from the Spotlight index which includes most (all?) of the filesystem attributes as well as the results from any of the Spotlight plugins installed on the system.
