Memory management in window phone 8 - memory-management

My app need to load image from web each time with provided category and it is working, the problem is memory, Image loaded in memory not being remove when next category image load and hence memory increases and the app closing with the following message-
The program '[4036] TaskHost.exe' has exited with code -2005270523 (0x887a0005).
The code is ---
void webClient_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
List rootobj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(e.Result);
int c = 0, x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rootobj.Count; i++)
Image img = new Image();
img.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
img.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
img.Height = 160;
img.Width = 210;
img.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill;
BitmapImage bit = new BitmapImage();
string path = rootobj.ElementAt(i).ThumbnailUrl;
bit.UriSource = new Uri(path,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
img.Source = bit;
img.Margin = new Thickness(x, y, 0, 0);
if (c == 2)
x = 0;
y = y + 160;
c = 0;
x = x + 210;
} mainGrid.Children.Add(grid);
and to remove i had tried these--
for (int i = 0; i < rootobj.Count; i++)
Image image = (Image)mainGrid.Children.ElementAt(i);
BitmapImage bitmapImage = image.Source as BitmapImage;
bitmapImage.UriSource = null;
image.Source = null;
bitmapImage = null;
image = null;
But it still crashes after few type of image selected.

you can do something like the following :
image1 = null;


dynamically change an image via c# script in Xamarin forms

I have a cross platform app which I need to show a set of images when the user clic in a button, so, I put these image files named as "img000.png" to "img029.png" in a folder in the PCL solution and make al these images as "EmbeddedResource", after,I fill a List with all these images and its work fine at now, i.e. the image is shown like I want, but when I click in the button to show the next image in the list the image don't go to the next.
I have this:
public class ImageSetPage : BasePage
// BasePage encapsule a ContentPage...
private string directory = "MyApp.Assets.";
private int idx = 0;
protected StackLayout _mainLayout;
protected StackLayout _buttonStack;
protected Image _btnPrevI;
protected Label _displayName;
protected Image _btnNestI;
protected Image _image;
protected List<Image> _Images;
public ImageSetPage()
this._Images = getImages();
var prevI_Tap = new TapGestureRecognizer();
prevI_Tap.Tapped += (s, e) =>
var nextI_Tap = new TapGestureRecognizer();
nextI_Tap.Tapped += (s, e) =>
/// begin layout
base.Title = "set of Images";
this._mainLayout = new StackLayout()
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
Padding = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 0)
this._btnPrevI = new Image()
Aspect = Aspect.AspectFill,
Source = ImageSource.FromResource(directory+"prevbtn.png")
this._displayName = new Label()
Style = Device.Styles.SubtitleStyle,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
TextColor = Color.White,
this._btnNextI = new Image()
Aspect = Aspect.AspectFill,
Source = ImageSource.FromResource(directory + "nextbtn.png")
this.Content = this._mainLayout;
private void FillImage(int i)
this._displayName.Text = "Image n# " + FillWithZeroes(i);
// [EDIT 1] cemented these lines ...
// this._image = null;
// mi = _images[i];
// this._image = mi;
// [EDIT 2] the new try
string f = directory + "imgs.img0" + FillWithZeroes(i) + ".png";
this._image = new Image() {
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Soruce = ImageSource.FromResource(f)
// In this way the image show and don't change when click
// this Fking* code is a big S_OF_THE_B*
// The Xamarin and the C# is brothers of this FKing* code
private void onClick(string v)
string vw = v;
if (vw.Equals("pvi")) idx--;
if (vw.Equals("nti")) idx++;
if (idx <= 0) idx = 29;
if (idx >= 29) idx = 0;
vw = "";
private string FillWithZeroes(int v)
string s = v.ToString();
string r = "";
if (s.Length == 1) { r = "0" + s; } else { r = s; }
return r;
// to fill a list of Images with files in a PCL folder
private List<Image> getImages()
string directory = "MyApp.Assets.";
List<Image> imgCards = new List<Image>();
int c = 0;
for (c = 0; c < 30;c++) {
string f = directory + "imgs.img0" + FillWithZeroes(c) + ".png";
Image img = new Image();
img.Source = ImageSource.FromResource(f);
return imgCards;
// ...
but the image don't change, i.e. change, like I see in debug, but don't show in the Layout when I click in the buttons.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
Can someone here help me?
thanks in advance

When I create pdf with itextg from ListView only the same listview child appears

I am trying to create a pdf from listview items. This is my listview:
This is the result:
Below is my code:
ListView def = (ListView) findViewById(;
ListAdapter adapter = def.getAdapter();
int itemscount = adapter.getCount();
/*int itemsposition = adapter.getItem(position);*/
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), itemscount + " temaxia", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
int allitemsheight = 0;
List<Bitmap> bmps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
for (int i = 0; i < itemscount ; i++) {
View childView = adapter.getView(i, null, def);
/*View childView = def.getChildAt(1);*/
View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
childView.layout(0, 0, childView.getMeasuredWidth(),
Bitmap bigbitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(def.getMeasuredWidth(),
childView.getMeasuredHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas bigcanvas = new Canvas(bigbitmap);
Paint paint = new Paint();
bigbitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
Image myImg = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
myImg.scalePercent(45, 60);
// add image to document
doc.add( new Paragraph());
I just cant find why it only gets childview in first position despite it is inside a for loop. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
I changed all the consept to: Create a big image from all childviews and then cut it to multiple pages A4 size.See below....NOTICE that first doc is never opened and never closed,but after creating image document is opened and closed properly ...............
File file = new File(dir, flname + ".pdf");
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
FileOutputStream fOut2 = new FileOutputStream(file);
pdfWriter.getInstance(doc, fOut);
// open the document
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ListView def = (ListView) findViewById(;
ListAdapter adapter = def.getAdapter();
int itemscount = adapter.getCount();
/*int itemsposition = adapter.getItem(position);*/
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), itemscount + " temaxia", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
View childView =null;
int allitemsheight = 0;
List<Bitmap> bmps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
for (int i = 0; i < itemscount ; i++) {
childView = adapter.getView(i,null,def);
/*childView = def.getChildAt(i);*/
View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
childView.layout(0, 0, childView.getMeasuredWidth(),
Bitmap bigbitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(def.getMeasuredWidth(),
allitemsheight , Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Paint paint = new Paint();
Canvas bigcanvas = new Canvas(bigbitmap);
for (int i = 0; i < bmps.size(); i++) {
Bitmap bmp = bmps.get(i);
bigcanvas.drawBitmap(bmp, 0, iHeight, paint);
bigbitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
Image myImg = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
myImg.scalePercent(45, 60);
/*if(myImg.getWidth() >= doc.getPageSize().getWidth() || myImg.getHeight() >= doc.getPageSize().getHeight()){
myImg.setAbsolutePosition((doc.getPageSize().getWidth() - myImg.getScaledWidth()) / BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_MEDIUM, (doc.getPageSize().getHeight() - myImg.getScaledHeight()) / BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_MEDIUM);
doc.add( new Paragraph());*/
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter pdfWriter2 = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fOut2);;
PdfContentByte content = pdfWriter2.getDirectContent();
myImg.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0);
float width = PageSize.A4.getWidth();
float heightRatio = myImg.getHeight() * width / myImg.getWidth();
int nPages = (int) (heightRatio / PageSize.A4.getHeight());
float difference = heightRatio % PageSize.A4.getHeight();
while (nPages >= 0) {
content.addImage(myImg, width, 0, 0, heightRatio, 0, -((--nPages * PageSize.A4.getHeight()) + difference));
} catch (DocumentException de) {
Log.e("PDFCreator", "DocumentException:" + de);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("PDFCreator", "ioException:" + e);
} finally {

How to dynamically create a few pushpin for bing map

How can I dynamically create a few pushpin which I need to add them to the bing Map. Say, I need 10 pushpin.
Below is the code.
for( int i =0 ; i <=10 ; i++)
Pushpin pp = new Pushpin();
--- Update :
Pushpin[] pp = new Pushpin[intcount];
int PinNbr = 1;
//---- get the items out one by one:
foreach (var c in Cat)
if (c.GpsLat != null && c.GpsLon != null)
//--default fixed location : Lat/Lon
double KM = CalculateDistance("1.xxxxx", "103.xxxxxx", c.GpsLat, c.GpsLon);
if ((KM < 2.0)) )
//--- show the pushpin
pp[PinNbr] = new Pushpin();
pp[PinNbr].Content = c.BizId.ToString() + "," + c.BizName;
pp[PinNbr].Width = 180;
pp[PinNbr].Height = 120;
//-------- All use the same eventHandler
pp[PinNbr].MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Pushpin_MouseLeftButtonUp);
//-- using Lat/lon
map1.Center = new GeoCoordinate(1.2xxxx, 103.3xxx);
map1.ZoomLevel = 13;
//-------- All use the same eventHandler
If you are using BingMaps in Windows Phone 7.1, you can do it like this:
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
Pushpin pp = new Pushpin();
pp.Location = new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
pp.Content = //Content for the Pushpin;
myMap.Children.Add(pp); //myMap is your map control

Blackberry - get image data from bitmap

how to get image data from a bitmap image ? i searched, but i cant find a solution
int height=bmp.getHeight();
int width=bmp.getWidth();
int[] rgbdata = new int[width*height];
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
//Graphics g = new Graphics(bmp);
for (int i = 0; i < rgbdata.length ; i++) {
if (rgbdata[i] != -1)
Try this:
PNGEncoder encoder = new PNGEncoder(bitmap, true);
byte[] imageBytes = encoder.encode(true);
And to get EncodedImage from byte array:
EncodedImage fullImage = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);

Images not showing in excel using npoi

The below code which uses npoi to create excel documents displays images in open office calc but not in excel.
If i open the doc in calc and save the document and then open the document in excel i can then see the images in excel.
Here is the code.
public static byte[] CreateExcel(CampaignViewModel viewModel, string fileName)
byte[] output;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#"\Data\templates\NPOITemplate.xls"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
var templateWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true);
var sheet = templateWorkbook.GetSheet("Sheet1");
var patriarch = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
var leftFieldHeaders = CsvHelper.GetMatrixAllLeftFields();
var productHeaders = CsvHelper.GetMatrixProducts(viewModel.ProductCampaigns);
var totalCols = leftFieldHeaders.Count + productHeaders.Count;
var colWidth = 5000;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCols; i++)
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, colWidth);
var imageRow = sheet.CreateRow(0);
imageRow.Height = 2000;
var imageCellCount = 0;
foreach (var header in leftFieldHeaders)
foreach (var product in viewModel.ProductCampaigns)
var anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, imageCellCount, 0, imageCellCount, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = 2;
var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(product.Product.ImageThumbUrl);
var picture = patriarch.CreatePicture(anchor, LoadImage(#path, templateWorkbook));
picture.LineStyle = HSSFPicture.LINESTYLE_SOLID;
catch (Exception)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
output = ms.ToArray();
return output;
public static int LoadImage(string path, HSSFWorkbook wb)
var file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
var buffer = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(buffer, 0, (int)file.Length);
return wb.AddPicture(buffer, PictureType.JPEG);
catch (Exception)
return 0;
i've resolved the above in a round about way. Turns out i didn't really need to use the template and could just create the xls from scratch. This add's a bit more meta data to the file which i suspect was the issue
public static byte[] CreateExcel2(CampaignViewModel viewModel, ICollection<DeliveryPoint> deliveryPoints, string fileName)
FileContentResult fileContentResult;
byte[] output;
var matrixCampaignLines = viewModel.MatrixCampaignLines;
HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation();
dsi.Company = "NPOI Team";
hssfworkbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi;
////create a entry of SummaryInformation
SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation();
si.Subject = "NPOI SDK Example";
hssfworkbook.SummaryInformation = si;
var sheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");
var patriarch = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
var leftFieldHeaders = (viewModel.Campaign.EnableNameOnCampaign) ? CsvHelper.GetMatrixAllLeftFields() : CsvHelper.GetMatrixAllLeftFieldsWithoutName();
var productHeaders = CsvHelper.GetMatrixProducts(viewModel.ProductCampaigns);
var totalCols = leftFieldHeaders.Count + productHeaders.Count;
var colWidth = 5000;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCols; i++)
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, colWidth);
var imageRow = sheet.CreateRow(0);
imageRow.Height = 2000;
var imageCellCount = 0;
foreach (var header in leftFieldHeaders)
foreach (var product in viewModel.ProductCampaigns)
var anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, imageCellCount, 0, imageCellCount, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = 2;
var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(product.Product.ImageThumbUrl);
var picture = patriarch.CreatePicture(anchor, LoadImage(#path, hssfworkbook));
picture.Resize();//Comment this line if your code crashes.
picture.LineStyle = HSSFPicture.LINESTYLE_SOLID; might not
catch (Exception)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
output = ms.ToArray();
return output;
public static int LoadImage(string path, HSSFWorkbook wb)
var file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var buffer = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(buffer, 0, (int)file.Length);
return wb.AddPicture(buffer, PictureType.JPEG);
catch (Exception)
return 0;
I got it right now.
I am using
ISheet sheet = templateWorkbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
HSSFPatriarch patriarch = (HSSFPatriarch)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
//create the anchor
HSSFClientAnchor anchor;
anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 255, 255,
start.Col, start.Row, end.Col, end.Row);
anchor.AnchorType = 2;
LoadImage(imagePath, templateWorkbook));
catch (IOException ioe)
and LoadImage() method which returns path from the server.
Use this one. It runs fine.
