I have a vc++ project with about 8 dependencies. The compiler complains some references are not found, but i have double checked and the static library is linked to the project.
The type of project i am trying to compile is the Dynamic library Project.
In visual studio project settings, does the order of the linker dependencies matter for compilation.
I have 2 c++ projects in different solutions. When I built the project B solution's it generated a .dll, .exp, .exe, and .lib files.
How I have to reference the project B in the project A?. I've tried rigth click -> add -> reference -> B.dll.
But it shows me a window error with the following message:
could not add a reference to B.dll for one of the following reasons:
Targets a higher version of the .NET Framework
Not a .NET assembly
Not a registered ActiveX control
I've never worked with visual studio,I'm a little bit lost
Thank you and sorry for my english
I have a VisualStudio (2015 in case it matters) solution which has a C++ project compiled as a DLL, and that DLL is then used via DllImport in a C# Windows Forms project that is my executable. Let's call this executable ExeA. Because this ExeA needs my DLL in the same directory as the build location for ExeA.exe, and because I build for multiple platforms, in both Debug and Release flavors, configured the C++ project settings to have
This makes sure that whichever way I build my executable project, the DLL is always delivered to the correct folder. However, this hard-codes ExeA name into the C++ project settings.
I am now adding a secondary C# executable project, let's call it ExeB, which must also use this DLL. Ideally, I would modify my C++ project settings to pick up the name of the target executable project from some Visual Studio variable. I looked here, but could not find a variable that represents the name of the project within a solution which is currently set as the "executable" project. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Since Visual Studio 2010 the option to specify C++ project dependencies in the solution is deprecated (What does the “Link Library Dependency” linker option actually do in Visual Studio 2010?).
However hard-linking a library dependency in the project file is not always convenient. I would like to keep the dependency interchangeable.
For example I have a project defining unittests for a set of libraries.
I want to execute the unittests for different versions of the library (each defined in its own vcxproj).
Pre-VS-2010 one solution file could be created for each library dependency, requiring only a single project file for the unittests.
Now the "preferred" way to do it would be to duplicate the unittest project files for each library dependency, which is undesired.
The .lib output of the dependency could be manually added to the "Additional Dependencies" in the linker options, but this feels like a hack.
What is the best practice for modeling these kind of dependencies in Visual Studio 2015?
I am trying to call a function found in a static lib (xxx.a) from a Visual Studio Express 2013 project.
(The static lib is the output of a C project, compiled in IAR workspace).
In my Visual Studio project I added the library folder location to the VC++ directories (both under include directories & library directories), and under linker->Input->additional dependencies I added the library itslef (xxx.a ).
When I compile the project, I get a linker error:
C3861 (identifier not found).
What am I missing? I am newbie as it comes to library usage, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Visual Studio 2013 cannot read .a format static libraries. Even if it could, the static library is surely not linked against the same version of the C library as you're trying to build against.
We are trying to move from C++ VS2005 to VS2010, but can't figure out how to move from the solution dependency model to the MSBuild project reference model. We have multiple developers, but don't distribute all the source to each developer although each developer is provided with all the header files, .lib, and .dll files.
With VS2005, each developer has their own solution and sets up a project dependency to a project, unique to that developer, which includes all the .lib files they don't have source for. This way, they can use the most current .vcproj files for the source they do have.
In trying to move to VS2010 / MSBuild, the project files now require that dependencies be included as references, yet some developers will not have a copy of the referenced project, only its .h and .lib.
Is there any way to combine the solution-based dependency model of VS2005/VS2008 with the MSBuild project reference model of VS2010?
MS removed implicit adding libraries in linker list once dependency added.
Now libs should be explicitly specified in Additional Dependencies of linker settings as well as includes in settings of compiler.