Spiral Matrix Procedure in Maple - matrix

I am wanting to write a procedure to take a square matrix and have it output a spiral matrix.
for example;
would turn into
Starting in the top left corner and each row follows around clockwise until you reach the middle.
My first thought was I need to be able to call each element (m_i,j) from a matrix and tell it where to go. I could write a different procedure for each square matrix assigning where the elements in the matrix each should move to. Since I could not get it to work for n.
Here is what i have for a 3x3 matrix
Spiral := proc(a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3)
local M,S;
It is very difficult for me to find information about Matrices in Maple. Any hint on using Maple would be appreciated. Thank you.

I don't think there is a particularly compact solution to this problem. Here is a solution I came up with. It takes in a square Matrix as input and returns another Matrix which is the spiral of the input Matrix.
local size, spiralCount, currentRow, currentCol, MIndex, k;
local spiralMatrix;
size := numelems(M[1]);
spiralCount := size;
currentRow := 1;
currentCol := 0;
MIndex := 0;
spiralMatrix := Matrix(size, size);
while spiralCount > 0 do
for k from 1 to spiralCount do
currentCol:=currentCol + 1;
spiralMatrix[currentRow,currentCol] := M[iquo(MIndex,size) + 1,(MIndex mod size) + 1];
MIndex := MIndex + 1;
end do:
for k from 1 to spiralCount-1 do
currentRow:=currentRow + 1;
spiralMatrix[currentRow,currentCol] := M[iquo(MIndex,size) + 1,(MIndex mod size) + 1];
MIndex := MIndex + 1;
end do:
for k from 1 to spiralCount-1 do
currentCol:=currentCol - 1;
spiralMatrix[currentRow,currentCol] := M[iquo(MIndex,size) + 1,(MIndex mod size) + 1];
MIndex := MIndex + 1;
end do:
for k from 1 to spiralCount-2 do
currentRow:=currentRow - 1;
spiralMatrix[currentRow,currentCol] := M[iquo(MIndex,size) + 1,(MIndex mod size) + 1];
MIndex := MIndex + 1;
end do:
spiralCount := spiralCount - 2;
end do:
return spiralMatrix;
end proc:
> m:=Matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]);
[1 2 3]
[ ]
m := [4 5 6]
[ ]
[7 8 9]
> spiral(m);
[1 2 3]
[ ]
[8 9 4]
[ ]
[7 6 5]
Feel free to ask me any questions about this implementation and/or about how I to use the Matrix type.


Shortest path for king on chessboard

I have a 8x8 chessboard. This is info I get:
coordinates of the king
coordinates of the goal
number of blocked squares
coordinates of blocked squares
I cannot step on blocked squares. I want to find shortest path to goal, if no path is available (the goal is unreachable), I want to return -1.
I tried my hand at it, but I am not sure if the code makes any sense and I am kinda lost, any help is greatly appreciated.
Program ShortestPath;
coords = array [0..1] of integer;
var goal,shortest : coords;
currentX, currentY,i : integer;
arrBlocked,result : array [0..64] of coords;
function findShortestPath (currentX, currentY, goal, arrBlocked,path,i) : array [0..64] of coords;
{check if we are still on board}
if (currentX < 1 OR currentX > 8 OR currentY < 1 OR currentY > 8) then begin
if (currentX = arrBlocked[currentX] AND currentY = arrBlocked[currentY]) then begin
{save the new square into path}
path[i] = currentX;
path[i+1] = currentY;
{check if we reached the goal}
if (currentX = goal[0]) and (currentY = goal[1]) then begin
{check if the path was the shortest so far}
if (shortest > Length(path)) then begin
shortest := Length(path);
findShortestPath := path;
end else begin
end else begin
{move on the board}
findShortestPath(currentX+1, currentY, goal, arrBlocked,path,i+2);
findShortestPath(currentX, currentY+1, goal, arrBlocked,path,i+2);
findShortestPath(currentX-1, currentY, goal, arrBlocked,path,i+2);
findShortestPath(currentX, currentY-1, goal, arrBlocked,path,i+2);
{test values}
currentX = 2;
currentY = 5;
goal[0] = 8;
goal[1] = 7;
arrBlocked[0] = [4,3];
arrBlocked[1] = [2,2];
arrBlocked[2] = [8,5];
arrBlocked[3] = [7,6];
i := 0;
shortest := 9999;
path[i] = currentX;
path[i+1] = currentY;
i := i + 2;
result := findShortestPath(currentX,currentY,goal,arrBlocked,path,i);
The task in the current case (small board with only 64 cells) can be solved without recursion in the following way.
Program ShortestPath;
TCoords = record
X, Y: byte;
TBoardArray = array [0 .. 63] of TCoords;
Goal: TCoords;
Current: TCoords;
i, j: integer;
ArrBlocked, PathResult: TBoardArray;
BlockedCount: byte;
Board: array [1 .. 8, 1 .. 8] of integer;
procedure CountTurnsToCells;
Repetitions: byte;
BestPossible: byte;
for Repetitions := 1 to 63 do
for j := 1 to 8 do
for i := 1 to 8 do
if Board[i, j] <> -2 then
BestPossible := 255;
if (i < 8) and (Board[i + 1, j] >= 0) then
BestPossible := Board[i + 1, j] + 1;
if (j < 8) and (Board[i, j + 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i, j + 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i, j + 1] + 1;
if (i > 1) and (Board[i - 1, j] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i - 1, j] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i - 1, j] + 1;
if (j > 1) and (Board[i, j - 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i, j - 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i, j - 1] + 1;
{ diagonal }
if (j > 1) and (i > 1) and (Board[i - 1, j - 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i - 1, j - 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i - 1, j - 1] + 1;
if (j > 1) and (i < 8) and (Board[i + 1, j - 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i + 1, j - 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i + 1, j - 1] + 1;
if (j < 8) and (i < 8) and (Board[i + 1, j + 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i + 1, j + 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i + 1, j + 1] + 1;
if (j < 8) and (i > 1) and (Board[i - 1, j + 1] >= 0) and
(BestPossible > Board[i - 1, j + 1] + 1) then
BestPossible := Board[i - 1, j + 1] + 1;
if (BestPossible < 255) and
((Board[i, j] = -1) or (Board[i, j] > BestPossible)) then
Board[i, j] := BestPossible;
function GetPath: TBoardArray;
n, TurnsNeeded: byte;
NextCoord: TCoords;
function FindNext(CurrentCoord: TCoords): TCoords;
result.X := 0;
result.Y := 0;
if (CurrentCoord.X > 1) and (Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y] >= 0)
and (Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X - 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y;
if (CurrentCoord.Y > 1) and (Board[CurrentCoord.X, CurrentCoord.Y - 1] >= 0)
and (Board[CurrentCoord.X, CurrentCoord.Y - 1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y - 1;
if (CurrentCoord.X < 8) and (Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y] >= 0)
and (Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X + 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y;
if (CurrentCoord.Y < 8) and (Board[CurrentCoord.X, CurrentCoord.Y + 1] >= 0)
and (Board[CurrentCoord.X, CurrentCoord.Y + 1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y + 1;
{ diagonal }
if (CurrentCoord.X > 1) and (CurrentCoord.Y > 1) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y-1] >= 0) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y-1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X - 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y - 1;
if (CurrentCoord.X < 8) and (CurrentCoord.Y > 1) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y-1] >= 0) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y-1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X + 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y - 1;
if (CurrentCoord.X < 8) and (CurrentCoord.Y < 8) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y+1] >= 0) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X + 1, CurrentCoord.Y+1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X + 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y + 1;
if (CurrentCoord.X > 1) and (CurrentCoord.Y < 8) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y+1] >= 0) and
(Board[CurrentCoord.X - 1, CurrentCoord.Y+1] < Board[CurrentCoord.X,
CurrentCoord.Y]) then
result.X := CurrentCoord.X - 1;
result.Y := CurrentCoord.Y + 1;
TurnsNeeded := Board[Goal.X, Goal.Y];
NextCoord := Goal;
for n := TurnsNeeded downto 1 do
result[n] := NextCoord;
NextCoord := FindNext(NextCoord);
result[0] := NextCoord; // starting position
procedure BoardOutput;
for j := 1 to 8 do
for i := 1 to 8 do
if i = 8 then
writeln(Board[i, j]:2)
write(Board[i, j]:2);
procedure OutputTurns;
writeln(' X Y');
for i := 0 to Board[Goal.X, Goal.Y] do
writeln(PathResult[i].X:2, PathResult[i].Y:2)
{ test values }
Current.X := 2;
Current.Y := 5;
Goal.X := 8;
Goal.Y := 7;
ArrBlocked[0].X := 4;
ArrBlocked[0].Y := 3;
ArrBlocked[1].X := 2;
ArrBlocked[1].Y := 2;
ArrBlocked[2].X := 8;
ArrBlocked[2].Y := 5;
ArrBlocked[3].X := 7;
ArrBlocked[3].Y := 6;
BlockedCount := 4;
{ preparing the board }
for j := 1 to 8 do
for i := 1 to 8 do
Board[i, j] := -1;
for i := 0 to BlockedCount - 1 do
Board[ArrBlocked[i].X, ArrBlocked[i].Y] := -2; // the blocked cells
Board[Current.X, Current.Y] := 0; // set the starting position
if Board[Goal.X, Goal.Y] < 0 then
writeln('no path') { there is no path }
PathResult := GetPath;
The ideea is the following. We use an array representing the board. Each cell can be set either to 0 - starting point, either to -1 - unknown/unreachable cell, either to -2 - blocked cell. All positive numbers represent the minimum turns to reach the current cell form the starting point.
Later on we check if the goal cell contains a number greater then 0. This means that the king can move to the destination cell. If so we find the cells with ordinal numbers following each other from goal to starting point and represent them in the decision array.
The two additional procedures: BoardOutput and OutputTurns print the Board structure and the decision to the console.
Because the dimensions of your problem is so small you are not bound to use the most efficient method. So you can use BFS to find the shortest path because first the cost of moving is consistent second you won't face memory limit due to small size of the problem.
1 Breadth-First-Search(Graph, root):
3 for each node n in Graph:
4 n.distance = INFINITY
5 n.parent = NIL
7 create empty queue Q
9 root.distance = 0
10 Q.enqueue(root)
12 while Q is not empty:
14 current = Q.dequeue()
16 for each node n that is adjacent to current:
17 if n.distance == INFINITY:
18 n.distance = current.distance + 1
19 n.parent = current
20 Q.enqueue(n)
But when the problem gets larger you are bound to use more efficient methods. The ultimate solution is using IDA*. Because IDA* space complexity is linear and it will always return the optimal solution if you use consistent heurisitc.
A* Search is a good path-finding algorithm for graphs like your chess board, a bit of googling located an implementation in C that you can adapt to Pascal.
A* works by exploring the most promising paths first using an admissible heuristic to determine which paths are (probably) the best, i.e. the search first explores the most direct path to the goal and only explores more circuitous paths if the direct paths are blocked. In your case you can either use the cartesian distance as your heuristic, or else you can use the Chebyshev distance aka the chessboard distance.
You can transform this a graph theory problem and then apply one of the standard algorithms.
You consider all fields of the chess board nodes in a graph. All fields y that the king can move to from a given field x are connected to x. So c4 is connected to b3, b4, b5, c3, c5, d3, d4, d5. Remove all the nodes, and their connections that are blocked.
Now finding your shortest path can be solved using the Dijkstras Algorithm
This is essentially what #asd-tm implements in his/her solution, but I think implementing the Dijkstra Algorithm for the general case and using it for the special case might lead to cleaner, easier to understand code. Hence the separate answer.

Sum of numbers with approximation and no repetition

For an app I'm working on, I need to process an array of numbers and return a new array such that the sum of the elements are as close as possible to a target sum. This is similar to the coin-counting problem, with two differences:
Each element of the new array has to come from the input array (i.e. no repetition/duplication)
The algorithm should stop when it finds an array whose sum falls within X of the target number (e.g., given [10, 12, 15, 23, 26], a target of 35, and a sigma of 5, a result of [10, 12, 15] (sum 37) is OK but a result of [15, 26] (sum 41) is not.
I was considering the following algorithm (in pseudocode) but I doubt that this is the best way to do it.
function (array, goal, sigma)
var A = []
for each element E in array
if (E + (sum of rest of A) < goal +/- sigma)
return A
For what it's worth, the language I'm using is Javascript. Any advice is much appreciated!
This is not intended as the best answer possible, just maybe something that will work well enough. All remarks/input is welcome.
Also, this is taking into mind the answers from the comments, that the input is length of songs (usually 100 - 600), the length of the input array is between 5 to 50 and the goal is anywhere between 100 to 7200.
The idea:
Start with finding the average value of the input, and then work out a guess on the number of input values you're going to need. Lets say that comes out x.
Order your input.
Take the first x-1 values and substitute the smallest one with the any other to get to your goal (somewhere in the range). If none exist, find a number so you're still lower than the goal.
Repeat step #3 using backtracking or something like that. Maybe limit the number of trials you're gonna spend there.
x++ and go back to step #3.
I would use some kind of divide and conquer and a recursive implementation. Here is a prototype in Smalltalk
SequenceableCollection>>subsetOfSum: s plusOrMinus: d
"check if a singleton matches"
self do: [:v | (v between: s - d and: s + d) ifTrue: [^{v}]].
"nope, engage recursion with a smaller collection"
self keysAndValuesDo: [:i :v |
| sub |
sub := (self copyWithoutIndex: i) subsetOfSum: s-v plusOrMinus: d.
sub isNil ifFalse: [^sub copyWith: v]].
"none found"
Using like this:
#(10 12 15 23 26) subsetOfSum: 62 plusOrMinus: 3.
#(23 15 12 10)
With limited input this problem is good candidate for dynamic programming with time complexity O((Sum + Sigma) * ArrayLength)
Delphi code:
function FindCombination(const A: array of Integer; Sum, Sigma: Integer): string;
Sums: array of Integer;
Value, idx: Integer;
Result := '';
SetLength(Sums, Sum + Sigma + 1); //zero-initialized array
Sums[0] := 1; //just non-zero
for Value in A do begin
idx := Sum + Sigma;
while idx >= Value do begin
if Sums[idx - Value] <> 0 then begin //(idx-Value) sum can be formed from array]
Sums[idx] := Value; //value is included in this sum
if idx >= Sum - Sigma then begin //bingo!
while idx > 0 do begin //unwind and extract all values for this sum
Result := Result + IntToStr(Sums[idx]) + ' ';
idx := idx - Sums[idx];
Dec(idx); //idx--
Here's one commented algorithm in JavaScript:
var arr = [9, 12, 20, 23, 26];
var target = 35;
var sigma = 5;
var n = arr.length;
// sort the numbers in ascending order
arr.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
// initialize the recursion
var stack = [[0,0,[]]];
while (stack[0] !== undefined){
var params = stack.pop();
var i = params[0]; // index
var s = params[1]; // sum so far
var r = params[2]; // accumulating list of numbers
// if the sum is within range, output sum
if (s >= target - sigma && s <= target + sigma){
// since the numbers are sorted, if the current
// number makes the sum too large, abandon this thread
} else if (s + arr[i] > target + sigma){
// there are still enough numbers left to skip this one
if (i < n - 1){
stack.push([i + 1,s,r]);
// there are still enough numbers left to add this one
if (i < n){
_r = r.slice();
stack.push([i + 1,s + arr[i],_r]);
/* [9,23] */

0-1 Knapsack on infinite integer array?

Given an infinite positive integer array or say a stream of positive integers, find out the first five numbers whose sum is twenty.
By reading the problem statement, it first seems to be 0-1 Knapsack problem, but I am confused that can 0-1 Knapsack algo be used on a stream of integers. Let suppose I write a recursive program for the above problem.
int knapsack(int sum, int count, int idx)
if (sum == 0 && count == 0)
return 1;
if ((sum == 0 && count != 0) || (sum != 0 && count == 0))
return 0;
if (arr[idx] > 20) //element cann't be included.
return knapsack(sum, count idx + 1);
return max(knapsack(sum, count, idx +1), knapsack(sum - arr[idx], count -1, idx + 1));
Now when the above function will call on an infinite array, the first call in max function i.e. knapsack(sum, count, idx +1) will never return as it will keep on ignoring the current element. Even if we change the order of the call in max function, there is still possibility that the first call will never return. Is there any way to apply knapsack algo in such scenarios?
This works if you are working with only positive integers.
Basically keep a list of ways you can reach any of the first 20 numbers and whenever you process a new number process this list accordingly.
def update(dictlist, num):
dk = dictlist.keys()
for i in dk:
if i+num <=20:
for j in dictlist[i]:
listlen = len(dictlist[i][j]) + 1
if listlen >5:
if i+num not in dictlist or listlen not in dictlist[i+num]:
dictlist[i+num][listlen] = dictlist[i][j]+[num]
if num not in dictlist:
dictlist[num]= {}
dictlist[num][1] = [num]
return dictlist
dictlist = {}
for x in infinite_integer_stream:
dictlist = update(dictlist,x)
if 20 in dictlist and 5 in dictlist[20]:
print dictlist[20][5]
This code might have some minor bugs and I do not have time now to debug it. But basically dictlist[i][j] stores a j length list that sums to i.
Delphi code:
PossibleSums: array[1..4, 0..20] of Integer;
Value, i, j: Integer;
s: string;
s := '';
for j := 1 to 4 do
for i := 0 to 20 do
PossibleSums[j, i] := -1;
while True do begin
Value := 1 + Random(20); // stream emulation
if PossibleSums[4, 20 - Value] <> -1 then begin
//we just have found 5th number to make the full sum
s := IntToStr(Value);
i := 20 - Value;
for j := 4 downto 1 do begin
//unwind storage chain
s := IntToStr(PossibleSums[j, i]) + ' ' + s;
i := i - PossibleSums[j, i];
for j := 3 downto 1 do
for i := 0 to 20 - Value do
if (PossibleSums[j, i] <> -1) and (PossibleSums[j + 1, i + Value] = -1) then
PossibleSums[j + 1, i + Value] := Value;
if PossibleSums[1, Value] = -1 then
PossibleSums[1, Value] := Value;
4 2 10 2 2

Matrix and algorithm "spiral"

i wanted ask if there some algorithm ready, that allowed me to do this: i have a matrix m (col) x n (row) with m x n elements. I want give position to this element starting from center and rotating as a spiral, for example, for a matrix 3x3 i have 9 elements so defined:
5 6 7
4 9 8
3 2 1
or for una matrix 4 x 3 i have 12 elements, do defined:
8 9 10 1
7 12 11 2
6 5 4 3
or again, a matrix 5x2 i have 10 elements so defined:
3 4
7 8
10 9
6 5
2 1
I have solved basically defining a array of integer of m x n elements and loading manually the value, but in generel to me like that matrix maked from algorithm automatically.
Thanks to who can help me to find something so, thanks very much.
This code, do exactely about i want have, but not is in delphi; just only i need that start from 1 and not from 0. Important for me is that it is valid for any matrics m x n. Who help me to translate it in delphi?
(defun spiral (rows columns)
(do ((N (* rows columns))
(spiral (make-array (list rows columns) :initial-element nil))
(dx 1) (dy 0) (x 0) (y 0)
(i 0 (1+ i)))
((= i N) spiral)
(setf (aref spiral y x) i)
(let ((nx (+ x dx)) (ny (+ y dy)))
((and (< -1 nx columns)
(< -1 ny rows)
(null (aref spiral ny nx)))
(setf x nx
y ny))
(t (psetf dx (- dy)
dy dx)
(setf x (+ x dx)
y (+ y dy)))))))
> (pprint (spiral 6 6))
#2A ((0 1 2 3 4 5)
(19 20 21 22 23 6)
(18 31 32 33 24 7)
(17 30 35 34 25 8)
(16 29 28 27 26 9)
(15 14 13 12 11 10))
> (pprint (spiral 5 3))
#2A ((0 1 2)
(11 12 3)
(10 13 4)
(9 14 5)
(8 7 6))
Thanks again very much.
Based on the classic spiral algorithm. supporting non-square matrix:
program SpiralMatrix;
TMatrix = array of array of Integer;
procedure PrintMatrix(const a: TMatrix);
i, j: Integer;
for i := 0 to Length(a) - 1 do
for j := 0 to Length(a[0]) - 1 do
Write(Format('%3d', [a[i, j]]));
spiral: TMatrix;
i, m, n: Integer;
row, col, dx, dy,
dirChanges, visits, temp: Integer;
m := 3; // columns
n := 3; // rows
SetLength(spiral, n, m);
row := 0;
col := 0;
dx := 1;
dy := 0;
dirChanges := 0;
visits := m;
for i := 0 to n * m - 1 do
spiral[row, col] := i + 1;
if visits = 0 then
visits := m * (dirChanges mod 2) + n * ((dirChanges + 1) mod 2) - (dirChanges div 2) - 1;
temp := dx;
dx := -dy;
dy := temp;
Inc(col, dx);
Inc(row, dy);
3 x 3:
1 2 3
8 9 4
7 6 5
4 x 3:
1 2 3 4
10 11 12 5
9 8 7 6
2 x 5:
1 2
10 3
9 4
8 5
7 6
There you go!!! After 30some syntax errors...
On ideone.com, I ran it with some tests and it seems to work fine. I think you can see the output there still and run it yourself...
I put some comments in the code. Enough to understand most of it. The main navigation system is a little bit harder to explain. Briefly, doing a spiral is going in first direction 1 time, second 1 time, third 2 times, fourth 2 times, fifth 3 times, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, and so on. I use what I called a seed and step to get this behavior.
program test;
w, h, m, n, v, d : integer; // Matrix size, then position, then value and direction.
spiral : array of array of integer; // Matrix/spiral itself.
seed, step : integer; // Used to travel the spiral.
setlength(spiral, h, w);
v := w * h; // Value to put in spiral.
m := trunc((h - 1) / 2); // Finding center.
n := trunc((w - 1) / 2);
d := 0; // First direction is right.
seed := 2;
step := 1;
// Travel the spiral.
// If in the sub-spiral, store value.
if ((m >= 0) and (n >= 0) and (m < h) and (n < w)) then
spiral[m, n] := v;
v := v - 1;
// Move!
case d of
0: n := n + 1;
1: m := m - 1;
2: n := n - 1;
3: m := m + 1;
// Plan trajectory.
step := step - 1;
if step = 0 then
d := (d + 1) mod 4;
seed := seed + 1;
step := trunc(seed / 2);
until v = 0;
// Print the spiral.
for m := 0 to (h - 1) do
for n := 0 to (w - 1) do
write(spiral[m, n], ' ');
If you really need that to print text spirals I'll let you align the numbers. Just pad them with spaces.
Was forgetting... In order to make it work on ideone, I put the parameters on 2 lines as input. m, then n.
For example:
3 4
7 8
10 9
6 5
2 1
Here's the commented JavaScript implementation for what you're trying to accomplish.
// return an array representing a matrix of size MxN COLxROW
function spiralMatrix(M, N) {
var result = new Array(M * N);
var counter = M * N;
// start position
var curCol = Math.floor((M - 1) / 2);
var curRow = Math.floor(N / 2);
// set the center
result[(curRow * M) + curCol] = counter--;
// your possible moves RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN * y axis is flipped
var allMoves = [[1,0], [0,-1], [-1,0], [0,1]];
var curMove = 0;
var moves = 1; // how many times to make current Move, 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4 etc
// spiral
while(true) {
for(var i = 0; i < moves; i++) {
// move in a spiral outward counter clock-wise direction
curCol += allMoves[curMove][0];
curRow += allMoves[curMove][1];
// naively skips locations that are outside of the matrix bounds
if(curCol >= 0 && curCol < M && curRow >= 0 && curRow < N) {
// set the value and decrement the counter
result[(curRow * M) + curCol] = counter--;
// if we reached the end return the result
if(counter == 0) return result;
// increment the number of times to move if necessary UP->LEFT and DOWN->RIGHT
if(curMove == 1 || curMove == 3) moves++;
// go to the next move in a circular array fashion
curMove = (curMove + 1) % allMoves.length;
The code isn't the most efficient, because it walks the spiral naively without first checking if the location it's walking on is valid. It only checks the validity of the current location right before it tries to set the value on it.
Even though the question is already answered, this is an alternative solution (arguably simpler).
The solution is in python (using numpy for bidimendional arrays), but can be easily ported.
The basic idea is to use the fact that the number of steps is known (m*n) as end condition,
and to properly compute the next element of the loop at each iteration:
import numpy as np
def spiral(m, n):
"""Return a spiral numpy array of int with shape (m, n)."""
a = np.empty((m, n), int)
i, i0, i1 = 0, 0, m - 1
j, j0, j1 = 0, 0, n - 1
for k in range(m * n):
a[i, j] = k
if i == i0 and j0 <= j < j1: j += 1
elif j == j1 and i0 <= i < i1: i += 1
elif i == i1 and j0 < j <= j1: j -= 1
elif j == j0 and 1 + i0 < i <= i1: i -= 1
i0 += 1
i1 -= 1
j0 += 1
j1 -= 1
i, j = i0, j0
return a
And here some outputs:
>>> spiral(3,3)
array([[0, 1, 2],
[7, 8, 3],
[6, 5, 4]])
>>> spiral(4,4)
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[11, 12, 13, 4],
[10, 15, 14, 5],
[ 9, 8, 7, 6]])
>>> spiral(5,4)
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[13, 14, 15, 4],
[12, 19, 16, 5],
[11, 18, 17, 6],
[10, 9, 8, 7]])
>>> spiral(2,5)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[9, 8, 7, 6, 5]])

How to calculate the index (lexicographical order) when the combination is given

I know that there is an algorithm that permits, given a combination of number (no repetitions, no order), calculates the index of the lexicographic order.
It would be very useful for my application to speedup things...
For example:
combination(10, 5)
1 - 1 2 3 4 5
2 - 1 2 3 4 6
3 - 1 2 3 4 7
251 - 5 7 8 9 10
252 - 6 7 8 9 10
I need that the algorithm returns the index of the given combination.
es: index( 2, 5, 7, 8, 10 ) --> index
EDIT: actually I'm using a java application that generates all combinations C(53, 5) and inserts them into a TreeMap.
My idea is to create an array that contains all combinations (and related data) that I can index with this algorithm.
Everything is to speedup combination searching.
However I tried some (not all) of your solutions and the algorithms that you proposed are slower that a get() from TreeMap.
If it helps: my needs are for a combination of 5 from 53 starting from 0 to 52.
Thank you again to all :-)
Here is a snippet that will do the work.
#include <iostream>
int main()
const int n = 10;
const int k = 5;
int combination[k] = {2, 5, 7, 8, 10};
int index = 0;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != k; ++i)
for (++j; j != combination[i]; ++j)
index += c(n - j, k - i - 1);
std::cout << index + 1 << std::endl;
return 0;
It assumes you have a function
int c(int n, int k);
that will return the number of combinations of choosing k elements out of n elements.
The loop calculates the number of combinations preceding the given combination.
By adding one at the end we get the actual index.
For the given combination there are
c(9, 4) = 126 combinations containing 1 and hence preceding it in lexicographic order.
Of the combinations containing 2 as the smallest number there are
c(7, 3) = 35 combinations having 3 as the second smallest number
c(6, 3) = 20 combinations having 4 as the second smallest number
All of these are preceding the given combination.
Of the combinations containing 2 and 5 as the two smallest numbers there are
c(4, 2) = 6 combinations having 6 as the third smallest number.
All of these are preceding the given combination.
If you put a print statement in the inner loop you will get the numbers
126, 35, 20, 6, 1.
Hope that explains the code.
Convert your number selections to a factorial base number. This number will be the index you want. Technically this calculates the lexicographical index of all permutations, but if you only give it combinations, the indexes will still be well ordered, just with some large gaps for all the permutations that come in between each combination.
Edit: pseudocode removed, it was incorrect, but the method above should work. Too tired to come up with correct pseudocode at the moment.
Edit 2: Here's an example. Say we were choosing a combination of 5 elements from a set of 10 elements, like in your example above. If the combination was 2 3 4 6 8, you would get the related factorial base number like so:
Take the unselected elements and count how many you have to pass by to get to the one you are selecting.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 -> 1
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 -> 1
1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 -> 1
1 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 -> 2
1 5 7 8 9 10
8 -> 3
So the index in factorial base is 1112300000
In decimal base, it's
1*9! + 1*8! + 1*7! + 2*6! + 3*5! = 410040
This is Algorithm 2.7 kSubsetLexRank on page 44 of Combinatorial Algorithms by Kreher and Stinson.
r = 0
t[0] = 0
for i from 1 to k
if t[i - 1] + 1 <= t[i] - 1
for j from t[i - 1] to t[i] - 1
r = r + choose(n - j, k - i)
return r
The array t holds your values, for example [5 7 8 9 10]. The function choose(n, k) calculates the number "n choose k". The result value r will be the index, 251 for the example. Other inputs are n and k, for the example they would be 10 and 5.
# v: array of length k consisting of numbers between 0 and n-1 (ascending)
def index_of_combination(n,k,v):
idx = 0
for p in range(k-1):
if p == 0: arrg = range(1,v[p]+1)
else: arrg = range(v[p-1]+2, v[p]+1)
for a in arrg:
idx += combi[n-a, k-1-p]
idx += v[k-1] - v[k-2] - 1
return idx
Null Set has the right approach. The index corresponds to the factorial-base number of the sequence. You build a factorial-base number just like any other base number, except that the base decreases for each digit.
Now, the value of each digit in the factorial-base number is the number of elements less than it that have not yet been used. So, for combination(10, 5):
(1 2 3 4 5) == 0*9!/5! + 0*8!/5! + 0*7!/5! + 0*6!/5! + 0*5!/5!
== 0*3024 + 0*336 + 0*42 + 0*6 + 0*1
== 0
(10 9 8 7 6) == 9*3024 + 8*336 + 7*42 + 6*6 + 5*1
== 30239
It should be pretty easy to calculate the index incrementally.
If you have a set of positive integers 0<=x_1 < x_2< ... < x_k , then you could use something called the squashed order:
I = sum(j=1..k) Choose(x_j,j)
The beauty of the squashed order is that it works independent of the largest value in the parent set.
The squashed order is not the order you are looking for, but it is related.
To use the squashed order to get the lexicographic order in the set of k-subsets of {1,...,n) is by taking
1 <= x1 < ... < x_k <=n
0 <= n-x_k < n-x_(k-1) ... < n-x_1
Then compute the squashed order index of (n-x_k,...,n-k_1)
Then subtract the squashed order index from Choose(n,k) to get your result, which is the lexicographic index.
If you have relatively small values of n and k, you can cache all the values Choose(a,b) with a
See Anderson, Combinatorics on Finite Sets, pp 112-119
I needed also the same for a project of mine and the fastest solution I found was (Python):
import math
def nCr(n,r):
f = math.factorial
return f(n) / f(r) / f(n-r)
def index(comb,n,k):
for i in range(k):
if n-comb[i]<k-i:continue
return r
My input "comb" contained elements in increasing order You can test the code with for example:
import itertools
for x in itertools.combinations(t, k):
print x,index(x,len(t),k)
It is not hard to prove that if comb=(a1,a2,a3...,ak) (in increasing order) then:
index=[nCk-(n-a1+1)Ck] + [(n-a1)C(k-1)-(n-a2+1)C(k-1)] + ... =
nCk -(n-a1)Ck -(n-a2)C(k-1) - .... -(n-ak)C1
There's another way to do all this. You could generate all possible combinations and write them into a binary file where each comb is represented by it's index starting from zero. Then, when you need to find an index, and the combination is given, you apply a binary search on the file. Here's the function. It's written in VB.NET 2010 for my lotto program, it works with Israel lottery system so there's a bonus (7th) number; just ignore it.
Public Function Comb2Index( _
ByVal gAr() As Byte) As UInt32
Dim mxPntr As UInt32 = WHL.AMT.WHL_SYS_00 '(16.273.488)
Dim mdPntr As UInt32 = mxPntr \ 2
Dim eqCntr As Byte
Dim rdAr() As Byte
modBinary.OpenFile(WHL.WHL_SYS_00, _
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
modBinary.ReadBlock(mdPntr, rdAr)
RP: If eqCntr = 7 Then GoTo EX
If gAr(eqCntr) = rdAr(eqCntr) Then
eqCntr += 1
ElseIf gAr(eqCntr) < rdAr(eqCntr) Then
If eqCntr > 0 Then eqCntr = 0
mxPntr = mdPntr
mdPntr \= 2
ElseIf gAr(eqCntr) > rdAr(eqCntr) Then
If eqCntr > 0 Then eqCntr = 0
mdPntr += (mxPntr - mdPntr) \ 2
End If
Loop Until eqCntr = 7
EX: modBinary.CloseFile()
Return mdPntr
End Function
P.S. It takes 5 to 10 mins to generate 16 million combs on a Core 2 Duo. To find the index using binary search on file takes 397 milliseconds on a SATA drive.
Assuming the maximum setSize is not too large, you can simply generate a lookup table, where the inputs are encoded this way:
int index(a,b,c,...)
int key = 0;
key |= 1<<a;
key |= 1<<b;
key |= 1<<c;
//repeat for all arguments
return Lookup[key];
To generate the lookup table, look at this "banker's order" algorithm. Generate all the combinations, and also store the base index for each nItems. (For the example on p6, this would be [0,1,5,11,15]). Note that by you storing the answers in the opposite order from the example (LSBs set first) you will only need one table, sized for the largest possible set.
Populate the lookup table by walking through the combinations doing Lookup[combination[i]]=i-baseIdx[nItems]
EDIT: Never mind. This is completely wrong.
Let your combination be (a1, a2, ..., ak-1, ak) where a1 < a2 < ... < ak. Let choose(a,b) = a!/(b!*(a-b)!) if a >= b and 0 otherwise. Then, the index you are looking for is
choose(ak-1, k) + choose(ak-1-1, k-1) + choose(ak-2-1, k-2) + ... + choose (a2-1, 2) + choose (a1-1, 1) + 1
The first term counts the number of k-element combinations such that the largest element is less than ak. The second term counts the number of (k-1)-element combinations such that the largest element is less than ak-1. And, so on.
Notice that the size of the universe of elements to be chosen from (10 in your example) does not play a role in the computation of the index. Can you see why?
Sample solution:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// The input
var n = 5;
var t = new[] { 2, 4, 5 };
// Helping transformations
// The algorithm
var r = CalculateRank(t, n);
Console.WriteLine("n = 5");
Console.WriteLine("t = {2, 4, 5}");
Console.WriteLine("r = {0}", r);
static void ComputeDistances(int[] t)
var k = t.Length;
while (--k >= 0)
t[k] -= (k + 1);
static void CorrectDistances(int[] t)
var k = t.Length;
while (--k > 0)
t[k] -= t[k - 1];
static int CalculateRank(int[] t, int n)
int k = t.Length - 1, r = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
if (t[i] == 0)
for (var j = 0; j < t[i]; j++)
r += CalculateBinomialCoefficient(n, k);
return r;
static int CalculateBinomialCoefficient(int n, int k)
int i, l = 1, m, x, y;
if (n - k < k)
x = k;
y = n - k;
x = n - k;
y = k;
for (i = x + 1; i <= n; i++)
l *= i;
m = CalculateFactorial(y);
return l/m;
static int CalculateFactorial(int n)
int i, w = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
w *= i;
return w;
The idea behind the scenes is to associate a k-subset with an operation of drawing k-elements from the n-size set. It is a combination, so the overall count of possible items will be (n k). It is a clue that we could seek the solution in Pascal Triangle. After a while of comparing manually written examples with the appropriate numbers from the Pascal Triangle, we will find the pattern and hence the algorithm.
I used user515430's answer and converted to python3. Also this supports non-continuous values so you could pass in [1,3,5,7,9] as your pool instead of range(1,11)
from itertools import combinations
from scipy.special import comb
from pandas import Index
debugcombinations = False
class IndexedCombination:
def __init__(self, _setsize, _poolvalues):
self.setsize = _setsize
self.poolvals = Index(_poolvalues)
self.poolsize = len(self.poolvals)
self.totalcombinations = 1
fast_k = min(self.setsize, self.poolsize - self.setsize)
for i in range(1, fast_k + 1):
self.totalcombinations = self.totalcombinations * (self.poolsize - fast_k + i) // i
#fill the nCr cache
self.choose_cache = {}
n = self.poolsize
k = self.setsize
for i in range(k + 1):
for j in range(n + 1):
if n - j >= k - i:
self.choose_cache[n - j,k - i] = comb(n - j,k - i, exact=True)
if debugcombinations:
print('testnth = ' + str(self.testnth()))
def get_nth_combination(self,index):
n = self.poolsize
r = self.setsize
c = self.totalcombinations
#if index < 0 or index >= c:
# raise IndexError
result = []
while r:
c, n, r = c*r//n, n-1, r-1
while index >= c:
index -= c
c, n = c*(n-r)//n, n-1
result.append(self.poolvals[-1 - n])
return tuple(result)
def get_n_from_combination(self,someset):
n = self.poolsize
k = self.setsize
index = 0
j = 0
for i in range(k):
setidx = self.poolvals.get_loc(someset[i])
for j in range(j + 1, setidx + 1):
index += self.choose_cache[n - j, k - i - 1]
j += 1
return index
#just used to test whether nth_combination from the internet actually works
def testnth(self):
n = 0
_setsize = self.setsize
mainset = self.poolvals
for someset in combinations(mainset, _setsize):
nthset = self.get_nth_combination(n)
n2 = self.get_n_from_combination(nthset)
if debugcombinations:
print(str(n) + ': ' + str(someset) + ' vs ' + str(n2) + ': ' + str(nthset))
if n != n2:
return False
for x in range(_setsize):
if someset[x] != nthset[x]:
return False
n += 1
return True
setcombination = IndexedCombination(5, list(range(1,10+1)))
print( str(setcombination.get_n_from_combination([2,5,7,8,10])))
returns 188
