Kunena forum shortcut not displayed correctly in joomla horizontal menu - joomla

I try to add a kunena (a popular joomla forum extension) shortcut in joomla horizontal menu (protostar template/position-1).
Kunena automatically created a menu entry during installation.
Kunena top url is <host>/index.php/forum. And this url seems fishy to me already (the index.php part).
I have 2 items in main menu (the horizontal menu) : "accueil" (home in french) and "forum".
When I select "accueil", the menu item is highlighted.
But when I select "forum", the menu item is not hightlighted
My questions:
What did I do wrong to have my menu item not highlighted? (if I add a random internal link in horizontal menu, <host>/index.php/2014-07-24-14-11-04 for example, it is highlighted correctly)
Is it a normal behavior to get an "index.php" in the middle of the url?

The highlight issue seem to be more css problem and not joomla.
If you move the kunena button from the subcategory to the top menu does it get highlighted?
As for index.php you have to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess to your ftp directory and enable sef url from joomla global configuration:
System -> Global configuration -> Search Engine Friendly URLs
System -> Global configuration -> Use URL rewriting


Magento CE: Home Page Tab stays on

In Magento CE, Ultimo template, we are finding that the home page / house tab is staying active / colored (the background color surrounding the house stays colored), even when on another category page (where that tab is now highlighted).
How do you get it to shut off, so current category tab is all that is highlighted?
Navigate to System > Configuration > Menu and disabled the Home link under menu bar tab.
Also, I suggest to read the documentation of ultimo first before tying to edit in the actual file as almost all theming are already in the admin.
Lastly, There is a discussion for ultimo theme user:

Joomla 3 Show Title issue. Hide page-header

I turned Show Title option for articles to Hide in global settings. So it works for each my page good instead of home page. So the title is still appear, even if I switched it to hide in article that correspond to Home page content.
I suppose maybe something wrong with menu.
So I have next menu:
Each menu content single article, but only Home shows title...
I am using joomla 3
on the screenshot below Home header that I don't need.
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Show tile in menu item
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Hide tile in menu item
I am making the same for Home but it does not work the Home tile is still visible.
I tapped on menu items then on home items which is single article:
then I modify visibility options:
save and close - and then update the index page in browser, but nothing happen the header Home is still on the page (
The solution is next:
Click on the “Menus” menu and select “Main Menu”.
Click on the menu item that represents your home page (usually “Home” or something similar)
On the right side, click on “Page Display Options”
Set “Show Page Heading” to “No”
Click on “Save”
You have an option to show or hide the title of Articles and also Menus. Usualy is "Home" also the dafault "Frontpage" of the site, having the option to show the title.
Go to Menus -> Default "Home" Menu and under options you should have Show Title and hide it.
This should work, i tested it right now on my page to be sure.
in joomla 3.x it will be possible by combination of backend settings and source code change.
Login to your joomla control panel.
Go to Global\Articles and turn the "Show Title" and "Article info Title" to Hide.
Go to Global\Menus and turn the "Show Page Heading" to Hide.
Login to your host and go to your public html directory then go to "\templates**[your template]**\html\com_content\article" directory.
open default.php in editor and find
php if $this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1) :
and change the 1 to 0 then save it.
I suggest you to backup default.php file before any changes.
You can disable the Page Heading in the Menu Item options as showed below in my screenshot:
if this don't work, try to go to MENUS - MANAGE - (press the button OPTIONS to the right of the page)
In browser page title press one space , the set the second voice to NO:
Then save and press the REBUILD button.
This happens when you have a multi language site. The "Show Page Heading" option inside the languages home menu doesn´t works at all in this case. It is overrided by the Main Menu home options (that one without any languages assigned to it, that is mandatory in Joomla).
So if you change the "Show Page Heading" option inside the Main Menu home options, it will work.
Bizarre. But, it´s the way that Joomla 3 works.

Changing Layout of Product Options in Magento

I'm currently customizing the bluescale theme for Magento. I have moved the position of the "product options" box for configurable products from lower on the page to just under the title.
I am now trying to remove the 3 links below the add to cart button (add to wishlist, compare, and ask a question), but cannot figure out where to do so. Where can I find the template for the actual "product options" box? You can see the webpage here: http://bit.ly/xgFy2a
P.S. I can't simply delete the template file for the links, as they still appear elsewhere.
You can debug your template locations by enabling Template Path Hints like this:
Open the admin control panel
Open the system tab and select configuration
Select Developer on the left sidebar
Select Main Website From the Current Configuration Scope Drop Down (upper left)
Open the debug dropdown
Set Template Path Hints To Yes

Article as homepage without menu connected

Is that possible to make a single article as homepage, but not connected with any menu item?
I'm using Joomla 1.7
No that is NOT technically possible - Joomla is menu driven.
But you could create a Menu Item (of type Article -> Single Article View) set it to be the default item (so it is your home page) and set the main menu module to not be shown on that page (if that is what you are trying to achieve).
The other option - is to create a new menu - for example called 'hidden'. Add your new menu item to this menu, and don't even have a module for this menu.
One or other of these options should do what you need.
In the article list, there is a flag that can be activated that says "Home Page".
That makes the article to be shown in the content area of your home page... just that.

Setup a startpage without a correspondig menuitem in Joomla

In Joomla 1.5 I would like to have a startpage (that has its own template) but there should be no corresponding menuitem "startpage". If the user wants to navigate to the startpage the only way he can do that is by clicking on the logo in the header. How can I achieve this in joomla? Currently it seems that I am forced to select a menuitem as the "default" menu item to define that this menuitem will be used as the starting point. But it also seems that I can not hide that particular menu item. Also I am not quite sure how to setup a common header that when clicking on it naviagtes to the startpage.
Create a menu that you do not display (perhaps hiddenmenu in addition to mainmenu), then place the default menu item there. You do not have to display every (or any) of the menus you create in Joomla. As for the logo, creating a link to '/' should work if your site is at the domain level.
