Shell script Email bad formatting? - shell

My script is perfectly fine and produce a file. The file is in plain text and is formatted like how (My expect results should look like this.) is formatted. However when I try to send my file to my email the formatting is completly wrong.
The line of code I am using to send my email.
cat ReportEmail | mail -s 'Report'
The result I am getting on my email.
30129 22.65 253
96187 72.32 294
109525 82.35 295
10235 7.7 105
5906 4.44 106
76096 57.22 251
My expect results should look like this.
30129 22.65 253
96187 72.32 294
109525 82.35 295
10235 7.7 105
5906 4.44 106
76096 57.22 251

Your source file achieves the column alignment by using a combination of tabs and spaces. The width assigned to a tab, however, can vary from program to program. Widths of 4, 5, or 8 spaces, for example, are common. If you want consistent formatting in plain text from one viewer to the next, use only spaces.
As a workaround, you can expand the the tabs to spaces before passing the file to mail using the expand utility:
expand -t 8 ReportEmail.txt | mail -s 'Report'
The option -t 8 tells expand to treat tabs as 8 spaces wide. Change the 8 to whatever number consistently makes the format in ReportEmail.txt work properly.


Incomplete paste in a file (using cat) when copy selection from terminal

I am trying to copy output from the Mobaxterm terminal in a file in Ubuntu 20.4 running on Win 10 - WSL 2.
Steps I perform:
I select the lines I want to copy.
cat > file
Paste (with Middle-Click, Shift-Ins, Right click menu & Paste)
Ctrl-D to finish the input for the cat command
The result are not complete/reliable. I created several files using different copy&paste methods and the files obtained has different sizes (even when using the same method). See bellow:
wc AftnRG.trace.log.*
233 1704 13751 AftnRG.trace.log.console
233 1819 14570 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMc
233 1734 13940 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCc
233 1689 13625 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCd
233 1759 14129 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCd2
233 1749 14066 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMp
233 1713 13814 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleSi
234 1756 14134 AftnRG.trace.log.consolecp
233 1704 13688 AftnRG.trace.log.consolesi
Legend: Mc - middle click, Mp - Menu Paste, Si - shift Insert, Cp - menu Copy Paste, Cd - Ctrl-D , Cc - Ctrl-C
The paste looks complete but data in the file is not.
What am I doing wrong?
How to obtain the data from the clipboard complete in a file?
P.S. I remeber a similar situation when using ssh between RedHat native machines.
At the question how to obtain complete data, I found that using vim, paste and save in a file, there were no lost of information.
It is still unclear why cat is not working as expected.

Removing progress bar from program output redirected into log file

I was running a program, and it will output the progress bar. I did it like this
python |& tee train.log
The train.log looks like the following.
This is line 1
Training ...
This is line 2
[000] valid: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 2630/2631 [15:24<00:00, 2.98 track/s]
[000] valid: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2631/2631 [15:25<00:00, 3.02 track/s]
Epoch 000: train=0.11940351 valid=0.10640465 best=0.1064 duration=0.79 days
This is line 3
[001] valid: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 2629/2631 [15:11<00:00, 2.90
[001] valid: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 2630/2631 [15:11<00:00, 2.89
[001] valid: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2631/2631 [15:12<00:00, 2.88
Epoch 001: train=0.10971066 valid=0.09931737 best=0.0993 duration=0.79 days
On the terminal, they are supposed to be viewed as replacing itself, hence in the log file, there are alot of repetitions. So when I did wc -l train.log, it only returned 3 lines. However when I opened this 5MB text file in the text editor, there are like 20000 lines.
My objective is to only get these details:
Epoch 000: train=0.11940351 valid=0.10640465 best=0.1064 duration=0.79 days
Epoch 001: train=0.10971066 valid=0.09931737 best=0.0993 duration=0.79 days
My questions are:
How do I, without stopping my current training progress, extract my desired details from the suppposedly "3" lines of train.log? Keep in mind that this training will be continuously done for 10 more epochs, so I don't want to open the whole junk of progress bar in the editor.
In the future, how should I store my log file (instead of calling python |& tee train.log) such that while I can see the progress bar in the terminal, I only keep the important information in a text file?
Edit 1 :
Here's a link to the file train.log
The progress bars are probably written to stderr, which you send to tee together with stdout by using |&.
To write only stdout to the file, use the normal pipe | instead.
The progress bar was generated by writing one line and then a carriage return character (\r) but no newline character (\n). To fix that and to be able to process the file further, you can use for example sed 's/\r/\n/g'.
The following works with the file linked in the question:
$ sed 's/\r/\n/g' train.log | grep Epoch
Epoch 000: train=0.11940351 valid=0.10640465 best=0.1064 duration=0.79 days
Ok, I solved it already.
According to this question,
You make a progress bar by doing echo -ne "your text \r" > log.file.
So because some editor that i used (Notepad, sublime text 3) recognise \r as a line breaker, you see them as seperate line, but in actual fact they are stored in single line.
So to reverse engineer it, you can make them into actual line breakers sed -i "s,\r,\n,g" train.log, and the grep accoringly.
Anyhoo, thanks #mkrieger1 for helping me out anyway !

Cygwin on Windows - paste output limited to 80 columns

I am using this command line with cygwin on windows 7 to merge 32400 files in only 1 column, in a 32400 columns file:
paste ./view{0..360..3}view{0..90..5}/tally_f8_1stcol.txt | column -s $'\t' -t > mod_profs_cm.txt
When I run this I get several errors like this "column: line 360 is too long, output will be truncated" and the resulting output (mod_profs_cm.txt) only comes with 80 columns.
I tried to use COLUMNS=40000 and set columns 40000 without any success.
How can I increase the columns of the output file?

netsh add sslcert parameter is incorrect from cmd

Note that, while there is a lot on this issue already, it invariably covers either using this from powershell (where braces and dashes can be an issue) or a typo in the docs where ipport is followed by a colon.
I am in cmd
C:> netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid={12345678-db90-4b66-8b01-88f7af2e36bf} certhash=‎1234567890
The parameter is incorrect.
In actual usagge I'm using the correct certhash I got from my certificate store - not the obviously fake one above
So what is going on? Is there a way to get more info?
Explained in my comment:
I'm using the correct certhash… Supposedly "The SHA hash of the certificate. This hash is 20 bytes long and specified as a hex
string" instead of fake 1234567890?
However, there is a harmful format symbol Left-To-Right Mark (Unicode
U+200E) after Equals Sign in your certhash=‎1234567890
Screenshot taken from Unicode Analyzer:
Another way to detect invisible characters using my Alt KeyCode Finder script:
==> mycharmap h=‎1
Ch Unicode Alt? CP IME Alt Alt0 IME 0405/cs-CZ; CP852; ANSI 1250
h U+0068 104 …104… 104 0104 Latin Small Letter H
= U+003D 61 …61… 61 061 Equals Sign
‎ U+200E 8206 …14… Left-To-Right Mark
CP862 he-IL 0253 (ANSI 1255) Hebrew
CP720 ar-EG 0253 (ANSI 1256) Arabic
1 U+0031 49 …49… 49 049 Digit One
==> chcp
Active code page: 852

What does the parser expect when throwing a Psych::SyntaxError?

I'm setting up OpenProject on my computer (ubuntu). When I try to create a database
with bundle exec rake db:create:all, a syntax error is returned:
Psych::SyntaxError: (/home/openproject/config/configuration.yml): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 105 column 3
And these are lines from 102 to 107. Note: spaces after line number do not belong to the code.
102 # default configuration options for all environments
103 default:
104 # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
105 email_delivery_method: :smtp
106 perform_deliveries: true
107 smtp_address:
What characters is the parser expecting? I must also note you that I'm not yet familiar with YAML, ruby or perl (if there are relations to these).
You should post the entire file.
I had this same error occur and I was looking around the line numbers that the error thrown.
Actually, it was much further down the file. Too many spaces before a key name (5 instead of 4).
