Incomplete paste in a file (using cat) when copy selection from terminal - clipboard

I am trying to copy output from the Mobaxterm terminal in a file in Ubuntu 20.4 running on Win 10 - WSL 2.
Steps I perform:
I select the lines I want to copy.
cat > file
Paste (with Middle-Click, Shift-Ins, Right click menu & Paste)
Ctrl-D to finish the input for the cat command
The result are not complete/reliable. I created several files using different copy&paste methods and the files obtained has different sizes (even when using the same method). See bellow:
wc AftnRG.trace.log.*
233 1704 13751 AftnRG.trace.log.console
233 1819 14570 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMc
233 1734 13940 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCc
233 1689 13625 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCd
233 1759 14129 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMcCd2
233 1749 14066 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleMp
233 1713 13814 AftnRG.trace.log.consoleSi
234 1756 14134 AftnRG.trace.log.consolecp
233 1704 13688 AftnRG.trace.log.consolesi
Legend: Mc - middle click, Mp - Menu Paste, Si - shift Insert, Cp - menu Copy Paste, Cd - Ctrl-D , Cc - Ctrl-C
The paste looks complete but data in the file is not.
What am I doing wrong?
How to obtain the data from the clipboard complete in a file?
P.S. I remeber a similar situation when using ssh between RedHat native machines.

At the question how to obtain complete data, I found that using vim, paste and save in a file, there were no lost of information.
It is still unclear why cat is not working as expected.


Remote backup of Raspberry Pi sd card from Windows

This references details a procedure for backing up the SD card on a running Raspberry Pi from and to a file on another computer (
To do this from a Windows PC it is necessary to install a new "DD tool" for Windows, also referenced above. I've done all of this and thought I had the process figured out, the following command run from a Windows CMD window does create a file on my Windows PC, but shows an error message which I can not figure out.
c:\Windows\System32>ssh “sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M | gzip -” | dd of=\\.\c:/Users/me/Desktop/rPi_backup.gz –progress
I have run this on my LAN to two different Pi's (3B and 4B), Here is the output from the later after about 30 minutes:
c:\Windows\System32>ssh “sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0
bs=1M | gzip -” | dd of=\.\c:/Users/me/Desktop/rPi_backup.gz
rawwrite dd for windows version 0.5. Written by John Newbigin This
program is covered by the GPL. See copying.txt for details‘s password:
11,754,655,23215193+1 records in 15193+1 records out 15931539456 bytes
(16 GB, 15 GiB) copied, 2528.86 s, 6.3 MB/s 11,755,209,216Error
reading file: 109 The pipe has been ended
22959393+0 records in 22959393+0 records out
I got the same Error 109 for both Pi's. I have checked the SD cards and they are functional, not corrupted nor have any "dirty bits". I have tried to find the error code description, but nothing I see seems to apply to this situation.
Can anyone help me with this problem. I posted it to the above reference, but have not gotten any meaningful replies....RDK
EDIT after using Maxim Sagaydachny's suggestion (in comments). It worked and I got a .gz file on my desktop. I used BalenaEtcher to expand and copy it to an SD card, same size as that of the source. The Pi booted up but it appears that the restored version is a bit crippled, the Pi boots ok, I can log on (console and SSH) but I get this message just after I log on:
-bash: /etc/profile.d/ line 1: syntax error near unexpected token
$'sʧ\237\376\351\370'' -bash: /etc/profile.d/ line 1: MA▒$▒g▒p▒[▒kh▒▒▒▒▒D(sʧ▒▒▒▒|▒Kq/t
▒▒▒ ▒9▒$A▒6▒▒f▒▒V▒▒▒Y▒▒ UX▒O:▒▒35▒▒1z▒׎▒YC#▒ȓ!▒ӪW▒▒GM▒
<▒▒'▒▒▒`W=|k▒▒▒V ▒9▒▒R▒[j▒
I also noted a message in the bootup screen but it went by too fast to fully read so the following i s a stab at what it really said. Something about the expected number of ?? was, for example, 273 and it only sees 272. And I think it was referencing mmcblk0p2....RDK

Having trouble creating and saving a text file in shell scriptin

I attempt to save a few lines into an output file called Temporal_regions.txt in my folder, so I can continue with further process.
I took a look at some of other post, and they suggested to do this way:
echo "some file content" > /path/to/outputfile
So my returned output looks like this:
1 3 13579 586 Right-Temporal 72 73 66 54
2 5 24680 587 Left-Temporal 89 44 65 56
3 7 34552 599 Right-Temporal 72 75 66 54
4 8 24451 480 Left-Temporal 68 57 47 66
*All of these lines were individually returned as output using the grep command from another file (call it TR.stats)
If I want to store these outputs into the .txt (call it TemperolRegion.txt), I would have to first create the output file right? What would be the command to do this?
Then, I can just simply use the above suggested way to store to the .txt file?
grep "Left-Temporal" TR.stats > /path/to/TemperolRegion.txt
I can't seem to get the commands right.
It sounds like you are missing the directories along the path. In Linux, you have to create the parent directory before you create the file. You can create every directory along the path to the parent by using mkdir with the -p option.
mkdir -p /path/to
grep "Left-Temporal" TR.stats > /path/to/TemperolRegion.txt
Another problem you might have is that you are not in the right directory to TR.stats. In that case you should use the absolute path for that file as well.
grep "Left-Temporal" /path/to/TR.stats > /path/to/TemperolRegion.txt

How can two 100% identical files have different sizes?

I have two 100% identical empty .sh shell script files on Mac: 299 bytes 13 bytes (Actually this size is correct, since I have 13 bytes: 11 character + two new line)
The contents of and its hexdump:
The contents of and its hexdump:
The file info window of
The file info window of
They have the exact same hexdump, then how is it possible that they have different sizes?
Mac OS X file system is implementing forks, so the larger one is likely having something specific stored in its resource fork.
Use ls -l# to get more details.

Shell script Email bad formatting?

My script is perfectly fine and produce a file. The file is in plain text and is formatted like how (My expect results should look like this.) is formatted. However when I try to send my file to my email the formatting is completly wrong.
The line of code I am using to send my email.
cat ReportEmail | mail -s 'Report'
The result I am getting on my email.
30129 22.65 253
96187 72.32 294
109525 82.35 295
10235 7.7 105
5906 4.44 106
76096 57.22 251
My expect results should look like this.
30129 22.65 253
96187 72.32 294
109525 82.35 295
10235 7.7 105
5906 4.44 106
76096 57.22 251
Your source file achieves the column alignment by using a combination of tabs and spaces. The width assigned to a tab, however, can vary from program to program. Widths of 4, 5, or 8 spaces, for example, are common. If you want consistent formatting in plain text from one viewer to the next, use only spaces.
As a workaround, you can expand the the tabs to spaces before passing the file to mail using the expand utility:
expand -t 8 ReportEmail.txt | mail -s 'Report'
The option -t 8 tells expand to treat tabs as 8 spaces wide. Change the 8 to whatever number consistently makes the format in ReportEmail.txt work properly.

read pdf document properties from terminal as seen in nautilus

From the terminal I would like to be access the data that is readable when right clicking on a pdf file and selecting "document".
Example :
I have tried reading metadata with tools such as mminfo and pdftk but some files are password protected so they can't show me the meta data.
Help appreciated.
pdfinfo reveals following information for me:
pdfinfo XY.pdf
Title: XY Zufriedenheitsbefragung XY: 2012/5
Producer: Apache FOP Version SVN branches/fop-0_95
CreationDate: Fri May 18 13:38:45 2012
Tagged: no
Pages: 8
Encrypted: no
Page size: 595 x 842 pts (A4)
File size: 33666 bytes
Optimized: no
PDF version: 1.4
but I don't know how it works on encrypted PDFs. But if nautilus can read them - why shouldn't a command line tool?
When I look for pdfinfo, I get 2 alternative answers:
apt-cache search pdfinfo
poppler-utils - PDF-Werkzeuge (basierend auf libpoppler)
xpdf-utils - Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- utilities
