I have several XML documents that have different amount of names under images on each page - sqlxml

I have several XML documents that have different amount of names under images on each page. It can be one name or it could be 50. how can I insert this into a SQL database?
This is a snippet of the XML, so under images there is a name is this there are 2, but the next XML could have 10. the info inside of name is the same every time. How do I insert into SQL when these can be different any or every time?

<Width unit="inch">49.9429</Width>
<Height unit="inch">21.7758</Height>
<Resolution unit="DPI">2400.0</Resolution>
<Area unit="sq in">1087.549</Area>
<Used_Width unit="inch">51.1929</Used_Width>
<Used_Height unit="inch">23.0258</Used_Height>
<TotalArea unit="sq in">1178.76</TotalArea>
<GIF-IMAGE> "./images/7-17-14_Flat_1_FRC250Conv/1073073r1Prepress_step_CDI- SDDC_DRed_1__.len.gif" </GIF-IMAGE>
<Width unit="inch">27.4746</Width>
<Height unit="inch">6.7833</Height>
<Resolution unit="DPI">2400.0</Resolution>
<Area unit="sq in">186.369</Area>
<Used_Width unit="inch">29.6695</Used_Width>
<Used_Height unit="inch">8.9782</Used_Height>
<TotalArea unit="sq in">266.379</TotalArea>
<GIF-IMAGE> "./images/7-17-14_Flat_1_FRC250Conv/1070635r0Prepress_step_CDI-SD_K_1__.len.gif" </GIF-IMAGE>


how to read the data from XML with spaces using oracle

I want to read the data from passage_para tag, after passage_para I have 2 spaces before the expression tag and after the expression tag I have one more space, etc. When I use extract function to get the passage_para tag from the XMLTYPE column it is eliminating all the spaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <item> <information number="sdjsadh" > <response_direction delivery_mode="xcs"> <dparagraph>test</dparagraph> </response_direction> </information> <i_content> <stimulus_reference> <passage> <prose style="1"> <passage_para> <expression> <math xmlns="Math" xmlns:xlink="xlink" display="inline" overflow="scroll"> <mr> <mi>z</mi> <mo>></mo> <mn>0</mn> </mr> </math> </expression> </passage_para> </prose> </passage> </stimulus_reference> </i_content> </item>
which I don't want because it is taking out the spaces. The desired output I need is " z > 0 ".
Note: Between the passage_para tag the child nodes may change, they are not going to be the same.

Umbraco 7 xpath expression filter - i cant get it to load any nodes at all

I am new to xpath. I am trying to use the "nuPickers XML Dropdown picker" on Umbraco 7.3.4
but no matter what xpath xpression filter i use, the dropdown remains empty no nodes is being loaded in to the dropdown
i tried the following filters:
but to no avail, none of them loads any nodes
i actually want to select all the "Club" nodes under "Clubcontainer", but i cant get it to load any nodes, nevermind the specific ones that i actually want. My Umbraco.config looks as follows: (some nodes removed under to only show relevant nodes for my filter query.)
<root id="-1">
<Home id="2081" key="ebb9222f-f26c-4462-9f5d-43dba520326f" parentID="-1" level="1" creatorID="0" sortOrder="0" createDate="2015-12-29T12:19:53" updateDate="2016-01-09T17:27:57" nodeName="Home" urlName="home" path="-1,2081" isDoc="" nodeType="1070" creatorName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerID="0" template="1049" nodeTypeAlias="Home">
<Clubcontainer id="2094" key="6f11e986-3e29-4555-8bc4-5a847600704c" parentID="2081" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="3" createDate="2015-12-29T13:20:15" updateDate="2016-01-09T17:27:57" nodeName="Chess Clubs" urlName="chess-clubs" path="-1,2081,2094" isDoc="" nodeType="2092" creatorName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerID="0" template="0" nodeTypeAlias="Clubcontainer">
<Club id="2103" key="856c9937-cf4c-481b-aaba-487e0dcee199" parentID="2094" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="0" createDate="2016-01-07T22:41:28" updateDate="2016-01-09T17:27:57" nodeName="Hlalefang Alexandra Chess club" urlName="hlalefang-alexandra-chess-club" path="-1,2081,2094,2103" isDoc="" nodeType="2093" creatorName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerID="0" template="0" nodeTypeAlias="Club">
<president><![CDATA[Mr President]]></president>
<presidentCell><![CDATA[0123 13131313]]></presidentCell>
<Club id="2104" key="a5d73286-9572-445b-9d3a-7f758de64d0e" parentID="2094" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="1" createDate="2016-01-07T22:42:27" updateDate="2016-01-09T17:27:57" nodeName="Chess Excellence" urlName="chess-excellence" path="-1,2081,2094,2104" isDoc="" nodeType="2093" creatorName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerName="Gerrie Pretorius" writerID="0" template="0" nodeTypeAlias="Club">
<president><![CDATA[Jane Doe]]></president>
<presidentCell><![CDATA[012 345 6789]]></presidentCell>
If some-one can help me witht his i would greatly appreciate it.
Found the answer provided to me by Marc Goodson here
To load all Nodes of documentType Club use //Club
or to load the specific club nodes:

Seperate XML content from a single XML file using XQuery

I have a XML file which contains multiple XML nodes. I would like to separate two XML notes and store them in separate variables. How would I write this functionality with XQuery? I have added my XML file below. Inside the XML file I have a division root element, Dive and top-song are two child elements. Now I want to read the Dive XML content in one variable and top-song content in another variable. Can any one please help me to sort out this issue?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dive ID="2"><!-- I want this node in one variable -->
<Country ID="1">Bahamas</Country>
<City ID="2">Freeport</City>
<Place ID="2">
<Site>South Pass</Site>
<Depth Scale="METRIC">5.48</Depth>
<Buddy IDs="2" Names="Tim Diver" />
<Comments>Great dive, saw 5 Caribbean Reef Sharks. Performed compass navigation skills for Scuba Diver certification.</Comments>
<UWCurrent>Medium Current</UWCurrent>
<Type>Nurse Shark</Type>
<Size>3 ft</Size>
<Description>Dormant on the bottom, not swimming.</Description>
<Type>Blue Tang Surgeonfish</Type>
<Size>4 in</Size>
<Description>Blue with white "scalpel" near base </descreption>
<top-song><!-- I want this node in another variable -->
<title >Try Again</title>
<artist >Aaliyah</artist>
<weeks last="2008-06-17">
<album> The
<released>February 29, 20008</released>
<format>12 single</format>
<p>hai hello</p>
It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish on a high level, but you can select those elements with some simple XQuery/Xpath:
let $dive := doc('mydoc.xml')/division/Dive
let $top-song := doc('mydoc.xml')/division/top-song
However, just looking at the document it's clear that these two elements are in totally unrelated schemas, and as a general recommendation for MarkLogic, they should probably each be separated before ingestion and inserted as separate documents.

trying to parse specific data using xpath

I have a small xml file that I'm trying to grab the away_team first and then the home_team second.
/game/team/statistics/#goals gives me the data I want but I need to reverse the order. So I'm trying to understand how to get the away_team goals first, followed by the home_team.
Below is the file
<game id="f24275a9-4f30-4a81-abdf-d16a9aeda087" status="closed" coverage="full" home_team="4416d559-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" away_team="44167db4-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" scheduled="2013-10-10T23:00:00+00:00" attendance="18210" start_time="2013-10-10T23:08:00+00:00" end_time="2013-10-11T01:32:00+00:00" clock="00:00" period="3" xmlns="http://feed.elasticstats.com/schema/hockey/game-v2.0.xsd">
<venue id="bd7b42fa-19bb-4b91-8615-214ccc3ff987" name="First Niagara Center" capacity="18690" address="One Seymour H. Knox III Plaza" city="Buffalo" state="NY" zip="14203" country="USA"/>
<team name="Sabres" market="Buffalo" id="4416d559-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" points="1">
<period number="1" sequence="1" points="1"/>
<period number="2" sequence="2" points="0"/>
<period number="3" sequence="3" points="0"/>
<statistics goals="1" assists="2" penalties="7" penalty_minutes="23" team_penalties="0" team_penalty_minutes="0" shots="27" blocked_att="14" missed_shots="8" hits="25" giveaways="5" takeaways="10" blocked_shots="7" faceoffs_won="22" faceoffs_lost="28" powerplays="1" faceoffs="50" faceoff_win_pct="44.0" shooting_pct="3.7" points="3">
<powerplay faceoffs_won="2" faceoffs_lost="0" shots="0" goals="0" missed_shots="1" assists="0" faceoff_win_pct="100.0" faceoffs="2"/>
<shorthanded faceoffs_won="3" faceoffs_lost="3" shots="1" goals="0" missed_shots="0" assists="0" faceoffs="6" faceoff_win_pct="50.0"/>
<evenstrength faceoff_win_pct="40.5" missed_shots="7" goals="1" faceoffs_won="17" shots="26" faceoffs="42" faceoffs_lost="25" assists="2"/>
<penalty shots="0" goals="0" missed_shots="0"/>
<shootout shots="0" missed_shots="0" goals="0" shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<goaltending shots_against="33" goals_against="4" saves="29" saves_pct="0.879" total_shots_against="33" total_goals_against="4">
<powerplay shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<shorthanded shots_against="7" goals_against="0" saves="7" saves_pct="1.0"/>
<evenstrength goals_against="4" saves_pct="0.846" shots_against="26" saves="22"/>
<penalty shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<emptynet goals_against="0" shots_against="0">
<powerplay goals_against="0"/>
<shorthanded goals_against="0"/>
<evenstrength goals_against="0"/>
Here's an XPath 2.0 expression that should do what you asked, yielding a sequence of two elements:
(/game/team[#id = /game/#home_team]/statistics/#goals,
/game/team[#id = /game/#away_team]/statistics/#goals)
Credit to #Ian for sleuthing out the details of the question.
In XPath 1.0, you could concatenate string data from the two teams in whatever order you want:
concat(/game/team[#id = /game/#home_team]/statistics/#goals, ' ',
/game/team[#id = /game/#away_team]/statistics/#goals)
But as Ian said, you can't produce a nodeset with an order different from document order. (I don't think a nodeset has any intrinsic order at all... it's how it's processed that imposes an order.)
As Ian pointed out, your XML data is in a namespace, thanks to the default namespace declaration on <game>. Since you said that "/game/team/statistics/#goals gives me the data", I'm assuming that you've already taken care of this aspect of the problem, perhaps by declaring the default namespace in your XPath execution environment.

Oracle JPG metadata xpath from XMLTYPE column

I have a tavle storing photos. With a pl/sql script i extract the image metadata to the exifmetadata xmltype column.
I would like to select the elements one by one, but i always get null back and i don't know what is the issue with my xpath expression.
<exifMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ord/meta/exif" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ord/meta/exif http://xmlns.oracle.com/ord/meta/exif" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Make tag="271">Apple</Make>
<Model tag="272">iPhone 4S</Model>
<Orientation tag="274">top left</Orientation>
<XResolution tag="282">72.0</XResolution>
<YResolution tag="283">72.0</YResolution>
<ResolutionUnit tag="296">inches</ResolutionUnit>
<Software tag="305">6.0.1</Software>
<DateTime tag="306">2012-11-16T13:31:15</DateTime>
<YCbCrPositioning tag="531">centered</YCbCrPositioning>
<ExifIfd tag="34665">
<ExposureTime tag="33434">0.004405286</ExposureTime>
<FNumber tag="33437">2.4</FNumber>
<ExposureProgram tag="34850">Normal program</ExposureProgram>
<ExifVersion tag="36864">0221</ExifVersion>
<DateTimeOriginal tag="36867">2012-11-16T12:49:58</DateTimeOriginal>
<DateTimeDigitized tag="36868">2012-11-16T12:49:58</DateTimeDigitized>
<ComponentsConfiguration tag="37121">Y</ComponentsConfiguration>
<ShutterSpeedValue tag="37377">7.82697</ShutterSpeedValue>
<ApertureValue tag="37378">2.5260692</ApertureValue>
<BrightnessValue tag="37379">6.641153</BrightnessValue>
<MeteringMode tag="37383">Pattern</MeteringMode>
<Flash tag="37385">
<FocalLength tag="37386">4.28</FocalLength>
<FlashpixVersion tag="40960">0100</FlashpixVersion>
<ColorSpace tag="40961">sRGB</ColorSpace>
<PixelXDimension tag="40962">2902</PixelXDimension>
<PixelYDimension tag="40963">1938</PixelYDimension>
<SensingMethod tag="41495">One-chip color area</SensingMethod>
<ExposureMode tag="41986">Auto exposure</ExposureMode>
<WhiteBalance tag="41987">Auto</WhiteBalance>
<FocalLengthIn35mmFilm tag="41989">35</FocalLengthIn35mmFilm>
<SceneCaptureType tag="41990">Standard</SceneCaptureType>
And the SQL:
p.metaexif.extract('//exifMetadata/TiffIfd/Make/text()').getStringVal() "Model"
FROM scott.photos p
WHERE id=22
The id 22 record exist that is sure.
you have a default namespace set so you have to cope with this.
eg use this:
select extractvalue(p.metaexif,'/exifMetadata/TiffIfd/Make',
