how to read the data from XML with spaces using oracle - oracle

I want to read the data from passage_para tag, after passage_para I have 2 spaces before the expression tag and after the expression tag I have one more space, etc. When I use extract function to get the passage_para tag from the XMLTYPE column it is eliminating all the spaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <item> <information number="sdjsadh" > <response_direction delivery_mode="xcs"> <dparagraph>test</dparagraph> </response_direction> </information> <i_content> <stimulus_reference> <passage> <prose style="1"> <passage_para> <expression> <math xmlns="Math" xmlns:xlink="xlink" display="inline" overflow="scroll"> <mr> <mi>z</mi> <mo>></mo> <mn>0</mn> </mr> </math> </expression> </passage_para> </prose> </passage> </stimulus_reference> </i_content> </item>
which I don't want because it is taking out the spaces. The desired output I need is " z > 0 ".
Note: Between the passage_para tag the child nodes may change, they are not going to be the same.


How to specify symbol/character in os-signpost-point-schema

I have a custom Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100) Instrument to which I have recently added os-signpost-point-schema. I notice that the events are marked with a hyphen/dash rather than a ⓢ. See the comparison of my custom tool vs the standard “Points of Interest” tool:
I have been digging through the documentation and while I wager that there is some simple attribute that can be set to dictate which symbol is included within the signpost ⃝, it is not jumping out at me. How does one select the symbol used within custom event points in Instruments?
Here is the code for the instrument:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Instruments Developer Help: -->
<title>Custom Points of Interest</title>
<name>Robert Ryan</name>
<!-- See -->
<name>Robert Ryan</name>
<purpose>Provide mechanism for multicolored events posted by `os_signpost`; The string generated by `os_signpost` must be in form of "Label:%d,Concept:%{public}#", where "Label" is string that will control what text appears in the event, and "Concept" is one of the strings listed in that dictates the color of the interval. No spaces after the commas within this string.</purpose>
<note>That message must use that printf-style format, not embedding the values in the format string literal.</note>
<!-- you can constrain this to a particular subsystem if you'd like:
<message>"Label:" ?label ",Concept:" ?concept</message>
<name>Robert Ryan</name>
<purpose>Provide mechanism for multicolored intervals posted by `os_signpost`; The string generated by `os_signpost` must be in form of "Label:%d,Concept:%{public}#", where "Label" is string that will control what text appears in the interval, and "Concept" is one of the strings listed in that dictates the color of the interval. No spaces after the commas within this string.</purpose>
<note>That message must use that printf-style format, not embedding the values in the format string literal.</note>
<!-- you can constrain this to a particular subsystem if you'd like:
<message>"Label:" ?label ",Concept:" ?concept</message>
<title>Custom Points of Interest</title>
<purpose>Provide multi-colored intervals as dictated by the "event-concept" parsed from the `start-pattern` string.</purpose>
<title>Custom Interval Graph</title>
<title>Custom Regions of Interest</title>
<title>Custom Points of Interest</title>
I posted this on the Apple forums, too, and received this answer:
… To customize the icon that is set in the point rendering scenario, your type that is selected in your value-from field needs to have a "Special Value Treatment" defined. In your case, instead of using name, you could safely use event-concept.
The mapping between Value -> (Icon, Color) can be found in the etype documentation. For event concept, that would be:
Please let me know if that helps!
Posted 57 minutes ago by kacperh_ 
In short, the event-concept can control both the color and the symbol for the event, too.
So, I replaced the value-from in the points lane to use the parsed event-concept string, just like the color-from was doing:
And that yielded:

How to use following in Xpath to get siblings in a Tag

I have following Structure: I am trying to build a robust method to extract the elements of FT1_19_0 of the FT1_19 Tag in the order they appear. However
in my results the elements are rearranged. How can i get my result in correct order.
//*/FT1_19/FT1_19_0[contains(../FT1_19_2,'I10') and
The Result(Rearranged)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FT1_16_1>Gavin, Matthew, MD</FT1_16_1>
<FT1_19 NO="1">
<FT1_19 NO="2">
<FT1_19 NO="3">
<FT1_19 NO="4">
Use this if you are using java:
List<WebElement> list = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//ft1_19//following::ft1_19_0"));
for(WebElement we:list) {

Combining Oracle xpath expressions

I'm running xpath on Oracle 11g.
Using the following code i'm trying to select the number element under the application element with #code="A2" or "U2". If no such #code attribute exists then I just want to select the first application element, with or without a #code attribute.
The 2 expressions (2nd one commented out) in the following code work individually for the 2 halves of the problem:
1) Where #code="A2" or "U2"
2) The first application
Can anyone please tell me how to combine these 2 expressions:
<application code="U7">
<application code="A2">
' ) xt
from dual
passing et.xt
PATH 'applications/application[(#code="A2" or #code="U2" )][1]/applicationId/number'
--PATH ' applications/application[1]/applicationId/number'
) ext
I think the logic can be - return a or return b if there is no a
a | b[not(../a)]
In your case is something as:
(application[(#code="A2" or #code="U2")] |
application[not(../application[#code="A2" or #code="U2"])])
I have splitted the line for readability

Seperate XML content from a single XML file using XQuery

I have a XML file which contains multiple XML nodes. I would like to separate two XML notes and store them in separate variables. How would I write this functionality with XQuery? I have added my XML file below. Inside the XML file I have a division root element, Dive and top-song are two child elements. Now I want to read the Dive XML content in one variable and top-song content in another variable. Can any one please help me to sort out this issue?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dive ID="2"><!-- I want this node in one variable -->
<Country ID="1">Bahamas</Country>
<City ID="2">Freeport</City>
<Place ID="2">
<Site>South Pass</Site>
<Depth Scale="METRIC">5.48</Depth>
<Buddy IDs="2" Names="Tim Diver" />
<Comments>Great dive, saw 5 Caribbean Reef Sharks. Performed compass navigation skills for Scuba Diver certification.</Comments>
<UWCurrent>Medium Current</UWCurrent>
<Type>Nurse Shark</Type>
<Size>3 ft</Size>
<Description>Dormant on the bottom, not swimming.</Description>
<Type>Blue Tang Surgeonfish</Type>
<Size>4 in</Size>
<Description>Blue with white "scalpel" near base </descreption>
<top-song><!-- I want this node in another variable -->
<title >Try Again</title>
<artist >Aaliyah</artist>
<weeks last="2008-06-17">
<album> The
<released>February 29, 20008</released>
<format>12 single</format>
<p>hai hello</p>
It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish on a high level, but you can select those elements with some simple XQuery/Xpath:
let $dive := doc('mydoc.xml')/division/Dive
let $top-song := doc('mydoc.xml')/division/top-song
However, just looking at the document it's clear that these two elements are in totally unrelated schemas, and as a general recommendation for MarkLogic, they should probably each be separated before ingestion and inserted as separate documents.

Xpath get distinct nodes using preceding-sibling

I need to get distinct values //name() withount distinct-values(//*/name())
I tried do like this, but its dosent work.
How can i repair it?
Using XPath 1.0, to get the distinct values
For name attribute,
/*/*[not(#name = preceding::*/#name)]
For node name,
/*/*[not(name() = preceding::*/name())]
My Sample XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<friend1 name="abc"/>
<friend2 name="def"/>
<friend3 name="abc"/>
<friend1 name="abcd"/>
<friend5 name="abcd"/>
<friend6 name="xyz"/>
<friend8 name="789"/>
<friend0 name="pqr"/>
<friend9 name="lmn"/>
<friend2 name="lmn"/>
<friend5 name="123"/>
<friend7 name="456"/>
<friend12 name="789"/>
