Subtract and detect underflow, most efficient way? (x86/64 with GCC) - gcc

I'm using GCC 4.8.1 to compile C code and I need to detect if underflow occurs in a subtraction on x86/64 architecture. Both are UNSIGNED. I know in assembly is very easy, but I'm wondering if I can do it in C code and have GCC optimize it in a way, cause I can't find it. This is a very used function (or lowlevel, is that the term?) so I need it to be efficient, but GCC seems to be too dumb to recognize this simple operation? I tried so many ways to give it hints in C, but it always uses two registers instead of just a sub and a conditional jump. And to be honest I get annoyed seeing such stupid code written so MANY times (function is called a lot).
My best approach in C seemed to be the following:
if((a-=b)+b < b) {
// underflow here
Basically, subtract b from a, and if result underflows detect it and do some conditional processing (which is unrelated to a's value, for example, it brings an error, etc).
GCC seems too dumb to reduce the above to just a sub and a conditional jump, and believe me I tried so many ways to do it in C code, and tried alot of command line options (-O3 and -Os included of course). What GCC does is something like this (Intel syntax assembly):
mov rax, rcx ; 'a' is in rcx
sub rcx, rdx ; 'b' is in rdx
cmp rax, rdx ; useless comparison since sub already sets flags
jc underflow
Needless to say the above is stupid, when all it needs is this:
sub rcx, rdx
jc underflow
This is so annoying because GCC does understand that sub modifies flags that way, since if I typecast it into a "int" it will generate the exact above except it uses "js" which is jump with sign, instead of carry, which will not work if the unsigned values difference is high enough to have the high bit set. Nevertheless it shows it is aware of the sub instruction affecting those flags.
Now, maybe I should give up on trying to make GCC optimize this properly and do it with inline assembly which I have no problems with. Unfortunately, this requires "asm goto" because I need a conditional JUMP, and asm goto is not very efficient with an output because it's volatile.
I tried something but I have no idea if it is "safe" to use or not. asm goto can't have outputs for some reason. I do not want to make it flush all registers to memory, that would kill the entire point I'm doing this which is efficiency. But if I use empty asm statements with outputs set to the 'a' variable before and after it, will that work and is it safe? Here's my macro:
#define subchk(a,b,g) { typeof(a) _a=a; \
asm("":"+rm"(_a)::"cc"); \
asm goto("sub %1,%0;jc %l2"::"r,m,r"(_a),"r,r,m"(b):"cc":g); \
asm("":"+rm"(_a)::"cc"); }
and using it like this:
// normal code with no underflow
// ...
// underflow occured here
It's a bit ugly but it works just fine. On my test scenario, it compiles just FINE without volatile overhead (flushing registers to memory) without generating anything bad, and it seems it works ok, however this is just a limited test, I can't possibly test this everywhere I use this function/macro as I said it is used A LOT, so I'd like to know if someone is knowledgeable, is there something unsafe about the above construct?
Particularly, the value of 'a' is NOT NEEDED if underflow occurs, so with that in mind are there any side effects or unsafe stuff that can happen with my inline asm macro? If not I'll use it without problems till they optimize the compiler so I can replace it back after I guess.
Please don't turn this into a debate about premature optimizations or what not, stay on topic of the question, I'm fully aware of that, so thank you.

I probably miss something obvious, but why isn't this good?
extern void underflow(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
unsigned foo(unsigned a, unsigned b)
unsigned r = a - b;
if (r > a)
return r;
I have checked, gcc optimizes it to what you want:
movl %edi, %eax
subl %esi, %eax
jb .L6
pushq %rax
call underflow
Of course you can handle underflow however you want, I have just done this to keep the asm simple.

How about the following assembly code (you can wrap it into GCC format):
sub rcx, rdx ; assuming operands are in rcx, rdx
setc al ; capture carry bit int AL (see Intel "setxx" instructions)
; return AL as boolean to compiler
Then you invoke/inline the assembly code, and branch on the resulting boolean.

Have you tested whether this is actually faster? Modern x86-microarchitectures use microcode, turning single assembly instructions into sequences of simpler micro-operations. Some of them also do micro-op fusion, in which a sequence of assembly-instructions is turned into a single micro-op. In particular, sequences like test %reg, %reg; jcc target are fused, probably because global processor flags are a bane of performance.
If cmp %reg, %reg; jcc target is mOp-fused, gcc might use that to get faster code. In my experience, gcc is very good at scheduling and similar low-level optimizations.


What C instructions do I need to use to get gcc's x86-64 autovectorizer to output pshufb opcodes?

I'd like gcc's autovectorization (i.e. not intrinsics) to convert 0xPQ to the 64-bit value 0xPQPQPQPQPQPQPQPQ using the ssse3 opcode pshufb. However, even though I can see pshufb opcodes being output by gcc for other uses (so the compiler is definitely able to output it), I can't work out the series of C instructions needed to trigger it for this particualr case.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I doubt that pshufb will be the most efficient solution, unless you intend to have the result in the lower part of an xmm register. If you do, provide an actual usage example.
If you write something like:
long long foo(char x)
long long ret;
std::memset(&ret, x, sizeof ret);
return ret;
Both gcc and clang essentially just multiply x by 0x0101010101010101 which is as fast as a pshufb (assuming you have that value in a register already). However, with imul you have the result already in a general purpose register (and no additional movq is required).
Godbolt compilation results: (the -msse3 makes no difference, nor do other compilation options, as long as it is at least -O1).

What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

I've been trying to understand the purpose of the 0x40 REX opcode for ASM x64 instructions. Like for instance, in this function prologue from Kernel32.dll:
As you see they use push rbx as:
40 53 push rbx
But using just the 53h opcode (without the prefix) also produces the same result:
According to this site, the layout for the REX prefix is as follows:
So 40h opcode seems to be not doing anything. Can someone explain its purpose?
the 04xh bytes (i.e. 040h, 041h... 04fh) are indeed REX bytes. Each bit in the lower nibble has a meaning, as you listed in your question. The value 040h means that REX.W, REX.R, REX.X and REX.B are all 0. That means that adding this byte doesn't do anything to this instruction, because you're not overriding any default REX bits, and it's not an 8-bit instruction with AH/BH/CH/DH as an operand.
Moreover, the X, R and B bits all correspond to some operands. If your instruction doesn't consume these operands, then the corresponding REX bit is ignored.
I call this a dummy REX prefix, because it does nothing before a push or pop. I wondered whether it is allowed and your experience show that it is.
It is there because the people at Microsoft apparently generated the above code. I'd speculate that for the extra registers it is needed, so they generate it always and didn't bother to remove it when it is not needed. Another possibility is that the lengthening of the instruction has a subtle effect on scheduling and or aligning and can make the code faster. This of course requires detailed knowledge of the particular processor.
I'm working at an optimiser that looks at machine code. Dummy prefixes are helpful because they make the code more uniform; there are less cases to consider. Then as a last step superfluous prefixes can be removed among other things.

What does gcc -fno-trapping-math do?

I cannot find any example where the -fno-trapping-math option has an effect.
I would expect -ftrapping-math to disable optimizations that may affect whether traps are generated or not. For example the calculation of an intermediate value with extended precision using x87 instructions or FMA instructions may prevent an overflow exception from occurring. The -ftrapping-math option does not prevent this.
Common subexpression elimination may result in one exception occurring rather than two, for example the optimization 1./x + 1./x = 2./x will generate one trap rather than two when x=0. The -ftrapping-math option does not prevent this.
Please give some examples of optimizations that are prevented by -fno-trapping-math.
Can you recommend any documents that explain the different floating point optimization options better than the gcc manual, perhaps with specific examples of code that is optimized by each option? Possibly for other compilers.
A simple example is as follows:
float foo()
float a = 0;
float nan = a/a;
return nan;
Compiled with GCC 7.3 for x64, at -O3:
pxor xmm0, xmm0
divss xmm0, xmm0
...which is pretty self-explanatory. Note that it's actually doing the div (despite knowing that 0/0 is nan), which is not especially cheap! It has to do that, because your code might be trying to deliberately raise a floating point trap.
With -O3 -fno-signaling-nans -fno-trapping-math:
movss xmm0, DWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
.long 2143289344
That is, "just load in a NaN and return it". Which is identical behavior, as long as you're not relying on there being a trap.

Why do x86-64 Linux system calls work with 6 registers set?

I'm writing a freestanding program in C that depends only on the Linux kernel.
I studied the relevant manual pages and learned that on x86-64 the Linux system call entry point receives the system call number and six arguments through the seven registers rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, and r9.
Does this mean that every system call accepts six arguments?
I researched the source code of several libc implementations in order to find out how they perform system calls. Interestingly, musl contains two distinct approaches to system calls:
This assembly source file defines one __syscall function that moves the system call number and exactly six arguments to the registers defined in the ABI. The generic name of the function hints that it can be used with any system call, despite the fact it always passes six arguments to the kernel.
This C header file defines seven separate __syscallN functions, with N specifying their arity. This suggests that the benefit of passing only the exact number of arguments that the system call requires surpasses the cost of having and maintaining seven nearly identical functions.
So I tried it myself:
system_call(long number,
long _1, long _2, long _3, long _4, long _5, long _6)
long value;
register long r10 __asm__ ("r10") = _4;
register long r8 __asm__ ("r8") = _5;
register long r9 __asm__ ("r9") = _6;
__asm__ volatile ( "syscall"
: "=a" (value)
: "a" (number), "D" (_1), "S" (_2), "d" (_3), "r" (r10), "r" (r8), "r" (r9)
: "rcx", "r11", "cc", "memory");
return value;
int main(void) {
static const char message[] = "It works!" "\n";
/* system_call(write, standard_output, ...); */
system_call(1, 1, message, sizeof message, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
I ran this program and verified that it does write It works!\n to standard output. This left me with the following questions:
Why can I pass more parameters than the system call takes?
Is this reasonable, documented behavior?
What am I supposed to set the unused registers to?
Is 0 okay?
What will the kernel do with the registers it doesn't use?
Will it ignore them?
Is the seven function approach faster by virtue of having less instructions?
What happens to the other registers in those functions?
System calls accept up to 6 arguments, passed in registers (almost the same registers as the SysV x64 C ABI, with r10 replacing rcx but they are callee preserved in the syscall case), and "extra" arguments are simply ignored.
Some specific answers to your questions below.
The src/internal/x86_64/syscall.s is just a "thunk" which shifts all the all the arguments into the right place. That is, it converts from a C-ABI function which takes the syscall number and 6 more arguments, into a "syscall ABI" function with the same 6 arguments and the syscall number in rax. It works "just fine" for any number of arguments - the additional register movement will simply be ignored by the syscall if those arguments aren't used.
Since in the C-ABI all the argument registers are considered scratch (i.e., caller-save), clobbering them is harmless if you assume this __syscall method is called from C. In fact the kernel makes stronger guarantees about clobbered registers, clobbering only rcx and r11 so assuming the C calling convention is safe but pessimistic. In particular, the code calling __syscall as implemented here will unnecessarily save any argument and scratch registers per the C ABI, despite the kernel's promise to preserve them.
The arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h file is pretty much the same thing, but in a C header file. Here, you want all seven versions (for zero to six arguments) because modern C compilers will warn or error if you call a function with the wrong number of arguments. So there is no real option to have "one function to rule them all" as in the assembly case. This also has the advantage of doing less work syscalls that take less than 6 arguments.
Your listed questions, answered:
Why can I pass more parameters than the system call takes?
Because the calling convention is mostly register-based and caller cleanup. You can always pass more arguments in this situation (including in the C ABI) and the other arguments will simply be ignored by the callee. Since the syscall mechanism is generic at the C and .asm level, there is no real way the compiler can ensure you are passing the right number of arguments - you need to pass the right syscall id and the right number of arguments. If you pass less, the kernel will see garbage, and if you pass more, they will be ignored.
Is this reasonable, documented behavior?
Yes, sure - because the whole syscall mechanism is a "generic gate" into the kernel. 99% of the time you aren't going to use that: glibc wraps the vast majority of interesting syscalls in C ABI wrappers with the correct signature so you don't have to worry about. Those are the ways that syscall access happens safely.
What am I supposed to set the unused registers to?
You don't set them to anything. If you use the C prototypes arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h the compiler just takes care of it for you (it doesn't set them to anything) and if you are writing your own asm, you don't set them to anything (and you should assume they are clobbered after the syscall).
What will the kernel do with the registers it doesn't use?
It is free to use all the registers it wants, but will adhere to the kernel calling convention which is that on x86-64 all registers other than rax, rcx and r11 are preserved (which is why you see rcx and r11 in the clobber list in the C inline asm).
Is the seven function approach faster by virtue of having less instructions?
Yes, but the difference is very small since the reg-reg mov instructions are usually have zero latency and have high throughput (up to 4/cycle) on recent Intel architectures. So moving an extra 6 registers perhaps takes something like 1.5 cycles for a syscall that is usually going to take at least 50 cycles even if it does nothing. So the impact is small, but probably measurable (if you measure very carefully!).
What happens to the other registers in those functions?
I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but the other registers can be used just like all GP registers, if the kernel wants to preserve their values (e.g., by pushing them on the stack and then poping them later).

Most Efficient way to set Register to 1 or (-1) on original 8086

I am taking an assembly course now, and the guy who checks our home assignments is a very pedantic old-school optimization freak. For example he deducts 10% if he sees:
mov ax, 0
instead of:
xor ax,ax
even if it's only used once.
I am not a complete beginner in assembly programing but I'm not an optimization expert, so I need your help in something (might be a very stupid question but I'll ask anyway):
if I need to set a register value to 1 or (-1) is it better to use:
mov ax, 1
or do something like:
xor ax,ax
inc ax
I really need a good grade, so I'm trying to get it as optimized as possible. ( I need to optimize both time and code size)
A quick google for 8086 instructions timings size turned up a listing of instruction timings which seems to have all the timings and sizes for the 8086/8088 through Pentium.
Although you should note that this probably doesn't include code fetch memory bottlenecks which can be very significant, especially on an 8088. This usually makes optimization for code-size a better choice. See here for some details on this.
No doubt you could find official Intel documentation on the web with similar information, such as the "8086/8088 User's Manual: Programmer's and Hardware Reference".
For your specific question, the table below gives a comparison that indicates the latter is better (less cycles, and same space):
Clock cycles
xor ax, axinc ax
mov ax, 1
But you might want to talk to your educational institute about this guy. A 10% penalty for a simple thing like that seems quite harsh. You should ask what should be done in the case where you have two possibilities, one faster and one shorter.
Then, once they've admitted that there are different ways to optimise code depending on what you're trying to achieve, tell them that what you're trying to do is optimise for readability and maintainability, and seriously couldn't give a damn about a wasted cycle or byte here or there(1).
Optimisation is something you generally do if and when you have a performance problem, after a piece of code is in a near-complete state - it's almost always wasted effort when the code is still subject to a not-insignificant likelihood of change.
For what it's worth, sub ax,ax appears to be on par with xor ax,ax in terms of clock cycles and size, so maybe you could throw that into the mix next time to cause him some more work.
(1)No, don't really do that , but it's fun to vent occasionally :-)
You're better off with
mov AX,1
on the 8086. If you're tracking register contents, you can possibly do better if you know that, for example, BX already has a 1 in it:
mov AX,BX
or if you know that AH is 0:
mov AL,1
Depending upon your circumstances, you may be able to get away with ...
sbb ax, ax
The result will either be 0 if the carry flag is not set or -1 if the carry flag is set.
However, if the above example is not applicable to your situation, I would recommend the
xor ax, ax
inc ax
method. It should satisfy your professor for size. However, if your processor employs any pipe-lining, I would expect there to be some coupling-like delay between the two instructions (I could very well be wrong on that). If such a coupling exists, the speed could be improved slightly by reordering your instructions slightly to have another instruction between them (one that does not use ax).
Hope this helps.
I would use mov [e]ax, 1 under any circumstances. Its encoding is no longer than the hackier xor sequence, and I'm pretty sure it's faster just about anywhere. 8086 is just weird enough to be the exception, and as that thing is so slow, a micro-optimization like this would make most difference. But any where else: executing 2 "easy" instructions will always be slower than executing 1, especially if you consider data hazards and long pipelines. You're trying to read a register in the very next instruction after you modify it, so unless your CPU can bypass the result from stage N of the pipeline (where the xor is executing) to to stage N-1 (where the inc is trying to load the register, never mind adding 1 to its value), you're going to have stalls.
Other things to consider: instruction fetch bandwidth (moot for 16-bit code, both are 3 bytes); mov avoids changing flags (more likely to be useful than forcing them all to zero); depending on what values other registers might hold, you could perhaps do lea ax,[bx+1] (also 3 bytes, even in 32-bit code, no effect on flags); as others have said, sbb ax,ax could work too in circumstances - it's also shorter at 2 bytes.
When faced with these sorts of micro-optimizations you really should measure the alternatives instead of blindly relying even on processor manuals.
P.S. New homework: is xor bx,bx any faster than xor bx,cx (on any processor)?
