What does gcc -fno-trapping-math do? - gcc

I cannot find any example where the -fno-trapping-math option has an effect.
I would expect -ftrapping-math to disable optimizations that may affect whether traps are generated or not. For example the calculation of an intermediate value with extended precision using x87 instructions or FMA instructions may prevent an overflow exception from occurring. The -ftrapping-math option does not prevent this.
Common subexpression elimination may result in one exception occurring rather than two, for example the optimization 1./x + 1./x = 2./x will generate one trap rather than two when x=0. The -ftrapping-math option does not prevent this.
Please give some examples of optimizations that are prevented by -fno-trapping-math.
Can you recommend any documents that explain the different floating point optimization options better than the gcc manual, perhaps with specific examples of code that is optimized by each option? Possibly for other compilers.

A simple example is as follows:
float foo()
float a = 0;
float nan = a/a;
return nan;
Compiled with GCC 7.3 for x64, at -O3:
pxor xmm0, xmm0
divss xmm0, xmm0
...which is pretty self-explanatory. Note that it's actually doing the div (despite knowing that 0/0 is nan), which is not especially cheap! It has to do that, because your code might be trying to deliberately raise a floating point trap.
With -O3 -fno-signaling-nans -fno-trapping-math:
movss xmm0, DWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
.long 2143289344
That is, "just load in a NaN and return it". Which is identical behavior, as long as you're not relying on there being a trap.


What compiler commands can be used to make GCC and ICC compile programs as fast as each other? [closed]

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asm diff
I dont really understand what optimization this is, all I know is that it's really fast and I've tried many commands in the manual to no avail. Can anyone explain in detail what optimization this is and what command in GCC generates the same ASM as ICC or better?
I'm not sure there is an optimization option to make GCC do this optimization. Don't write loops that redo the same work 100k times if you don't want you program to spend time doing that.
Defeating benchmark loops can make compilers look good on benchmark, but AFAIK is often not useful in real-world code where something else happens between runs of the loop you want optimized.
ICC is defeating your benchmark repeat-loop by turning it into this
for (unsigned c = 0; c < arraySize; ++c)
if (data[c] >= 128)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
sum += data[c];
The first step, swapping the inner and outer loops, is called loop interchange. Making one pass over the array is good for cache locality and enables further optimizations.
Turning for() if() into if() for(){} else for(){} is called loop unswitching. In this case, there is no "else" work to do; the only thing in the loop was if()sum+=..., so it becomes just an if controlling a repeated-addition loop.
ICC unrolls + vectorizes that sum +=, strangely not just doing it with a multiply. Instead it does 100000 64-bit add operations. ymm0 holds _mm256_set1_epi64(data[c]) from vpbroadcastq.
This inner loop only runs conditionally; it's worth branching if it's going to save 6250 iterations of this loop. (Only one pass over the array, one branch per element total, not 100k.)
..B1.9: # Preds ..B1.9 ..B1.8
add edx, 16 #20.2
vpaddq ymm4, ymm4, ymm0 #26.5
vpaddq ymm3, ymm3, ymm0 #26.5
vpaddq ymm2, ymm2, ymm0 #26.5
vpaddq ymm1, ymm1, ymm0 #26.5
cmp edx, 100000 #20.2
jb ..B1.9 # Prob 99% #20.2
Every iteration does 16 additions, 4 per instruction, unrolled by 4 into separate accumulators that are reduced to 1 and then hsummed after the loop. Unrolling lets Skylake and later run 3 vpaddq per clock cycle.
By contrast, GCC does multiple passes over the array, inside the loop vectorizing to branchlessly do 8 compares:
vmovdqa ymm4, YMMWORD PTR [rax] # load 8 ints
add rax, 32
vpcmpgtd ymm0, ymm4, ymm3 # signed-compare them against 128
vpand ymm0, ymm0, ymm4 # mask data[c] to 0 or data[c]
vpmovsxdq ymm2, xmm0 # sign-extend to 64-bit
vextracti128 xmm0, ymm0, 0x1
vpaddq ymm1, ymm2, ymm1 # and add
vpmovsxdq ymm0, xmm0 # sign-extend the high half and add it
vpaddq ymm1, ymm0, ymm1 # to the same accumulator
cmp rbx, rax
jne .L85
This is inside a repeat loop that makes multiple passes over the array, and might bottleneck on 1 shuffle uop per clock, like 8 elements per 3 clock cycles on Skylake.
So it just vectorized the inner if() sum+=data[c] like you'd expect, without defeating the repeat loop at all. Clang does similar, as in Why is processing an unsorted array the same speed as processing a sorted array with modern x86-64 clang?
compilers generate code that is functionally equivalent, there is no reason to assume there is one perfect output for a target from one input. if two compilers produced the same output for a relatively decent sized function/project then one is derived from the other, legally or not.
In general no reason to assume any two compilers generate the same output or any two versions of the same compiler generates the same output. Amplify that by command line options that will change the output of the compiler.
In general the expectation is that for your code one compiler may produce "better" code depending on the definition of better. Smaller, or runs faster on one particular computer, operating system, etc.
gcc is a generic computer it does "okay" for each target but is not great for any target. Some tools that are designed from scratch to aim at one target/system CAN (but not necessarily) do better. And then there can be some cheating. Take some code like the possibly intentionally horribly written dhrystone and whetstone, etc. Then when X compiler that perhaps you already paid (five figures) for or are evaluating to pay for, does not produce code for dhrystone that is as fast as the free tool. Oh, sure, try this command line option for dhrystone. Hmm okay that does work much better (been there, seen this). gcc has been getting worse since versions 3.x.x/4.x.x. for various reasons I assume. I assume that part of it is the folks that truly worked at this level are dying off and being replaced with folks without the low level experience and skills. Processors are getting more complicated and gcc and others have more targets. But the volume of missed optimizations that older versions provided are increasing, and the size of the binaries with the same source and same settings are increasing, by a significant amount, not just a tiny bit for a decent sized project.
This is not a case of I need to get the wheel on the car and I have a choice of tools I can use to tighten the nut and it is the same result independent of tool.
no reason to expect that you can get any two compilers to generate the same output, even if the tools both generate assembly language, and generated the same sequence of instructions and data, no reason to assume that the assembly language itself from different assembly languages for that target, to different label names and spacing, function ordering, and other syntax that would make a diff difficult to deal with.

Offset before square bracket in x86 intel asm on GCC

From all the docs I've found, there is no mention of syntax like offset[var+offset2] in Intel x86 syntax but GCC with the following flags
gcc -S hello.c -o - -masm=intel
for this program
int main(){
char c = 'h';
return 0;
.file "hello.c"
.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl main
.type main, #function
push rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
mov rbp, rsp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
sub rsp, 16
mov BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 104
movsx eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
mov edi, eax
call putchar#PLT
mov eax, 0
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (Arch Linux 9.3.0-1) 9.3.0"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",#progbits
I'd like to highlight the line mov BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 104 where offset -1 appears outside the square brackets. TBH, I'm just guessing that it is an offset, can anyone direct me to a proper documentation highlighting this ?
Here is a similar question: Squared Brackets in x86 asm from IDA where a comment does mention that it is an offset but I'd really like a proper documentation reference.
Yes, it's just another way of writing [rbp - 1], and the -1 is a displacement in technical x86 addressing mode terminology1.
The GAS manual's section on x86 addressing modes only mentions the [ebp - 4] possibility, not -4[ebp], but GAS does assemble it.
And disassembly in AT&T or Intel syntax confirms what it meant. x86 addressing modes are constrained by what the machine can encode (Referencing the contents of a memory location. (x86 addressing modes)), so there isn't a lot of wiggle room on what some syntax might mean. (This syntax was emitted by GCC so we can safely assume that it's valid. And that it means the same thing as the -1(%rbp) it emits in AT&T syntax mode.)
Footnote 1: The whole rbp-1 effective address is the offset part of a seg:off address. The segment base is fixed at 0 in 64-bit mode, except for FS and GS, and even in 32-bit mode mainstream OSes use a flat memory model, so you can ignore the segment base. I point this out only because "offset" in x86 terminology does have a specific technical meaning separate from "displacement", in case you care about using terminology that matches Intel's manuals.
For some reason GCC's choice of syntax depends on -fno-pie or not. https://godbolt.org/z/iK9jh6 (On modern GNU/Linux distros like your Arch system, -fpie is enabled by default. On Godbolt it isn't).
This choice continues with optimization enabled, if you use volatile to force the stack variable to be written, or do other stuff with pointers: e.g. https://godbolt.org/z/4P92Fk. It applies to arbitrary dereferences like ptr[1 + x] from function args.
GCC -fno-pie chooses [rbp - 1] and [rdi+4+rsi*4]
GCC -fpie chooses -1[rbp] and 4[rdi+rsi*4]
IDK why GCC's internals choose differently based on PIE mode. No obvious reason; perhaps for some reason they just use different code paths in GCC's internals, or different format strings and they just happen to make different choices.
Both with and without PIE, a global (static storage) is referenced as glob[rip], not [RIP + glob] which is also supported. In both cases that means glob with respect to RIP, not actually RIP + absolute address of the symbol. But that's an exception to the rule that applies for any other register, or for no register.
GAS .intel_syntax is MASM-like, and MASM certainly does support symbol[register] and I think even 1234[register]. It's more normal for the displacement.

What C instructions do I need to use to get gcc's x86-64 autovectorizer to output pshufb opcodes?

I'd like gcc's autovectorization (i.e. not intrinsics) to convert 0xPQ to the 64-bit value 0xPQPQPQPQPQPQPQPQ using the ssse3 opcode pshufb. However, even though I can see pshufb opcodes being output by gcc for other uses (so the compiler is definitely able to output it), I can't work out the series of C instructions needed to trigger it for this particualr case.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I doubt that pshufb will be the most efficient solution, unless you intend to have the result in the lower part of an xmm register. If you do, provide an actual usage example.
If you write something like:
long long foo(char x)
long long ret;
std::memset(&ret, x, sizeof ret);
return ret;
Both gcc and clang essentially just multiply x by 0x0101010101010101 which is as fast as a pshufb (assuming you have that value in a register already). However, with imul you have the result already in a general purpose register (and no additional movq is required).
Godbolt compilation results: https://godbolt.org/z/dTvcsM (the -msse3 makes no difference, nor do other compilation options, as long as it is at least -O1).

Is there a good reason why GCC would generate jump to jump just over one cheap instruction?

I was benchmarking some counting in a loop code.
g++ was used with -O2 code and I noticed that it has some perf problems when some condition is true in 50% of the cases. I assumed that may mean that code does unnecessary jumps(since clang produces faster code so it is not some fundamental limitation).
What I find in this asm output funny is that code jumps over one simple add.
=> 0x42b46b <benchmark_many_ints()+1659>: movslq (%rdx),%rax
0x42b46e <benchmark_many_ints()+1662>: mov %rax,%rcx
0x42b471 <benchmark_many_ints()+1665>: imul %r9,%rax
0x42b475 <benchmark_many_ints()+1669>: shr $0xe,%rax
0x42b479 <benchmark_many_ints()+1673>: and $0x1ff,%eax
0x42b47e <benchmark_many_ints()+1678>: cmp (%r10,%rax,4),%ecx
0x42b482 <benchmark_many_ints()+1682>: jne 0x42b488 <benchmark_many_ints()+1688>
0x42b484 <benchmark_many_ints()+1684>: add $0x1,%rbx
0x42b488 <benchmark_many_ints()+1688>: add $0x4,%rdx
0x42b48c <benchmark_many_ints()+1692>: cmp %rdx,%r8
0x42b48f <benchmark_many_ints()+1695>: jne 0x42b46b <benchmark_many_ints()+1659>
Note that my question is not how to fix my code, I am just asking if there is a reason why a good compiler at O2 would generate jne instruction to jump over 1 cheap instruction.
I ask because from what I understand one could "simply" get the comparison result and use that to without jumps increment the counter(rbx in my example) by 0 or 1.
edit: source:
The relevant part of the source (from a Godbolt link in a comment which you should really edit into your question) is:
const auto cnt = std::count_if(lookups.begin(), lookups.end(),[](const auto& val){
return buckets[hash_val(val)%16] == val;});
I didn't check the libstdc++ headers to see if count_if is implemented with an if() { count++; }, or if it uses a ternary to encourage branchless code. Probably a conditional. (The compiler can choose either, but a ternary is more likely to compile to a branchless cmovcc or setcc.)
It looks like gcc overestimated the cost of branchless for this code with generic tuning. -mtune=skylake (implied by -march=skylake) gives us branchless code for this regardless of -O2 vs. -O3, or -fno-tree-vectorize vs. -ftree-vectorize. (On the Godbolt compiler explorer, I also put the count in a separate function that counts a vector<int>&, so we don't have to wade through the timing and cout code-gen in main.)
branchy code: gcc8.2 -O2 or -O3, and O2/3 -march=haswell or broadwell
branchless code: gcc8.2 -O2/3 -march=skylake.
That's weird. The branchless code it emits has the same cost on Broadwell vs. Skylake. I wondered if Skylake vs. Haswell was favouring branchless because of cheaper cmov. GCC's internal cost model isn't always in terms of x86 instructions when its optimizing in the middle-end (in GIMPLE, an architecture-neutral representation). It doesn't yet know what x86 instructions would actually be used for a branchless sequence. So maybe a conditional-select operation is involved, and gcc models it as more expensive on Haswell, where cmov is 2 uops? But I tested -march=broadwell and still got branchy code. Hopefully we can rule that out assuming gcc's cost model knows that Broadwell (not Skylake) was the first Intel P6/SnB-family uarch to have single-uop cmov, adc, and sbb (3-input integer ops).
I don't know what else about gcc's Skylake tuning option that makes it favour branchless code for this loop. Gather is efficient on Skylake, but gcc is auto-vectorizing (with vpgatherqd xmm) even with -march=haswell, where it doesn't look like a win because gather is expensive, and and requires 32x64 => 64-bit SIMD multiplies using 2x vpmuludq per input vector. Maybe worth it with SKL, but I doubt HSW. Also probably a missed optimization not to pack back down to dword elements to gather twice as many elements with nearly the same throughput for vpgatherdd.
I did rule out the function being less optimized because it was called main (and marked cold). It's generally recommended not to put your microbenchmarks in main: compilers at least used to optimize main differently (e.g. for code-size instead of just speed).
Clang does make it branchless even with just -O2.
When compilers have to decide between branching and branchy, they have heuristics that guess which will be better. If they think it's highly predictable (e.g. probably mostly not-taken), that leans in favour of branchy.
In this case, the heuristic could have decided that out of all 2^32 possible values for an int, finding exactly the value you're looking for is rare. The == may have fooled gcc into thinking it would be predictable.
Branchy can be better sometimes, depending on the loop, because it can break a data dependency. See gcc optimization flag -O3 makes code slower than -O2 for a case where it was very predictable, and the -O3 branchless code-gen was slower.
-O3 at least used to be more aggressive at if-conversion of conditionals into branchless sequences like cmp ; lea 1(%rbx), %rcx; cmove %rcx, %rbx, or in this case more likely xor-zero / cmp/ sete / add. (Actually gcc -march=skylake uses sete / movzx, which is pretty much strictly worse.)
Without any runtime profiling / instrumentation data, these guesses can easily be wrong. Stuff like this is where Profile Guided Optimization shines. Compile with -fprofile-generate, run it, then compiler with -fprofile-use, and you'll probably get branchless code.
BTW, -O3 is generally recommended these days. Is optimisation level -O3 dangerous in g++?. It does not enable -funroll-loops by default, so it only bloats code when it auto-vectorizes (especially with very large fully-unrolled scalar prologue/epilogue around a tiny SIMD loop that bottlenecks on loop overhead. /facepalm.)

Subtract and detect underflow, most efficient way? (x86/64 with GCC)

I'm using GCC 4.8.1 to compile C code and I need to detect if underflow occurs in a subtraction on x86/64 architecture. Both are UNSIGNED. I know in assembly is very easy, but I'm wondering if I can do it in C code and have GCC optimize it in a way, cause I can't find it. This is a very used function (or lowlevel, is that the term?) so I need it to be efficient, but GCC seems to be too dumb to recognize this simple operation? I tried so many ways to give it hints in C, but it always uses two registers instead of just a sub and a conditional jump. And to be honest I get annoyed seeing such stupid code written so MANY times (function is called a lot).
My best approach in C seemed to be the following:
if((a-=b)+b < b) {
// underflow here
Basically, subtract b from a, and if result underflows detect it and do some conditional processing (which is unrelated to a's value, for example, it brings an error, etc).
GCC seems too dumb to reduce the above to just a sub and a conditional jump, and believe me I tried so many ways to do it in C code, and tried alot of command line options (-O3 and -Os included of course). What GCC does is something like this (Intel syntax assembly):
mov rax, rcx ; 'a' is in rcx
sub rcx, rdx ; 'b' is in rdx
cmp rax, rdx ; useless comparison since sub already sets flags
jc underflow
Needless to say the above is stupid, when all it needs is this:
sub rcx, rdx
jc underflow
This is so annoying because GCC does understand that sub modifies flags that way, since if I typecast it into a "int" it will generate the exact above except it uses "js" which is jump with sign, instead of carry, which will not work if the unsigned values difference is high enough to have the high bit set. Nevertheless it shows it is aware of the sub instruction affecting those flags.
Now, maybe I should give up on trying to make GCC optimize this properly and do it with inline assembly which I have no problems with. Unfortunately, this requires "asm goto" because I need a conditional JUMP, and asm goto is not very efficient with an output because it's volatile.
I tried something but I have no idea if it is "safe" to use or not. asm goto can't have outputs for some reason. I do not want to make it flush all registers to memory, that would kill the entire point I'm doing this which is efficiency. But if I use empty asm statements with outputs set to the 'a' variable before and after it, will that work and is it safe? Here's my macro:
#define subchk(a,b,g) { typeof(a) _a=a; \
asm("":"+rm"(_a)::"cc"); \
asm goto("sub %1,%0;jc %l2"::"r,m,r"(_a),"r,r,m"(b):"cc":g); \
asm("":"+rm"(_a)::"cc"); }
and using it like this:
// normal code with no underflow
// ...
// underflow occured here
It's a bit ugly but it works just fine. On my test scenario, it compiles just FINE without volatile overhead (flushing registers to memory) without generating anything bad, and it seems it works ok, however this is just a limited test, I can't possibly test this everywhere I use this function/macro as I said it is used A LOT, so I'd like to know if someone is knowledgeable, is there something unsafe about the above construct?
Particularly, the value of 'a' is NOT NEEDED if underflow occurs, so with that in mind are there any side effects or unsafe stuff that can happen with my inline asm macro? If not I'll use it without problems till they optimize the compiler so I can replace it back after I guess.
Please don't turn this into a debate about premature optimizations or what not, stay on topic of the question, I'm fully aware of that, so thank you.
I probably miss something obvious, but why isn't this good?
extern void underflow(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
unsigned foo(unsigned a, unsigned b)
unsigned r = a - b;
if (r > a)
return r;
I have checked, gcc optimizes it to what you want:
movl %edi, %eax
subl %esi, %eax
jb .L6
pushq %rax
call underflow
Of course you can handle underflow however you want, I have just done this to keep the asm simple.
How about the following assembly code (you can wrap it into GCC format):
sub rcx, rdx ; assuming operands are in rcx, rdx
setc al ; capture carry bit int AL (see Intel "setxx" instructions)
; return AL as boolean to compiler
Then you invoke/inline the assembly code, and branch on the resulting boolean.
Have you tested whether this is actually faster? Modern x86-microarchitectures use microcode, turning single assembly instructions into sequences of simpler micro-operations. Some of them also do micro-op fusion, in which a sequence of assembly-instructions is turned into a single micro-op. In particular, sequences like test %reg, %reg; jcc target are fused, probably because global processor flags are a bane of performance.
If cmp %reg, %reg; jcc target is mOp-fused, gcc might use that to get faster code. In my experience, gcc is very good at scheduling and similar low-level optimizations.
