Need Visual Studio Command Prompt - visual-studio-2010

I am working on deploying a SharePoint web part. I am working on the server via remote desktop connection, and needed to compile a .dll file using Visual Studio Command Prompt. I discovered that the server only has Visual Studio 2010 Shell, and that lacks VS Tools including Command Prompt. I tried researching this issue and all of them dealt with older VS that had to add it via Tools menu, which is ineffective since Shell has only the application and nothing else.
What I need to do specifically on VS Command Prompt is add a webextension.dll to Assembly.
How do I add VS Command Prompt to a VS Shell? Could I use regular command prompt as a workaround?

Can you add the Visual Studio 2010 tools?
then add to the Assemblies:


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 - Open file from integrated Developer PowerShell in running instance of VS

I am looking to open a file from the integrated Developer PowerShell in Visual Studio 2019 in the currently running instance of VS.
A file can be opened in Visual Studio from PowerShell by entering the following (see also question here):
devenv.exe C:\repo\path\to\file.cs
However, this opens a new instance of VS and opens the file there. To use the integrated Developer PowerShell as a true alternative to the solution explorer for opening files, I would like to use the existing instance of VS. How can this be achieved?

Using F# in Visual Studio Community on Windows

I use Visual Studio Code on Linux for F# programming.
Recently I installed Visual Studio Community on Windows 10 to have more math graphing features.
But i can't run .fsx scripts in the studio environment, "run debug|run" are greyed out.
Also the f# command shell is missing.
A few years ago i used this on windows , what do i have to install?, the Microsoft Website
is not very clear about this.
As far as can find now:
It seems like the separate fsi.exe does not exist any more.
It looks like its all integrated in Visual Studio Code now.
Also one cant run a .fsx file directly from Visual Studio Code by double clicking, the shell have to be started first bu Ctl+Alt+F.
But then how does one run fsx scripts on Windows without VS?

Does TFS VSO supports the use command line for Windows Server 2003?

I tried looking it all over the internet but I did not find the answer. can anyone tell me. I was wondering if we can use the command line for the TFS in windows server 2003.
Yes, you can. To use the tf.exe command. You just need VS installed, according below info:
To launch the Visual Studio command prompt, from Windows Start, choose
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio Tools, and then choose one
of the Command Prompt shortcuts.
Source Link: Use Team Foundation version control commands
Both VS2013 and VS2015 are supported on Windows Server 2003 (with some additional requirements )
More detail info please refer below links from MSFT:
Visual Studio 2013 Compatibility
Visual Studio 2015 Compatibility

How do I create a batch file that supports an older version of Visual Studio

I have been building Smart Device application on Visual Studio 2008 and have been using a batch file to do so.
This has been working until I have installed Visual Studio 2015 and I wanted to still build and debug the solution via Visual Studio 2008 because Visual Studio 2015 doesn't support Smart Device development. However, using the same batch file I can no longer do so.
I am looking for a way to be able to target the devenv of the older version of Visual Studio for the batch file without uninstalling Visual Studio 2015, because I too have projects built on that version.
NOTE: I can run Visual Studio 2008 perfectly fine and using their on-click build tool it builds fine.
The batch file is probably picking up environment variables (INCLUDE, LIB etc) set up by VS 2015, which the 2008 toolset will not work with.
The Visual Studio 2008 menu should have a Visual Studio Tools submenu. Run Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt from that submenu, which will open a cmd console with the VS 2008 environment set correctly. Run your batch file at that prompt.
You can automate it by writing a small batch file to first execute vcvarsall.bat (which is what the menu command does), then run your batch.
#call "<path-to-vs2008-install-directory>\vcvarsall.bat" x86
#call "<your-batch.bat>"

Permanently setting environment variables for VC command line environment

I am using VC command-line utilities (cl.exe), and I am getting annoyed by the fact that I have to manually run vcvars32.bat whenever I restart my console... Is there a way to automatically run a batch file on console start-up? Thanks!
P.S: I am using Visual Studio 2010 version on Windows 7.
Check in the start menu under Visual Studio 2010/Tools or thereabouts; there should be a shortcut to a console that automatically runs the batch file.
Got it:
Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio Command Prompt.
