What is the difference between VS2010 and VS2010 Shell - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to open some of my visual studio 2010 workflow projects in Visual studio 2010 shell which I have but those projects are not opening for me.
I want to know the exact difference between both VS2010 and VS2010 Shell?
why I am not able to open my projects in VS2010 Shell?


How do I create a batch file that supports an older version of Visual Studio

I have been building Smart Device application on Visual Studio 2008 and have been using a batch file to do so.
This has been working until I have installed Visual Studio 2015 and I wanted to still build and debug the solution via Visual Studio 2008 because Visual Studio 2015 doesn't support Smart Device development. However, using the same batch file I can no longer do so.
I am looking for a way to be able to target the devenv of the older version of Visual Studio for the batch file without uninstalling Visual Studio 2015, because I too have projects built on that version.
NOTE: I can run Visual Studio 2008 perfectly fine and using their on-click build tool it builds fine.
The batch file is probably picking up environment variables (INCLUDE, LIB etc) set up by VS 2015, which the 2008 toolset will not work with.
The Visual Studio 2008 menu should have a Visual Studio Tools submenu. Run Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt from that submenu, which will open a cmd console with the VS 2008 environment set correctly. Run your batch file at that prompt.
You can automate it by writing a small batch file to first execute vcvarsall.bat (which is what the menu command does), then run your batch.
#call "<path-to-vs2008-install-directory>\vcvarsall.bat" x86
#call "<your-batch.bat>"

Visual Studio - Using different versions for the same project

I recently started a new job, and got a machine with Visual Studio 2013 Proffesional installed. This would be great, except the colleague that I'm working with is using Visual Studio 2010. As far as I know, there is no way to work on the same project (or solution), without having quite a lot of issues, is this correct?
And if so, is it still possible to download Visual Studio 2010 (from a reliable source)? I cannot seem to find it anywhere in my MSDN subscriber downloads. All I can find is a stuff like service packs, tools, etc. Did they terminate the support of it?
You work on visual studio 2013 but there are option to select which version of visual studio you want select 2010 and run your project.
You should be able to open Visual Studio 2013 solutions in 2010, if you install Visual Studio 2010 SP1. There is a possibility that some project types won't be supported, but the solution should open.

Visual Studio 2012 PowerShell project

We are using PowerShell for provisioning/configuration/patching of virtual machines on the Windows Azure platform. Are there any project templates available to manage PowerShell projects in Visual Studio 2012 through which I can manage these scripts?
I would like to be able to create
PowerShell project with-in VS 2012 and add script files to it
Have basic syntax-coloring and highlighting (good to have intellisense).
Manage scripts using source control
I have found this visual studio extension PowerGUI VSX but it works only for VS 2010.
Updated [09/25/2013] : Found PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio. It provides all the features mentioned above for working with PowerShell Projects in VS 2012
PowerShell doesn't get much Visual Studio love. How about the PowerShell ISE, PowerGUI, or PowerShell Plus?
Of the three, the last is the only one with any source control integration.
There is another component in the Microsoft gallery for PowerShell integration in Visual Studio 2012; PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio 2012.

how to add visual c++ template to visual studio 2010 ultimate

i recently installed visual studio 2010 ultimate with visual c#. Now i want to program in visual c++, how can i install the visual c++ template?
Start the Visual Studio installer again and change the selected set of features.
Try to search in online templates section under New->Project and then in the left side of the window.
TO restore all templates,Close all instance of Visual Studio. Open visual studio command prompt and traverse to ../Microsoftvisualstudioxxxx/common7/IDE and then type
**devenv /installvstemplates**
in command prompt. Wait for sometime until all templates are restored.

StarTeam Integration with Visual Studio under windows Vista is being closed?

When the Solution is checked out from the StarTeam project to the local working folder, the Visual Studio 2005 IDE is closed automatically.
Is there any patch for this?
Looks like Visual Studio 2005 IDE doesn't like its solutions being switched while it is running.
Suggest you start by checking-out the relevant Solution, and only then launch the Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
