Google Drive and hosting a custom receiver for chromecast - chromecast

I'm using my android app's website (http access) to host the receiver code during my development of my app w/ Chromecast. I have it working fine and ready to get the custom receiver code (html, css, js files/directories) on my Google drive. The directory on my Google drive holding all those files/directories is shared publicly.
The problem comes in when I setup my Chromecast (in Google Cast SDK Developer Console) to point to the new location of the index.html file, I right mouse click (in the Windows 7) the index.html and choose Google Drive/Share. The "link to share" value isn't the correct value to put into the Google Cast Dev Console. When I go to cast my app I get the .html content shown on the casted screen.
Any help would be appreciated.


Deep linking and shortcuts in Genexus (android)

I have a question about deep linking in genexus.
I have a site that calls a url. This url should be handled by an app installed on your phone. The procedure works correctly using the deep link.
The problem arises if the starting site is opened from a shortcut placed on the desktop. In this case the deep link of the app no ​​longer works.
I think the problem is related to this
Deep link in android app
and that the shortcut counts as an android app thus preventing me from calling another app.
But in the past this link worked as long as the app was told beforehand to always handle the link.
Is there anything I can do in Genexus to use the deep link even starting from a desktop shortcut?
The DeepLink external object helps you manually manage deep linking on your applications. This external object must be used only in the Smart Devices Main object.
Suppose that our website handles URIs such
Event DeepLink.Handle( &URL, &IsHandled )
if &URL.ToLower().StartsWith("")
and &URL.Contains("viewproduct")
&Index = &URL.indexof( "?" )+1
&Query = &URL.Substring( &Index)
&ProductId = &Query.Trim().ToNumeric()
&IsHandled = True
For more details: DeepLink external object

Cannot use Google Picker from a site with SharedArrayBuffers

I want to enable SharedArrayBuffer in a web app in which I'm already using the Google Picker and Google Drive "embed item" UIs. I'm testing in Chrome 103.
I changed my web server settings to use COEP "credentialless" and COOP "same-origin". After doing this, Dev Tools' Application pane confirms that SharedArrayBuffers is available, and I'm able to instantiate them in code. However, now the i-frames containing Google Picker and Google Drive embed UIs fail to load due to missing CORP response headers.
Is this a known issue with these Google widgets, or am I missing something?
Here are the failing requests:[GOOGLE DRIVE FILE ID]/preview[MY_ORIGIN]&oauth_token=...
Picker error
Google Drive embed item error
dev tools application error report
dev tools network error report

codenameone downloading files/images visible to other apps

I note that other apps (testing on Android) like WhatsApp, etc have folders that contains images the user has used/downloaded. These folders (like WhatsAppImages) are visible in other apps (Gallery/File Explorers, etc) so you can use those files to share, delete, etc like any other file.
In my codenameone app I download image files but they cannot be seen anywhere on the local device. I understand that for security apps run in a sandbox and this may be why.
But how do these other apps make their downloaded files visible to the general file system and other apps ?
Many Thx
Codename One doesn't support that at this time but you can use native interfaces to add this as explained here for Android: How to save image in android gallery
and here for iOS: How can I save an image to the camera roll?
You can also file an RFE to add this either as a cn1lib or API.

Atmostphere and From Menu Photos Tabs In Google Maps

I was using Google Maps on my iPhone today and noticed that if you browse the photos there are two tabs at the top called "FROM MENU" and "ATMOSPHERE". These don't seem to appear on the the desktop version or iOS Google Maps app but only for me on the iOS Chrome browser.
Is there a way to access these lists of photos? I don't see anything in the Places API. The only way I could replicate this is by using Google Cloud Vision and parsing the tags of the images but it's an expensive service to subscribe to.

Opening google earth api in mobile web browser

I wrote a web site with google earth api and it is working fine.
I want to open this site via mobile browser, and it's giving me the following error:
"the plug-in of google earth is available only for win and mac".
How can i get through it?
I am having a similar issue. I wish to try and use Android WebView instead of setting up GooglePlayServices at this time for an art project
I have the example loading just fine on Windows and Mac, but I need this for my Android art project.
My source code can be viewed at this link below:
I will attempt to see what I can try from Google Maps V3 APIs as per your instruction JasonM1 and see if I find a way to load this in Android.
Unfortunately, the Google Earth Plugin and Google Earth API is currently only supported on the Windows and Mac platforms.
Full list of which OS versions and browsers are supported can be found here:
The mobile version as well as the Linux version of Google Earth does not currently support the Google Earth plugin.
If you redesign your web site using Google Maps V3 APIs then it would be supported by mobile and desktop web browsers. Google Earth is a thick desktop and has restrictions especially with respect to mobile devices that a pure web application such as using Google Maps APIs can avoid.
Although the Google Earth plugin doesn't work on mobile devices, both Android and iOS devices have a Google Earth app available for them.
Thus a good way to show your data on both desktop and mobile devices is simply to publish it as a KML file, which will load in all versions of the program. The mobile devices don't actually offer a "load file" option, but instead rely on the fact that if you present the device with a KML file with the correct mime type, then the system works out that the Google Earth app is the appropriate one to display the file.
