How to get Visual Studio to support Doxygen style comments like XML doc? - visual-studio

Visual Studio will recognize XML documentation and helpfully display tooltips in the editor based on it. Is there any way (I'm thinking an extension or similar) to get this same functionality from the Doxygen comments?
There is far too much code to move over to XML documentation.


Visual Studio extension: How to make editor text behave like a link

I would like to write a Visual Studio extension, that makes a part of the text behave like a link: blue, underlined on hover, open a URL on click. (Like the default editor works for http://... texts.)
I can do classification (coloring) and also custom adornments and commands, so I could probably make this "manually", but I wonder if there is an easier way to do that.
I am interested to do this in normal Visual Studio (2017 or newer), not VS Code.
You can use UrlTag.
On how to use tags see Walkthrough: Highlight text and Visual Studio 2017 Extension development tutorial part 5: Highlight code in Editor.

Visual studio data-bind attribute highlighting [knockout.js]

In previous versions of Visual Studio I've had knockout.js syntax highlighting.
Since moving to Visual Studio 2017 Community building in Razor however, the syntax highlighting is gone and I found no way to enable it.
Interesting is however, that when I put the very same code into project built on Webforms, the highlighting seems to work at least to some degree
Is there anything I can do to enable syntax hightlighting for Razor? And/Or is there a way how to make custom syntax highlighting rules? [e.g. highlight specific data attribute, or so]
Try this. Also Read the overview.
Yes, in our Project we added the file reference on the _references.js file:
/// <reference path="knockout-3.4.0.debug.js" />
This make Visual Studio Intellisense to get the sintax hightlighting on the .cshtml files.
Reference Directives
A reference directive enables Visual Studio to establish a relationship between the script you are currently editing and other scripts. The reference directive lets you include a script file in the scripting context of the current script file. This enables IntelliSense to reference externally defined functions, types, and fields as you code.
MSDN - JavaScript IntelliSense
C# Corner - Use of _references.js File
Mads Kristensen - The history behind _references.js

How to insert code snippet for Debug.WriteLine(); in Visual Studio?

I can simply insert code snippet for the Console.WriteLine(); by just using the cw with Tab + Tab. But I'm not able to find the same option for the Debug.WriteLine();.
I want to know how can we customize the code snippet template in Visual Studio for Windows Phone?
In Visual Studio 2010 (and assuming other versions as well), there is not a snippet for Debug.WriteLine(). In that case, you'll need to create a custom snippet. Fortunately, it isn't that hard with the available resources:
MSDN: Creating and Using IntelliSense Code Snippets
The Snippet Editor
Snippet Designer (Visual Studio Extension) and the related CodePlex Site
If you're using ReSharper, then Code Templates and specifically Live Templates are a quick and easy option.

Looking for Antlr Grammar syntaxt highlight in VS2010

I am looking for some way to edit antlr grammar files directly within VS2010 with syntax highlight.
I have used antlrworks a lot but it has the drawback that I have to start antlrworks separately and then browse to the file I want to edit, do the changed and save. For minor fixes I do not need all the tools in Antlrworks but I still would like the syntax highlight.
But I have not been able to get VS2010 to open antlrworks with the right file and I have found no other way to get syntax highlight directly within VS2010 editor, it just opens as plain text.
I can get visual studio to open antlrworks but it will open with only the last set of files it had open, not the one I clicked on.
So my question(s) are:
Is there a way to get antlrworks to open with the right file when I double click in it in visual studio project explorer?
Is there any other way to get correct syntax highlight for antlr grammar files within visual studio (or with another editor, preferably not one that costs money, but if there are no free ones a commercial one might be an option).
You could try the Tunnel Vision Labs extension. This can be found in Microsoft Gallery
You can provide a custom parser class that Visual Studio uses to highlight ANTLR grammar files.
See: Syntax Colorizing (Managed Package Framework)

Automatically adding specified text at beginning of files in VS 2008

Is there a way to have Visual Studio 2008 automatically add heading information to files? For example, "Copyright 2008" or something along those lines. I've been digging through the options, but nothing seems to be jumping out at me.
I assume you'd like to modify the class file templates. They're in:
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Code\1033
More specific details here
I found a better solution than modifying the template file directly. This utility allows you to create and save header/footer templates and apply them to entire source trees.
C# Header Designer from MSDN Code Gallery
