Looking for Antlr Grammar syntaxt highlight in VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am looking for some way to edit antlr grammar files directly within VS2010 with syntax highlight.
I have used antlrworks a lot but it has the drawback that I have to start antlrworks separately and then browse to the file I want to edit, do the changed and save. For minor fixes I do not need all the tools in Antlrworks but I still would like the syntax highlight.
But I have not been able to get VS2010 to open antlrworks with the right file and I have found no other way to get syntax highlight directly within VS2010 editor, it just opens as plain text.
I can get visual studio to open antlrworks but it will open with only the last set of files it had open, not the one I clicked on.
So my question(s) are:
Is there a way to get antlrworks to open with the right file when I double click in it in visual studio project explorer?
Is there any other way to get correct syntax highlight for antlr grammar files within visual studio (or with another editor, preferably not one that costs money, but if there are no free ones a commercial one might be an option).

You could try the Tunnel Vision Labs extension. This can be found in Microsoft Gallery

You can provide a custom parser class that Visual Studio uses to highlight ANTLR grammar files.
See: Syntax Colorizing (Managed Package Framework)


how to get color code on my code FOR EXAMPLE (Debug.Log) to be in a color?

I want someone to tell me how to put colors on the code so its easier for me to code.
I think you forgot to select unity c# components when installing visual studio,
try again with visual code
If you are talking about Intellisense / syntax highlighting, you need to make sure that you installed Visual Studio Tools for Unity (Note this is needed for Visual Studio only and you may already have it installed).
Then follow these steps:
Close Visual Studio
In Unity, go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools
Click on the External Script Editor dropdown (this should be on which ever Visual Studio editor you are using or any other supported editor).
Make sure Embedded packages and Local Packages is checked under Generate csproj files for:
Click on Regenerate project files
Open any C# script and check if syntax highlighting is working.
In the worst case, if that does not work, you can close Unity and delete everything except the Assets/ and Project Settings/ folders (as well as anything you explicitly added) in your project's root directory. Unity will regenerate the project folders and files again when you open the project in the editor. It may just be that some of your project files were corrupt.
Also, in case I misinterpreted your question and you are talking about coloring the output in the console window within the editor, you can try using rich text which I believe is supported by Unity's console window in the latest versions.
Debug.Log("<color=red>this is red text</color>");
For more info on that:

IntelliJ and Visual Studio select and rename a variable in multiple places by a shortcut behavior as 'Ctrl+D' in Sublime?

Because of the lack Intellisense in Sublime, I prefer to using Visual Studio to code C# and Pycharm to Python.
ctrl + d in Sublime can select mutiple same word in text. So I can alter the selections on same time. It is convenient to alter the name of same variable in a function. How can I do that in my other editors?
The Ctrl-D multiple selection tool is one of its greatest features of Sublime Text 2 and is sorely lacking in other editors and IDEs.
Visual Studio doesn't have it built-in but there's a MultiEditing plug-in for it.
IntelliJ, which PyCharm is based on, doesn't have it either but it's apparently being planned for a release that should be out soon. See this blog comment (and the link in it) for more.
Meanwhile, you can use the rename refactoring tool in Resharper (for Visual Studio) or in PyCharm. It's not the same as multiple selections but is very useful functionality in its own right.
A nother IDE that does support it is Webstorme - alt+j. you can read the stackOverflow discussion about it here : How can I select next occurrence in IDEA editors
I just tested it on Webstorme10, and it works perfectly, just like in Sublime.
Try ctrl + h. It is the standard shortcut in many editors for replacing text.

How to include special characters when selecting text in the Visual Studio editor

I've recently started following the recommendation to use $ as the first character in the name of all jQuery variables, so it's easy to differentiate them from normal JavaScript variables.
Unfortunately the JS editor in Visual Studio 2010 doesn't pick up the $ when I double-click to select a word, or when searching for "whole word".
I know some text editors (Textpad, for example) allow you to tweak which characters are included in words. Is there any way to control this in Visual Studio?
This doesn't really answer the question, but the problem has gone away as the $ symbol is included automatically in VS 2012 and beyond.

Can Visual Studio 2010 do ".inc" file syntax highlighting?

Can Visual Studio 2010 be configured to do syntax highlighting on ".inc" files? We have numerous large projects with tons of these ".inc" files (asp files) and so changing the file extension to ".asp" is not an option. All I want Visual Studio 2010 to do is treat these ".inc" files just like ".asp" files when it comes to syntax highlighting.
I've tried "Open With..." and selected the HTML Editor, which is the ".asp" default, but that did not work. I tried about every other editor in the list and none of them worked.
I know Notepad++ (among others) can do this, but I would prefer this be done in Visual Studio 2010 - using another IDE or text editor is not the answer I'm looking for here.
In Visual Studio...go to Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension. Type in 'inc' as extension and editor as 'Web Form Editor'. You may need to close then re-open your currently open .Inc pages...Hope this helps
I found both the 'Web Form Editor' and 'HTML Editor' to be less than ideal for me. Both of them appeared to highlight the syntax of the HTML ok, but the VBScript keywords were left in standard black text along with everything else.
While not ideal, I followed the instructions from the other answers, but substitude Visual Basic as the editor type and that worked much more to my liking (as they were include files, there is little HTML in them).
Options -> Text Editor -> File
Extension. Type in 'inc' as extension and set editor as 'Visual Basic'.
Close and re-open any '.inc' files and highlighting should be visible.
Antonio's solution worked for me. I did have to close and reopen files, but after I re-opened them the highlighting was visible. Thanks!
Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension.
Type in 'inc' as extension and set editor as 'Web Form Editor'.
Close and re-open any '.inc' files and highlighting should be visible.
Incidentally, this also works in Visual Studio 2005.
Use the File Extension, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box.
I see the same behavior :-( Will let you know if I find anything.
As a workaround, could you rename all your .inc files to .asp?
This has the added advantage that if a request is made for the inc file directly (highly unlikely but possible; and assuming you have the incs in the web directory), your code will be exposed unlike .asp where it is processed and rendered.
I really wanted to add a comment, because this is not a direct answer, but apparently you need 50 reputation for that.
I've found that in Visual Studio 2005 (again, in Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension), both "Web Form Editor" and "User Control Editor" highlight both the HTML and the VBScript.
Amadiere mentioned that "Web Form Editor" doesn't highlight the VBScript in 2010, but maybe it's worth trying "User Control Editor", if that's an option in 2010.
In Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 Express it best works for me when I use "Microsoft Visual Basic" with my .inc files. Nevertheless, it's still not the same as with .asp files as there's no Autocomplete nor IntelliSense (Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Shift+Space etc.) with the .inc files.
It should be made possible defining that .inc files are to be treated just as .asp files.
I agree with Purple Coder:
You should not name the files containing ASP code as .inc. It is a security risk. Anyone who knows/can guess the filename can open it in a browser and view the actual code inside the file.
But, first of all in my case this is an intranet page and therefore not very risky, as most people there would somehow find the files on the server anyway. I'm also not sure where this naming convention came from. It was there before I started. This was started on Visual Studio 6.
But, to avoid this risk there's a simple solution: add .inc in the Application Mapping of the IIS in the same manner as .asp.
You should not name the files containing ASP code as .inc. It is a security risk. Anyone who knows/can guess the filename can open it in a browser and view the actual code inside the file.

Visual Studio 2010 - recommended extensions [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What are your recommended extensions for Visual Studio 2010?
(Please indicate if its free or not And also its purpose / function too)
VsCommandBudy - Extend VS with external commands where really need them (Free)
PowerCommands - useful extensions for the Visual Studio 2010 adding additional functionality to various areas of the IDE.
DevExpress CodeRush Xpress - Coding assistance, Intellisense navigation,etc.
AnkhSVN - Subversion Support for Visual Studio.
Ghost Doc - Simplify your XML Comments.
Visual Studio Color Theme Editor - make your VS2010 look pretty with themes.
VsVim - VIM emulation layer for Visual Studio.
DPack - FREE collection of Microsoft Visual Studio tools.
VSFileNav - fast searcher with wildcards + camel case searches.
Sonic file finder - fast and convenient search.
tangible T4 Editor plus modeling tools for VS2010 adds IntelliSense and Syntax Coloring to T4 Text Templates
Word Wrap with Auto-Indent
Indentation Matcher Extension
Structure Adornment
Source Outliner - not available on this link.
Triple Click - Makes triple click select an entire line.
Go To Definition - Make ctrl+click perform a "Go To Definition" on the identifier under the cursor
Spell Checker - not available on this link.
Remove and Sort Using - Adds a context menu entry to Solution Explorer that sorts and removes using statements on every file in the solution, project, or on the individual file.
Format Document - Adds a context menu entry to Solution Explorer and the code window that executes the Edit-Advance-Format Document command on every file in the solution, project, or current code window.
Open Folder in Windows Explorer - Extends the Open Folder in Windows Explorer context menu option to the code editor and to all files in solution explorer.
Find Results Highlighter - Highlights the search text in the find results windows.
Regular Expressions Margin - A margin which exposes .Net Regular Expressions search and replace capabilities on a given code window.
VSCommands - not available on this link.
HelpViewerKeywordIndex - Visual Studio Extension for the Microsoft Help Viewer
StyleCop - StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of best practice style and consistency rules.
Extension Analyzer - Extension Analyzer helps debug issues with VSIX Components, Visual Studio Packages, PkgDef Files and MEF Components.
CodeCompare - Code Compare is an advanced file and folder comparison tool. This programming languages oriented diff tool can be used as a Visual Studio add-in and as a standalone application.
Team Founder Server Power Tools - not available on this link
VS10x Selection Popup - not available on this link
Color Picker Completion - not available on this link
Numbered Bookmarks - Numbered Bookmarks allows users to create and recall bookmarks by using numbers. User can create 10 bookmarks (starting from 0 to 9).
Mouse Zoom - Mouse zoom at the mouse's cursor instead of at the top of the visible document. See VS options...
Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools - A set of extensions to Visual Studio Professional (and above) which improves developer productivity.
JSEnhancements - provides outlining and matching braces highlighting features for Visual Studio JavaScript editor; provides fantastic #region collapsing in JS and CSS files, making long files much easier to handle;
Code Contracts Editor Extensions - Displays Code Contracts (when editing C#) in code, Intellisense, and in metadata files.
WoVS Quick Add Reference - Add missing assembly references right from the code editor
JScript Editor Extensions -
Align By
T4 Editor
Quick Open File for Visual Studio 2010 - quick opening any solution file
CleanProject - Cleans Visual Studio Solutions
PhatStudio - fast file navigation and quickly opening files
VsVim - Vim style keyboard shorcuts
Chutzpah - Open source JavaScript test runner
I Hate #Regions - makes expanded regions less disturbing by making the font smaller
Not Free:
Visual Assist X
CodeRush with Refactor! Pro
VS10x Code Map - displays a graphical nested representation of the current editor window code
VS10x Editor View Enhancer
NuGet (formerly NuPack) is a free, open source developer focused package management system for the .NET platform intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development.
PowerCommands (free)
AnkhSVN (free)
Even if you use other SVN shells outside VS (like TortoiseSVN), I recommend to install this Source Control Provider to automatically keep track of file renames, deletions and the like.
Visual Assist X(not free)
Ghost Doc (Free)
It takes a while to configure it properly, but it can be quite useful.
From my blog post (all free):
Word Wrap with Auto-Indent
Indentation Matcher Extension
Structure Adornment
This also installs the following extensions:
Source Outliner
Triple Click
Go To Definition
Spell Checker
Remove and Sort Using
Format Document
Open Folder in Windows Explorer
Find Results Highlighter
Regular Expressions Margin
Visual Studio Color Theme Editor
PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2010
Extension Analyzer
Team Founder Server Power Tools
VS10x Selection Popup
Color Picker Completion
Numbered Bookmarks
DevExpress CodeRush/Refactor! Pro (not free, $249.99)
It's way better than Resharper (which by the way always slowed down my VS to a crawl), it works with C# and VB.NET (including refactoring) and the support and community is excellent. Worth the price tag. And yes, it does support 2010 (in RC at the time of this writing).
Visual Studio Color Theme Editor (free)
I can't code unless my VS2010 has a StackOverflow-like theme.
VisualSVN (not-free)
I personally prefer this over AnkhSVN since its not an SCC provider and doesn't add extra files to my repository.
VisualHG is a Mercurial Source control plugin that drives TortoiseHG from VS. I'm a big fan of Mercurial & DVCS. VisualHG makes it nice n integrated. Git fans - I'm not asking for a flame war. Hg is just my brand.
VSCommands is simply one of the best FREE plugins ot there!
(visual studio gallery link)
DevExpress CodeRush Xpress (free)
tangible T4 Editor plus modeling tools for VS2010 adds IntelliSense and Syntax Coloring to T4 Text Templates (Free)
If you are a Vim aficionado...
VsVim - free
ViEmu - not free (also not yet released)
CodeMaid seems to be pretty useful - it AutoFormats on save which saves a lot of time between developers and code-diffs. (Are there other tools that can use the VS AutoFormat document?)
VS10x Code Map
That is very cool. Easy jumping to property, method. And easy expand collapse region and more.
ReSharper (not-free)
World of VS Default Browser Switcher for easily switching browser in web projects.
Code Contracts Editor Extensions, a free extension which provides information about inherited contracts for the method you're currently working on, and a list of contracts for any methods that you're calling. Unfortunately, the latter feature conflicts with Resharper, but the former still works fine.
RockScroll (free) - Double-click on a word/symbol highlights all occurrences of that word/symbol. Also replaces the scroll bar with a preview of your code, with edit spots and "all occurences" lines highlighted.
Example of use: want to see whether a variable is used anywhere else in current source file? Double-click variable, look at scroll bar for any red highlights.
AtomineerUtils Pro (not free, $9.99 USD) is, in my opinion, better than Ghost Doc. But, just like Ghost Doc or any automatic documentation generator, the generated documentation is meant to be edited to be of any real value.
devColor (Free)
Small tool which underlines hex colors in stylesheets with the correct color. I really like how it integrates into the editor.
CleanProject - Cleans Visual Studio Solutions
How many times have you wanted to send a project to a friend or upload
it to a web site like MSDN Code Gallery only to find that your zip
file has lots of stuff that you don't need to send in it making the
file larger than it needs to be.
bin folder obj folder TestResults folder Resharper folders And then if
you forget about removing Source Control bindings whoever gets your
project will be prompted about that. As someone who does this process
a great deal I decided to share with you my code for cleaning a
I can't live without DPack - especially when working on large projects, makes navigating between files and members much easier. And it's free.
Favorite shortucts:
Alt+U : file browser, filters files as you type
Alt+G : code browser, filters all members as you type
Alt+M : code browser, filters methods in the current file as you type
...and so on. Much easier for me then finding my way around Project Explorer.
Vingy (Free)
Vingy 1.0 is simple, but effective add in for Visual Studio 2010 so that you can search the web in a non intrusive way, and can filter results based on sources.
Vingy http://lh4.ggpht.com/__Mw4iY-4nuY/TKic0LcfKgI/AAAAAAAAA7s/OR82RFQFSU8/s1600-h/image%5B14%5D.png
You can bring up Vingy either by clicking View->Other Windows –> Vingy Search Window from the Visual Studio IDE, or just by high lighting some text in the document and then clicking Tools –> Search Selected Text (Ctrl + 1).
Searching with Vingy is pretty straight forward. You can initiate a Search in two ways.
By typing the text in the Vingy search box and pressing ‘Enter’ or by clicking the ‘Go’ button
By highlighting some text in the editor when you type in Visual Studio, and then pressing Ctrl + 1
This is my list of extensions.
The list on this is pretty comprehensive, so I spent sometime to find the extensions that I need. Here is the snapshot. Hope it will help someone.
I tried installing Codemaid, and it appeared to be a nifty addon, but my Visual Studio response became very slow. Felt like some threads were doing some work all the time when Codemaid was on.
So uninstalling for now.
VSFileNav - (Free) A Find File in Solution tool (cross between SonicFileFinder and Resharper). Lightweight, easy to use and fast (I got sick of the huge startup time with Sonic).
Disclaimer : I wrote this tool.
Plugin to quickly go to any file in solution
Sonic file finder (free)
Fast switching between .h and .cpp file
Macro available here (free)
And that's it =)
WoVS Quick Add Reference
The “Quick Add Reference” extension augments the smart tag that VS shows for unrecognized types giving you a chance to add the corresponding assembly reference for that type plus corresponding “using” clause if needed in a single shot.
