Xcode 6 Beta iOS 8 Simulator can't access internet - ios8

Just installed XCode 6 Beta to test my app. The iOS 8 Simulator runs and my app successfully installs but the simulator can't access the internet. I try using safari or maps and there is no network connection. If I run the iOS 7 simulator from XCode 6, it connects to the internet perfectly.
I've tried using the steps in this thread but it didn't change anything. (The steps were more if your app doesn't install but I tried anyway.)
I don't have a firewall or little snitch blocking the simulator.
Any other pointers?

I had the same problem. Try to quit the iOS simulator, and then re-build and launch your application. It should work.

I saw a lot of posts about re-starting the simulator, resetting the simulator settings, etc. I ended up re-installing X-Code, updating to X-Code 6.1, etc, etc. Still didn't have a connection to the network!
What ended up being the solution is I turned off my antivirus (TrendMicro). I had checked all the anti-virus settings before and didn't see any "block process connection". When I turned the whole thing off it solved the problem though.

I had same error with xCode 6.1 and iOS 8 simulator. What worked for me is I went to settings>developer> and switch on "Allow HTTP Services" option.

Same problem for avast security on mac, turning of webshield under avast preferences solved it.
Xcode version 7.3.1, ios simulator 8.4

Turning off AVAST resolve all errors.

I've had the exact same issue. It's bizare but plugging my Macbook in via an ethernet cable seemed to resolve this. I know it's not perfect but it works.

I also use XCode 6.1 GM and git the same issue. My scenario was that during development I connected my MacBook to another WLAN. My Macbook was connected to the internet, but the iOS Simulator not. My solution was to just close the iOS simulator and redeploy the app from xcode.

Just simply reset the simulator. Quit and Re-run your app your problem will be gone. It works for me.

I had a similar scenario with Mac OS X 10.9.5, Xcode 6.2, Cordova 4.3, iOS 8.3 - Everything worked fine on all platforms except ajax/network access was limited on the IOS simulator.
As suggested by by others, going into the Settings on the IOS emulator and changing "Allow HTTP Services" in the developer submenu opened up all network access and ajax queries/processes came to life.
So try that first!

The source control I used is Git. So upon resetting all my local changes and getting the latest solved my problem.
So First thing I would do is Stash all your local changes if you need them.
Then reset all your local changes and get the latest
Now run the tests.
This worked for me. Hopefully works for you as well.


Xcode 13: Build hangs with "iPhone is busy: making Apple Watch ready for development"

Issue: The build hangs with "iPhone is busy: making Apple Watch ready for development"
Further facts:
iOS 14.8
iPhone 8
watchOS 7.6.2
Xcode 13
Apple Watch Series 3 + Cellular (42mm)
Does anyone know a solution for that issue?
Many of the developers have the same issue:
I have been struggling with this for some time now. If you don't need the Apple Watch, instead of turning it off completely, you can also turn on airplane mode if configured correctly.
On your watch, go to Settings App → Airplane Mode. Make sure that both WIFI and Bluetooth switches are turned off!
When the bluetooth switch is turned on, a connection will still be established even if your watch is in airplane mode AND bluetooth is turned off on the phone from Control Center. It took me some time to figure this out...
Update: The Bluetooth setting seems to turn itself on again after some time! No idea why... 🤷🏼‍♂️ Keep that in mind and check the setting again if flight mode does not fix your issue.
Using Flutter?
When running flutter doctor, it will give you a clear hint, that your watch is causing the issue.
When trying to build your app e.g. from Android Studio, you might instead find these messages in your log:
The requested device could not be found because no available devices matched the request.
Available destinations for the "dev" scheme:
[list of devices]
Could not build the precompiled application for the device.
Building a deployable iOS app requires a selected Development Team with a Provisioning Profile. Please ensure that a Development Team is selected by:
[instructions how to set the development team]
Ineligible destinations for the "dev" scheme:
[list of devices]
I put these messages here for people googling them. If you have an Apple Watch, then run flutter doctor to check if this is the root cause.
This is what works for me:
Turn off the Bluetooth from settings in your iPhone from Settings -> Bluetooth (Don't turn it off from the control center)
Quit Xcode
Launch it again
Build and Run
The solution is:
Waiting for 5-20 mins
Let your iPhone and Apple Watch on
I think all answers are overlooked, you don't need 5-20 mins if you let it finish the preparing process, it'll take just a few minutes, 5 mins top..
But regarding fixing this with an upgrade, that's not the case, and I would love to see it fixed, or offered with an option to exclude watch from the dev purpose unless really needed.
I facing this issue too. This is because the latest xcode only support until iOS 15.2 sdk, but my phone's iOS version is 15.3. Thus, xcode is downloading the iOS 15.3 sdk from your phone that's why takes time (I knew the message is not saying that)
However, I do some testing and it works for me.
Get the iOS 15.3 sdk (is 10BG!!!) from my friend xcode's Devices Support iOS folder /Users/XXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and paste it to yours one.
Downloading the iphone OS device support file from https://github.com/filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport/blob/0e8ef7bc51b982304ed3258454f88ae2d5615ac7/15.3.zip unzip it and paste it in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
Restart Xcode.
Build success without waiting.
Origin From: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/691452?answerId=704424022#704424022
The Apple Watch configuration takes around 5 minutes. It's way better to postpone everything and let it run for 5 minutes then the other workarounds - such as disconnecting your watch, turning on/off your iphone, etc
In my case:
If my Apple Watch is turned on - then from Xcode I'm still able build and run the app just fine.
But when I'm using Flutter - it fails.
flutter devices shows my iphone as "Busy".
As soon as I turn off the Apple Watch, and then disconnect and reconnect the iPhone USB cable - all is good.
Since it's one of the earliest Apple Watch modules, the latest WatchOS that I can install is v6.3, although the latest available is WatchOS v8.x.
I suppose this issue doesn't occur with the latest WatchOS.
(I'm using iOS v15.2)
This still happens from time to time. The solution that has worked for me every time is to reboot the phone
Make sure you're running a version of Xcode that supports the SDK versions of your iOS/watchOS device. If you've recently updated either OS versions, you may need a matching Xcode update for this to work properly.
The real solution is:
If you don't need the apple watch you can just power off the Apple Watch and unplug/plug the iPhone. That's a quick fix. No need to unpair the watch no need to wait 5 - 20 mins
According to this post, this issue is fixed with an upgrade to iOS 15.0.2 / watchOS 8.0.1: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/691452

Failed to start remote service on device problem in xcode

I create a flutter app and now I'm trying to run it through XCode on my real iPhone, but after the installation finishes, I face the following problem:
Also with I trying to run the application on my real phone, after clicking on the application icon, I face a white screen appears, and then the application closes directly.
Catalina 10.15.3
IOS 14.2
XCODE 11.7
Also I was make a trust to app in phone
Does anyone know the reason for this problem?
This problem maybe because of two reasons:
First: Xcode 11.7 doesn't have support files for iOS 14 you can download it from here https://github.com/filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport
Second: I have this problem now and I couldn't fix it.. but I have iPhone with iOS 14.2 and iPad with iOS 14 so the problem was just on the iPhone but after I updated the iPad with iOS 14.2 it happened with it.. so the problem maybe because of the iOS 14.2 so we have to wait for the update or because of the Xcode 11 version and we have to download the Xcode 12 version..
I hope we can find a solution quickly...
make sure to have the latest system update on your target device and the latest Xcode version as well. The error should disappear.
I have fixed the problem by using the above solution but it has happened again. So, I have followed these instructions and fixed again:
A good first place to look is Window > Devices & Simulators in xCode, then find the details for your device. There may be error information here that helps you find the fault.
Restarting devices and installing updates seem to fix this problem for a lot of people.
For me, there was a red notice in the device window about connection to the device and it turned out to be the cable that was at fault.
This was an official Apple cable, just a few months old, and still works fine for charging and data transfer; and I've been using it with xCode without problems for a couple of months. It seems to be possible for Apple cables to develop some tiny physical fault that seemingly only xCode is sensitive to.
Using a different cable worked first time for me.
There seem to be a few variations on the exact error message with the same root causes varying depending on exactly what xCode was trying to do at the exact moment it failed: I'm on xCode 12 and for me it was:
Failed to start remote service on device
Failed to start remote service com.apple.installation_proxy on device

Run debugging on device cause Xcode 6.0.1 to crash

Yesterday i updated to the latest version of Xcode, since the update i experience a very strange glitch:
When i try to run the app on a device the Xcode start with the process and say "finish run the app on iPhone" and then the Xcode crashes.
what could cause this problem?
before the update everything worked perfect.
I was seeing this same issue and even trying to view the device from Window -> Devices would cause Xcode to crash. I updated the device to the latest version of iOS (8.0.2) and that seems to have fixed the problem (for this afternoon at least).

iOS simulator for windows 7 to test websites

I'm a UI Developer and I want to get an iOS simulator to test my work as I found later that some features don't work on iphone/ipad and the included custom fonts don't work as well.
Thanks in advance.
You can only use ios Simulator when you have an Xcode running on Intel based Mac Computer. I found this link interesting, i am not sure whether this works or not. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ipadian-ios-simulator-windows/
I recommend running virtual box with a MacOSX install then as mentioned previously, open the contents of the XCODE directory and there is an iOS Simulator there.

Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error

Hi I just upgraded to Mountain Lion. I created an empty Single View Application and run it. The first time it runs fine but the next runs will give me the "There was an internal API error" pop-up warning TWICE. It's the same with my other projects. They run okay once but gets this error the next runs. There was no warning or any specific warning message of any kind.
Any idea how to solve this?
Would really appreciate your help.
I have it working on iOS6 Beta 4!! This is what I did but other variations may also work:-
Install XCode 4.5 Developer Preview 4
Delete your app from the device
Run your app from Dev Preview 4
Delete your app again (not sure if you have to do this)
Return to XCode 4.4.1
Run your app, stop running, run again!!!
Of course you could continue developing in 4.5, but I prefer to wait.
Installing 4.5 Beta 4 installs updated device support. Once this is done once (possibly on any device) it should work fine. If you use the same device on a different machine you will have to again run it once from 4.5 Beta 4 before using your preferred version of Xcode (You do not need to delete the app from your device this time).
Edit: I am pretty sure that if you make a change to your core data you will need to run from 4.5 for the first time also.
Don't know if this helps, but I've deleted all files in ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and it worked as a charm (Xcode 4.4.1, OSX 10.7)
I had this problem when I upgraded my device to Preview4 but had my MBP still running Xcode Preview3. Updating to Xcode Preview4 made the problem go away for me, no restarts necessary.
Deleting the app manually from the device/simulator will allow you to build and run successfully. A long term solution is to not use a Beta Xcode :)
Sounds crazy but you can also not use the Beta version of XCode 4.
However, you must keep it in your left hand to authorize your iPhone to compile with the non Beta version (don't ask me why, it works).
If you run your app with XCode 4.5 preview & IOS6 Beta 4, the second time you run your app on the device, you'll get the internal API error.
In theory, you cannot use XCode 4.4 to compile on your iOS6 Beta 4 iPhone.
It seems that, if you launch XCode 4.5 Preview, connect your iPhone (so it is recognized), run the application on it (even if you get the error), quit XCode 4.5, launch XCode 4.4 and .. tadaaaa... your iPhone is now recognized as an authorized device to compile on...
And of course, XCode 4.4 doesn't generate the api error...
I have Xcode 5.0.2 and iPhone with iOS 7.0.6.
Every time when I launched my project on iPhone, I saw "There was an internal API error". And it was launched on simulator without any problems.
I did all the stuff that usually helps (like remove an app, clean, restart Xcode, restart a mac, etc.).
This problem went away only after I restored the iPhone. Sad but true.
I don't know so far, why it appeared.
