Session with domain in codeigniter - codeigniter

I have a new project maintenance website (Codeigniter framework).
I downloaded source code from the server and set it up locally with domain bsd.test
I tried to login but failed. After I change domain locally to the same domain as the server, I login successfully.
How to config it so it runs with domain bsd.test in local?


Getting server error when deploy a MERN app to Heroku

Fail to load resource: server 503(service unavailable)
First thing, I am not sure whether I had set up the port correctly. My React frontend is running on localhost:3000 while my Express backend is running on localhost:3001
This is my .env file.
enter image description here
This is my server.js.
enter image description here
On the frontend side, whenever doing a HTTP request, I use Axios, the endpoint url is "http://localhost:3001/app/Member", something like that. I already had a MongoDB Atlas connected with the app, it is working perfectly on localhost:3001, but I have problem trying to deploy it to Heroku. Some people said there is connection problem between MongoDB Atlas and Heroku, they suggest using the MongoDB sandbox in Heroku to solve this problem, but I already have the database with all the data that I want to used with the app, is there any way that I can import the data from my database to the MongoDB sandbox?
I tried to use "heroku local" to test whether is working, the app is running on localhost:5000, I can see my signup and login page, but I am not able to signup or login with a user email and password like I did perfectly on development mode localhost:3000.
I deployed it to heroku live, it gave me a server 503 error(service unavailable). I logged out the error.enter image description here

401 Unauthorized accessing Web API withing Javascript

I have web api that uses windows authentication. I've created my own Active Directory Server and a separate IIS Server. I have registered the IIS server to the domain but for some reason I'm getting a 401 issue when I use the API URL in my Javascript.
But works when using it directly from web browser
Please note that this is the same code (javascript, SQL Server, and ASP.NET Web Api) I'm developing at work. The only difference are the url for LDAP and domain. I have tried everything from changing Windows Authentication Providers. I'm just curious if I need to add my machine as a trusted to the Active Directory which I'm not sure how. I have added the Active Directory User to the IIS with Full Control but still no luck.

SSO with ADFS using WS Federation working fine on localhost but not on server

We want to implement SSO in our multiple application
eg : and
We have configured ADFS on our server. WE have used WS federation authentication. Our both app are aware of claim based authentication.
Scenario we want to achieve,
1. Make login on app using ADFS WS federation authentication.
2. We have successfully authenticated in this domain.
3. Now make request on It should be login automatically in this app.
Both app URLs are added on relying party trust in ADFS.
We have added Endpoint URL of 1st app
Both app refer same ADFS metadata URL.
We have achieved this in our local environment. In local system these two different app are running on different port
1. localhost:44313
2. localhost:44330
When we make successfully login on localhost:44313 and request on localhost:44330 then user also authenticated for this app as well and displayed as logged in.
This scenario is not working fine for the live environment. Our live URL structure is same as mentioned above (, but it's not working there.
Any help would be appreciated!
What errors do you see in the event log?
If you have two different apps, you need two different RP on ADFS.
Also you need to run both on https.
Do you have https on your live environment?

Parse Server Custom Domain On Heroku

I have set up a Parse Server on Heroku, with an MLab MongoDB. Everything works fine, & when I visit I see "Make sure to star the parse-server repo on GitHub!".
I can successfully perform API functions through my Postman Console, for example logging in via the following REST API call:
I can also perform other REST API POST, GET, etc. as you would expect.
I'm now trying to use my own domain "". In the Heroku App > Settings > Custom Domains, I have set domain to "" & "" as the DNS target.
I've also added a CNAME record to the DNS pointing "api" to "".
When I visit I see the "Make sure to star the parse-server repo on GitHub!" message confirming that the CNAME record works, however when I go to perform the same REST API Login call I get the response:
Could not get any response.
This seems to be like an error connecting to
What am I missing?
You are trying to securely connect to the Parse Server with https. So you have to add a TSL certificate for your Heroku app in the Heroku dashboard.
Open Heroku app in Heroku dashboard
Open Settings tab
In section Domains and certificates click Configure SSL and choose Automatically configure using Automated Certificate Management.
Click Add domain to add the domain from which the request should be forwarded, e.g.
On your domain registrar's website set the CNAME for to the domain in the Heroku app settings, e.g.
Wait until the status of the domain in the Heroku dashboard is Done

(Codelgniter) Login page is not redirecting to source page in godaddy hosting server

I have used codeigniter to develop project.In Localhost it is working fine(Redirecting Also)But after hosting in godaddy Server if I login with correct details it is showing error.But in url it is showing domainame/controller.finally same login page is showing.
I Changed settings also according to server.
it is not Connecting to database even if i change database.php(host,username,password,database name)....and iam unable to getting users details from database
